Chad gets away? Yeah right...



Kess mah ess
Oct 18, 2020
This dude got 25 years in prison for a fatal car accident. Chad doesn't get away with crime.


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The dudes name is Cameron Herrin. Look him up.
The judge wasn’t a 20 year old foid
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Survivorship bias
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Jeremey Meeks' judge wasn't either and he got off. Stupid argument.
Maybe he was a fag. Idk judges should be able to pass a verdict regrdless of face and this one did
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where is the chad?
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how retarded can you be thinking anyone can get away with a crime like murder because he looks good
you should all get your iq checked so you can claim your disabilty insurance benefits

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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: wombleboy12, ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry, AsGoodAsItGets and 9 others
how retarded can you be thinking anyone can get away with a crime like murder because he looks good
you should all get your iq checked so you can claim your disabilty insurance benefits

I agree, but most people here believe that if you look good enough then you will get away with anything
Dont know about who judged him but i can say for sure it wasnt a bitter oldcel :ogre:
Wow you're such an idiot and I'm about to crash your blackpill world. It was an old white dude.

You do know how many girls tried to defend him?
I've seen niggers and sandniggers get less than 10 years for a murder.

If you're non white you get less jail

This is the systemic racism against whites
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I agree, but most people here believe that if you look good enough then you will get away with anything
even for assualt if a chad assualted some nigga and he didnt do shit lol if u think he would have done shit if the dude was a subhuman with the same frame and height.
still got lots of attention from girls which would probably make his life in prison better as they would send him stuff
The judge was a bitter oldcel thats why he didnt let it slide
The Meeks case was just guns trafficking not anything murder wise, so no violent crime had taken place.

And the Cameron guy killed 2 people recklessly speeding at a insanely high speed over 100mph. One was a mom the other her kid. So naturally with 2 foids dead the law will be tough. And given it was recklesss and easily preventable , getting leniency would be hard.

Also Meeks benefited a lot from exotic appeal. He was mixed with blue eyes. Cameron is just another white pretty boy that is common on tik tok. So he didn’t get that insane viral frenzy that a exotic looking non white like Meeks would get. That’s not the main reason still. Meeks crime was far less severe then Cameron

Meeks just had a history related to selling drugs and guns. No actual violent crime so he was able to get off. And because the media feels sorry for blacks he talked about he plans to change his ways and of course they believe it whole heartedly. So they were ready to forgive even before the trial began.

On this case killing 2 people on a freeway due to speeding like a moron that is something not many people will forgive easily. But selling drugs is easily forgiven considered as entrepreneurial spirit for blacks, as well as selling other illegal items.
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even for assualt if a chad assualted some nigga and he didnt do shit lol if u think he would have done shit if the dude was a subhuman with the same frame and height.
learn to write. I didn't understand jack
he's not chad. his chin and jaw are pathetic and his uee makes me want to puke on his peanut skull
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  • JFL
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, GetShrekt, .*my*. and 1 other person
I've seen niggers and sandniggers get less than 10 years for a murder.

If you're non white you get less jail

This is the systemic racism against whites
If you're moroccan or BBC Is impossible to end up in jail
If you're moroccan or BBC Is impossible to end up in jail
Thanks leftists and jews for creating a society centered around thug niggers

Thanks PD
  • JFL
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I've seen niggers and sandniggers get less than 10 years for a murder.

If you're non white you get less jail

This is the systemic racism against whites
I agree that the system sometimes hurts whites and gives them waaay less chances than blacks (that's why black rapists and killers are still roaming the streets and shooting cops because they had pity on them), but many times white people get off because they have no criminal records. I don't know which way the justice system is tilted, but I think racial injustice is not a real issue/
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The Meeks case was just guns trafficking not anything murder wise, so no violent crime had taken place.

And the Cameron guy killed 2 people recklessly speeding at a insanely high speed over 100mph. One was a mom the other her kid. So naturally with 2 foids dead the law will be tough. And given it was recklesss and easily preventable , getting leniency would be hard.

Also Meeks benefited a lot from exotic appeal. He was mixed with blue eyes. Cameron is just another white pretty boy that is common on tik tok. So he didn’t get that insane viral frenzy that a exotic looking non white like Meeks would get. That’s not the main reason still. Meeks crime was far less severe then Cameron

Meeks just had a history related to selling drugs and guns. No actual violent crime so he was able to get off. And because the media feels sorry for blacks he talked about he plans to change his ways and of course they believe it whole heartedly. So they were ready to forgive even before the trial began.

On this case killing 2 people on a freeway due to speeding like a moron that is something not many people will forgive easily. But selling drugs is easily forgiven considered as entrepreneurial spirit for blacks, as well as selling other illegal items.
This white boy is young and did the crime I think as a teen. It was a reckless accident and he wasn't a criminal. If these blackpillers were right, he would get 5-10 and get out in 3-4 years based on just his looks, not a fucking quarter of a century.
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Thanks leftists and jews for creating a society centered around thug niggers

Thanks PD
Who's gonna pay pensions Bro
Italians barely reproduce anymore
it's a crime case jfl , no matter how good he looks he can't get away with it
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I agree that the system sometimes hurts whites and gives them waaay less chances than blacks (that's why black rapists and killers are still roaming the streets and shooting cops because they had pity on them), but many times white people get off because they have no criminal records. I don't know which way the justice system is tilted, but I think racial injustice is not a real issue/
systemic racism/racial injustice does exist, it just exists in the opposite way that normie retards imagine it. there is in incentive to let niggers loose because democrats have a vested interest in keeping certain communities crime ridden and dependent on the government. this gives them expanded power and control, and also justifies their continued employment despite their failures to alleviate the problems. because niggers are seen as oppressed that "fact" is commonly factored into their sentencing.
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it's a crime case jfl , no matter how good he looks he can't get away with it
People here disagree. They think if you're white and chad then you will just do community service or whatever for any crime
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systemic racism/racial injustice does exist, it just exists in the opposite way that normie retards imagine it. there is in incentive to let niggers loose because democrats have a vested interest in keeping certain communities crime ridden and dependent on the government. this gives them expanded power and control, and also justifies their continued employment despite their failures to alleviate the problems. because niggers are seen as oppressed that "fact" is commonly factored into their sentencing.
it's not racism. They hate and censor black conservatives just as much as white conservatives. Democrats hate anyone who disagrees with them. It's not a race issue. They don't discriminate in who they hate and destroy.
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People here disagree. They think if you're white and chad then you will just do community service or whatever for any crime
they're ethr low IQ , trolling , delusionmaxxing.
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His pic makes me want to train neck btw
Makes me rage when I see dudes having 20 inch necks and don't even train while I have to bleed gymmaxxing
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it's not racism. They hate and censor black conservatives just as much as white conservatives. Democrats hate anyone who disagrees with them. It's not a race issue. They don't discriminate in who they hate and destroy.
most blacks don't disagree with democrats. if most niggers didn't vote for democrats, they'd drop all their inner city programs overnight. it is precisely because niggers have been conditioned to be democrat plantation slaves, that they receive special privileges and get out of jail free cards. zero bail is now commonplace for chimp crimes.
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Lol he is not really a chad
Only ethnic bisexual women love him

Also “Chad can get away with anything” is a meme lol
  • JFL
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Lol he is not really a chad
Only ethnic bisexual women love him

Also “Chad can get away with anything” is a meme lol
i think it's more likely that chad doesn't get into situations where he has to get away in the first place. society makes it easy for chad, so why would he be incentivized to commit crime? if he wanted to race, he'd fly first class to the nearest race track or desert or whatever and spend an entire weak racing.

tldr: peanut skulled e boy haircut faggot in op isn't chad. he's just some normie incel trying to flaunt his wealth, and because of his incel iq and spatial abilities, crashed his car and killed people like a subhuman and now his ass belongs to tyrone's bbc in prison :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
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1.) He killed the only type of people that superseded his appeal/ societal importance, a white woman and her white daughter.

2.) The judge was a bitter oldcel boomer that probably got triggered at all the young jb foids crying on tiktok to want to let him go, and then therefore gave the kid a long sentence just to spite them.

3.) If the judge was a foid, she would've given him a lighter sentence.

4.) 25 years is alot but honestly for reckless vehicular manslaughter of two important people, (a white woman and her white daughter) it could've been worse. Imagine if he was a 5ft balding indian janitor, he wouldve gotten either 25 years to LIFE with absolutely no chance of parole or the death penalty. There's a good chance that Cameron will probably end up getting released earlier than 25 years, for good behavior or something like that.
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the e boy haircut was triggering. he deserves the death penaltyfor that
He has no bones or any masculine features ,not even ONE LOL

Also he was a giga manlet with 404 frame

i honestly mog him to suicide and back
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  • JFL
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he's not chad. his chin and jaw are pathetic and his uee makes me want to puke on his peanut skull
Savage but at the end of the day he got viral on tik tok cause looks, so has strong appeal. And he also had dark triad halo as bitches knew he murdered 2 people ( although was an accident , still is a huge halo to bitches as they know this guy took away 2 lives ).
This white boy is young and did the crime I think as a teen. It was a reckless accident and he wasn't a criminal. If these blackpillers were right, he would get 5-10 and get out in 3-4 years based on just his looks, not a fucking quarter of a century.
The system simps hard for roasties. And he killed a 20 year old foid. So double kill of society most valued assets, holes. And to top it off he had a history of reckless speeding and driving. That was the nail in the common. If he had a record of being a careful driver and maybe was distracted that one time and hit them, it would have been a lot less.

A real accident obviously wouldn't have any prosecution.

"Herrin was charged with vehicular homicide after killing Jessica Reisinger-Raubenolt, 24, and her daughter, Lillia, who was only 20 months old. He hit them with his Ford Mustang when racing another car in Florida in 2018 and later pleaded guilty in court.

The 24-year-long sentence, given by was the judge overseeing Herrin’s hearing, was calculated based on Herrin’s past of reckless driving and speeding."

Chad or not if you have a past history of doing the behavior that led to your criminal your in court for, and the victim is 2 white women, the system won't be easy on you.

The reason the sentence seems long is that this is America. Jail sentences are way to long in this shitty country. Most countries have 1/2-1/4th of the length america has.
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