Chad has absolutely no reason to care about conservative or traditional values



Jan 2, 2019
-Sexual restrictions imposed by religion reduce your access to sex with women
-Can't trade/travel as freely because of nationalism and open borders
-Possibility of being conscripted and killed in some bullshit war despite not sharing any obvious interests with your 'countrymen'.
-More difficulty making friends because of social conventions that discourage being socially open (because other men don't want to be cucked by you)
-Probably a million other things.
-Doesn't have to care about mate-guarding/getting cucked because he is the one who does the cucking

Conservative values are just an incel and beta male cope. Chad has nothing in common with you. You're just a bug to him.
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Reactions: Ryldoo IS COPING, Deleted member 51821, hattrick and 1 other person
OP why did you delete the thread where you posted your deformed face? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Brutal Down syndrome pill

  • JFL
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Chad fucks trad women even in isolated villages secretly at night by being invited to the women's bedrooms.
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He is Chad and waited to lose his virginity after marriage

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Reactions: anthony111553 and Deleted member 23359
Conservative values are just an incel and beta male cope.
Massive cope. Most Chads are conservative in there values, and often settle down with a girlfriend in there 20's. They don't feel the need to slay forever, as they already had gotten so much validation in there teens and early 20's that they are ready for a more stable life thereafter. Also, most Chads aren't even aware that they are chad, as everything just comes easy to them, so they never try to compensate by slaying.

You've been here since 2019, and still don't know this?
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Reactions: anthony111553, Pope Urban ll, OGJBSLAYER and 3 others
Also, most Chads aren't even aware that they are chad
Massive cope. This is like saying most rich people aren't aware they are rich. Yes they fucking are.
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Massive cope. This is like saying most rich people aren't aware they are rich. Yes they fucking are.
Brutal. Can't dispute anything I said.

This is a misnomer in logic. Rich people are aware that they are rich because they themselves have earned it, and or been given there riches. It's something external to them. Chad, having been born chad, has no idea he's been given an advantage over others because his whole life he's been given the same treatment. Unless he was an ugly duckling at the beginning of his life, he'll most likely never reflect on why people treat him in a certain way. I've been around Chads in my life, and trust me, they are wholly ignorant that there looks effect there life outcomes. They often believe it's there personality, or game that lets them attain women.

Keep rotting boyo trying to justify your baseless claims, as it's apparent your just projecting your ideas onto these "Chads".
  • +1
Reactions: anthony111553, TsarTsar444 and Xangsane
lol you sound like you want to be submissive to chad or something. “Omg let your will be done because your genetics are better than me”

This is just being a cuck but in a different way.

Anyways. The reason for traditional values is that it leads to a safer less violent society. If America doesn’t stop heading down its current trajectory we will just be a more advanced version of Brazil and Venezuela. Then chads will be begging for traditional values because having good bones doesn’t stop you from getting shot and your gf gang raped by angry incel gangs
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Reactions: anthony111553, Pope Urban ll and Deleted member 23359
-Sexual restrictions imposed by religion reduce your access to sex with women
-Can't trade/travel as freely because of nationalism and open borders
-Possibility of being conscripted and killed in some bullshit war despite not sharing any obvious interests with your 'countrymen'.
-More difficulty making friends because of social conventions that discourage being socially open (because other men don't want to be cucked by you)
-Probably a million other things.
-Doesn't have to care about mate-guarding/getting cucked because he is the one who does the cucking

Conservative values are just an incel and beta male cope. Chad has nothing in common with you. You're just a bug to him.
I care about quality of friends I have over quantity. And truth is the most important thing in my life. The idea of "go along to get along" makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. And everybody knows that a liberal woman in terms of an ltr ain't worth a damn. Women shouldn't be too political either way actually. Just obedient.
Op likes to suck chads cock
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Chad isn't some superior otherwordly entity who sees you as a bug kid, they're just people. I know conservative chads.
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Reactions: OGJBSLAYER and Deleted member 32973
Sure you do.

Just like there are guys who 'know' conservative Stacies :feelskek:
Bruh what is wrong with you?
Dont you know anyone in real life?
I know chads that have been in realtionships for years at University
I know 3 stacys that have rejected chads when they were teens and are now married to average dudes in their early twenties while being virgins or have very low bodycounts

Stop coping so hard because you dont know many people
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Reactions: anthony111553, OGJBSLAYER, Mr. President and 1 other person
I know 3 stacys that have rejected chads when they were teens and are now married to average dudes in their early twenties while being virgins or have very low bodycounts
You are hideously ignorant if you believe any of this.
You are hideously ignorant if you believe any of this.
Nigga i knew these girls and everything they did 24/7 since they cant stop talking

theres no use talking to a defeated cuck like you

You obviously are beyond it,enjoy being an old man waiting to die alone full of regret
  • +1
Reactions: anthony111553
Sure you do.

Just like there are guys who 'know' conservative Stacies :feelskek:
You're a nihilistic retard. Hopefully you're just a dumb kid who'll outgrow it and not an abused dog who plans on living and thinking like a cuck for the rest of his life.
  • JFL
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Reactions: anthony111553 and OGJBSLAYER
You're a nihilistic retard.
The blackpill is literally nihilism to begin with; it's the realization that the world is inherently rigged and unfair.
lol u believe in the jew conspiracy ur brain is fried my man
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