Chad trait: being a fast walker



Only the truth is beautiful.
Nov 19, 2022
I’ve always been told I walk fast

So I looked into it, turns out it’s just another signifier of my amazing genetic makeup and validation that my spontaneous spinal/neck injury is a massive tragedy and that my bitch mother who allowed it to happen by refusing to help me in my time of need is unworthy of love and deserves to burn in the deepest pits of hell

From ChatGPT:

A fast walking pace can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, and it may reflect certain underlying biological traits related to health, fitness, and longevity. Here’s what it could signify genetically:

1. Cardiovascular and Muscular Health:
- Genetic Predisposition for Cardiovascular Fitness: A faster walking pace is often associated with better cardiovascular health. Some people may inherit genetic traits that contribute to efficient heart and lung function, allowing them to maintain a brisk walking speed with less effort.
- Muscle Composition:Genes that influence muscle fiber types (such as a higher proportion of fast-twitch or slow-twitch fibers) can impact physical performance. Fast-twitch fibers provide power and speed, whereas slow-twitch fibers contribute to endurance, both of which affect walking pace.

2. Metabolism and Energy Efficiency:
- Genetic Factors Influencing Metabolism: People with efficient metabolic systems might convert energy more effectively, enabling them to sustain a fast walking pace. Certain genes related to energy production and fatigue resistance may contribute to this.
- Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondria, the energy-producing structures in cells, play a role in stamina and endurance. Genetic variations that enhance mitochondrial efficiency can lead to improved physical performance and faster walking speed.

3. Longevity and Health:
- Links to Longevity: Research has shown that people who walk at a faster pace tend to live longer and have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. While a fast walking pace itself is influenced by lifestyle, it can also reflect genetic resilience to age-related health decline.
- Genetic Markers for Longevity: Certain genetic markers associated with longevity and healthy aging (such as those related to telomere length and DNA repair mechanisms) might also be indirectly linked to a faster walking pace, as it often indicates better overall health.

4. Neurological Factors:
- Coordination and Motor Skills: Genes that affect neurological function and motor control can play a role in how quickly and smoothly a person walks. Those with better coordination and neuromuscular control, traits that are partly inherited, may walk faster and more efficiently.
- Cognitive Function: Some research has shown that faster walkers tend to have better cognitive function, and certain genetic factors that influence brain health and processing speed may also contribute to this.

5. Heritability of Physical Traits:
- Height and Limb Proportions: Genetic factors that influence height and limb length can affect walking speed. Taller individuals with longer legs may naturally walk faster, as they can cover more ground with each step.
- Body Composition: Genes that determine body composition (such as muscle mass and fat distribution) can also influence walking pace. Leaner individuals with a higher muscle-to-fat ratio tend to move more efficiently.

6. Environmental Interaction with Genetics:
- While genetics can influence walking pace, it's important to note that environmental factors, such as regular physical activity, fitness level, and lifestyle choices, play a significant role as well. A person might have a genetic predisposition for certain traits, but their walking pace can be improved or maintained through regular exercise and conditioning.

A fast walking pace can be a sign of good cardiovascular and muscular health, efficient metabolism, and possibly even longevity. These traits are influenced by a combination of genetic factors (such as those affecting cardiovascular fitness, muscle composition, and neurological coordination) and environmental factors (like regular physical activity and overall lifestyle). While fast walking is not solely determined by genetics, it can reflect an underlying genetic advantage related to physical health and aging.
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  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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Holy cope
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  • JFL
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Same honestly.
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*aspie socially anxious basement dweller trait
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*aspie socially anxious basement dweller trait
I can kickflip back board a ten stair handrail, have a psychiatrist tested IQ of 122, and have slayed over 50 women before the age of 23, have been signed to a professional modeling company, and have always been liked by my peers

The fact that my fast walking pace is a sign of overall health and a generally superior constitution is far from surprising to me

I just wanted to know for sure because I’m tired of adjusting my gait for unhealthy faggots
  • JFL
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I can kickflip back board a ten stair handrail, have a psychiatrist tested IQ of 122, and have slayed over 50 women before the age of 23, have been signed to a professional modeling company, and have always been liked by my peers

The fact that my fast walking pace is a sign of overall health and a generally superior constitution is far from surprising to me

I just wanted to know for sure because I’m tired of adjusting my gait for unhealthy faggots
none of that disproved my claims lol
u can still be a slaying model and rot in the basements and be aspie lol
  • +1
Reactions: hypernormie
none of that disproved my claims lol
u can still be a slaying model and rot in the basements and be aspie lol
Well I’m only rotting now because I’m disabled due to this neck/spinal injury

The only thing keeping me from killing myself is the knowledge that one day my issue may resolve itself and I can go back to mogging

I am pretty aspie though you got me there
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You are not chad
where did I claim to be Chad?
You are not a chad you are not a genetic miracle

You are a just a narcy normie, imagine coming here to brag about being a fast walker :lul:

You are just the typical normie that is a narcissist with the little he has
You are not a chad you are not a genetic miracle

You are a just a narcy normie, imagine coming here to brag about being a fast walker :lul:

You are just the typical normie that is a narcissist with the little he has
You faggots are so annoying, we get it you have a hard time comprehending that not everyone is a loser like you

I’ll happily be called narcy though. I agree I’m incredibly narcy, it’s hard not to be narcy when you mog everyone you meet

That’s giga incel, all the weebs in hs walked fast head down shoulders slanted. Niggas just couldn’t wait to get out of social situations and onto kiss anime tbh
I've always been a believer that my walking pace is normal, just that everybody else id dumbfoundingly slow. I related people's slowness to massive depression, lack of hope, lack of cognitive curiosity; lack of brainly functions in general.

If you're walking to travel distance, why do that slowly? Once in a while you might want to drag your foot to appreciate the scenery or prolong the chatter with your companions ofc. But other than that... why?
  • +1
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just walk fast and stacies will match you on tinder theory
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it's the opposite. fucking lol at the first sentence and the fact you used chatgpt to validate your delusions. you realize it's extremely agreeable and would give you similar npc responses if you asked the opposite question?

yeah, you are invisible to women, but that doesnt mean shit - you walk fast, therefore you are a mogger. jfl at the desperation of you little bitches
  • +1
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That’s giga incel, all the weebs in hs walked fast head down shoulders slanted. Niggas just couldn’t wait to get out of social situations and onto kiss anime tbh
Obv I’m not referring to walking fast because you’re a faggot

Speed of the gait is something that is often measured because it reflects underlying health

Obv people can walk faster when anxious, but walking fast in itself isn’t indicative of anxiety please use your brain

I’m sure all those businessmen on Wall Street are just super anxious incels

The need for you faggots to insist everyone on this website is some socially anxious incel loser is incredibly annoying and doesn’t even reflect the known demographics of the site
I've always been a believer that my walking pace is normal, just that everybody else id dumbfoundingly slow. I related people's slowness to massive depression, lack of hope, lack of cognitive curiosity; lack of brainly functions in general.

If you're walking to travel distance, why do that slowly? Once in a while you might want to drag your foot to appreciate the scenery or prolong the chatter with your companions ofc. But other than that... why?
This is how I feel, sometimes I’ll walk slowly when I’m out and about but it’s always intentionally to appreciate the present moment, either that or I’ve just smoked a joint

Even when I have nowhere in particular to go and am just walking around, I tend to still walk at a faster pace than most people

People often comment on it but not in a negative way, they’re always just sort of surprised at the speed they need to walk to keep up with me, while I’m always oblivious to the speed until they mention it
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it's the opposite. fucking lol at the first sentence and the fact you used chatgpt to validate your delusions. you realize it's extremely agreeable and would give you similar npc responses if you asked the opposite question?

yeah, you are invisible to women, but that doesnt mean shit - you walk fast, therefore you are a mogger. jfl at the desperation of you little bitches
I’m not invisible to women lmao

I have 62 slays currently

Am often told by women that I’m handsome, have had strangers come up to me on many occasions to compliment me on my face, and have modeled professionally with an agency

As well as get constant IOI’s and have an easy time on apps

You guys are fucking pathetic projecting your lack of bitches on everyone who claims they aren’t also a loser like you

Gait speed is also considered a vital sign

Just because you’re too much of an idiot to not separate the concept of a generally faster gait due to superior cardiovascular performance from the anxious sperg caricature who speeds up out of anxiety doesn’t mean the two things are the same

Prior to my injury people would routinely comment on how energetic I was. My high energy levels and general vitality were literally a noticeable trend in my life so much other people would routinely make comments about it yet I come on here to talk about this because I find it interesting and have to deal with losers like you projecting. Please go somewhere else
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  • +1
Reactions: Primalsplit
just walk fast and stacies will match you on tinder theory
No, but if you have superior cardiovascular health you probably aren’t a loser faggot so you probably don’t have a hard time on Tinder anyway
No, but if you have superior cardiovascular health you probably aren’t a loser faggot so you probably don’t have a hard time on Tinder anyway
are you implying cardiovascular health has anything to do with good facial genetics, c'mon man :forcedsmile:
I’m not sure I think this a sign of high neuroticism
  • +1
Reactions: try2beme
I’ve always been told I walk fast

So I looked into it, turns out it’s just another signifier of my amazing genetic makeup and validation that my spontaneous spinal/neck injury is a massive tragedy and that my bitch mother who allowed it to happen by refusing to help me in my time of need is unworthy of love and deserves to burn in the deepest pits of hell

From ChatGPT:

A fast walking pace can be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, and it may reflect certain underlying biological traits related to health, fitness, and longevity. Here’s what it could signify genetically:

1. Cardiovascular and Muscular Health:
- Genetic Predisposition for Cardiovascular Fitness: A faster walking pace is often associated with better cardiovascular health. Some people may inherit genetic traits that contribute to efficient heart and lung function, allowing them to maintain a brisk walking speed with less effort.
- Muscle Composition:Genes that influence muscle fiber types (such as a higher proportion of fast-twitch or slow-twitch fibers) can impact physical performance. Fast-twitch fibers provide power and speed, whereas slow-twitch fibers contribute to endurance, both of which affect walking pace.

2. Metabolism and Energy Efficiency:
- Genetic Factors Influencing Metabolism: People with efficient metabolic systems might convert energy more effectively, enabling them to sustain a fast walking pace. Certain genes related to energy production and fatigue resistance may contribute to this.
- Mitochondrial Function: Mitochondria, the energy-producing structures in cells, play a role in stamina and endurance. Genetic variations that enhance mitochondrial efficiency can lead to improved physical performance and faster walking speed.

3. Longevity and Health:
- Links to Longevity: Research has shown that people who walk at a faster pace tend to live longer and have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. While a fast walking pace itself is influenced by lifestyle, it can also reflect genetic resilience to age-related health decline.
- Genetic Markers for Longevity: Certain genetic markers associated with longevity and healthy aging (such as those related to telomere length and DNA repair mechanisms) might also be indirectly linked to a faster walking pace, as it often indicates better overall health.

4. Neurological Factors:
- Coordination and Motor Skills: Genes that affect neurological function and motor control can play a role in how quickly and smoothly a person walks. Those with better coordination and neuromuscular control, traits that are partly inherited, may walk faster and more efficiently.
- Cognitive Function: Some research has shown that faster walkers tend to have better cognitive function, and certain genetic factors that influence brain health and processing speed may also contribute to this.

5. Heritability of Physical Traits:
- Height and Limb Proportions: Genetic factors that influence height and limb length can affect walking speed. Taller individuals with longer legs may naturally walk faster, as they can cover more ground with each step.
- Body Composition: Genes that determine body composition (such as muscle mass and fat distribution) can also influence walking pace. Leaner individuals with a higher muscle-to-fat ratio tend to move more efficiently.

6. Environmental Interaction with Genetics:
- While genetics can influence walking pace, it's important to note that environmental factors, such as regular physical activity, fitness level, and lifestyle choices, play a significant role as well. A person might have a genetic predisposition for certain traits, but their walking pace can be improved or maintained through regular exercise and conditioning.

A fast walking pace can be a sign of good cardiovascular and muscular health, efficient metabolism, and possibly even longevity. These traits are influenced by a combination of genetic factors (such as those affecting cardiovascular fitness, muscle composition, and neurological coordination) and environmental factors (like regular physical activity and overall lifestyle). While fast walking is not solely determined by genetics, it can reflect an underlying genetic advantage related to physical health and aging.
Sorry its the total opposite. Ai can argue for anything
I’m not invisible to women lmao

I have 62 slays currently

Am often told by women that I’m handsome, have had strangers come up to me on many occasions to compliment me on my face, and have modeled professionally with an agency

As well as get constant IOI’s and have an easy time on apps

You guys are fucking pathetic projecting your lack of bitches on everyone who claims they aren’t also a loser like you

Gait speed is also considered a vital sign

Just because you’re too much of an idiot to not separate the concept of a generally faster gait due to superior cardiovascular performance from the anxious sperg caricature who speeds up out of anxiety doesn’t mean the two things are the same

Prior to my injury people would routinely comment on how energetic I was. My high energy levels and general vitality were literally a noticeable trend in my life so much other people would routinely make comments about it yet I come on here to talk about this because I find it interesting and have to deal with losers like you projecting. Please go somewhere else
Pm face
It's an aspergers syndrome trait. AKA you are a giga-autist
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  • JFL
Reactions: nofap, whotthehell, hypernormie and 2 others
I’m not sure I think this a sign of high neuroticism
IMG 3530

According to Big 5 I have medium levels of neuroticism
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Sorry it’s the total opposite. Ai can argue for anything
My actual real life experience is proof of otherwise contrary to what you .org theorists keep insisting

I have always been highly physically fit active and athletic, the only reason I didn’t pursue a career in skateboarding was because I didn’t find it intellectually stimulating enough

One of my main attributes has always been that I’m exceptionally energetic and active and this is apparently immediately apparent to most people who meet me irl because it’s something I get a lot of unsolicited comments on
  • Hmm...
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Slow down buddy boyo
  • WTF
  • JFL
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I won’t right now. My life is currently very fucked up and I have a fear of getting doxxed and having it made worse

If/when my neck gets better I may end up posting my face
My actual real life experience is proof of otherwise contrary to what you .org theorists keep insisting

I have always been highly physically fit active and athletic, the only reason I didn’t pursue a career in skateboarding was because I didn’t find it intellectually stimulating enough

One of my main attributes has always been that I’m exceptionally energetic and active and this is apparently immediately apparent to most people who meet me irl because it’s something I get a lot of unsolicited comments on
Im not a .org theorist but its obvious people who walk fast are neurotic and slow walkers are chill
  • JFL
Reactions: StarvedEpi
mother who allowed it to happen by refusing to help me in my time of need is unworthy of love and deserves to burn in the deepest pits of hell
why the fuck are they like this nigga
Nah it's not. Chads are confident so they don't walk fast they dominate over others by walking
  • +1
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Im not a .org theorist but its obvious people who walk fast are neurotic and slow walkers are chill
Idk, I score low on neuroticism proper as defined by Big 5 but I am certainly neurotic in the more colloquial sense in that I have a very active mind. However I wouldn’t describe myself as anxious nor do I think others would describe me that way, a more accurate way to describe my disposition is very mentally energetic.

I’m also ENTJ on MBTI so there’s that.
Nah it's not. Chads are confident so they don't walk fast they dominate over others by walking
I get where you’re coming from but this isn’t entirely true.

In Myers Briggs terms, if you are a more ST or SF type chad I can see this being true.

ENT chads don’t very much behave this way.

So ENTJ and ENTP would probably walk a lot faster than ISTP, ISTJ, ESTP, ESTJ, ESFP, etc, etc. chads. I personally am an ENTJ.

The ST/SF chads are more common irl and in popular media which is probably where this idea comes from.

I knew this would be a common response prior to making the post because it’s a very typical characterization of a Chad.
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why the fuck are they like this nigga
She literally ignored me for months when I was telling her something was wrong with my health and I needed help

Then when I ended up in the hospital she suddenly decided to show up and act all concerned

And then two weeks out of the hospital this bitch was telling me I needed to get back to work, while the doctors were telling me I still needed to rest

She can go fuck herself
  • Woah
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Autistic trait.
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Chad doesn't walk. Women walk to him instead.

If you have to walk to women, it never began for you.
  • JFL
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i hate slow walkers
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Chad doesn't walk. Women walk to him instead.

If you have to walk to women, it never began for you.
IMG 5074

Look at this incel and his large his legs from constant use walking around desperately searching for Stacy’s to harass with pleas for reproduction of his sub par genetics.

On the contrary, this is true Chad physique. You can tell because his leg muscles display a clear lack of use as a result of rarely leaving his bed. Chad’s deeply felt altruistic obligation to save the human race from degeneration by impregnating every single one of the constant influx of Stacy’s has rendered his legs borderline atrophied. However Chad being the humanitarian hero that he is, has accepted this fate as well as the resulting amputations of his legs that will inevitably occur as a result of his sacrifice

IMG 5075

A true hero 🫡
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  • JFL
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