Chasing females and forgetting the rest.



Dec 14, 2018
Number 1 rule.

Dont chase females as your only goal in life . take it from my lesson. ended up being in a worse position than i was before.
Decided to chase girls instead of making my future better.Never finished a school past high school. I did pretty much nothing for 4/5 years well i did but nothing that got me in a better position in life, i learned allot more about life and being more of a man. it has its pros and cons.

Bad reputation on schools.

Started at 2012 in IT school when i switched from car mechanic school in high school.
Lasted 9 months at that school suffered from anxiety and could not focus on my work anymore and my mentor decided to kick me out.

NO Girls in the Whole IT building.. actually there was only 1. but not in our class every time she passed by during lunch break the whole class would stop and look at her pass by once she passed, work continues
Beating the Anxiety cost me more of my years because i did it of my own energy.
when i was younger i was really fit was playing football i biked far distance etc.
I was in really bad shape, i was hella skinny no stamina like none zero... i could not bike for more then 5 minutes and get tired. i was affraid to do anything i was just stiing in my bed doing nothing playing video games watching tv. instead of getting fat, i got really skinny after hitting growth. So after 2 years of slowly getting over it i decided this is enough i need to change so i started with 10 push up everynight before bed for a week and upping the amount slowly yes i was in that of bed shape
After Math
After getting slowly in shape i was still skinny i just have a high metabolism. my mom forced me to go back to school even tho i didnt want to.
Security school - Declined. /Cook School - Declined / Creative school - Declined.. Etc
being in my room for years without social life costed me to be socially awkward i simply could not look in peoples eyes because of the situation i was in in the history of it.i learned allot about body language since mine was really bad looked down allot etc.
still struggle with it to this day. mainly because of the insecuritys i have.
Next Step
Years roll by and leaving school behind out of my mind i looked at what the next step for me is. All these set backs i had it was time for a major come back
Being single was not fun no more and not going outside ofcourse no one can see you, also lost all my friends like this, i didn't like going outside in the past.
I was a introvert, i transformed my self in to a intro/extrovert i was not fully there yet. But exactly a year ago today once December ended i said to my self its time to looks max and look my best again since i never really focused on it that much as now. it was simple get your wardrobe up-to-date and frequent haircuts.

Trying tinder for the first time for a month and buying gold subscription really needs no explaining except for this gif.

Three is a Crowd
Time to go out should have done that in the first place. Yes alone if you are wondering. But i didnt care i felt good.
Strange Results
the first day was a disaster i must admit i was not ready yet clothes not on point hair all over the place. tried again week later or so after fixing and tweaking few things
And strangely on the way girls staring at me and smiling and i didn't know how to feel about this i just kinda swatted it away thinking its just random.
Crazy how if you try to take care of your appearance girls appreciate the effort it seems like. So i decided to do this every week maybe twice depending if the weather was good and had weird experience doing this i left the area with disappointment but sometimes good depending if i got enough validation the whole goal was do people notice me, and do i even register on the radar from girls and over the course of slow development i did i went passed my expectation i felt egotistic.

First Approach
Felt decent at times so i saw this very attractive girl working in a small store on a Saturday she looked at me i looked at her but i was afraid to approach then.
so now knowing she works there on a Saturday at least i went the next Saturday just to approach and see if i could get her number. i was already watching allot of vids on RSD type videos and the one and only AMS which i only rock with till this day very solid advice. but watching so many vids i messed up my approach was all nervous heart beating really fast and i started with ''dont i know you from somwhere'', she said '' insta maybe?'' so she pretty much thought i was a stalker and if she remembered me from last week that confirms it maybe for her. but i asked lets drink sometime take my number..... her response '' i dont really that'' i wished her a nice weekend and left the scene. i went out that day and it pretty much my whole day went downhill from there. i didnt feel sad i would feel better if i had her number but i was still proud i did it, i would feel worse if i haven't.

Back to school
Mind set: Ass chasing. Logical Thinking:0
Singing up for Cosmetic school yeah... not sure if i need to add anything else to that does that sound like a good idea, that thought never crossed my mind till this day i still cant beleive i decied to do that wtf was i doing. i made some friends playing games they where cool i shared the story that im going back to school and made this decision, its not exactly a great feeling when one is a Cop and the other one is a Doctor. it made me feel like a failure long story short i went to the interview they questioned my intentions they where like you are going to be around allot of young girls they will practice messages with only underwear on. i was like hell nooo .sounds great i know but i dont wanna be the only guy there. i declined it and quickly signed up for another education this time barber. its in the same building so i was like lets do it there allot of girls there was my only motive, so im trying to convince my self i like this education just like the other one, i have interest in hairstyles but only for my self not as a job.

Strike 3 And your out!
Okay this is it i cant blow it. gonna be allot of girls i singed up for the school my clothes are on point im ready. but nothing could prepare me for what happened next to me. weeks before slowly acne started show more and more. it WOULD JUST NOT GO AWAY!!! thats a clear sign of my frustration it was SoOooOooo stubborn.
Okay atleast let my hair be on point il be under allot of women gonna be looking my best. this is a perfect example on what happened when i walked in the barber shop

Once i saw what i did in the mirror i knew there was no way back...... i was so pissed and sad at the same time. and this was 3 days before school i went home with my hoodie on so no one could see this disaster at home, in the mirror the damage was real i sat down against the wall depressed as ever. my hair means allot to me. so this whole thing rubbed on to me. depressed because my hair was messed up i gave my self a month '' okay just 4 weeks keep it together 4 weeks is over before you know it it should grow back again''.

First Day of School - Current mood: Dont look at me!
Rolled up to school to see my class everyone comes in... wheeeer wheeeere.. are the guys.... im the only dude here.15 girls 1 Dude.. WTF.
Quick Flashback remember when i was wishing that where girls in my class or even building FFS, and look what happens now... wishing there would be dudes in my class years later. the irony is real..... So be being obsessed with looks mine matters allot so me not having it like i was planning to really made me sad and the teachers picked up on it so i told them i was something else but it really was just my appearance but im not gonna tell them that. i told them i belong in a higher education bla bla bla. So them doing a back story they see i lied i never had a higher education which i signed up for. i didnt go to like a event the class was suppose go to and guess where it took place.. where i used to go out in the city, i said nope im staying home, next day teacher calls me says you where placed in the wrong class i got placed i level lower i was a bit mad but i was like screw it. went to my other class the next day atleast there where guys total of 5 including me.

Sicko Mode!
The maddness continues and i keep blabbing my mouth to every teacher the same story, trying to lie and making stuff up why i dont have the school books and why i dont show up to certain classes. i just did my own thing. and it backfired i never experienced a school like this, they watched my every move.... i mean every move.
i got called to the directors office and they requested a Motivation letter from like okay lets pop some tunes while i think of something to write and i went full sicko mode and was writing to the music i was lisitng to and wrote that on the paper saved it on a usb Stick and gave it to the team leader,and its all english lyrics and at school we dont speak that language we get english class but the country im in english is not the main language '' BTW that guy is a complete prick just had to put that out there he is a cuck as a matter of fact''. he put the usb stick on not only he saved a copy of it he didnt let me show it to the director so he printed it out and gave it to the director him self this was on a Thursday i didnt show up the next day, so i show up monday again knowing im pretty much done here.. not only that on that day Thursday this girl in my class i really liked started to show interest in me. so run to the directors office on monday to explain but it was a 3 against 1 convo which was unfair i still did really well i simply didnt want to leave because of that girl, i was begging for another chance which they said they would do while they showed me the door and i ripped into this guy saying all kinds of stuff to his face, they lied to me they never let me back into class all i did was have more talks at school with this guys ugly ass face i hate that guy so much.

My sister calls him up after getting pretty much drop kicked from the school few days later.
now i hear the most outrageous thing and my sister just had to laugh and he got offended. they called me out of being somewhat dangerous as a excuse because they kept saying there are allot of young girls here blabla bla.. so what. i was ''23 at the time btw. 24 now''.they are like around 16-19. i was bored and drew a clock one time on a piece of paper and underneath it i wrote really big '' ITS BBC TIME!'' meaning its big black clock time. xD. so i left that on a bin outside the class and they used everything against me even a silly drawing saying i was drawing ''Bombs'' yes you heard it right BOMBS!! when i heard that i had to laugh so hard. they even said i was to long in the bathroom once i did this like twice. because i was just insecure trying to compose my self. and pretty much i left empty handed no girls no nothing i tried to add her on insta but she didnt accept my follow request. it took a week to get over this but i did.

Go Hard or Go Home.
So after all this i went back to my normal days but i was stronger than ever hitting gym harder then ever this time taking it more serious than ever getting my diet on point i was hitting the gym but not so frequently and not so heavy or long.
trying to build muscle as a hard gainer is not easy but i was really committed i bought protien shakes BCAA's Etc. and will always improve my self and learn what ever i can if it will help me in my journey i will use it and will learn it.

Level UP!
So now we are here on this Looksmaxx journey, its a journey guys enjoy it keep improving your self always thats the lesson mentally as well physically.
I gave my self 1 year to improve my self before i try again you heard it right 1 year not going out not focusing on females, Me myself and i. only take care of yourself no one else will, and one else cares. my looksmaxx journey will cost money before i have that i will need to work my ass off but its worth it. So when will you go out again and try again with women? you may ask. 2020 is where i have set a realistic target. thats when i will try again. in the mean time. hit the gym eat right feel good and not everything involves just about women life is great in so many other ways. learn new things learn a new language or what ever you in to.

the motto to this is: If you look great you feel great. no one else will do it you will have to put in work if you really want it.
'' Dont try to talk it,Try to walk it.''
''Love is gonna get you killed, but pride is gonna be the death of you and me''

I hope this was not a long of a read didnt want it to make it to long but to who ever did make it this far see it was a life lesson a mistake you dont have to make because i already did. i tried to make it as entertaining as possible.

Enjoy life guys. i tried to chase ass for a year and then i realized i have allot of work to do, 2019 is time to put in the real work.!

If there is any questions feel free to ask them. dont hesitate


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  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
Number 1 rule.

Dont chase females as your only goal in life. take it from my lesson. ended up being in a worse position than i was before.
Decided to chase girls instead of making my future better.Never finished a school past high school. I did pretty much nothing for 4/5 years well i did but nothing that got me in a better position in life, i learned allot more about life and being more of a man. it has its pros and cons.

Bad reputation on schools.

Started at 2012 in IT school when i switched from car mechanic school in high school.
Lasted 9 months at that school suffered from anxiety and could not focus on my work anymore and my mentor decided to kick me out.

NO Girls in the Whole IT building.. actually there was only 1. but not in our class every time she passed by during lunch break the whole class would stop and look at her pass by once she passed, work continues
Beating the Anxiety cost me more of my years because i did it of my own energy.
when i was younger i was really fit was playing football i biked far distance etc.
I was in really bad shape, i was hella skinny no stamina like none zero... i could not bike for more then 5 minutes and get tired. i was affraid to do anything i was just stiing in my bed doing nothing playing video games watching tv. instead of getting fat, i got really skinny after hitting growth. So after 2 years of slowly getting over it i decided this is enough i need to change so i started with 10 push up everynight before bed for a week and upping the amount slowly yes i was in that of bed shape
After Math
After getting slowly in shape i was still skinny i just have a high metabolism. my mom forced me to go back to school even tho i didnt want to.
Security school - Declined. /Cook School - Declined / Creative school - Declined.. Etc
being in my room for years without social life costed me to be socially awkward i simply could not look in peoples eyes because of the situation i was in in the history of it.i learned allot about body language since mine was really bad looked down allot etc.
still struggle with it to this day. mainly because of the insecuritys i have.
Next Step
Years roll by and leaving school behind out of my mind i looked at what the next step for me is. All these set backs i had it was time for a major come back
Being single was not fun no more and not going outside ofcourse no one can see you, also lost all my friends like this, i didn't like going outside in the past.
I was a introvert, i transformed my self in to a intro/extrovert i was not fully there yet. But exactly a year ago today once December ended i said to my self its time to looks max and look my best again since i never really focused on it that much as now. it was simple get your wardrobe up-to-date and frequent haircuts.

Trying tinder for the first time for a month and buying gold subscription really needs no explaining except for this gif.

Three is a Crowd
Time to go out should have done that in the first place. Yes alone if you are wondering. But i didnt care i felt good.
Strange Results
the first day was a disaster i must admit i was not ready yet clothes not on point hair all over the place. tried again week later or so after fixing and tweaking few things
And strangely on the way girls staring at me and smiling and i didn't know how to feel about this i just kinda swatted it away thinking its just random.
Crazy how if you try to take care of your appearance girls appreciate the effort it seems like. So i decided to do this every week maybe twice depending if the weather was good and had weird experience doing this i left the area with disappointment but sometimes good depending if i got enough validation the whole goal was do people notice me, and do i even register on the radar from girls and over the course of slow development i did i went passed my expectation i felt egotistic.

First Approach
Felt decent at times so i saw this very attractive girl working in a small store on a Saturday she looked at me i looked at her but i was afraid to approach then.
so now knowing she works there on a Saturday at least i went the next Saturday just to approach and see if i could get her number. i was already watching allot of vids on RSD type videos and the one and only AMS which i only rock with till this day very solid advice. but watching so many vids i messed up my approach was all nervous heart beating really fast and i started with ''dont i know you from somwhere'', she said '' insta maybe?'' so she pretty much thought i was a stalker and if she remembered me from last week that confirms it maybe for her. but i asked lets drink sometime take my number..... her response '' i dont really that'' i wished her a nice weekend and left the scene. i went out that day and it pretty much my whole day went downhill from there. i didnt feel sad i would feel better if i had her number but i was still proud i did it, i would feel worse if i haven't.
View attachment 8219
Back to school
Mind set: Ass chasing. Logical Thinking:0
Singing up for Cosmetic school yeah... not sure if i need to add anything else to that does that sound like a good idea, that thought never crossed my mind till this day i still cant beleive i decied to do that wtf was i doing. i made some friends playing games they where cool i shared the story that im going back to school and made this decision, its not exactly a great feeling when one is a Cop and the other one is a Doctor. it made me feel like a failure long story short i went to the interview they questioned my intentions they where like you are going to be around allot of young girls they will practice messages with only underwear on. i was like hell nooo .sounds great i know but i dont wanna be the only guy there. i declined it and quickly signed up for another education this time barber. its in the same building so i was like lets do it there allot of girls there was my only motive, so im trying to convince my self i like this education just like the other one, i have interest in hairstyles but only for my self not as a job.

Strike 3 And your out!
Okay this is it i cant blow it. gonna be allot of girls i singed up for the school my clothes are on point im ready. but nothing could prepare me for what happened next to me. weeks before slowly acne started show more and more. it WOULD JUST NOT GO AWAY!!! thats a clear sign of my frustration it was SoOooOooo stubborn.
Okay atleast let my hair be on point il be under allot of women gonna be looking my best. this is a perfect example on what happened when i walked in the barber shop
View attachment 8235

Once i saw what i did in the mirror i knew there was no way back...... i was so pissed and sad at the same time. and this was 3 days before school i went home with my hoodie on so no one could see this disaster at home, in the mirror the damage was real i sat down against the wall depressed as ever. my hair means allot to me. so this whole thing rubbed on to me. depressed because my hair was messed up i gave my self a month '' okay just 4 weeks keep it together 4 weeks is over before you know it it should grow back again''.

First Day of School - Current mood: Dont look at me!
Rolled up to school to see my class everyone comes in... wheeeer wheeeere.. are the guys.... im the only dude here.15 girls 1 Dude.. WTF.
Quick Flashback remember when i was wishing that where girls in my class or even building FFS, and look what happens now... wishing there would be dudes in my class years later. the irony is real..... So be being obsessed with looks mine matters allot so me not having it like i was planning to really made me sad and the teachers picked up on it so i told them i was something else but it really was just my appearance but im not gonna tell them that. i told them i belong in a higher education bla bla bla. So them doing a back story they see i lied i never had a higher education which i signed up for. i didnt go to like a event the class was suppose go to and guess where it took place.. where i used to go out in the city, i said nope im staying home, next day teacher calls me says you where placed in the wrong class i got placed i level lower i was a bit mad but i was like screw it. went to my other class the next day atleast there where guys total of 5 including me.

Sicko Mode!
The maddness continues and i keep blabbing my mouth to every teacher the same story, trying to lie and making stuff up why i dont have the school books and why i dont show up to certain classes. i just did my own thing. and it backfired i never experienced a school like this, they watched my every move.... i mean every move.
i got called to the directors office and they requested a Motivation letter from like okay lets pop some tunes while i think of something to write and i went full sicko mode and was writing to the music i was lisitng to and wrote that on the paper saved it on a usb Stick and gave it to the team leader, '' BTW that guy is a complete prick just had to put that out there he is a cuck as a matter of fact''. he put the usb stick on not only he saved a copy of it he didnt let me show it to the director so he printed it out and gave it to the director him self this was on a Thursday i didnt show up the next day, so i show up monday again knowing im pretty much done here.. not only that on that day Thursday this girl in my class i really liked started to show interest in me. so run to the directors office on monday to explain but it was a 3 against 1 convo which was unfair i still did really well i simply didnt want to leave because of that girl, i was begging for another chance which they said they would do while they showed me the door and i ripped into this guy saying all kinds of stuff to his face, they lied to me they never let me back into class all i did was have more talks at school with this guys ugly ass face i hate that guy so much.

My sister calls him up after getting pretty much drop kicked from the school few days later.
now i hear the most outrageous thing and my sister just had to laugh and he got offended. they called me out of being somewhat dangerous as a excuse because they kept saying there are allot of young girls here blabla bla.. so what. i was ''23 at the time btw. 24 now''.they are like around 16-19. i was bored and drew a clock one time on a piece of paper and underneath it i wrote really big '' ITS BBC TIME!'' meaning its big black clock time. xD. so i left that on a bin outside the class and they used everything against me even a silly drawing saying i was drawing ''Bombs'' yes you heard it right BOMBS!! when i heard that i had to laugh so hard. they even said i was to long in the bathroom once i did this like twice. because i was just insecure trying to compose my self. and pretty much i left empty handed no girls no nothing i tried to add her on insta but she didnt accept my follow request. it took a week to get over this but i did.

Go Hard or Go Home.
So after all this i went back to my normal days but i was stronger than ever hitting gym harder then ever this time taking it more serious than ever getting my diet on point i was hitting the gym but not so frequently and not so heavy or long.
trying to build muscle as a hard gainer is not easy but i was really committed i bought protien shakes BCAA's Etc. and will always improve my self and learn what ever i can if it will help me in my journey i will use it and will learn it.

Level UP!
So now we are here on this Looksmaxx journey, its a journey guys enjoy it keep improving your self always thats the lesson mentally as well physically.
I gave my self 1 year to improve my self before i try again you heard it right 1 year not going out not focusing on females, Me myself and i. only take care of yourself no one else will, and one else cares. my looksmaxx journey will cost money before i have that i will need to work my ass off but its worth it. So when will you go out again and try again with women? you may ask. 2020 is where i have set a realistic target. thats when i will try again. in the mean time. hit the gym eat right feel good and not everything involves just about women life is great in so many other ways. learn new things learn a new language or what ever you in to.

the motto to this is: If you look great you feel great. no one else will do it you will have to put in work if you really want it.
'' Dont try to talk it,Try to walk it.''
''Love is gonna get you killed, but pride is gonna be the death of you and me''

I hope this was not a long of a read didnt want it to make it to long but to who ever did make it this far see it was a life lesson a mistake you dont have to make because i already did. i tried to make it as entertaining as possible.

Enjoy life guys. i tried to chase ass for a year and then i realized i have allot of work to do, 2019 is time to put in the real work.!

Thanks for the detailed and very thoughtful post . Yes , you are absolutely correct . I have been in similar spot - trying to chase women all in 20/s with minimal results . Women hate it when you chase them - it shows desperation and scarcity . Modern bitches like men who are cool , treat women like crap have abundance mentality . Obviously , unless you have looks , you can’t have the abundance mentality .

It’s fairly simple . Chasing women rarely or actually never works .

The attraction has to be mutual - more from her side because she has far more options than us . Attraction can’t be negotiated or her mind can’t be changed by chasing her . All you will get is friendzoned , pain , exploitation and rejections .

If a woman likes you , she will let you know by many cues . She will make it easier for you to approach her , talk to her , and will instantly reply to your texts .

If you are a chad / Tyrone tier , congratulations . You don’t need to do anything - women will first approach you directly or indirectly . You are the chooser in that situation. I would say true chads or Tyrone’s are less than 1-2 percent of men .

If you are chad lite / Tyrone lite tier , sometimes you might be approached by women , but most of the times , you might to have to indicate first interest - either by casual conversation with her or asking her for number . If she likes you , she will make it easy for you . If she is being passive aggressive or distant , let it go. Don’t chase her . Never works . These are still very good looking men - probably 5-8 percent of men.

Next tier is chad lite lite tier . Here you will rarely be approached by a woman . You will have to clearly and definitely indicate an interest - you will get success but also rejections . Again , if she likes you - she will do anything for you . Driving 70 miles to meet you on weekends , paying your gym expense , buying you gifts etc etc . ( it holds true for all the above men as well - chads more so ) - about 10-12 percent of men fall in the category .

If you are not in any one of the above category ( and you will know if you are or not cause you will always have Pussy option for you ), don’t even bother to approach a 5/10 or above girl . Focus on self and try to ascend . If you can’t , pay for hooker instead or sugar daddy maxx.

Don’t ever try to take women out on first dates for high end dinners or buy flowers or drive 50 miles to meet her on first date . You should not have to do any of these if she likes you . She will come to you and hang out with you .

Learnt it the hard way . There is only one way . Looks maxing and ascend .
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise, fogdart and Chadelite
@Final82 Yup very true indeed, Thx for reading my story btw.

i used to chase but i would hide it, i did have women like half approach me or lets say make it easy to talk to them but as guys you know we are stupid sometimes i dont pickup on clues as easy, i did have this situation in the city once where girls would sit next to me on purpose but i was still in my head.. i just didnt want to be creepy, lets say i did do it and they where never interested now i look like a fool not only that but also a creepy dude. looksmaxxing is a never ending thing as we age if we make it it will get harder and harder but we need to put in work now so we are set for later as well. money wise looks wise etc.
OMG chill on the wall of text.
OMG chill on the wall of text.

Haha Sorry bro, i know its long but it would not make sense if i would just explain a bit of it so i tried to keep it as short as i could, on a other thread i explained very briefly i got kicked from a school recently, if you are interested you can read it if not its fine too, there is allot to take from it tho.
Haha Sorry bro, i know its long but it would not make sense if i would just explain a bit of it so i tried to keep it as short as i could, on a other thread i explained very briefly i got kicked from a school recently, if you are interested you can read it if not its fine too, there is allot to take from it tho.
No need to be sorry bro. I'm just a low energycel who struggles to read long posts.
No need to be sorry bro. I'm just a low energycel who struggles to read long posts.

I gotch u, thanks for the feedback nevertheless imma keep it short next time if i have a story to share.
I read this whole thing and bro I thought we were living the same life for a moment. Even i went to a school for mechanics and I didn’t like it one bit so I switched out
I read this whole thing and bro I thought we were living the same life for a moment. Even i went to a school for mechanics and I didn’t like it one bit so I switched out

Yup i know that feel man, almost feels like there is no school to attend that i like, i had a friend in high school that chose car mechanic school so i followed him to it so we would be in the same class, i barely graduated . And Thx for reading it i appreciate it, i think it would be cool if everyone would kinda give a back story about them self and what their struggles are and what their goals are in life to be where they wanna be.
  • +1
Reactions: Phad
Didnt read

You should only chase money cause its the hardest thing. If u lookmax or chase women u will regret in 20 yrs being poorcel
Didnt read

You should only chase money cause its the hardest thing. If u lookmax or chase women u will regret in 20 yrs being poorcel

its fine, i know its long i know now for next time, and yeh thats true im now in a position where i have to forget about it and only focus now on money and get my bread up, only option cant buy anything no more after paying all the student loans back not only that i got fined too so yeah pretty much summed up all of it was not worth it.
Read every word OP. Thanks for this post, I lost track of what I need to do. Disregard these women, dont put them on a pedestal, and imrpove yourself.

Why did this dude get banned tho? Sadshitman, I think he was still here when I first joined.
didn't read a little to long
Good for you op. Most of these guys are virgins who never had sex in their entire lives so they overvalue Pussy what matters is doing it for yourself and your own happiness
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy and BigBiceps
Do you seriously expect me to read this shit,sir
Thanks for the detailed and very thoughtful post . Yes , you are absolutely correct . I have been in similar spot - trying to chase women all in 20/s with minimal results . Women hate it when you chase them - it shows desperation and scarcity . Modern bitches like men who are cool , treat women like crap have abundance mentality . Obviously , unless you have looks , you can’t have the abundance mentality .

It’s fairly simple . Chasing women rarely or actually never works .

The attraction has to be mutual - more from her side because she has far more options than us . Attraction can’t be negotiated or her mind can’t be changed by chasing her . All you will get is friendzoned , pain , exploitation and rejections .

If a woman likes you , she will let you know by many cues . She will make it easier for you to approach her , talk to her , and will instantly reply to your texts .

If you are a chad / Tyrone tier , congratulations . You don’t need to do anything - women will first approach you directly or indirectly . You are the chooser in that situation. I would say true chads or Tyrone’s are less than 1-2 percent of men .

If you are chad lite / Tyrone lite tier , sometimes you might be approached by women , but most of the times , you might to have to indicate first interest - either by casual conversation with her or asking her for number . If she likes you , she will make it easy for you . If she is being passive aggressive or distant , let it go. Don’t chase her . Never works . These are still very good looking men - probably 5-8 percent of men.

Next tier is chad lite lite tier . Here you will rarely be approached by a woman . You will have to clearly and definitely indicate an interest - you will get success but also rejections . Again , if she likes you - she will do anything for you . Driving 70 miles to meet you on weekends , paying your gym expense , buying you gifts etc etc . ( it holds true for all the above men as well - chads more so ) - about 10-12 percent of men fall in the category .

If you are not in any one of the above category ( and you will know if you are or not cause you will always have Pussy option for you ), don’t even bother to approach a 5/10 or above girl . Focus on self and try to ascend . If you can’t , pay for hooker instead or sugar daddy maxx.

Don’t ever try to take women out on first dates for high end dinners or buy flowers or drive 50 miles to meet her on first date . You should not have to do any of these if she likes you . She will come to you and hang out with you .

Learnt it the hard way . There is only one way . Looks maxing and ascend .
Didn't read, but why would you devote your life to chasing girls? What the hell is wrong with you?
Good for you op. Most of these guys are virgins who never had sex in their entire lives so they overvalue Pussy what matters is doing it for yourself and your own happiness
For the first time I totally agree with you. Nice.
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Reactions: BigBoy
long ass bible post
jfl he only got 1 rep from that

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