Check if you have Schizothymia or Zyklothemia



It's all fun games until someone gets punched
Oct 22, 2020
Score 8 out of 97.

No Schizophrenia.

I seem to be Schizothyme since I always reflect on myself and ask questions about myself.

"Indeed. Self-reflexive thoughts are foreign to many people, at least those which reach a higher level, so we can see that self-reflexive analysis would be no pause but a slow motion of our existence in which we can at least foreshadow our artificial self - since schizothymes tend more to do that, they are those which usually evolve higher Idealism or Religion as a mean to stand this awful truth - which in turn is the reason for their often higher effectiveness, they see how inane the self can be and project it to something higher, goals or plans of higher order."

Zyklothymes tend to be more "happy go lucky" people.
In extreme situations, where there is very strong disturbance in the environment and persecution and stress. Schizothymes could probably transition into Schizoids and Schizophrenics. A complete break away from reality. Especially if the Schizothymes have lower IQs, no outlet to relax and adapt to the harshness of the environment.

High IQs probably is advantageous for Schizothymes.

The problem with high IQ Schizothymes is that we tend to overanalyze everything to try and see a "big picture". We tend to try and make sense of this world. Usually driven by high ideals, which we devote ourselves to by coming to conclusions.
Sadhus tend to be those reclusive, self-reflaxive, questioning existence, working on self-improvement types.

All Schizothymic traits.

Schizothymes just tend to have nervous-excitability in stressful situations.
This song sounds very Schizothymic to me. I really relate to it.

"man's just cutting em off"

"And I'm just done with them hogs"

"Sometimes I think about stuff, like they fake and they didn't aid me"

"You fiction niggas are hulu"

"I'm already in the champions league"

"And I care who I keep friends with"

"Who can I trust? It's only us"
I absolutely hate emotional variety in a short period of time, highs and lows, that just hurts my brain. I prefer to just sit in a forest and do absolutely nothing and just let my emotions die down.
Schizothymia perfectly described.


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