Chemical enhancements for low-inhibmaxxing?

anything increasing gaba
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Long term or short term?
Just leave your basement and make solid eye contact with everyone
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Only long term thing is test. Propanolol will help you handle uncomfortable social situations better but wont low inhib you. 500mg test+propanolol+benzos(benzos no more then 3 times a week) is the ultimate cocktail allong with building muscle/exercising and putting yourself out their. Theirs other drugs like phenibut but I found it generaly inferior when I used to use it.
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just get a lobotomy
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phenibut, or just force yourself, you get used to it
There is no substance that will fix your inhib longterm alone. Only thing is to build muslce and train your brain for it.
Short term, some alcohol (not during the day, and watch your breath) and nicotine make you more sociable too.
For me nicotine is great, a gum or spray will do the work. Don't smoke if you are not a smoker it will make you stink and the first nicotine rush will fuck you up.
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There is no substance that will fix your inhib longterm alone. Only thing is to build muslce and train your brain for it.
Short term, some alcohol (not during the day, and watch your breath) and nicotine make you more sociable too.
For me nicotine is great, a gum or spray will do the work. Don't smoke if you are not a smoker it will make you stink and the first nicotine rush will fuck you up.
lol, why not during the day esp if you don't need to wageslave
phenibut, aniracetam, test
microdose of shrooms or lsd
unironically crystal meth.
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"just start synthesising your own and redose until death" theorem
jokes aside, I unironically plan to synthesize my own drugs, I want to die hooked up to an intravascular flow of ketamine in a massage chair in my late 40's.
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Alcohol benzos opiates are the 3 most legit ones
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You can't.You are simply born like that.If you are high inhib,you are high inhib,if you are low inhib you are low inhib.Jfl at morons using drugs and shit just so they can talk to people.Blame your parents for their history of anxieties and raising you as a weak kid whose only goal was getting best grades instead of socializing.
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Obviously coffee.

I really like Modafinil and Armodafinil, it is like coffee on steroids and lasts the whole day. You can do small doses or do bigger doses for getting in to flow and do something for a couple of hours. Coffee plus any afinil is a great combo.

Phenibut kind of works. one thing I noticed is that if you work out like 4-6h after doing phenibut, you get a second wave of the high/effects and get all low inhib again, specifically if its after weightlifting.

Microdosing shrooms/lsd definitely works, but acid is hard to get atm and i don't like shrooms that much compared to acid.

One thing for me that worked was tricking my brain using weed. Using it as positive reinforcement, now I can smoke a bowl and actually enjoy programming while high.

There are a lot other options, but these are the ones that worked the best for me.
Obviously coffee.

I really like Modafinil and Armodafinil, it is like coffee on steroids and lasts the whole day. You can do small doses or do bigger doses for getting in to flow and do something for a couple of hours. Coffee plus any afinil is a great combo.

Phenibut kind of works. one thing I noticed is that if you work out like 4-6h after doing phenibut, you get a second wave of the high/effects and get all low inhib again, specifically if its after weightlifting.

Microdosing shrooms/lsd definitely works, but acid is hard to get atm and i don't like shrooms that much compared to acid.

One thing for me that worked was tricking my brain using weed. Using it as positive reinforcement, now I can smoke a bowl and actually enjoy programming while high.

There are a lot other options, but these are the ones that worked the best for me.
How much modafinil do you use? I was probably gonna start 100mg ED
cabergoline + testosterone helped me much tbh
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What about non-chemical ways? Exposure therapy, meditation and looksmaxxing? Drugs only work on the surface of problems.
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What about non-chemical ways? Exposure therapy, meditation and looksmaxxing? Drugs only work on the surface of problems.
Could you recommend any guides for meditation, never started before
What about non-chemical ways? Exposure therapy, meditation and looksmaxxing? Drugs only work on the surface of problems.
Literally putting urself in different situations will do it. Exposure therapy only way to go.
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jokes aside, I unironically plan to synthesize my own drugs, I want to die hooked up to an intravascular flow of ketamine in a massage chair in my late 40's.
Ketamine is literally a godsend for depression
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How much modafinil do you use? I was probably gonna start 100mg ED
I started with half a pill, then whole and I have went up to 2(at this point you legitimately feel wired), but experiment what works for you. I had 200mg moda and 150mg armod pills.

I noticed the least tolerance buildup when doing half a pill in the morning every day taken with black coffee and fasting. This is how I got through 8h programming days.

Notable mentions which I forgot to add in my previous message are:
Panax ginseng extract
l-theanine with coffee
5HTP - careful with this one!
CBD oil/extracts - havent really tried this that much, but had major pain relief when i did this on a 40km walk

I will propably make a post about nootropicmaxxing, been experimenting with what works best for me for a while now.
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I use ghb when going out, works good for me
how about 1800mg of ashwa?
Obviously coffee.

I really like Modafinil and Armodafinil, it is like coffee on steroids and lasts the whole day. You can do small doses or do bigger doses for getting in to flow and do something for a couple of hours. Coffee plus any afinil is a great combo.

Phenibut kind of works. one thing I noticed is that if you work out like 4-6h after doing phenibut, you get a second wave of the high/effects and get all low inhib again, specifically if its after weightlifting.

Microdosing shrooms/lsd definitely works, but acid is hard to get atm and i don't like shrooms that much compared to acid.

One thing for me that worked was tricking my brain using weed. Using it as positive reinforcement, now I can smoke a bowl and actually enjoy programming while high.

There are a lot other options, but these are the ones that worked the best for me.
Caffeine and moda for low inhibmaxxing?

that greycel moment
You don’t need any chemicals. Just confront urself. Get a job in sales
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Caffeine and moda for low inhibmaxxing?

that greycel moment
Give me a better sustainable long term solution to be almost effortlessly in the state of flow for the most part of the workday.
Apart from a healthy lifestyle, that combo is the best way to lower inhib without fucking up your hormones/brain chemistry.
Try bee pollen.
You can't.You are simply born like that.If you are high inhib,you are high inhib,if you are low inhib you are low inhib.Jfl at morons using drugs and shit just so they can talk to people.Blame your parents for their history of anxieties and raising you as a weak kid whose only goal was getting best grades instead of socializing.

Funnily enough I was super low-inhib as a kid and it's gotten worse over time due to constant negative feedback and personal failure.
Funnily enough I was super low-inhib as a kid and it's gotten worse over time due to constant negative feedback and personal failure.
What happened?I had similiar experiences
What happened?I had similiar experiences

Toxic family life, shitty school life, plus I'm on the spectrum so my social behaviour was eccentric. I dealt with it by developing neurotic self-defense mechanisms along with long periods of social isolation.
Toxic family life, shitty school life, plus I'm on the spectrum so my social behaviour was eccentric. I dealt with it by developing neurotic self-defense mechanisms along with long periods of social isolation.
i know how it feels.School and kindergaten ruined lots of lives.I was bullied in both kindergaten and school because of my actions(i was socially retarded)and still don't talk with people.People are also too scared of me(Adam Lanza tier face)and i'm of people.Are your parents fine type of people,if so it is mostly like to you to act low T*anxiety*
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There is no substance that will fix your inhib longterm alone. Only thing is to build muslce and train your brain for it.
Short term, some alcohol (not during the day, and watch your breath) and nicotine make you more sociable too.
For me nicotine is great, a gum or spray will do the work. Don't smoke if you are not a smoker it will make you stink and the first nicotine rush will fuck you up.
Nicotine rush proper fucks me, social anxiety and autism goes through the roof

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