Clothes To Improve Frame?



6'6 white brokie
Mar 29, 2024
Hi I wanna know what kind of clothes I can wear to improve my frame, I wanna avoid the alien klinefeltoid thin neck frame and not look fat obviously im still trying to add muscle but what tf can i wear?
  • JFL
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Hi I wanna know what kind of clothes I can wear to improve my frame, I wanna avoid the alien klinefeltoid thin neck frame and not look fat obviously im still trying to add muscle but what tf can i wear?
If you’re not fat look for t shirts with a “slim fit“, those accentuate the waist making your frame look bigger, and over all entire body nicer, and baggy enough to not make you look like you’re full of yourself like if you were to wear compression shirts.
If you’re not fat look for t shirts with a “slim fit“, those accentuate the waist making your frame look bigger, and over all entire body nicer, and baggy enough to not make you look like you’re full of yourself like if you were to wear compression shirts.
Yeah cause I want to make the most of my height people say if youre tall you cant have a shit frame, yeah you fucking can and im kind of experiencing it.
@Alucard69 are shoulders the only thing a part of your frame?
you asked how to improve frame, not how to improve frame without increasing shoulder length, what don't you understand
and you suggested shoulder pads but i told you that wont do anything because i have a 20+ inch bideltoid

what don't you get
fat basically
Well I have no idea how your frame looks like but if you’re 6’3 at a 20+ inch bideltoid it’s probably in your head. Unless you’re like morbidly obese?
IMG 5520

Paul Walker stats except you’re an inch taller.
why would i need shoulder pads at a 20+ inch bideltoid
I told you how you can improve frame, and this is what you answered, considering frame only has 2 major components with, one of them being shoulder width, you don't see anything wrong?? This makes no sense, you should have made a thread with a title "clothes to make waist look smaller" or something like that then
Well I have no idea how your frame looks like but if you’re 6’3 at a 20+ inch bideltoid it’s probably in your head. Unless you’re like morbidly obese?
View attachment 3008399
Paul Walker stats except you’re an inch taller.
he looks like he has a small bideltoid, seriously or do i just have a big one?

i dont wanna post my pic but if you wanna get an idea of why i think mine is bad, kinda got the alien frame if you know what i mean, its a mix of fat and that my fat distribution leaves a lot of fat relatively around my hips and i have slight gyno, i dont know if my neck is too thin i do have quite a bit of fat there too, right now i am losing weight
I told you how you can improve frame, and this is what you answered, considering frame only has 2 major components with, one of them being shoulder width, you don't see anything wrong?? This makes no sense, you should have made a thread with a title "clothes to make waist look smaller" or something like that then
But i didnt make such thread, because I JUST told you that that is my issue, so what would be the point of making another thread like that if i literally just told you
I thought u had 23 bidelt (arnold bidelt basically) u larping fuck
Hi I wanna know what kind of clothes I can wear to improve my frame, I wanna avoid the alien klinefeltoid thin neck frame and not look fat obviously im still trying to add muscle but what tf can i wear?
Be born with good frame genetic or cope abt it. There is no way to fraud frame besides shoulder pads (who look shit btw, imagine one of ur friends touches ur shoulders and it pops off for example jfl)
I thought u had 23 bidelt (arnold bidelt basically) u larping fuck
Are you seriously going to call a 1 inch mismeasurement as "larping"

like if i measure my penis bigger because sometimes I happen to get stronger erections

here are my official stats if you are so butthurt:

22 inch
Just cut and wear tight fitting clothes
  • +1
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Hi I wanna know what kind of clothes I can wear to improve my frame, I wanna avoid the alien klinefeltoid thin neck frame and not look fat obviously im still trying to add muscle but what tf can i wear?
Take roids mate
Hi I wanna know what kind of clothes I can wear to improve my frame, I wanna avoid the alien klinefeltoid thin neck frame and not look fat obviously im still trying to add muscle but what tf can i wear?
use a tight wifebeater plus belt combo
not my fault you took steroids and now look like shit or will
I didn’t, and I framemog you to suicide even before working out.

I will soon though.
I didn’t, and I framemog you to suicide even before working out.

I will soon though.
you will regret it, not sure how old you are but by your 40s you will look fucking ugly as fuck

also i bench 345 and natty
he looks like he has a small bideltoid, seriously or do i just have a big one?

i dont wanna post my pic but if you wanna get an idea of why i think mine is bad, kinda got the alien frame if you know what i mean, its a mix of fat and that my fat distribution leaves a lot of fat relatively around my hips and i have slight gyno, i dont know if my neck is too thin i do have quite a bit of fat there too, right now i am losing weight
According to its 21 inches, maybe it was 20 in fast and furious he does look a little skinny in that movie. But yeah I can kinda envision what you mean, should be life fuel and motivation you’ll have a great frame once you lean down.
gymshar or underarmor gym compressor shirt
get most iois
nigga it takes way less time to google/youtube "clothes that make you look stronger" than making this braindead thread

and itd actually give you good advice and not stupid basement replies

use ur brain
Are you seriously going to call a 1 inch mismeasurement as "larping"

like if i measure my penis bigger because sometimes I happen to get stronger erections

here are my official stats if you are so butthurt:

22 inch
Cope town
for the winter, canadian goose jackets like Epstein
Baggy t shirt easy, maybe get a flannel as well idk
Hi I wanna know what kind of clothes I can wear to improve my frame, I wanna avoid the alien klinefeltoid thin neck frame and not look fat obviously im still trying to add muscle but what tf can i wear?
People say that fit clothes are good for that, but for me it is the opposite. I think clothes that fit loosely, but not too loose are the best ones for that. I think that kind of clothing makes the frame look better.

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