Clothing, matters this extend according to studies, for male attractiveness



Aug 29, 2019
"suggesting that both Attire [aka clothing] and Group Size do not strongly impact on male attractiveness"
"Our predictions regarding positive associations between attractiveness and economic status in male targets were supported, but only in males presented in business clothes and not casual attire."
"Our findings suggest that, the influence of status-related clothing on judgments of attractiveness among women and men may be less robust than previously reported."

study source:!po=23.3333
pictures used: on image to zoom&p=PMC3&id=6437035_fpsyg-10-00462-g003.jpg

Another study from 30 years ago:
"Results indicated that
a male stranger dressed in the daring style was considered unattractive, not intelligent, but very popular;
a male stranger formally dressed was considered attractive, intelligent, and popular;
a male stranger casually dressed was viewed as unattractive, not intelligent, and not popular; and
a male stranger conservatively dressed was seen as attractive and intelligent but not popular.

Respondents with high clothing interest rated the conservatively dressed male stranger as more sociable than the stranger dressed in the daring and casual styles and preferred the formally dressed stranger."

So, I guess. Dressing daring or casucally is the worse one out there.
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It’s because the casual fits they used were terrible
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This study from 30 years ago says: The uglier you are as a man; the more you can benifit from high status clothing style.

"three different socioeconomic-status outfits (low, medium and high).
Costume status significantly affected women's ratings of attractiveness of the men (for all types or relationships (from sexual to marriage; willingness to enter all 6 relationships).
This difference was larger when the physical attractiveness of models was low than when it was high. [aka, lesser attractive men. For Chad it matters less/little]

sauce study:

This Study (back from 1975) in this post; is NOT about Attractiveness.
But about getting help, aka life on easy/easier mode.

How many people would stop to take a survey. When a dude was dressed smartly or untidily.

for older women: 53% stopped and took the survey when he was dressed smartly; and only 28% when dressed intidly.
for younger women: 61% stopped and took the survey when he was dressed smartly; and only 36% when dressed intidly.
Dress did not have a significant influence upon men "

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What matters in particularly more than anything is suit. Suitmaxxing is fucking insane. I plan on suitmaxxing as soon as I reach an optimal weight. The only reason I don't have a properly tailored suit atm is because I am losing weight and don't want to constantly have to pay for it to get refitted. Suits increase your SMV by a solid point, and in some cases 2.
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depends on your pheno; if your a mulatto bad boy like me stick to a chain and Jordans. If you’re a masc pretty boy stick to sperries and gym shirts
What matters in particularly more than anything is suit. Suitmaxxing is fucking insane. I plan on suitmaxxing as soon as I reach an optimal weight. The only reason I don't have a properly tailored suit atm is because I am losing weight and don't want to constantly have to pay for it to get refitted. Suits increase your SMV by a solid point, and in some cases 2.
View attachment 249205
Wow, you think 1 or maybe 2 bonus points for suit.
That's quit alot.

Do you have anything to show, to see. To back it up with something??
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I was the first one here to talk about suitmaxxing.
Very legit.
I was the first one here to talk about suitmaxxing.
Very legit.
As a youngster, and even older dude.
You will stand out, if you wear suits in daily life.

I like to wear suits, sometimes.
But that's because, I like how I feel like a fucking million bucks when I wear a suit that fits good.

I'll test it out soons, when I'm better again from flue. And see how much suit helps, I'll try to go suitmaxxing for a week orso.
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As a youngster, and even older dude.
You will stand out, if you wear suits in daily life.

I like to wear suits, sometimes.
But that's because, I like how I feel like a fucking million bucks when I wear a suit that fits good.

I'll test it out soons, when I'm better again from flue. And see how much suit helps, I'll try to go suitmaxxing for a week orso.
let us know how it worked out for you.
Here is my old post about suitmaxxing :
let us know how it worked out for you.
Here is my old post about suitmaxxing :

Yes, Clothes do Matter.

Clothes matter to much, not to think about it AS A NORMIE DUDE (I know GigaChad can dress homeless, and still look good).

In real life. maybe it can add 1 point to a normie. To overall attractiveness.

In these below examples. Going from extremely badly dressed, to very greatly dressed. these irl scores of these dudes increased by +2 points overall.
But realistically speaking. Maybe most don't dress extremely bad like these examples. And, likely you won't manage to pick such good styling as these 2 men did (because some faggot fashion porfessional dressed them).

With both these exmaples bellow: both men would stand out in their best/after style from the crowd. Because they are better styled/dressd; and a bit outspoken in their style but in a good/positive way.


Starts at 6:40 minites

Some basic tips on style

Right dude still looks better with those clothes, then if he dressed more poorly:
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There was always the red dress-effect aroung, but it is hard to replicate:
red color for males being a good coler for more attractiveness. Is not replicable. Thuslikely Cope

Thisa study, and plety styudies. They do often make men dressing more formal like more attractive, compared to dressing casual like.

" We did not find any significant impact of red in either of the studies. What we found, however, was a significant effect of apparel style with attractiveness ratings being higher for men wearing formal apparel than for men wearing casual apparel. Our results question the robustness and the ecological validity of Elliot et al.’s finding. "
Yes, Clothes do Matter.

Clothes matter to much, not to think about it AS A NORMIE DUDE (I know GigaChad can dress homeless, and still look good).

In real life. maybe it can add 1 point to a normie. To overall attractiveness.

In these below examples. Going from extremely badly dressed, to very greatly dressed. these irl scores of these dudes increased by +2 points overall.
But realistically speaking. Maybe most don't dress extremely bad like these examples. And, likely you won't manage to pick such good styling as these 2 men did (because some faggot fashion porfessional dressed them).

With both these exmaples bellow: both men would stand out in their best/after style from the crowd. Because they are better styled/dressd; and a bit outspoken in their style but in a good/positive way.


Starts at 6:40 minites

Some basic tips on style

Right dude still looks better with those clothes, then if he dressed more poorly:

no clothes for short height, but good videos bro
no clothes for short height, but good videos bro
True that.

Manlet = Game over for dating
Mirco Penis = Game Over for dating
Mentalcel = 90% of the cases Game Over
Ugly face (that can't be fixed or better to at least lower normie tier levels) = Game Over

After above 4 Game Over things.
Then cloths can help a little bit for dating. But it's limited imo.
I mean, you can if you dress normally decenlty, and then dress very sharply. You can maybe add like 1 point/10 if you are normie tier levels.
True that.

Manlet = Game over for dating
Mirco Penis = Game Over for dating
Mentalcel = 90% of the cases Game Over
Ugly face (that can't be fixed or better to at least lower normie tier levels) = Game Over

After above 4 Game Over things.
Then cloths can help a little bit for dating. But it's limited imo.
I mean, you can if you dress normally decenlty, and then dress very sharply. You can maybe add like 1 point/10 if you are normie tier levels.
Do you think a manlet would still benefit from suitmaxxing?
Do you think a manlet would still benefit from suitmaxxing?
for dating, it's not.Than the only thing that will help, is locationmaxxing as w white manlet.
But for getting more respect, status, etc.. it helps.
maybe maybe, some women obsessed with money, maye like the betabuxxing signaling ability a little bit.
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for dating, it's not.Than the only thing that will help, is locationmaxxing as w white manlet.
But for getting more respect, status, etc.. it helps.
maybe maybe, some women obsessed with money, maye like the betabuxxing signaling ability a little bit.
Well then it's worth it. If you gain more than you lose it's worth. Suits look good anyway and are comfy af
Well then it's worth it. If you gain more than you lose it's worth. Suits look good anyway and are comfy af
I legit get a little bit more respect in daily life, when suited up.
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yeah but the foids doing the rating were probably 40 year old single moms :feelskek:
what about jbs? some might like suits I guess especially the poverty types with daddy issues but for the rest you just want FACE with matching style tbhtbhtbhtbh
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that's a good point. suit will make you look like an authority figure to younger chicks but does it lead to more lays ?

i think well-fitted designer clothes are a major status boost and help big time

wearing cheap looking casual clothes just tells the girl - you don't give a shit what you look like
yeah but the foids doing the rating were probably 40 year old single moms :feelskek:
I took the effort to check if some of these above studies said anything about that.
"The age range of participants was 29.04 years ± 9.4. The majority of participants listed their country of origin as Australia (38.7%), followed by USA (20%), then UK (17.7%). The majority identified as North Western European, British, or Irish (51.2%), followed by European Mixed Race (13.8%)"


what about jbs? some might like suits
for young guys. a thing a boring type of suit sucks probably. like a 3 piece boring ass color, boring fit, type of suit.
For young guys, a suit got to be more clorofull, playfull, and 2 piece, and without tie likely.

maybe stuff like this

I guess especially the poverty types with daddy issues but for the rest you just want FACE with matching style tbhtbhtbhtbh
Cloths maters limited, little.
Face matters alot
Body shape matters aslot also.

** This is the type of suits I wear preferably. But they are only good for winter. Tweed is hot as hell

or this style I also like.
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that's a good point. suit will make you look like an authority figure to younger chicks but does it lead to more lays ?
For teenage guys aiming for teenage women, it's different I think.
After early 20's; suit maxxing is a bit legit.
Young guys can add pieces of suit. But should imo never go boring formal suit. Like add a suit blazer. or a suit shirt, or suit etc..

i think well-fitted designer clothes are a major status boost and help big time
well fitted,
good color
good style that first your message.
FUCK brands and designers stuff, imo. Unnecesairy waiste of momey
wearing cheap looking casual clothes just tells the girl - you don't give a shit what you look like
And that you have no message, other than. I try to be invisible, normal like everyone else. It's like chosing to tell no story.
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i can't agree with everything but your "maybe stuff like this" is spot on
Just-wear-a-suit-everywhere-you-go theory
you could, especially if it's deconstructed. just be ready for an excuse
you could, especially if it's deconstructed. just be ready for an excuse
I get away easily with: because I like it. Because it's my style. Etc..
But than, I'm old.
For a 16 year old suitmaxxing is giga niche, but not cool enough
same here. 16 year old can say they went to a wedding ....
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yeah but the foids doing the rating were probably 40 year old single moms :feelskek:
what about jbs? some might like suits I guess especially the poverty types with daddy issues but for the rest you just want FACE with matching style tbhtbhtbhtbh
It's about power perception.

Suit up for power fraud.

Screenshot 20211230 180342
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Imho not noticeable difference with or without
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"suggesting that both Attire [aka clothing] and Group Size do not strongly impact on male attractiveness"
"Our predictions regarding positive associations between attractiveness and economic status in male targets were supported, but only in males presented in business clothes and not casual attire."
"Our findings suggest that, the influence of status-related clothing on judgments of attractiveness among women and men may be less robust than previously reported."

study source:!po=23.3333
pictures used: on image to zoom&p=PMC3&id=6437035_fpsyg-10-00462-g003.jpg

Another study from 30 years ago:
"Results indicated that
a male stranger dressed in the daring style was considered unattractive, not intelligent, but very popular;
a male stranger formally dressed was considered attractive, intelligent, and popular;
a male stranger casually dressed was viewed as unattractive, not intelligent, and not popular; and
a male stranger conservatively dressed was seen as attractive and intelligent but not popular.

Respondents with high clothing interest rated the conservatively dressed male stranger as more sociable than the stranger dressed in the daring and casual styles and preferred the formally dressed stranger."

So, I guess. Dressing daring or casucally is the worse one out there.
Suicide Fuel.

I associate suits with low-class tryhards unless it's an expensive fitted designer suit.

So I just wear loose fitting casual wear everyday - techbro style. It's over again.
Imho not noticeable difference with or without
There is no pic, of that ugly man in ugly clothes to compare it with. Usually one can drop like 1 or 2 points out of 10 with really ugly clothes.
With regular ugly, normal dress to great dress, imo, thegap is like 0.5 maybe ma 1 point out of 10. But that is it.
In real life
I associate suits with low-class tryhards unless it's an expensive fitted designer suit.
This thread. Was about. What women think. And behave mostly.
Not about opinions from dudes
So I just wear loose fitting casual wear everyday -
Sounds like a good idea. For fat guys, that need to hide blubber.
If one has a nice body shape. Than not wearing good fit. But going baggy, make people assume you are a fatty maybe
This thread. Was about. What women think. And behave mostly.
Not about opinions from dudes

Sounds like a good idea. For fat guys, that need to hide blubber.
If one has a nice body shape. Than not wearing good fit. But going baggy, make people assume you are a fatty maybe
Low class poor subhumans wearing suits should be ashamed of themselves.

I used to wear a designer suit at 5'10 and girls told me I was good looking in it. But I felt so fucking sick about myself wearing a suit at 5'10 with NW2 so I had to stop.
There is no pic, of that ugly man in ugly clothes to compare it with. Usually one can drop like 1 or 2 points out of 10 with really ugly clothes.
With regular ugly, normal dress to great dress, imo, thegap is like 0.5 maybe ma 1 point out of 10. But that is it.
In real life
Clothes don't indicate good genes tho
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Clothes don't indicate good genes tho
But still it affects attractive appearance to some extend. It's limited or little extend, bit imo worthy of consideration. Especially badly/ugly dressed can make one look quit a bit worse.
Low class poor subhumans wearing suits should be ashamed of themselves.

I used to wear a designer suit at 5'10 and girls told me I was good looking in it. But I felt so fucking sick about myself wearing a suit at 5'10 with NW2 so I had to stop.
I don't understand why you had to stop it.

good dress, does NOT equal. Just wear a suit.
One can dress greatly without suit.
I don't understand why you had to stop it.

good dress, does NOT equal. Just wear a suit.
One can dress greatly without suit.
Because I was 5'10 and didn't look like Bateman in the suit.

Looked tryhard, inferior and subhuman.
Because I was 5'10 and didn't look like Bateman in the suit.

Looked tryhard, inferior and subhuman.
yeah, it's good to have a style that looks good, but not very try hard.
UNLESS, one wants to appear try hard. But apearing try hard, is only okay usually for more formal like and certain types of parties/events.

For a gala type event. It's okay imo, to go full try hard; of one wants to.

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