Cold Approach Worth It?



Face, Height, Frame, Dick
Oct 15, 2019
Honest answers only

I seriously believe its a great option.

Online game is Dead. Social media and dating apps are flooded with literal frauded gigachads.

A true trustworthy and natural interpersonal bond simply cannot be formed in the unpersonal anonymous online environment!

Especially in your local neighbourhood i think Cold approach would work well, especially on JB's,no ??!
not for us manlets
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Reactions: Skywalker, thereallegend and PubertyMaxxer
Cold approaching is good if you are at least HTN and have good social skills. If you don't, you can use cold approach to sort of practice.

Anyway, warm approach mogs cold approach to mars and back.
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  • JFL
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definetly imo its more embarassing having an tinder profile
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LDAR is underrated bro, better LDARing than tryharding to get a chad's life being not a chad
I need prime pussy tho. Now.

I won't adopt this defeatist cuck mindset of yours.
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definetly imo its more embarassing having an tinder profile
Exactly. If local people find out and spread the info it's kinda over.
chadlite/chad = safe
HTN (even with halo) and below = no
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Htn and above 6’2. You’re god to go pal.

Otherwise calm yourself
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Cold approach is good cuz its make u less pussy, which helps in all areas of life. U will be rejected many times, growth only through pain :feelswhy: I did cold approach in the past but not enough cuz im still pussy need to do it more.

Even if u meet them from online. U still need social awareness to perform good on dates. My first 3-4 dates were fucking terrible, i wanted to die from embarrassment. Now its better i guess but still need more practice. Main thing is choose right time to sexually escalate there are very thin line between sexual harassment and being too pussy to touch her.

I think u should do it gradually increasing difficulty. Dont do straight up cold approach. Ask random people for directions first, then when u will become more confident with strangers (about 1-2 weeks), then proceed to do something harder like ask them to take photo of u, how was their day. After a while start to do cold approaches. Also go to some sections like art, mafia game clubs, dance clubs will be easier to meet women through warm approach when looks matter a little bit less.

Men too scared to ask people to take photo of them, too scared to talk to women but wanna fuck Stacies on daily basis, like they come to u with spread legs, this shit make no fucking sense

As always non of this gonna work if u with bad hygiene(if u are wtf are u even doing) or atrocious.
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
I personally find cold approach to be cringe and my PSL is too low for it to be worth it, but it can be "worth it" if you follow these guidelines:

1. Have a low cringe reflex - No elaboration needed.
2. Are not in a small town - Cold approaching in a small town will destroy your reputation. You don't want to be publically known as the creepy weirdo who hits on random women
3. Never approach at the gym -Against bro protocol. The gym is for working out, not picking up bitches, and gym thots aren't there to get hit on. Also, it can make your brain associate gym with rejection and mindfuck you out of going to the gym.
4. Never cold approach at a place you visit regularly. Reasoning same as small town.
5. Be at least a 6 PSL.
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