Come over and over again



Minox strd/18.06.24|Cut1400KCALday |13.07
Dec 18, 2019
„Do you want to learn how to masturbate in such a way that you can have as many orgasms per day as you could possibly want?“
Then you are here right:

Whole Body Orgasm
„It is a kind of orgasm that spreads throughout your body and into your brain. And because it is not wholly focused on your groin, the strength of your ejaculation will probably be less than if you masturbated the normal “hard and fast” way. But in exchange I promise you will have a much deeper and wide-ranging orgasm – one that reaches the core of your being and the whole of your body, including your brain“

„I believe that my masturbation is much like my training: I enjoy it for its own sake as much as for the sake of reaching an orgasm.
„sex or masturbation is a journey and not a destination. It should not be about getting “there” (coming, if you like) in order to make us happy.“

„A good masturbation session is like peeling an onion, layer by layer, slowly, in order to get to the core. You want to enjoy peeling those layers off as slowly as you can, and then get to the inner core of bliss. Or take this image: It is like eating a great meal, slowly and chewing each bite, savoring the aroma that rises from your mouth into your nostrils, tasting each bite and relishing the texture of the food.“

„Good masturbation has all the elements of meditation:
-You must empty your mind of all extraneous thoughts, including fantasies;

-You must empty your mind, as far as you can, of the aim of reaching an orgasm;
Instead, you must focus on yourself – to be more precise, on your body, and to be even more precise, on your penis. In the course of your masturbation session, besides actually growing to its maximum actual size, a time will come when your penis will seem to grow to become your whole being. You will become your penis, and it you;

Not only must you focus on your penis, you must focus on maximally pleasuring it in the moment;

You must breathe properly in order to let the life force flow through your body.“

„What you must do:
Practice these principles as often as you can, without exhausting yourself. Remember your ability to enjoy each successive orgasm will depend on when you last came, and your age and general virility. You may find that you can comfortably and enjoyably masturbate once every 24 hours, or this may be once every three days or once every six hours. Repeat this exercise until you are able to:
  1. masturbate slowly for a long time – say 15 or 20 minutes - while relaxing completely and breathing deeply;
  2. feel the pleasure spreading through your legs and your upper body, and into your head, before coming;
  3. masturbate even more slowly when you feel your orgasm approaching;
  4. allow your orgasm and ejaculation to occur spontaneously without increasing the pace of your stroking.“
„At this stage I assume that you have learnt how to masturbate to a full-body orgasm while ejaculating in the way described . What you now have to learn, is how to do exactly the same, but while enjoying non-ejaculatory orgasms.“
I believe that you can learn how to orgasm without ejaculation if you learn how to allow your body to contract while exhaling as your orgasm approaches

Contraction of the muscles is a defining feature of an orgasm in both men and women it is the way we release sexual buildup energy
„The main “mechanical” difference between orgasm with and without ejaculation, is the place where the contractions occur. In the case of an ejaculation it occurs in the groin and more particularly the penis, in order to fulfill the biological function of forcing the semen out through the erect penis. In the case of non-ejaculatory orgasm, contractions occur throughout the body, but mainly the upper body. What you want to achieve is to move your contractions to your upper body and away from your penis.“

„The only difference at this stage is that you will add upper-body contractions when you feel an orgasm approaching, while breathing out as you contract.“

„When you feel that an orgasm approaching, while stroking slowly and breathing regularly, feel the relative release of tension every time you breathe out. As you breathe out, contract your stomach and upper body in such a way that your contracting midriff forces the breath out of your body. In the beginning this will be slight and gentle, and gradually you will increase the intensity of the contraction. You should feel that the very process of forcing out your breath by contracting your upper body, relaxes you, postpones the onset of ejaculation and spreads sexual energy through your body and away from your groin.
You should not force the issue: do not contract more, and do not exhale harder, than is necessary in order to release the sexual tension that has built up, and to avoid ejaculation. A good way of practicing this, is to stand up while masturbating. Stand in front of a mirror if you think it will help. When you feel an orgasm approaching, breathe out by contracting your upper body, especially your abdomen. This will cause your torso to bend or crouch forward slightly. As you progress, you should feel your exhalations pleasurably “push out[…]“

„Every time that you contract and exhale, slightly tilt your pelvis forward, in a way similar to when you thrust during sex. This will assist in the flow of energy“

„I experience an orgasm as a series of waves of pleasure radiating from my penis into my legs, my torso, my arms and my head, each wave coinciding with my releasing my breath, and a sense of satisfaction. The sensation that I experience is a euphoric tingling throughout my body, usually marked by goose bumps. Mostly I do not achieve complete satisfaction when the first wave moves through my body, and I carry on masturbating. Soon the next wave comes, often more intense than the first. Every time I breathe out, my upper body contracts, eventually involuntarily. At some point I reach a stage where my torso and various parts of my body start contracting in an uncontrolled fashion, that is faster than my normal breathing. This can go on for quite a while. Eventually the pleasure climaxes, the tension subsides and the urge to carry on masturbating recedes, until I normally stop moving, and relax.
What is important with an orgasm without ejaculation, is that you do not tense up, rush, accelerate or hold your breath. You should just relax and enjoy the bliss flowing through you.“

„To help you get your mind around the idea of bodily contractions while orgasming, I suggest you watch videos of girls masturbating to orgasm. An excellent website where these can be found (for a reasonable fee) is The site contains very tasteful, very sexy videos mainly of girls masturbating. The videos are palpably authentic. Now you will find that not all the girls orgasm in exactly the same way, but many come while breathing heavily and repeatedly, while their upper bodies contract. Perhaps the best example of this is a girl who goes by the name of Kesia, who you can find with the site’s search engine. Kesia probably does not know that her upper body contracts and that she breathes out when experiencing a release. It happens involuntarily for her. She also happens to have spectacular orgasms that last as long as a minute or more and are typified by a number of strong exhalations of breath and contractions of the torso at the same time. Another girl by the name of Robyn has orgasms accompanied by rapid contractions similar to those I experience, usually after coming a number of times.“

„ you feel yourself reaching closer to orgasm, clamp your PC muscles by contracting them as hard as you can. Hold for up to 1 minute or until the urge to ejaculate surpasses and then slowly relax the muscles. It also helps to breathe out as you hold. As you relax, let a long deep breath out. Repeat this process for as long as you need to.“

„Breathing: Breathe deeply, and breathe more deeply and exhale more strongly if you sense that a possible ejaculation is very close.
Contractions: Contract your upper body (especially your lower abdomen) when exhaling as orgasm approaches.
The pace of your stroking: Go slower if need be to avoid ejaculation, or stop if going slow is not enough. If you have stopped stroking, carry on as soon as possible, because it is likely that you have not enjoyed complete release at this point.
Relaxation. Except for contractions, your body should be as relaxed as possible: your arms, legs and hands. Relax as you breathe out. “Fall back” or “relax” into the orgasm.
Do not worry about contracting your PC muscle. Focus on contracting your upper body muscles while breathing out. It is possible that your PC muscle will contract at the same time, but then rhythmically and in tune with your natural energy flow – not in order to block it.“

D4793481 E2AD 4AFE AEC2 1C5ABA61E41B
  • JFL
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Reactions: BradAniston, Stare, Deleted member 6217 and 3 others
Words I read from this wall of text = 0
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4438, Deleted member 5891, CopeIsReal and 3 others
i will read later bro, dont have time now tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Lev Peshkov
  • +1
Reactions: Pietrosiek
I'm gonna try this while browsing
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
Just find excuses to fap theory
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5891 and Htobrother
sounds like bullshit
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6997
  • +1
Reactions: Pietrosiek
I've been going for 14 minutes this normal?
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
Or just take poppers before cuming.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6873
When I'm high asf I can orgasm like 8 times in a row
Sorry bruh but i'm not reading this university application.

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