comfort and security is an illusion(expensive and superfluous)


Deleted member 46979

Oct 4, 2023
most of the things we invest heavily into are meant to provide us creature comforts and security, such as houses and apartments, luxury cars, furniture, televisions, proximity to work, conveniences, services, etc . the problem is most of these are unnecessarily expensive and there are usually much cheaper alternatives. you are essentially being gaslit by social marketing and bilked by inflationary (((socialist))) behavior of the modern west to buy more and bigger for no reason. even to build a house, you need to follow a hundred different meaningless bureaucratic procedures, pay a bunch of different taxes and fees. to rent or buy a house you have to deal with a separate set of inflationary economic factors outside of your control. you are paying 250k to 750k extra for essentially the same experience. why submit to that? even if you could afford it

the solution is to stop seeking this illusion of "comfort", men are not supposed to be comfortable all the time, and also our body and minds can easily adopt to harsher conditions, so comfort is completely relative. comfort is a scam. men really don't need much to feel good. i'm calling on all blackpilled men to drop out of society proper and start living inside a sleeping bag in the back or trunk of your car. you can use wool and other insulating material to build a nice little den. you need to buy or 3d print a gun if it's illegal to possess in your area, train to build proficiency. this is to be used for self defense because you will be living in your car for extended periods, especially in urban areas where criminals will be prowling. in a lot of ways the gun obviates the need for expensive security measures. living in your car also affords you the option of driving away immediately to avoid costly and time consuming legal and civil cases. and since it is the nature of criminals to strike outside of view and surveillance, that will cover your getaway too.

the great thing about living in a car is that you still have easy access to all the conveniences and services of the city. you can shit inside starbucks, use their internet, shower at a gym or the ymca, eat at shelters, soup kitchens, and food banks, or use food stamps at a wide selection of fast food places and many markets. for additional funds you could also be a gigger. but since the expense of living in a car is so little, there's really no reason to work. welfare( as high as 800 usd a month) in some places will be more than enough to subsist on.
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renting an apartment for 3k is a scam. i could live in my car for a year and see a hooker every month for that amount of money
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renting an apartment for 3k is a scam. i could live in my car for a year and see a hooker every month for that amount of money
Priorities, priorities huh

Hookers or a home—tough choice
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in the 1950s a home was a good investment because one could see that there would be social and economic stability in the foreseeable future, that investment will not be wasted, seized, foreclosed on, and can be afforded on even a lower class budget

today, a home is a liability, very subject to seizure at the whim of the government or the banks, you need 800k to 1 million dollars just to afford one in most suburbs, furthermore there is constant social and economic instability you may be forced to move, the house may be burned down by antifa, enemies foreign and domestic might shell or bomb it.

i'm not against the idea if you can lucky out and find a decent one, but the vast majority of permanent residence is over priced by 10x its true value. not worth it when you can live in a car and experience the unique benefits that come from that.
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the final blackpill is that the chad life everyone aspires to is itself a cope/scam. sex is a cope. inb4 filthy degenerate whores, inb4 car payments, inb4 mortgages, inb4 taxes, inb4 stupid bratty kids, inb4 compromising yourself for the system, inb4 socially conformist compliant cuck, inb4 multiple wives and divorces, alcoholism, etc, etc, etc and for what? so a thousand years from now there's a 0.000001% chance that your gay dna made it all the way? what about a million years into the future?

trust me, i've extrapolated all possibilities, i see into all possible futures. freedom is the superior choice. freedom from all financial and social responsibilities is true freedom. waste money, collect welfare, fuck hookers, live in a car. outcome is the same but at least you do what you want, not what the state or society expects you to do.

reject worldly and material accomplishments. the greatest accomplishment is wisdom
the solution is to stop seeking this illusion of "comfort", men are not supposed to be comfortable all the time, and also our body and minds can easily adopt to harsher conditions, so comfort is completely relative. comfort is a scam. men really don't need much to feel good. i'm calling on all blackpilled men to drop out of society proper and start living inside a sleeping bag in the back or trunk of your car. you can use wool and other insulating material to build a nice little den. you need to buy or 3d print a gun if it's illegal to possess in your area, train to build proficiency. this is to be used for self defense because you will be living in your car for extended periods, especially in urban areas where criminals will be prowling. in a lot of ways the gun obviates the need for expensive security measures. living in your car also affords you the option of driving away immediately to avoid costly and time consuming legal and civil cases. and since it is the nature of criminals to strike outside of view and surveillance, that will cover your getaway too.
gay redpill mindset "muh run away from comfort bro or else you are not LE REAL MAN"
if you dont maximize comfort you will die earlier, comfort feels good because its fucking good for you
gay redpill mindset "muh run away from comfort bro or else you are not LE REAL MAN"
if you dont maximize comfort you will die earlier, comfort feels good because its fucking good for you
comfort is relative. someone who was born into wealth can't live without heating and soft mattresses. someone who has never known more than the sleeping bag and wool blanket den will feel comfortable sleeping in those conditions. the point is, not to pursue comfort, because that's a socialist psyop that makes you waste money on rent, taxes, mortgages, etc when you could simply be saving all your money into bitcoin for a 500x return in a decade instead and living as you already do, or perhaps with even less. learn to make due with what you have instead of buying the thing being advertised to you by society.

i've slept on good quality queen sized mattresses, i've slept on tiny little mattresses, and i've slept in car trunks and backseats. the difference in comfort is really minimal. it's really a scam being perpetrated on the masses. you don't need houses, you don't need heating, you don't need security cameras, and other expensive luxury items. you just need a car, some wool blankets, and a sleeping bag. and a gun.
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I know a guy who legit lives on trashbags. He keeps his shit in his bags and nobody even dares to approach him because of how socially removed he is. He's never been robbed and lives such a rich life doing whatever the fuck he wants. Good thread.

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