Coming drop in Asian physical standards



Feb 29, 2020
I spend a great deal of my time in China, and the other Asian countries, at least I did until 3m ago.
One thing I notice here is how quickly the eating habits have changed, and this is most prominent in China than the other countries, firstly because they aren't as rich as China, or in the ones that are, because they have a lot of nationalistic and ethnic pride about themselves and their diet and how it relates to health, Chinese don't, they just have a fake nationalism to guard against genetic inferiority that the CCP uses to keep them in it together, ensuring the rich keep getting richer.

I don't mean the boomer crap of oh they just eat McDonald's and dominos all day now (they actually eat KFC), but the fact the people who can afford it (about 400m of them, and of these 200m for now are young so it applies to them) just eat out every meal, and are basically eating terribly produced food, with terrible additives, zero micronutrients and large amounts of low quality meats and fat. The typical dishes are very fatty stews and hotpot type concoctions, or heavily deep-fried meats. In other words they are eating everyday the kind of foods their parents and grandparents ate once a week or a month.

This stuff plays havoc on pretty much every part of the looks spectrum, skin, body composition, bone density, and diseases. The healthcare market in China is exploding due to this (they call it a 'rise in living standards') because they are now seeing diseases previously seen as western diseases in large numbers in China, but I believe this is going to translate to the looks market soon. The men will see a less noticeable drop, because they are ugly af anyway, and already have many copes (salary, gaming, etc), but this is going to hit noodlewhores very hard, and in their society all they have going for them is looks, as it allows them to find a husband riceman who has succeeded in his copes. If the girls end up looking like shit, as I hypothesise, it's over. Also want to be clear, I haven't seen any evidence of this yet, most girls still have that Asian porcelain skin, the really straight healthy hair, and the traditional Qing dynasty body recomp, it will take time.

Of course I could be wrong and it might just be that ALL the girls end up looking like shit due to the change, so the least shit looking become the new Stacies (Tza Xi's?) idk
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Nobody cares about Asian looksmaxer...itโ€™s over dicklet
  • JFL
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I also believe the modern diet is slowly killing us. I saw a bunch of photos from military service of my now dead grandfather and his brothers. Every one of them had the jew of a model. These people lived in poverty and had no proper education in taking care of themselves (not that they could afford to care).
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Offtopic @Lorsss
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I also believe the modern diet is slowly killing us. I saw a bunch of photos from military service of my now dead grandfather and his brothers. Every one of them had the jew of a model. These people lived in poverty and had no proper education in taking care of themselves (not that they could afford to care).
Totally agree, the west went through this. However the drop isn't as severe. If you look at the MICRO makeup and the calorific load of what a 25yr old noodle ate even 15 years ago, Vs now, it will be like comparing what a white Stacy eats in 2020 Vs what she ate in 1600s. Additionally white countries dont have strong copes, so there has been a big shift since 2008 on health
Nobody cares about Asian looksmaxer...itโ€™s over dicklet
Why not? Asians are a tiny minority in looksmaxxing community, TBF the starting canvas is so bad it must be demoralising, but shouldnt that mean people are more open and welcoming to Asian looksmaxxers?
As for the dicklet thing, a foid told me Asian girls prefer dicklets
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Chadeep and Turanid_Bull
I also believe the modern diet is slowly killing us. I saw a bunch of photos from military service of my now dead grandfather and his brothers. Every one of them had the jew of a model. These people lived in poverty and had no proper education in taking care of themselves (not that they could afford to care).
Well yeah Weston Price bitch
its already been confirmed 100 years ago it is just not talked about
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