Common Myths that exist within the PSL community debunked



Dec 25, 2019
Myth #1: Women have an equivalent or greater sex drive than men. They just reserve it "only for Chad".

This is false. The very fact that it's reserved only for Chad proves that they have a lower sex drive. There was a study done with porn where straight females and straight males both watched lesbian porn, gay porn, straight porn, and animal porn. Straight men were mainly only attracted to straight porn and lesbian porn somewhat. Straight females showed signs of sexual stimulation to all of those kinds of porn except animal porn which was slightly less. Women have a more fluid but weaker sex drive. A common analogy to show this through your own experience is heightened sex drives because of alcohol. As alcohol enters your system, your standards lower, which is why there are many men who more easily get laid when a woman is under the influence of alcohol vs. not. Women are also influenced by status and attention metrics (i.e. the concept of having a trophy husband) than men. The idea of having an attractive partner so you can show it off to others for validation purposes is more important on average for a woman than man.

Myth #2: Money doesn't matter and doesn't influence physical attraction

Although this is not believed by everyone in this community, many do think this. Money, and to a general extent, status not only influences your place in the world but also your physical attraction. You literally become haloed as being more physically attractive. Using extreme counter examples of very ugly men to show how it doesn't work for them is disingenuous since most people are not very ugly. There have been studies showing that women orgasm more with rich men, which would only make sense if those richer men were perceived to be more attractive. This is easy to see actually. A lot of factors in attraction are based on what you see in trends, such as white men or white women being seen as attractive sex symbols which explains why there are MANY unattractive white women and to a lesser extent white men who are still seen as hot even if they are rated as unremarkable within lookism focused communities.

Myth #3: Personality doesn't matter

This will be a hard one for many of you to accept but it does. Studies have actually shown that the hierarchy of what matters is looks > personality > money, in that personality is even more important than how much money you have but less than looks. There have been other studies that show that men high in conscientiousness (working hard and showing due diligence) have more partners than others. Much of the community uses the same tactic of looking at extreme examples of very ugly men to then say "A better Personality won't work for them". Well, of course, it won't. But you're using examples from the lower end of the bell curve, and the vast majority is within the middle. 90%, if not 95-99% of you, will never attain a looks level as a man where good looking women regularly approach you. Due to lower sex drives of women, and the extreme status enjoyed by good looking women (actual good looking women, not women who can fraud in pics), it is extremely difficult to get constant attention from women unless you are an obvious male model. Even many of the good looking members in this community who have posted pictures of women who approached them first or who gave them a lot of attention first and can be somewhat verified were not very remarkable looking. Thus, this is where personality comes into play and can benefit you a shit ton.

It is important to note that many of the people here are ridden with anxiety, depression, and a general lack of confidence when it comes to matters with women. It is no surprise then and thus quite ironic that the userbase which consists of many socially incompetent men treats personality as irrelevant. "Being confident" is unironically very rare amongst men and is a sign of weakness. Confidence of course does not exist in a vacuum and often comes as a result of how you were treated in your younger years, which is why being anxious is more and more common nowadays in a world where women are far more often validated than men.

Myth #4: Race is irrelevant if you're good looking

Race is always relevant since the very concept of "good looking" is rigged for whites and is eurocentric (smaller noses for example are seen as more attractive since they are more common in whites). Note that there is nothing objective about this biologically since there have been studies done on infants who are known to look at attractive faces more and do not look at whites any longer than non whites. Until the world stops worshipping whites (which it will within about 50 years), the white advantage will remain. This advantage is definitely diminishing with black SMV increasing and even many Asians and Indians being seen in movies (although a very long way to go). Until that changes, the studies have shown that whites have an SMV advantage and thus a good looking non white person will suffer more than a good looking white person, often exponentially more. This difference is paramount on Tinder experiments.


Rich men having women experience more orgasms:

Study showing women having lower sex drives:

Okcupid study on race (unfortunately doesn't exist anymore but here's an article talking about it):

Study showing Looks>Personality>Money hierarchy:

Study showing no preference for whites among newborns or 3 month old infants: "While newborn infants demonstrated no spontaneous preference for faces from either their own- or other-ethnic groups, 3-month-old infants demonstrated a significant preference for faces from their own-ethnic group."
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  • +1
Reactions: Hades, Timelessbrah, Deleted member 5891 and 15 others
No source no care. The blackpill is right.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Golang and Gonthar
Myth #1: Women have an equivalent or greater sex drive than men. They just reserve it "only for Chad".

This is demonstrably false.

  • JFL
Reactions: Golang, Lolcel, jordanbarrettisgod and 1 other person
Myth #1: Women have an equivalent or greater sex drive than men. They just reserve it "only for Chad".

This is demonstrably false. The very fact that it's reserved only for Chad proves that they have a lower sex drive. There was a study done with porn where straight females and straight males both watched lesbian porn, gay porn, straight porn, and animal porn. Straight men were mainly only attracted to straight porn and lesbian porn somewhat. Straight females showed signs of sexual stimulation to all of those kinds of porn except animal porn which was slightly less. A common analogy is to show this through your own experience is heightened sex drives because of alcohol. As alcohol enters your system, your standards lower, which is why there are many men who more easily get laid when a woman is under the influence of alcohol vs. not. Women are also influenced by status and attention metrics (i.e. the concept of having a trophy husband) than men. The idea of having an attractive partner so you can show it off to others for validation purposes is more important on average for a woman than man.

Myth #2: Money doesn't matter and doesn't influence physical attraction

Although this is not believed by everyone in this community, many do think this. Money, and to a general extent, status not only influences your place in the world but also your physical attraction. You literally become haloed as being more physically attractive. Using extreme counter examples of very ugly men to show how it doesn't work for them is disingenuous since most people are not very ugly. There have been studies showing that women orgasm more with rich men, which would only make sense if those richer men were [erceived to be more attractive. This is easy to see actually. A lot of factors in attraction are based on what you see in trends, such as white men or white women being seen as attractive sex symbols which explains why there are MANY unattractive white women and to a lesser extent white men who are still seen as hot even if they're from a PSL standpoint not.

Myth #3: Personality doesn't matter

This will be a hard one for many of you to accept but it does. Studies have actually shown that the hierarchy of what matters is looks > personality > money, in that personality is even more important than how much money you have but less looks. There have been other studies that show that men high in conscientiousness (working hard and showing due diligence) have more partners than others. Much of the community uses the same tactic of looking at extreme examples of very ugly men to then say "A better Personality won't work for them". Well, of course, it won't. But you're using examples from the lower end of the bell curve, and the vast majority is within the middle. 90%, if not 95-99% of you, will never attain a looks level as a man where good looking women regularly approach you. Due to lower sex drives of women, and the extreme status enjoyed by good looking women (actual good looking women, not women who can fraud in pics), it is extremely difficult to get constant attention from women unless you are an obvious male model. Thus, this is where personality comes into play.

It is important to note that many of the people here are ridden with anxiety, depression, and a general lack of confidence when it comes to matters with women. It is no surprise then and thus quite ironic that the userbase which consists of many socially incompetent men treats personality as irrelevant. "Being confident" is unironically very rare amongst men and is a sign of weakness. Confidence of course does not exist in a vacuum and often comes as a result of how you were treated in your younger years, which is why being anxious is more and more common nowadays in a world where women are far more often validated than men.

Myth #4: Race is irrelevant if you're good looking

Race is always relevant since the very concept of "good looking" is rigged for whites and is eurocentric (smaller noses for example are seen as more attractive since they are more common in whites). Note that there is nothing objective about this biologically since there have been studies done on infants who are known to look at attractive faces more and do not look at whites any longer than non whites. Until the world stops worshipping whites (which it will within about 50 years), the white advantage will remain. This advantage is definitely diminishing with black SMV increasing and even many Asians and Indians being seen in movies (although a very long way to go). Until that changes, the studies have shown that whites have an SMV advantage and thus a good looking non white person will suffer more than a good looking white person, often exponentially more. This difference is paramount on Tinder experiments.
I stopped reading at personality > money
  • +1
Reactions: Golang
Good thread tbh
I am confused about this:
You say women actually don’t have as high sex drive as men
But then you say women were sexually aroused by more types of more than men? How does that support your initial claim?
do like me and dont read it instead of trying to understand this schizo bluepilled ramble
  • JFL
Reactions: Golang and 6485b025t
Absolute retard
Gay lack of sources. Your claim on Eurocentric beauty norms is spurious, pushed by a sociology field that has its tendrils in everything. Its ridiculous and ahistorical, considering how white people were treated by nonwhites, or how light skin people have been treated in most cultures
  • JFL
Reactions: Golang and eyearea
Gay lack of sources. Your claim on Eurocentric beauty norms is spurious, pushed by a sociology field that has its tendrils in everything. Its ridiculous and ahistorical, considering how white people were treated by nonwhites, or how light skin people have been treated in most cultures
Gay lack of sources. Your claim on Eurocentric beauty norms is spurious, pushed by a sociology field that has its tendrils in everything. Its ridiculous and ahistorical, considering how white people were treated by nonwhites, or how light skin people have been treated in most cultures
I have attached the source for babies showing no differentiation in time stared at of races. I attached all sources now.
  • JFL
Reactions: crisprmaxx
well done, this is a great post but many would rather deny these points without putting in any critical thinking and live in their preconstructed bubble of cope
  • +1
Reactions: Ampere, stuckneworleans and Ocelot
Good thread tbh
I am confused about this:
You say women actually don’t have as high sex drive as men
But then you say women were sexually aroused by more types of more than men? How does that support your initial claim?
I edited the post. What I meant to say is that their sex drive is more fluid. You can see this in real life by women for example more willing to kiss other women than men are willing to kiss other men for example. Their sex drive is more fluid and more sensitive to the environment but still lower by the fact that they have been shown to think about sex less often than men and have it be influenced a lot by environment and context. There have been case reports of men who become women who report never experiencing the desire to watch porn after, masturbating less often, and only masturbating if there is a large and complicated story in their head via imagination. A man just needs to see a bunch of tits and ass whether on video or through imagination and he can masturbate.

Although I can't add more sources to the original post anymore, here is an article that summarizes this and has more details: a survey of studies,more frequent and varied fantasies.

This is just an article though. Here is a study dealing with sex drives and comparing them among men and women:
  • +1
Reactions: 6485b025t
Women only want 8 and aboves, all sub 8 men in ltr's are getting cucked
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Hades, Copeful and ToursOverBoyo2020
I lost it when he said that SMV of White men is gonna decrease. :lul: :feelskek:
  • JFL
Reactions: Golang
I lost it when he said that SMV of White men is gonna decrease. :lul: :feelskek:
It will since SMV is essentially based on status. White men did much better in the dating market a couple of decades ago and are doing worse now. If you were black for example, it was much worse for you back then, and it’s going to get better for other ethnics.
  • +1
Reactions: Copeful and stuckneworleans
Good thread.
Good post. Point one is true, male sex drive is always higher then female sex drive.

Point 2 is incorrect, the study u linked is wishy washy bullshit. The only reason why women are attracted to money is for personal gain. If a female marries a rich subhuman their primary objective is to extract their resources (gold digging, unreasonable child support payments, paying off debt/tutition fees etc). Never believe that money can make you more physically attractive. Have you seen the amount of rich men that have becky tier girlfriends.

Point 3 is true, but personality only matters in LTRs. Alot of women will have sex with you the first night they meet you. The concept of improving your personality is pretty meme tier. A good personality just means you have been properly socialised ,disiplinced and you can display compassion to others. Nothing more.

Point 4 is true but your incorrect saying that white smv will decrease. There have been texts written 100s of years ago favouring fair (white pple) as more physically attractive. As stereotypes fade other races smvs will improve but i dont think it will ever match white smv.

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