Common tactics that NPCs use while arguing



Jul 15, 2024
I've put together a list of the most common ways normies tend to use in arguments while coping on their sad pathetic lives.
  • Moving the Goalposts: This is when someone keeps shifting the target in a conversation. Let’s say you prove them wrong on one point, instead of admitting it, they just change the topic or raise the bar, making it impossible to win the argument. They often use that when you successfully proved them wrong or you are about to do that.
  • Spamming with Emojis or GIFs: When someone runs out of real arguments, they’ll start bombarding you with emojis or GIFs. It’s their way of dodging the discussion and hoping the conversation gets derailed so they don’t have to face the facts. Often used by discord basement dwellers or annoying women.
  • Calling in Friends (Bandwagoning): This is when someone can't handle the argument on their own, so they call in backup. It’s not about having better arguments, just about trying to outnumber you so it feels like they’re right because they’ve got more people on their side. This one is often used when running out of points to back up their statement. It is more usual on internet than irl, in irl you can see when normie is looking around mid argument to check for possible approval from surrounding people.
  • Projection: Here’s when someone accuses you of doing exactly what they’re guilty of. If they’re the one obsessed with winning the argument, they’ll flip it and say you’re the one who’s too stubborn to let it go. "Looksmaxxing is a cope" "You are just an incel" often coming from betabuxers or KHHV who defo need to looksmax.
  • Straw Man: This is when they twist your words into something easier to attack. You might be talking about one thing, and they’ll make it sound like you’re saying something totally different, just so they can shoot it down.
  • Ad Hominem Attacks: Instead of debating the issue, they start attacking you personally. If they can’t beat your argument, they’ll try to make you look bad instead, like saying you’re only arguing because you’re insecure or something. Often used to describe you as an incel so they don't bother to argue with you.
  • Whataboutism: This is when, instead of addressing the issue at hand, they bring up something else entirely. It’s like when you call them out on something and they reply with, “But muh not everyone can do X” to deflect the conversation even when it was personal conversation they still try to deflect it.
  • Red Herring: Here, they’ll introduce something totally irrelevant to throw you off. You might be talking about one thing, and they’ll drag in something unrelated just to distract you and avoid the original point.
  • Gaslighting: This is when they try to make you doubt yourself. They’ll twist the facts and make you question your own memory or understanding, all to make you feel like you’re the one who’s confused.
  • False Equivalence: This is when they try to make two things seem the same when they really aren’t. They’ll equate something you’re doing with something negative to downplay your point, even if the comparison doesn’t hold up.
  • IDK name for that one: This is when they are aware of something such as self improvement or taking risk, they often tend to pick the easiest roundabout and inefficient way to reach their goal. I often observe it when it comes with things related to job, relationships or learning they will never take risk, go deep water, they choose almost no risk options and later cope that they had no choice for example choosing low paying career and dreaming about becoming rich and rather not nerdmaxx for few year and hit huge salary, choosing dating apps over clubbing when you want to get laid, wasting time on weird methods rather than just learn things they need to.

    Inbound DNRD or Water thread. Kys fags :soy:
  • +1
Reactions: incel194012940, AhappyPill4u, Bars and 5 others
Posted a moment ago, no replies. Brutal reality pill :feelswhy:
  • +1
Reactions: Yliaster
This would be a lot more interesting if you came up with some kind of solution to all this.
the solution:
  • JFL
Reactions: WishIHadBBC, EdgyFashionist, Bars and 1 other person
Instead of arguing, just apply a few principles out of The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

3951675 suntzu 6
  • JFL
Reactions: lowtiernormiechad, EdgyFashionist, counterintuitive and 3 others
  • IDK name for that one: This is when they are aware of something such as self improvement or taking risk, they often tend to pick the easiest roundabout and inefficient way to reach their goal. I often observe it when it comes with things related to job, relationships or learning they will never take risk, go deep water, they choose almost no risk options and later cope that they had no choice for example choosing low paying career and dreaming about becoming rich and rather not nerdmaxx for few year and hit huge salary, choosing dating apps over clubbing when you want to get laid, wasting time on weird methods rather than just learn things they need to.

Path of Least Resistance ?
  • +1
Reactions: EdgyFashionist and 6PSLcel
last one is incel trait
  • +1
Reactions: EdgyFashionist, Bars, 6PSLcel and 1 other person
All useless or easily circumvented. However, it doesn't matter, when a discussion drags on without any semblance of usefulness, it's better to cut it short.
  • +1
Reactions: EdgyFashionist and ryuken
I've put together a list of the most common ways normies tend to use in arguments while coping on their sad pathetic lives.
  • Moving the Goalposts: This is when someone keeps shifting the target in a conversation. Let’s say you prove them wrong on one point, instead of admitting it, they just change the topic or raise the bar, making it impossible to win the argument. They often use that when you successfully proved them wrong or you are about to do that.
  • Spamming with Emojis or GIFs: When someone runs out of real arguments, they’ll start bombarding you with emojis or GIFs. It’s their way of dodging the discussion and hoping the conversation gets derailed so they don’t have to face the facts. Often used by discord basement dwellers or annoying women.
  • Calling in Friends (Bandwagoning): This is when someone can't handle the argument on their own, so they call in backup. It’s not about having better arguments, just about trying to outnumber you so it feels like they’re right because they’ve got more people on their side. This one is often used when running out of points to back up their statement. It is more usual on internet than irl, in irl you can see when normie is looking around mid argument to check for possible approval from surrounding people.
  • Projection: Here’s when someone accuses you of doing exactly what they’re guilty of. If they’re the one obsessed with winning the argument, they’ll flip it and say you’re the one who’s too stubborn to let it go. "Looksmaxxing is a cope" "You are just an incel" often coming from betabuxers or KHHV who defo need to looksmax.
  • Straw Man: This is when they twist your words into something easier to attack. You might be talking about one thing, and they’ll make it sound like you’re saying something totally different, just so they can shoot it down.
  • Ad Hominem Attacks: Instead of debating the issue, they start attacking you personally. If they can’t beat your argument, they’ll try to make you look bad instead, like saying you’re only arguing because you’re insecure or something. Often used to describe you as an incel so they don't bother to argue with you.
  • Whataboutism: This is when, instead of addressing the issue at hand, they bring up something else entirely. It’s like when you call them out on something and they reply with, “But muh not everyone can do X” to deflect the conversation even when it was personal conversation they still try to deflect it.
  • Red Herring: Here, they’ll introduce something totally irrelevant to throw you off. You might be talking about one thing, and they’ll drag in something unrelated just to distract you and avoid the original point.
  • Gaslighting: This is when they try to make you doubt yourself. They’ll twist the facts and make you question your own memory or understanding, all to make you feel like you’re the one who’s confused.
  • False Equivalence: This is when they try to make two things seem the same when they really aren’t. They’ll equate something you’re doing with something negative to downplay your point, even if the comparison doesn’t hold up.
  • IDK name for that one: This is when they are aware of something such as self improvement or taking risk, they often tend to pick the easiest roundabout and inefficient way to reach their goal. I often observe it when it comes with things related to job, relationships or learning they will never take risk, go deep water, they choose almost no risk options and later cope that they had no choice for example choosing low paying career and dreaming about becoming rich and rather not nerdmaxx for few year and hit huge salary, choosing dating apps over clubbing when you want to get laid, wasting time on weird methods rather than just learn things they need to.

    Inbound DNRD or Water thread. Kys fags :soy:
These low IQ normie tactics make me rage
  • +1
Reactions: EdgyFashionist
This would be a lot more interesting if you came up with some kind of solution to all this.
Sadly the only form of solution I made for this is just be calm and ignore them since there's 100% chance that they won't accept harsh reality. Most people are just born delusional and ignorant.
Whenever I make some constructive criticism regarding some points of how my mother raised me, she always says "are you saying I was a bad mom? Are you forgetting all the good things I did to you?"

Not sure if this is a NPC trait, but this argument sucks. Just because someone was/is good to me it doesn't (s)he is immune of criticism. I might criticize you, but it doesn't mean I forgot the good things you did to me.

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