Competition is toxic bullshit that makes society worse



Jan 2, 2019
The right-wing bullshit about competition being natural, inevitable, and desirable is a bullshit bluepill cope, basically the right's version of the 'equality' meme in how delusional it is.

First of all, most of the factors that determine natural selection in nature doesn't really have anything to do with so-called competition as we think of it. If a species of bug is less likely to go extinct because its natural coloring makes it harder to detect Vs other similar bugs, that doesn't have anything to do with the luckier bugs being more 'competitive'. Likewise, giraffes that can reach taller branches because they're born with longer necks didn't have to be more competitive. Nor do peacocks that have naturally flashier colors have to out-compete their less attractive counterparts.

What the right-wing garbage about competition fails to understand is that inequality is inherent. It's not the byproduct of anything that you do. You're just born with certain immutable traits that influence your chances of survival and success. The 5ft tall Indian with 3/10 face and 93 IQ is not 'competing' with the 6.4ft tall white guy with 130+ IQ. There was never any scenario where he had a chance of winning because nature had already selected for him to fail via his shitty traits.

But even ignoring the biological determinism angle, even just the sociology of forcing people to complete seems questionable. The most common argument is that most people are too worthless to create things of value without a profit or sexual motive, but while this is true, this is actually just a result of the 90/10 rule (90% of everything is shit) in general anyhow. Most normies will always be dogshit regardless of the social system, so this isn't even really an argument. Furthermore, most jobs nowadays are arguably pointless bullshit to begin with. Also look at all the art, game mods, etc, that people release for free on the internet literally every day. Even software like blender is free.

I feel exactly zero shame for NEETing.
  • +1
Reactions: Ryldoo IS COPING, Krisis, Clown Show and 10 others
Kind’ve true, I have no respect for Libertarians who think we should compete for jobs and things with immigrants.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
  • JFL
Reactions: ryuken, LancasteR and Latinolooksmaxxer
dnr everything but agree with the last sentence
The right-wing bullshit about competition being natural, inevitable, and desirable is a bullshit bluepill cope, basically the right's version of the 'equality' meme in how delusional it is.

First of all, most of the factors that determine natural selection in nature doesn't really have anything to do with so-called competition as we think of it. If a species of bug is less likely to go extinct because its natural coloring makes it harder to detect Vs other similar bugs, that doesn't have anything to do with the luckier bugs being more 'competitive'. Likewise, giraffes that can reach taller branches because they're born with longer necks didn't have to be more competitive. Nor do peacocks that have naturally flashier colors have to out-compete their less attractive counterparts.

What the right-wing garbage about competition fails to understand is that inequality is inherent. It's not the byproduct of anything that you do. You're just born with certain immutable traits that influence your chances of survival and success. The 5ft tall Indian with 3/10 face and 93 IQ is not 'competing' with the 6.4ft tall white guy with 130+ IQ. There was never any scenario where he had a chance of winning because nature had already selected for him to fail via his shitty traits.

But even ignoring the biological determinism angle, even just the sociology of forcing people to complete seems questionable. The most common argument is that most people are too worthless to create things of value without a profit or sexual motive, but while this is true, this is actually just a result of the 90/10 rule (90% of everything is shit) in general anyhow. Most normies will always be dogshit regardless of the social system, so this isn't even really an argument. Furthermore, most jobs nowadays are arguably pointless bullshit to begin with. Also look at all the art, game mods, etc, that people release for free on the internet literally every day. Even software like blender is free.

I feel exactly zero shame for NEETing.
Dnrd retarded faggot
kinda agree with you tbh
I think competition is expressed in everything.

For example countries and businesses are constantly competing with one another, even if they temporarily make alliances or partners.

Even if you are successful in one moment of time that can change from variables outside anyone's control. Then you have to adapt to still compete.

Competition is about staying afloat and survival.
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  • +1
Reactions: liberiangrimreaper
Dndr competition is inherent to human nature we can minimize it but never eradicate it completely
  • +1
Reactions: liberiangrimreaper
Dndr competition is inherent to human nature we can minimize it but never eradicate it completely
Capitalism didn't even exist until a few hundred years ago jfl. All the ancient major religions demonized the profit motive.
  • +1
Reactions: Brus Wane
The right-wing bullshit about competition being natural, inevitable, and desirable is a bullshit bluepill cope, basically the right's version of the 'equality' meme in how delusional it is.
it’s true, you just don’t understand Human nature

probably because you think we are something more than mere sinful animals
competition is a result of scarcity of resources. people who are able to compete see it as a good thing, people who are constantly out competed see it as bad. it's just a necessary part of life.
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The collectivism pill is the final and truest pill.
  • JFL
Reactions: Klasik616
Capitalism exhists for a short time. It has mainly to do with societies being to complex when it comes to upkeep and to be micro managed from the top like in a feudal system.

But with AI this will change and this is why ze grat reset, aims to achieve neo-communism.
Where for example ai will determine the place you work in not what would now be called competiton between workers.
caring about others and sharing resources is a white feature. a post scarcity society is only possible when only whites exist. non whites inevitable turn into parasites and exploiters once whites display altruism
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19442
Competition is natural and important
The right-wing bullshit about competition being natural, inevitable, and desirable is a bullshit bluepill cope, basically the right's version of the 'equality' meme in how delusional it is.

First of all, most of the factors that determine natural selection in nature doesn't really have anything to do with so-called competition as we think of it. If a species of bug is less likely to go extinct because its natural coloring makes it harder to detect Vs other similar bugs, that doesn't have anything to do with the luckier bugs being more 'competitive'. Likewise, giraffes that can reach taller branches because they're born with longer necks didn't have to be more competitive. Nor do peacocks that have naturally flashier colors have to out-compete their less attractive counterparts.

What the right-wing garbage about competition fails to understand is that inequality is inherent. It's not the byproduct of anything that you do. You're just born with certain immutable traits that influence your chances of survival and success. The 5ft tall Indian with 3/10 face and 93 IQ is not 'competing' with the 6.4ft tall white guy with 130+ IQ. There was never any scenario where he had a chance of winning because nature had already selected for him to fail via his shitty traits.

But even ignoring the biological determinism angle, even just the sociology of forcing people to complete seems questionable. The most common argument is that most people are too worthless to create things of value without a profit or sexual motive, but while this is true, this is actually just a result of the 90/10 rule (90% of everything is shit) in general anyhow. Most normies will always be dogshit regardless of the social system, so this isn't even really an argument. Furthermore, most jobs nowadays are arguably pointless bullshit to begin with. Also look at all the art, game mods, etc, that people release for free on the internet literally every day. Even software like blender is free.

I feel exactly zero shame for NEETing.

Agree... more or less, I think.

But this isn't a right wing thing.

It's a greed and control thing.

Dead ass dictatorships like 🇨🇳 and 🇷🇺 to supposedly enlightened democracies like 🇺🇸 and 🇬🇧's all the same bullshit 😒 even when the latter 2 and all their allies change governments... same crap, different arseholes

This isn't a political spectrum thing... it's a class thing
caring about others and sharing resources is a white feature. a post scarcity society is only possible when only whites exist. non whites inevitable turn into parasites and exploiters once whites display altruism
Jews anyone?

Ib4 Jews are not white for political reasons despite looking 99.9% the same:feelsgood:
The right-wing bullshit about competition being natural, inevitable, and desirable is a bullshit bluepill cope, basically the right's version of the 'equality' meme in how delusional it is.

First of all, most of the factors that determine natural selection in nature doesn't really have anything to do with so-called competition as we think of it. If a species of bug is less likely to go extinct because its natural coloring makes it harder to detect Vs other similar bugs, that doesn't have anything to do with the luckier bugs being more 'competitive'. Likewise, giraffes that can reach taller branches because they're born with longer necks didn't have to be more competitive. Nor do peacocks that have naturally flashier colors have to out-compete their less attractive counterparts.

What the right-wing garbage about competition fails to understand is that inequality is inherent. It's not the byproduct of anything that you do. You're just born with certain immutable traits that influence your chances of survival and success. The 5ft tall Indian with 3/10 face and 93 IQ is not 'competing' with the 6.4ft tall white guy with 130+ IQ. There was never any scenario where he had a chance of winning because nature had already selected for him to fail via his shitty traits.

But even ignoring the biological determinism angle, even just the sociology of forcing people to complete seems questionable. The most common argument is that most people are too worthless to create things of value without a profit or sexual motive, but while this is true, this is actually just a result of the 90/10 rule (90% of everything is shit) in general anyhow. Most normies will always be dogshit regardless of the social system, so this isn't even really an argument. Furthermore, most jobs nowadays are arguably pointless bullshit to begin with. Also look at all the art, game mods, etc, that people release for free on the internet literally every day. Even software like blender is free.

I feel exactly zero shame for NEETing.
I like to think of it like this...

Yes luck is so importand, way more importand than people think it is but simultaneously so unimportand it hurts...

For example orangutans have a longer wingspan than most chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos and us humans. Why is that? Your thread is vague enough which allows me to assume a lot of things so lets assume you want to think its luck and genetics and its true BUT, the percentage of luck needed for a orangutan to grow a longer wingspan than a human is higher than a gorilla growing longer legs than a human... It's all about percentages, the reason the gorillas have shorter legs is because the way they use them doesnt allow them to grow the way other animals's legs do etc but that doesnt mean that there couldnt be gorillas with naturally longer legs than the average gorilla etc

idk if i was coherent enough lol im kinda low IQ but this thinking of mine has a semblance of both hope and hopelessness.
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Weak men like you need to never reproduce.

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