Compettion is good (be greatful for where you started and that you found self improvment)

Shit thread kys thanks
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competition is good for the consumer not the competitors lol the more male competition the more females benefit from it
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cope + ratio + im incel + im ugly
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competition is good for the consumer not the competitors lol the more male competition the more females benefit from it
The more competion in general the stronger society gets. Men benifit from stronger men too. The quality of romantic and sexual options isn't the only thing that matters in life. lol
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The more competion in general the stronger society gets. Men benifit from stronger men too. The quality of romantic and sexual options isn't the only thing that matters in life. lol
Wow society definitely benefits with more men starving themselves to get six packs and putting filler in their faces to get a wider jaw, whilst being more depressed because they can’t get a woman the size of an ocean liner to treat them like a human being. Imagine if those men had spent that time and energy developing rockets for NASA, or researching cures for deadly diseases
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Wow society definitely benefits with more men starving themselves to get six packs and putting filler in their faces to get a wider jaw, whilst being more depressed because they can’t get a woman the size of an ocean liner to treat them like a human being. Imagine if those men had spent that time and energy developing rockets for NASA, or researching cures for deadly diseases
so much men are focusing on trying to please woman instead we should be focusing on how to get the fuck out of this planet before humanity destroys itself
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Wow society definitely benefits with more men starving themselves to get six packs and putting filler in their faces to get a wider jaw, whilst being more depressed because they can’t get a woman the size of an ocean liner to treat them like a human being. Imagine if those men had spent that time and energy developing rockets for NASA, or researching cures for deadly diseases
The video I linked is a creator named hamza who preaches to young men to read and be successful in whatever they want to be seccusful in. This kind of self improvement is much more similar to working to improve society than it is working to try look like some psl 7 giga chad.

The point you made is exactly what is wrong with this community at the moment. It is too degenerate and selfish. And that is dangerous to our mental health. It is good to try to look as good as possible. But other things are even more important.
Challenge is pleasure.
This kind of self improvement is much more similar to working to improve society than it is working to try look like some psl 7 giga chad.
why the fuck would you wanna do shit to improve society when you cant get a GF like everybody else because you dont fit western beauty standards. I dont think your understanding I dont want to look like a PSL 7 Giga Chad I want to be treated like a human being and it just so happens to be that good looking men and women get treated better by society than ugly looking men

so why would I want to invent something that would only benefit hot people and not benefit me? im not selfish, society is selfish
why the fuck would you wanna do shit to improve society when you cant get a GF like everybody else because you dont fit western beauty standards. I dont think your understanding I dont want to look like a PSL 7 Giga Chad I want to be treated like a human being and it just so happens to be that good looking men and women get treated better by society than ugly looking men

so why would I want to invent something that would only benefit hot people and not benefit me? im not selfish, society is selfish
Looks are very important. And Love is extremely important. I am not denying that. And I can't tell you that you can be happy and work towards improving society if you can't have love

I understamd the psychology behind your situation and im sorry

We live in a succesful society that has many great things that we take for granted but it also has some cruel and terrible flaws that make things incredibly unfair.

The fact that humans range so much in cognitive ability and physical attractiveness is one of the biggest problems that might not be possible to fix, and it makes anything near equal opportunity impossible unless it can be fixed

All I can say is the chances are very low thats it's over for you and that you can't self improve your looks and you're mind to the point that you'll be fine.

So embrace the grind and try to find motivation
try to find motivation
if you wanna understand how I am feeling right now this is what I feel like:

I feel like Im getting fed cucumbers while the other monkey is getting grapes for doing the exact same thing as me
or chad is getting all the stacies and im only getting femcel landwhales :lul:

The video I linked is a creator named hamza who preaches to young men to read and be successful in whatever they want to be seccusful in. This kind of self improvement is much more similar to working to improve society than it is working to try look like some psl 7 giga chad.

The point you made is exactly what is wrong with this community at the moment. It is too degenerate and selfish. And that is dangerous to our mental health. It is good to try to look as good as possible. But other things are even more important.
I can’t stand Hamza so that makes sense.

But the point I was making, rather, is that men focusing on personal vanity to obsessive degrees (which is required to have a decent romantic and social life, now — only a tiny minority of those can get to gigachad status), takes time and energy. If women were less picky and men less desperate for affection, those men could spend at least some of that time on more socially-productive endeavours.

There’s also a question of reciprocity. If I can make money doing X less sociallt-productive thing, than why should I break my back doing Y more socially-productive thing if the society I live in treats me like shit/a disposable object?
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But the point I was making, rather, is that men focusing on personal vanity to obsessive degrees (which is required to have a decent romantic and social life, now — only a tiny minority of those can get to gigachad status), takes time and energy. If women were less picky and men less desperate for affection, those men could spend at least some of that time on more socially-productive endeavours.
unfortunately your right and it is getting worse.

There’s also a question of reciprocity. If I can make money doing X less sociallt-productive thing, than why should I break my back doing Y more socially-productive thing if the society I live in treats me like shit/a disposable object?
society provides you food, water, communication, shelter, education, transportation, and so much more. society also is cruel and unequal, but a society with sickening terrible flaws does not equal a bad society. people take what modern society gives them for granted, society is remarkable. And what humanity has been able to accomplish so far is enough motivation for me to help make society even better. and I will not listen to any pessimists who tell me other wise.

that being said you have a valid point. even Elon Musk, the ultimate "I want to improve humanity" guy, said that he could never be happy without love. Love is a fundamental need, and unfortunately some people who are exposed to the black pill have lost hope on that. and I can understand how that can be incredibly demotivating. But I do not believe deciding to not contribute to society is the correct decision no matter how cruel society is to you, no matter how much it has hurt you. don't take life for granted.
bro dont tell me ur watching hamza unironically
i dont watch any of these motivational youtubers lol but im just repulsed by hamza
Like what would you recomend for learning about self inprovement stuff like reading and so on. ain't it lol. too pessimistic
The video I linked is a creator named hamza who preaches to young men to read and be successful in whatever they want to be seccusful in. This kind of self improvement is much more similar to working to improve society than it is working to try look like some psl 7 giga chad.

The point you made is exactly what is wrong with this community at the moment. It is too degenerate and selfish. And that is dangerous to our mental health. It is good to try to look as good as possible. But other things are even more important.
I heavily disagree with you saying what he does will lead to a better society. All his videos talk about is being on your purpose to get bitches and money. I've never seen a single video from him which talks about improving society all he does is peddle bullshit about making young men better by doing what exactly? Working hard? One of the things that he promotes is entrepreneurship more simply a social media business similar to him. Do you really think we need more youtubers? Just look at how he keeps on releasing videos. Hes already said everything he needs to say and the only ones who still watch his content if they arnt newbies are people who just watch his videos without actually improving at anything. Instead of stopping he'll continue to fuel their addiction. If you wanna say he promotes people to be something like 1stman i still don't think that improves society in any way. He does supplements and in the future clothes and a streaming platform. In what way is any of this improving society. Its just being selfish wanting to look better and be more entertained. Its fine to look up to Humza but dont be so delusional and think his vids lead to a better society in any way. He promotes competition in terms of being richer and more fit than other men instead of being judged on actual qualities that would help society like altruism.
The lasy thing I gotta say is he talks about wanting to help young men and then he'll go and charge 1000$ or some other absurd number for coaching. Sure he'll say I need to make some money but remember he is also the guy who talks about how fucking rich he is all the time. Plus hes talked about how hes achieved the 5 hr work week so he should have plenty of time to help kids for free. Think about suicide helpline services which are open 24 hrs a day the workers probably get minimum wage but they save lives and look at humza charging you money just telling you to work hard what a fucking joke. You are probably hella young but I hope you realise that he operates like a snake oils salesman.
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Like what would you recomend for learning about self inprovement stuff like reading and so on. ain't it lol. too pessimistic
you gotta ignore all of the negative stuff its a part of learning
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I heavily disagree with you saying what he does will lead to a better society. All his videos talk about is being on your purpose to get bitches and money. I've never seen a single video from him which talks about improving society all he does is peddle bullshit about making young men better by doing what exactly? Working hard? One of the things that he promotes is entrepreneurship more simply a social media business similar to him. Do you really think we need more youtubers? Just look at how he keeps on releasing videos. Hes already said everything he needs to say and the only ones who still watch his content if they arnt newbies are people who just watch his videos without actually improving at anything. Instead of stopping he'll continue to fuel their addiction. If you wanna say he promotes people to be something like 1stman i still don't think that improves society in any way. He does supplements and in the future clothes and a streaming platform. In what way is any of this improving society. Its just being selfish wanting to look better and be more entertained. Its fine to look up to Humza but dont be so delusional and think his vids lead to a better society in any way. He promotes competition in terms of being richer and more fit than other men instead of being judged on actual qualities that would help society like altruism.
The lasy thing I gotta say is he talks about wanting to help young men and then he'll go and charge 1000$ or some other absurd number for coaching. Sure he'll say I need to make some money but remember he is also the guy who talks about how fucking rich he is all the time. Plus hes talked about how hes achieved the 5 hr work week so he should have plenty of time to help kids for free. Think about suicide helpline services which are open 24 hrs a day the workers probably getting minimum wage but probably saving lives and look at humza just telling you to work hard what a fucking joke.
Yah bro I agree with you. But in general if people in society value self improvement, reading, learning, and thier goals. Society will be better when you compare it to people just hating on society and having lost hope. Hamza is definetly not the best person for my goals and many others and thats why I don't listen to him much. Im more focused on creating and improving things for society if you know what I mean.

But on average it is better than society being blackpilled and losing hope. Over time you will see more and more young men getting blackpilled and having shit mental health. And if hamza can help prevent that at all, then he has value too society.

Hamza isn't necessarily against egineering and health etc... but he should promote it more instead of telling everyone to be a youtuber. Ur absolutly right there.

Firstman simularly is way too focused on woman aswell
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Yah bro I agree with you. But in general if people in society value self improvement, reading, learning, and thier goals. Society will be better when you compare it to people just hating on society and having lost hope. Hamza is definetly not the best person for my goals and many others and thats why I don't listen to him much. Im more focused on creating and improving things for society if you know what I mean.

But on average it is better than society being blackpilled and losing hope. Over time you will see more and more young men getting blackpilled and having shit mental health. And if hamza can help prevent that at all, then he has value too society.

Hamza isn't necessarily against egineering and health etc... but he should promote it more instead of telling everyone to be a youtuber. Ur absolutly right there.
Fair point but this is not though there are people like @Zer0/∞. But i think with those people a hamza video wont do anything for them they are actually mentally ill. Probably gotta go to therapy.
my thoughts:
I heavily disagree with you saying what he does will lead to a better society. All his videos talk about is being on your purpose to get bitches and money. I've never seen a single video from him which talks about improving society all he does is peddle bullshit about making young men better by doing what exactly? Working hard? One of the things that he promotes is entrepreneurship more simply a social media business similar to him. Do you really think we need more youtubers? Just look at how he keeps on releasing videos. Hes already said everything he needs to say and the only ones who still watch his content if they arnt newbies are people who just watch his videos without actually improving at anything. Instead of stopping he'll continue to fuel their addiction. If you wanna say he promotes people to be something like 1stman i still don't think that improves society in any way. He does supplements and in the future clothes and a streaming platform. In what way is any of this improving society. Its just being selfish wanting to look better and be more entertained. Its fine to look up to Humza but dont be so delusional and think his vids lead to a better society in any way. He promotes competition in terms of being richer and more fit than other men instead of being judged on actual qualities that would help society like altruism.
The lasy thing I gotta say is he talks about wanting to help young men and then he'll go and charge 1000$ or some other absurd number for coaching. Sure he'll say I need to make some money but remember he is also the guy who talks about how fucking rich he is all the time. Plus hes talked about how hes achieved the 5 hr work week so he should have plenty of time to help kids for free. Think about suicide helpline services which are open 24 hrs a day the workers probably get minimum wage but they save lives and look at humza charging you money just telling you to work hard what a fucking joke. You are probably hella young but I hope you realise that he operates like a snake oils salesman.
The best part is that although he pushes his "Disciples" to make yt content in the hope that one day they will become as famous as him, he does not support them in the slightest. I was in his discord for about a month last summer and the highest ranked individuals there were making yt videos but Hamza would not make any type of shoutout or a "good job" comment on their video. He never partook in the conversations as well
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