Comprehensive Truth Guide about HEIGHT



anti dht crew
Dec 5, 2023

If you are a manlet after 16, you will be a manlet all of your life. If you are tall, you'll be tall.
If you are past 13-14, don't try to do shit to grow, except for extreme cases of starved kids, kids with fucked up postures or sleep deprived etc. so except from 2% of the population, if a dude from like 10 years old on does everything right to grow as much as he can, probably he can squeeze out 2-3 cm more than somebody who doesn't do anything, out of the 40 cm they still have to grow. If you think that at an age where you have on average 1 inch to grow (on average a male grows less than 1.5" after 16 and less than 1" after 17) you can do something to grow more, you are retarded. Males stop growing at 19, even 1 cm growth after that is an outlier, they don't grow until 24 or 21, if you arrived at this point of your life thinking that that "24" referred to height growth, kill yourself
Anyway, if you are VERY young, do stuff you find online (eat and sleep right, do the exercises you find online). If you look much younger than your age, with less beard, body hair etc, chances are that you have more than average to grow, but still it would be stupid to dream for much growth.


I don't know how you can get hgh in your country, but: a lot of times it isn't real hgh, it costs a lot and it can have big side effects, anyway basically the younger you are the more it is effective. It triggers the pituitary gland to release more HGH into the bloodstream. This helps a lot since more HGH in the bloodstream means more growth hormones are made and distributed in the body. Given how much it costs one could think about about doing this: you see if your doctor approves hgh for you, and then try to buy it from the black market or sum shit to don't spend so much. Honestly in italy I could do all the surgeries I want to do and go from irl 4 to 8 with the money you have to spend for 1 year of HGH. Obviously if you try to buy it in strange ways there's the risk that it is unealthy or not effective, so it's your take. Anyway, generally doctors will prescribe HGH if you actually lack HGH. If you are so lucky that you find out that you have a deficiency, you won't have to spend that much money.

I know two dudes that took it at young age and it worked great from what I know, don't think they had healt issues, they grew up.

Then there are peptides (CJC-c1295 and GHRP-2), that work (I don't know how much less effective than hgh) and cost way less.

There's a lot of stuff (MK-677, glutamine, aromasine, honestly winstrol too, niacin) but yeah, a lot of shit is a scam or won't work on you anyway. then again, the point is, the closer you are to the end of your growth, the more useless it is to try shit. if you are a babycel, do your research. Don't listen to retards. If you want do an x-ray to cheek your growth plates to know if you're done, do it, but even this has a cost, if you are into looksmaxing and you plan to spend money on it, don't do this.

Posture: again, excluding dudes with really fucked up spines, the idea that posture can give you 2 inches more means that when you walk you'll walk taller, but when you measure yourself you're at peak height, extending yourself, correct posture helps you to walk closer to your peak height. A lot of people have scoliosis, lordosis etc so if you want, do the right exercises for your case, but then again, unless you are so fucked up that you have bad posture even when you measure yourself, posture doesn't mean shit. Then again, you can try stuff you find online, hanging from a bar, hanging from a bar with weights, and obviously keep your back straight, head up, shoulders wide down and wide, don't slouch when you sit, find the right mattress, do exercises you find online, but again, 99% of times posture isn't related to your PEAK HEIGHT. Honestly, if you are on lookism you should be aware of stuff, so if you walk all slouched, kill yourself.

Try to avoid cervical hernia, that shit can make your shorter.

Don't be fat.

If you think you have lost height, you probably have not. Males lose on average 3 cm from 25 to 70.

How to appear taller: the right clothes and haircuts will make you look taller, but the real shit is shoe lifts + mantaining your morning height.

Shoe lifts: there isn't much to say: the only way to stand taller than you are, is to put something under you that will lift you up. Lifts don't cost shit and unless you're going to do sports, you can get away with 1.5" lifts almost anywhere.
Will people notice? If they know you, probably yes. If they don't, no. Anyway, if they question you, just say you've got tall shoes, in a disco, you can get away with taller lifts, but 1.5"-2" lifts is what I would suggest.

Then there are elevator shoes. The point is that: I don't like em, they cost way more than shoe lifts. Anyway, if you want to buy em, buy the ones that have intern lifts.

Morning Height AS you probably know, men on average shrink about 1 inch from right after they wake to before they go to sleep, with the majority of this shrinkage in the first 2-5 hours. This shrinkage increases/happens faster if you work out, do phisical labour. What you should do is simply this: when you care about appearing taller, just put up some hours of sleep, and try to not do shit. Trust me it makes a difference.

Now, the most important thing LEG LENGTHENING. At this point LL is obviously legit, unless you care about your athletic abilities. Obviously it is one of the worst surgeries in terms of cost, recovery and risks. Anyway there wouldn't be any LL surgery if you were LIKELY to have serious problems or be in a wheelchair, but anyway, it is still one of the highest risk surgeries. If you get a LL you should get 2-3" inches taller, more than that and you'll completely fuck up your proportions, higher risks, higher recovery time etc. You can easily search online for the procedure, but don't matter how you wanna put it, it is a fairly dangerous procedure, you will never recover your full athletic ability, you'll face pain, scars, infection risks are not low, there's a chance that your bone doesn't heal longer, you can damage your blood vessels, your bones will be weakened.
Anyway, the risks whilst high, are not so high that LL should be discharged, but yeah, LL is one of the surgeries with the most chances to go wrong, one of the most painful, with the longest recovery time and it costs a whole lot, 80-100 k in the US, 50+ unless you go in a third world country, and it is banned in some countries. Would I do it? Hell no, Just run lifts game.

1.5" lifts (that probably compress to 1.2" often) + 0.5" taller than average shoes + showing up close to your morning height when all the other guys have been up the whole day = 2.5 INCHES ROBBED, YOU MOG A LOT OF PEOPLE YOU WOULDN'T MOG WITHOUT LOOKING UNNATURAL. Obviously there are much taller lifts than this but you'll risk catting caught, you risk looking weird etc.

Height situation:

In these place you are fucked if you are less than 6 feet: dinaric alps, bosnia, netherlands, montenegro, denmark, norway, serbia, GERMANY, iceland, sweden, lithuania, austria, finland, croatia, slovenia, czech republic, slovakia, estonia, new zealand, poland, bulgaria, Russia

in african, asian, south american, most north america excluding usa and sum shit, third world, retarded country and turkey, uruguay, portugal, romania you are safe at basically any height.

Avoid big cities, capitals, turism cities, niggas are taller in there.

The reason why in the situations that matter everybody looks taller than you is that short people, ugly people, shitty body people, poor people, no friends people don't go to parties, don't travel, don't run game, don't do stuff that have an high aesthetic component. While beautiful, tall, great physique, rich, full of friends dudes are incentivized to go to all these places.
Try to look at how many people mog you in the streets, at the supermarket, in a normal situation, and how many people mog you at a party, or at ibiza, laganas, at a damn boat party etc. But then again, if you say I'm 6'2" and I don't feel tall, kill yourself.

In normal countries this is the definitive guide, if you don't agree you're like the fucking females:

5'6" and under: your life will always be about your height, you're honestly a different animal from normal height males. only like 25% of females will accept your height, and only 10% won't consider is as a flaw. life is a joke at this point. Under 5'4" you'll be one of the shortest dudes you know and you'll met when you go out, and more than half of the females will be taller than you. At a party, given the heels that females wear, good luck at finding a living organism that doesn't mog you, sports are not suited for you, even clothes and shoes are not etc, but for the mating game, under 5'6" is basically all the same unless you have a condition

5'7"-5'8": big flaw, probably more than half of the female population won't consider a dude at your height. any quality that you have will be viewed as "he is shoooort, but he has quality x quality y quality z" or worse "he has quality x quality y quality z, but he is short, so fuck him". only like 25% of females won't care about your flaw (even if they still know that they'llhave to justify it to their friends, their male friends will probably make fun of you when you aren't there etc) or think that "he's not that short".

5'9"-10": your height is a slight flaw, only a small, but still relevant, percentage of females will reject you for your height, and more than half of the females won't consider you less than if you was like 5'11". this is an height where you can easily use shoe lifts and there's a chance you'll be called tall. (frfr, I'm almost 5'10" and I swear that only one time in my life I've been called tall my females and they were both sub 5'4", I went out with lifts [at parties, pubs etc.] multiple times and more than once I've been called tall. I can only imagine the confidence boost if you've been tall your whole life and you aren't ugly or autistic. There's a slim chance that you could AMOG someone.

5'11"-6": your height is certainly more a quality than a flaw, only some 5'9" and taller will reject your height (most tall females are ugly, just model type of tall girls can reject your height)

6'1"-2": your height is a big quality and an importan part of your life, only 1% of females won't accept your height, and almost every girl will consider it a big quality.

6'3": God height. Every girl will be turned on by your height, you shouldn't look weird, you shouldn't be so tall that you can't find clothes for you or fit in stuff, you will absolutely mog 90% of the male population (meaning that you are CLEARLY taller than 90% of males), you can go out with absolutely flat shoes or in tall populated places without having to worry to not look tall. At this point if you aren't in the last 1/5 in terms of looks/status, you shouldn't have many problems.

6'4" and more: at this point it's all about if you aren't too slim and you don't look or sound or walk weird, I know a guy who was 6'3" at 12-13 years old and is 6'7" now and he has the typical pretty boy face, doesn't have anything weird as most extremely tall guys etc. The taller the better, unless you have the typical flaws of guys who are extremely tall. Not to mention that many girls have a freakishly tall fetish. Not to mention that at this height you have a GREAT possibility to do great/have a career in sports.

If you don't agree with this you are delusional and you judge things like females do, and you have so little real word experience that you think you are short at 6'1" because one girl said that she only dates 8' plus males or you've been at a party where multiple dudes were 6'5" plus. Kill yourself.

Last but not least if you think you are too tall, kill yourself. You are not too tall, you are ugly and with your height you gets noticed more, or you're ugly and people hate you and they use your tallness to insult for no reason, but you are not too tall. Just work out and eat, or lose body fat, walk like a human being, don't be a douchebag, dress like a non autistic, and, most importantly, looksmax to try to not have a serious flaw, with your height not having big flaws should be enough,

Oh and btw, there's a correlation between height and penis length.
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  • +1
Reactions: Pandora, Mewton, Deleted member 66828 and 1 other person
Here is your NONCOPE guide:
1) LL surgery
2) Shoe lifts (up to 3 inches, 4 if you are insane)
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Reactions: Pandora, SubhumanCurrycel, Mewton and 4 others
You never know if youre a hyper responder to these drugs. You could grow like crazy or not grow at all
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Reactions: cadee, SubhumanCurrycel, Mewton and 5 others
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Reactions: Pandora and Deleted member 66828
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora, Jonas2k7, normie tiktoker and 1 other person
Here is your NONCOPE guide:
1) LL surgery
2) Shoe lifts (up to 3 inches, 4 if you are insane)
how tf do u mask 2 inch lifts let alone 3 or 4 ?
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Reactions: normie tiktoker and Deleted member 66828
There's a way for kids to keep their growth plates open for however long they'd like, even until their mid twenties. it sparked a debate among researchers whether they should allow it purely for aesthetics.
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  • WTF
Reactions: JohnDoe, 1966Ford, AverageCurryEnjoyer and 2 others
Literally everything matters. At 5'7 you cant afford to Be average in other Areas. Though at 5'5 it gets nightmare difficulty
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If you are a manlet after 16, you will be a manlet all of your life. If you are tall, you'll be tall.
if u were ever a manlet in ur life

Then u will be a manlet forever

unless u start Heightmaxxing before 13
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 29660
There's a way for kids to keep their growth plates open for however long they'd like, even until their mid twenties. it sparked a debate among researchers whether they should allow it purely for aesthetics.
same bone age friend grew 3 inches i want to be like him with hgh+ai
dnr because 189cm

but your a good lad and prolly high iq so have some rep and bump
Dude I’m bone age 15.9 and hopping on cjc😭
  • JFL
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If you are a manlet after 16, you will be a manlet all of your life. If you are tall, you'll be tall.
If you are past 13-14, don't try to do shit to grow, except for extreme cases of starved kids, kids with fucked up postures or sleep deprived etc. so except from 2% of the population, if a dude from like 10 years old on does everything right to grow as much as he can, probably he can squeeze out 2-3 cm more than somebody who doesn't do anything, out of the 40 cm they still have to grow. If you think that at an age where you have on average 1 inch to grow (on average a male grows less than 1.5" after 16 and less than 1" after 17) you can do something to grow more, you are retarded. Males stop growing at 19, even 1 cm growth after that is an outlier, they don't grow until 24 or 21, if you arrived at this point of your life thinking that that "24" referred to height growth, kill yourself
Anyway, if you are VERY young, do stuff you find online (eat and sleep right, do the exercises you find online). If you look much younger than your age, with less beard, body hair etc, chances are that you have more than average to grow, but still it would be stupid to dream for much growth.


I don't know how you can get hgh in your country, but: a lot of times it isn't real hgh, it costs a lot and it can have big side effects, anyway basically the younger you are the more it is effective. It triggers the pituitary gland to release more HGH into the bloodstream. This helps a lot since more HGH in the bloodstream means more growth hormones are made and distributed in the body. Given how much it costs one could think about about doing this: you see if your doctor approves hgh for you, and then try to buy it from the black market or sum shit to don't spend so much. Honestly in italy I could do all the surgeries I want to do and go from irl 4 to 8 with the money you have to spend for 1 year of HGH. Obviously if you try to buy it in strange ways there's the risk that it is unealthy or not effective, so it's your take. Anyway, generally doctors will prescribe HGH if you actually lack HGH. If you are so lucky that you find out that you have a deficiency, you won't have to spend that much money.

I know two dudes that took it at young age and it worked great from what I know, don't think they had healt issues, they grew up.

Then there are peptides (CJC-c1295 and GHRP-2), that work (I don't know how much less effective than hgh) and cost way less.

There's a lot of stuff (MK-677, glutamine, aromasine, honestly winstrol too, niacin) but yeah, a lot of shit is a scam or won't work on you anyway. then again, the point is, the closer you are to the end of your growth, the more useless it is to try shit. if you are a babycel, do your research. Don't listen to retards. If you want do an x-ray to cheek your growth plates to know if you're done, do it, but even this has a cost, if you are into looksmaxing and you plan to spend money on it, don't do this.

Posture: again, excluding dudes with really fucked up spines, the idea that posture can give you 2 inches more means that when you walk you'll walk taller, but when you measure yourself you're at peak height, extending yourself, correct posture helps you to walk closer to your peak height. A lot of people have scoliosis, lordosis etc so if you want, do the right exercises for your case, but then again, unless you are so fucked up that you have bad posture even when you measure yourself, posture doesn't mean shit. Then again, you can try stuff you find online, hanging from a bar, hanging from a bar with weights, and obviously keep your back straight, head up, shoulders wide down and wide, don't slouch when you sit, find the right mattress, do exercises you find online, but again, 99% of times posture isn't related to your PEAK HEIGHT. Honestly, if you are on lookism you should be aware of stuff, so if you walk all slouched, kill yourself.

Try to avoid cervical hernia, that shit can make your shorter.

Don't be fat.

If you think you have lost height, you probably have not. Males lose on average 3 cm from 25 to 70.

How to appear taller: the right clothes and haircuts will make you look taller, but the real shit is shoe lifts + mantaining your morning height.

Shoe lifts: there isn't much to say: the only way to stand taller than you are, is to put something under you that will lift you up. Lifts don't cost shit and unless you're going to do sports, you can get away with 1.5" lifts almost anywhere.
Will people notice? If they know you, probably yes. If they don't, no. Anyway, if they question you, just say you've got tall shoes, in a disco, you can get away with taller lifts, but 1.5"-2" lifts is what I would suggest.

Then there are elevator shoes. The point is that: I don't like em, they cost way more than shoe lifts. Anyway, if you want to buy em, buy the ones that have intern lifts.

Morning Height AS you probably know, men on average shrink about 1 inch from right after they wake to before they go to sleep, with the majority of this shrinkage in the first 2-5 hours. This shrinkage increases/happens faster if you work out, do phisical labour. What you should do is simply this: when you care about appearing taller, just put up some hours of sleep, and try to not do shit. Trust me it makes a difference.

Now, the most important thing LEG LENGTHENING. At this point LL is obviously legit, unless you care about your athletic abilities. Obviously it is one of the worst surgeries in terms of cost, recovery and risks. Anyway there wouldn't be any LL surgery if you were LIKELY to have serious problems or be in a wheelchair, but anyway, it is still one of the highest risk surgeries. If you get a LL you should get 2-3" inches taller, more than that and you'll completely fuck up your proportions, higher risks, higher recovery time etc. You can easily search online for the procedure, but don't matter how you wanna put it, it is a fairly dangerous procedure, you will never recover your full athletic ability, you'll face pain, scars, infection risks are not low, there's a chance that your bone doesn't heal longer, you can damage your blood vessels, your bones will be weakened.
Anyway, the risks whilst high, are not so high that LL should be discharged, but yeah, LL is one of the surgeries with the most chances to go wrong, one of the most painful, with the longest recovery time and it costs a whole lot, 80-100 k in the US, 50+ unless you go in a third world country, and it is banned in some countries. Would I do it? Hell no, Just run lifts game.

1.5" lifts (that probably compress to 1.2" often) + 0.5" taller than average shoes + showing up close to your morning height when all the other guys have been up the whole day = 2.5 INCHES ROBBED, YOU MOG A LOT OF PEOPLE YOU WOULDN'T MOG WITHOUT LOOKING UNNATURAL. Obviously there are much taller lifts than this but you'll risk catting caught, you risk looking weird etc.

Height situation:

In these place you are fucked if you are less than 6 feet: dinaric alps, bosnia, netherlands, montenegro, denmark, norway, serbia, GERMANY, iceland, sweden, lithuania, austria, finland, croatia, slovenia, czech republic, slovakia, estonia, new zealand, poland, bulgaria, Russia

in african, asian, south american, most north america excluding usa and sum shit, third world, retarded country and turkey, uruguay, portugal, romania you are safe at basically any height.

Avoid big cities, capitals, turism cities, niggas are taller in there.

The reason why in the situations that matter everybody looks taller than you is that short people, ugly people, shitty body people, poor people, no friends people don't go to parties, don't travel, don't run game, don't do stuff that have an high aesthetic component. While beautiful, tall, great physique, rich, full of friends dudes are incentivized to go to all these places.
Try to look at how many people mog you in the streets, at the supermarket, in a normal situation, and how many people mog you at a party, or at ibiza, laganas, at a damn boat party etc. But then again, if you say I'm 6'2" and I don't feel tall, kill yourself.

In normal countries this is the definitive guide, if you don't agree you're like the fucking females:

5'6" and under: your life will always be about your height, you're honestly a different animal from normal height males. only like 25% of females will accept your height, and only 10% won't consider is as a flaw. life is a joke at this point. Under 5'4" you'll be one of the shortest dudes you know and you'll met when you go out, and more than half of the females will be taller than you. At a party, given the heels that females wear, good luck at finding a living organism that doesn't mog you, sports are not suited for you, even clothes and shoes are not etc, but for the mating game, under 5'6" is basically all the same unless you have a condition

5'7"-5'8": big flaw, probably more than half of the female population won't consider a dude at your height. any quality that you have will be viewed as "he is shoooort, but he has quality x quality y quality z" or worse "he has quality x quality y quality z, but he is short, so fuck him". only like 25% of females won't care about your flaw (even if they still know that they'llhave to justify it to their friends, their male friends will probably make fun of you when you aren't there etc) or think that "he's not that short".

5'9"-10": your height is a slight flaw, only a small, but still relevant, percentage of females will reject you for your height, and more than half of the females won't consider you less than if you was like 5'11". this is an height where you can easily use shoe lifts and there's a chance you'll be called tall. (frfr, I'm almost 5'10" and I swear that only one time in my life I've been called tall my females and they were both sub 5'4", I went out with lifts [at parties, pubs etc.] multiple times and more than once I've been called tall. I can only imagine the confidence boost if you've been tall your whole life and you aren't ugly or autistic. There's a slim chance that you could AMOG someone.

5'11"-6": your height is certainly more a quality than a flaw, only some 5'9" and taller will reject your height (most tall females are ugly, just model type of tall girls can reject your height)

6'1"-2": your height is a big quality and an importan part of your life, only 1% of females won't accept your height, and almost every girl will consider it a big quality.

6'3": God height. Every girl will be turned on by your height, you shouldn't look weird, you shouldn't be so tall that you can't find clothes for you or fit in stuff, you will absolutely mog 90% of the male population (meaning that you are CLEARLY taller than 90% of males), you can go out with absolutely flat shoes or in tall populated places without having to worry to not look tall. At this point if you aren't in the last 1/5 in terms of looks/status, you shouldn't have many problems.

6'4" and more: at this point it's all about if you aren't too slim and you don't look or sound or walk weird, I know a guy who was 6'3" at 12-13 years old and is 6'7" now and he has the typical pretty boy face, doesn't have anything weird as most extremely tall guys etc. The taller the better, unless you have the typical flaws of guys who are extremely tall. Not to mention that many girls have a freakishly tall fetish. Not to mention that at this height you have a GREAT possibility to do great/have a career in sports.

If you don't agree with this you are delusional and you judge things like females do, and you have so little real word experience that you think you are short at 6'1" because one girl said that she only dates 8' plus males or you've been at a party where multiple dudes were 6'5" plus. Kill yourself.

Last but not least if you think you are too tall, kill yourself. You are not too tall, you are ugly and with your height you gets noticed more, or you're ugly and people hate you and they use your tallness to insult for no reason, but you are not too tall. Just work out and eat, or lose body fat, walk like a human being, don't be a douchebag, dress like a non autistic, and, most importantly, looksmax to try to not have a serious flaw, with your height not having big flaws should be enough,

Oh and btw, there's a correlation between height and penis length.
so can i just take glucosamine
will it fuck up my growth
ill just take aromasin 6.25mg eod or something to keep e2 levels in check and fix my posture + glucosamine if safe
GET LL (3-4 inches) AND SHOE LIFTS (as much as you want, 4 inches is max unless you are insanemaxing)
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I have seen one dude grow from 1,60cm to 1,80 at 18 or so, but as always that is an extreme EXCEPTION.
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Reactions: Deleted member 33409
Here's big difference between 5'9 and 5'10, 5'9 is close to over meanwhile after 5'10 height is not your problem

If you are a manlet after 16, you will be a manlet all of your life. If you are tall, you'll be tall.
I was 5'7 at 16 and ended up growing to 5'11 at 20, and still somehow growing (although very slowly now). Still arguably manlet but not nearly as bad.
But yeah this thread is factual otherwise.
Also, for maintaining morning height, you can just lose weight and improve posture, then take MSM and glucosamine and you'll honestly lose 0.5 inches of height AT BEST by night time, even 0.25 depending on torso length.
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If you are a manlet after 16, you will be a manlet all of your life. If you are tall, you'll be tall.
If you are past 13-14, don't try to do shit to grow, except for extreme cases of starved kids, kids with fucked up postures or sleep deprived etc. so except from 2% of the population, if a dude from like 10 years old on does everything right to grow as much as he can, probably he can squeeze out 2-3 cm more than somebody who doesn't do anything, out of the 40 cm they still have to grow. If you think that at an age where you have on average 1 inch to grow (on average a male grows less than 1.5" after 16 and less than 1" after 17) you can do something to grow more, you are retarded. Males stop growing at 19, even 1 cm growth after that is an outlier, they don't grow until 24 or 21, if you arrived at this point of your life thinking that that "24" referred to height growth, kill yourself
Anyway, if you are VERY young, do stuff you find online (eat and sleep right, do the exercises you find online). If you look much younger than your age, with less beard, body hair etc, chances are that you have more than average to grow, but still it would be stupid to dream for much growth.


I don't know how you can get hgh in your country, but: a lot of times it isn't real hgh, it costs a lot and it can have big side effects, anyway basically the younger you are the more it is effective. It triggers the pituitary gland to release more HGH into the bloodstream. This helps a lot since more HGH in the bloodstream means more growth hormones are made and distributed in the body. Given how much it costs one could think about about doing this: you see if your doctor approves hgh for you, and then try to buy it from the black market or sum shit to don't spend so much. Honestly in italy I could do all the surgeries I want to do and go from irl 4 to 8 with the money you have to spend for 1 year of HGH. Obviously if you try to buy it in strange ways there's the risk that it is unealthy or not effective, so it's your take. Anyway, generally doctors will prescribe HGH if you actually lack HGH. If you are so lucky that you find out that you have a deficiency, you won't have to spend that much money.

I know two dudes that took it at young age and it worked great from what I know, don't think they had healt issues, they grew up.

Then there are peptides (CJC-c1295 and GHRP-2), that work (I don't know how much less effective than hgh) and cost way less.

There's a lot of stuff (MK-677, glutamine, aromasine, honestly winstrol too, niacin) but yeah, a lot of shit is a scam or won't work on you anyway. then again, the point is, the closer you are to the end of your growth, the more useless it is to try shit. if you are a babycel, do your research. Don't listen to retards. If you want do an x-ray to cheek your growth plates to know if you're done, do it, but even this has a cost, if you are into looksmaxing and you plan to spend money on it, don't do this.

Posture: again, excluding dudes with really fucked up spines, the idea that posture can give you 2 inches more means that when you walk you'll walk taller, but when you measure yourself you're at peak height, extending yourself, correct posture helps you to walk closer to your peak height. A lot of people have scoliosis, lordosis etc so if you want, do the right exercises for your case, but then again, unless you are so fucked up that you have bad posture even when you measure yourself, posture doesn't mean shit. Then again, you can try stuff you find online, hanging from a bar, hanging from a bar with weights, and obviously keep your back straight, head up, shoulders wide down and wide, don't slouch when you sit, find the right mattress, do exercises you find online, but again, 99% of times posture isn't related to your PEAK HEIGHT. Honestly, if you are on lookism you should be aware of stuff, so if you walk all slouched, kill yourself.

Try to avoid cervical hernia, that shit can make your shorter.

Don't be fat.

If you think you have lost height, you probably have not. Males lose on average 3 cm from 25 to 70.

How to appear taller: the right clothes and haircuts will make you look taller, but the real shit is shoe lifts + mantaining your morning height.

Shoe lifts: there isn't much to say: the only way to stand taller than you are, is to put something under you that will lift you up. Lifts don't cost shit and unless you're going to do sports, you can get away with 1.5" lifts almost anywhere.
Will people notice? If they know you, probably yes. If they don't, no. Anyway, if they question you, just say you've got tall shoes, in a disco, you can get away with taller lifts, but 1.5"-2" lifts is what I would suggest.

Then there are elevator shoes. The point is that: I don't like em, they cost way more than shoe lifts. Anyway, if you want to buy em, buy the ones that have intern lifts.

Morning Height AS you probably know, men on average shrink about 1 inch from right after they wake to before they go to sleep, with the majority of this shrinkage in the first 2-5 hours. This shrinkage increases/happens faster if you work out, do phisical labour. What you should do is simply this: when you care about appearing taller, just put up some hours of sleep, and try to not do shit. Trust me it makes a difference.

Now, the most important thing LEG LENGTHENING. At this point LL is obviously legit, unless you care about your athletic abilities. Obviously it is one of the worst surgeries in terms of cost, recovery and risks. Anyway there wouldn't be any LL surgery if you were LIKELY to have serious problems or be in a wheelchair, but anyway, it is still one of the highest risk surgeries. If you get a LL you should get 2-3" inches taller, more than that and you'll completely fuck up your proportions, higher risks, higher recovery time etc. You can easily search online for the procedure, but don't matter how you wanna put it, it is a fairly dangerous procedure, you will never recover your full athletic ability, you'll face pain, scars, infection risks are not low, there's a chance that your bone doesn't heal longer, you can damage your blood vessels, your bones will be weakened.
Anyway, the risks whilst high, are not so high that LL should be discharged, but yeah, LL is one of the surgeries with the most chances to go wrong, one of the most painful, with the longest recovery time and it costs a whole lot, 80-100 k in the US, 50+ unless you go in a third world country, and it is banned in some countries. Would I do it? Hell no, Just run lifts game.

1.5" lifts (that probably compress to 1.2" often) + 0.5" taller than average shoes + showing up close to your morning height when all the other guys have been up the whole day = 2.5 INCHES ROBBED, YOU MOG A LOT OF PEOPLE YOU WOULDN'T MOG WITHOUT LOOKING UNNATURAL. Obviously there are much taller lifts than this but you'll risk catting caught, you risk looking weird etc.

Height situation:

In these place you are fucked if you are less than 6 feet: dinaric alps, bosnia, netherlands, montenegro, denmark, norway, serbia, GERMANY, iceland, sweden, lithuania, austria, finland, croatia, slovenia, czech republic, slovakia, estonia, new zealand, poland, bulgaria, Russia

in african, asian, south american, most north america excluding usa and sum shit, third world, retarded country and turkey, uruguay, portugal, romania you are safe at basically any height.

Avoid big cities, capitals, turism cities, niggas are taller in there.

The reason why in the situations that matter everybody looks taller than you is that short people, ugly people, shitty body people, poor people, no friends people don't go to parties, don't travel, don't run game, don't do stuff that have an high aesthetic component. While beautiful, tall, great physique, rich, full of friends dudes are incentivized to go to all these places.
Try to look at how many people mog you in the streets, at the supermarket, in a normal situation, and how many people mog you at a party, or at ibiza, laganas, at a damn boat party etc. But then again, if you say I'm 6'2" and I don't feel tall, kill yourself.

In normal countries this is the definitive guide, if you don't agree you're like the fucking females:

5'6" and under: your life will always be about your height, you're honestly a different animal from normal height males. only like 25% of females will accept your height, and only 10% won't consider is as a flaw. life is a joke at this point. Under 5'4" you'll be one of the shortest dudes you know and you'll met when you go out, and more than half of the females will be taller than you. At a party, given the heels that females wear, good luck at finding a living organism that doesn't mog you, sports are not suited for you, even clothes and shoes are not etc, but for the mating game, under 5'6" is basically all the same unless you have a condition

5'7"-5'8": big flaw, probably more than half of the female population won't consider a dude at your height. any quality that you have will be viewed as "he is shoooort, but he has quality x quality y quality z" or worse "he has quality x quality y quality z, but he is short, so fuck him". only like 25% of females won't care about your flaw (even if they still know that they'llhave to justify it to their friends, their male friends will probably make fun of you when you aren't there etc) or think that "he's not that short".

5'9"-10": your height is a slight flaw, only a small, but still relevant, percentage of females will reject you for your height, and more than half of the females won't consider you less than if you was like 5'11". this is an height where you can easily use shoe lifts and there's a chance you'll be called tall. (frfr, I'm almost 5'10" and I swear that only one time in my life I've been called tall my females and they were both sub 5'4", I went out with lifts [at parties, pubs etc.] multiple times and more than once I've been called tall. I can only imagine the confidence boost if you've been tall your whole life and you aren't ugly or autistic. There's a slim chance that you could AMOG someone.

5'11"-6": your height is certainly more a quality than a flaw, only some 5'9" and taller will reject your height (most tall females are ugly, just model type of tall girls can reject your height)

6'1"-2": your height is a big quality and an importan part of your life, only 1% of females won't accept your height, and almost every girl will consider it a big quality.

6'3": God height. Every girl will be turned on by your height, you shouldn't look weird, you shouldn't be so tall that you can't find clothes for you or fit in stuff, you will absolutely mog 90% of the male population (meaning that you are CLEARLY taller than 90% of males), you can go out with absolutely flat shoes or in tall populated places without having to worry to not look tall. At this point if you aren't in the last 1/5 in terms of looks/status, you shouldn't have many problems.

6'4" and more: at this point it's all about if you aren't too slim and you don't look or sound or walk weird, I know a guy who was 6'3" at 12-13 years old and is 6'7" now and he has the typical pretty boy face, doesn't have anything weird as most extremely tall guys etc. The taller the better, unless you have the typical flaws of guys who are extremely tall. Not to mention that many girls have a freakishly tall fetish. Not to mention that at this height you have a GREAT possibility to do great/have a career in sports.

If you don't agree with this you are delusional and you judge things like females do, and you have so little real word experience that you think you are short at 6'1" because one girl said that she only dates 8' plus males or you've been at a party where multiple dudes were 6'5" plus. Kill yourself.

Last but not least if you think you are too tall, kill yourself. You are not too tall, you are ugly and with your height you gets noticed more, or you're ugly and people hate you and they use your tallness to insult for no reason, but you are not too tall. Just work out and eat, or lose body fat, walk like a human being, don't be a douchebag, dress like a non autistic, and, most importantly, looksmax to try to not have a serious flaw, with your height not having big flaws should be enough,

Oh and btw, there's a correlation between height and penis length.
op the location place is very true. went to mexico city expecting to heightmog but got heightmogged by the european tourists instead
  • JFL
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its difficult to grow taller but its possible dont take limitations on yourself
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a lot of times it isn't real hgh, it costs a lot and it can have big side effects
If you can't source real hgh generic or pharmacy, it might be natural selection atp.

Generic hgh doesn't cost that much.

What "big side effects"? Unless you are a very unlikely outlier or doing something careless like not monitoring your blood sugar or have cancer or something abnormal, it is going to be one of the safest PEDs or compounds of that nature that you can take. Other things like insulin resistance can be mitigated with metformin.

Then there are peptides (CJC-c1295 and GHRP-2), that work (I don't know how much less effective than hgh) and cost way less.

They are far less cost effective than hgh. Only reason I'd run those is if I for some reason couldn't take hgh or unlimited budget to run whatever I wanted.
The difference between 6 foot and 6 foot 2 is mind boggling.

6 foot is above average while 6'2 is the start of the mog territory.

(Measured with an aerosol can at night time, many people are 3 cm - 5 cm shorter than how tall they believe they are)
  • +1
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The difference between 6 foot and 6 foot 2 is mind boggling.

6 foot is above average while 6'2 is the start of the mog territory.
True but a true 6’3 is when you genuinely are tall
  • +1
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I remember reading this in the lookism days
One of the most blackpilling posts
Last edited:
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If you are a manlet after 16, you will be a manlet all of your life. If you are tall, you'll be tall.
If you are past 13-14, don't try to do shit to grow, except for extreme cases of starved kids, kids with fucked up postures or sleep deprived etc. so except from 2% of the population, if a dude from like 10 years old on does everything right to grow as much as he can, probably he can squeeze out 2-3 cm more than somebody who doesn't do anything, out of the 40 cm they still have to grow. If you think that at an age where you have on average 1 inch to grow (on average a male grows less than 1.5" after 16 and less than 1" after 17) you can do something to grow more, you are retarded. Males stop growing at 19, even 1 cm growth after that is an outlier, they don't grow until 24 or 21, if you arrived at this point of your life thinking that that "24" referred to height growth, kill yourself
Anyway, if you are VERY young, do stuff you find online (eat and sleep right, do the exercises you find online). If you look much younger than your age, with less beard, body hair etc, chances are that you have more than average to grow, but still it would be stupid to dream for much growth.


I don't know how you can get hgh in your country, but: a lot of times it isn't real hgh, it costs a lot and it can have big side effects, anyway basically the younger you are the more it is effective. It triggers the pituitary gland to release more HGH into the bloodstream. This helps a lot since more HGH in the bloodstream means more growth hormones are made and distributed in the body. Given how much it costs one could think about about doing this: you see if your doctor approves hgh for you, and then try to buy it from the black market or sum shit to don't spend so much. Honestly in italy I could do all the surgeries I want to do and go from irl 4 to 8 with the money you have to spend for 1 year of HGH. Obviously if you try to buy it in strange ways there's the risk that it is unealthy or not effective, so it's your take. Anyway, generally doctors will prescribe HGH if you actually lack HGH. If you are so lucky that you find out that you have a deficiency, you won't have to spend that much money.

I know two dudes that took it at young age and it worked great from what I know, don't think they had healt issues, they grew up.

Then there are peptides (CJC-c1295 and GHRP-2), that work (I don't know how much less effective than hgh) and cost way less.

There's a lot of stuff (MK-677, glutamine, aromasine, honestly winstrol too, niacin) but yeah, a lot of shit is a scam or won't work on you anyway. then again, the point is, the closer you are to the end of your growth, the more useless it is to try shit. if you are a babycel, do your research. Don't listen to retards. If you want do an x-ray to cheek your growth plates to know if you're done, do it, but even this has a cost, if you are into looksmaxing and you plan to spend money on it, don't do this.

Posture: again, excluding dudes with really fucked up spines, the idea that posture can give you 2 inches more means that when you walk you'll walk taller, but when you measure yourself you're at peak height, extending yourself, correct posture helps you to walk closer to your peak height. A lot of people have scoliosis, lordosis etc so if you want, do the right exercises for your case, but then again, unless you are so fucked up that you have bad posture even when you measure yourself, posture doesn't mean shit. Then again, you can try stuff you find online, hanging from a bar, hanging from a bar with weights, and obviously keep your back straight, head up, shoulders wide down and wide, don't slouch when you sit, find the right mattress, do exercises you find online, but again, 99% of times posture isn't related to your PEAK HEIGHT. Honestly, if you are on lookism you should be aware of stuff, so if you walk all slouched, kill yourself.

Try to avoid cervical hernia, that shit can make your shorter.

Don't be fat.

If you think you have lost height, you probably have not. Males lose on average 3 cm from 25 to 70.

How to appear taller: the right clothes and haircuts will make you look taller, but the real shit is shoe lifts + mantaining your morning height.

Shoe lifts: there isn't much to say: the only way to stand taller than you are, is to put something under you that will lift you up. Lifts don't cost shit and unless you're going to do sports, you can get away with 1.5" lifts almost anywhere.
Will people notice? If they know you, probably yes. If they don't, no. Anyway, if they question you, just say you've got tall shoes, in a disco, you can get away with taller lifts, but 1.5"-2" lifts is what I would suggest.

Then there are elevator shoes. The point is that: I don't like em, they cost way more than shoe lifts. Anyway, if you want to buy em, buy the ones that have intern lifts.

Morning Height AS you probably know, men on average shrink about 1 inch from right after they wake to before they go to sleep, with the majority of this shrinkage in the first 2-5 hours. This shrinkage increases/happens faster if you work out, do phisical labour. What you should do is simply this: when you care about appearing taller, just put up some hours of sleep, and try to not do shit. Trust me it makes a difference.

Now, the most important thing LEG LENGTHENING. At this point LL is obviously legit, unless you care about your athletic abilities. Obviously it is one of the worst surgeries in terms of cost, recovery and risks. Anyway there wouldn't be any LL surgery if you were LIKELY to have serious problems or be in a wheelchair, but anyway, it is still one of the highest risk surgeries. If you get a LL you should get 2-3" inches taller, more than that and you'll completely fuck up your proportions, higher risks, higher recovery time etc. You can easily search online for the procedure, but don't matter how you wanna put it, it is a fairly dangerous procedure, you will never recover your full athletic ability, you'll face pain, scars, infection risks are not low, there's a chance that your bone doesn't heal longer, you can damage your blood vessels, your bones will be weakened.
Anyway, the risks whilst high, are not so high that LL should be discharged, but yeah, LL is one of the surgeries with the most chances to go wrong, one of the most painful, with the longest recovery time and it costs a whole lot, 80-100 k in the US, 50+ unless you go in a third world country, and it is banned in some countries. Would I do it? Hell no, Just run lifts game.

1.5" lifts (that probably compress to 1.2" often) + 0.5" taller than average shoes + showing up close to your morning height when all the other guys have been up the whole day = 2.5 INCHES ROBBED, YOU MOG A LOT OF PEOPLE YOU WOULDN'T MOG WITHOUT LOOKING UNNATURAL. Obviously there are much taller lifts than this but you'll risk catting caught, you risk looking weird etc.

Height situation:

In these place you are fucked if you are less than 6 feet: dinaric alps, bosnia, netherlands, montenegro, denmark, norway, serbia, GERMANY, iceland, sweden, lithuania, austria, finland, croatia, slovenia, czech republic, slovakia, estonia, new zealand, poland, bulgaria, Russia

in african, asian, south american, most north america excluding usa and sum shit, third world, retarded country and turkey, uruguay, portugal, romania you are safe at basically any height.

Avoid big cities, capitals, turism cities, niggas are taller in there.

The reason why in the situations that matter everybody looks taller than you is that short people, ugly people, shitty body people, poor people, no friends people don't go to parties, don't travel, don't run game, don't do stuff that have an high aesthetic component. While beautiful, tall, great physique, rich, full of friends dudes are incentivized to go to all these places.
Try to look at how many people mog you in the streets, at the supermarket, in a normal situation, and how many people mog you at a party, or at ibiza, laganas, at a damn boat party etc. But then again, if you say I'm 6'2" and I don't feel tall, kill yourself.

In normal countries this is the definitive guide, if you don't agree you're like the fucking females:

5'6" and under: your life will always be about your height, you're honestly a different animal from normal height males. only like 25% of females will accept your height, and only 10% won't consider is as a flaw. life is a joke at this point. Under 5'4" you'll be one of the shortest dudes you know and you'll met when you go out, and more than half of the females will be taller than you. At a party, given the heels that females wear, good luck at finding a living organism that doesn't mog you, sports are not suited for you, even clothes and shoes are not etc, but for the mating game, under 5'6" is basically all the same unless you have a condition

5'7"-5'8": big flaw, probably more than half of the female population won't consider a dude at your height. any quality that you have will be viewed as "he is shoooort, but he has quality x quality y quality z" or worse "he has quality x quality y quality z, but he is short, so fuck him". only like 25% of females won't care about your flaw (even if they still know that they'llhave to justify it to their friends, their male friends will probably make fun of you when you aren't there etc) or think that "he's not that short".

5'9"-10": your height is a slight flaw, only a small, but still relevant, percentage of females will reject you for your height, and more than half of the females won't consider you less than if you was like 5'11". this is an height where you can easily use shoe lifts and there's a chance you'll be called tall. (frfr, I'm almost 5'10" and I swear that only one time in my life I've been called tall my females and they were both sub 5'4", I went out with lifts [at parties, pubs etc.] multiple times and more than once I've been called tall. I can only imagine the confidence boost if you've been tall your whole life and you aren't ugly or autistic. There's a slim chance that you could AMOG someone.

5'11"-6": your height is certainly more a quality than a flaw, only some 5'9" and taller will reject your height (most tall females are ugly, just model type of tall girls can reject your height)

6'1"-2": your height is a big quality and an importan part of your life, only 1% of females won't accept your height, and almost every girl will consider it a big quality.

6'3": God height. Every girl will be turned on by your height, you shouldn't look weird, you shouldn't be so tall that you can't find clothes for you or fit in stuff, you will absolutely mog 90% of the male population (meaning that you are CLEARLY taller than 90% of males), you can go out with absolutely flat shoes or in tall populated places without having to worry to not look tall. At this point if you aren't in the last 1/5 in terms of looks/status, you shouldn't have many problems.

6'4" and more: at this point it's all about if you aren't too slim and you don't look or sound or walk weird, I know a guy who was 6'3" at 12-13 years old and is 6'7" now and he has the typical pretty boy face, doesn't have anything weird as most extremely tall guys etc. The taller the better, unless you have the typical flaws of guys who are extremely tall. Not to mention that many girls have a freakishly tall fetish. Not to mention that at this height you have a GREAT possibility to do great/have a career in sports.

If you don't agree with this you are delusional and you judge things like females do, and you have so little real word experience that you think you are short at 6'1" because one girl said that she only dates 8' plus males or you've been at a party where multiple dudes were 6'5" plus. Kill yourself.

Last but not least if you think you are too tall, kill yourself. You are not too tall, you are ugly and with your height you gets noticed more, or you're ugly and people hate you and they use your tallness to insult for no reason, but you are not too tall. Just work out and eat, or lose body fat, walk like a human being, don't be a douchebag, dress like a non autistic, and, most importantly, looksmax to try to not have a serious flaw, with your height not having big flaws should be enough,

Oh and btw, there's a correlation between height and penis length.
Oh man I wish I was 6”4 with a wolverine physique
Here is your NONCOPE guide:
1) LL surgery
2) Shoe lifts (up to 3 inches, 4 if you are insane)
then when you fuck shes gonna ask why youre a manlet

non cope:
wear shoes that give 1.5 inches of height max

or be 6'2 like me JFL
@looksmaxxing223 Over...
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@JohnDoe check your private convos why i explained everything
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