Confidence isn't cope for most men |π’π“πŽπ π‚πŽππˆππ†|

Deleted member 5187

Deleted member 5187

Feb 10, 2020
I agree that confidence is heavily correlated to looks both perceived and actual confidence.

That's why this is a confident man when searching:
Signs of a Self Confident Man intro

And this is an unconfident one:

Most bad looking men will have shit confidence beacuse they are perceived this way and shut down if acting any other way.
Most GL men will have good confidence because of the easier road in life.

However most users and men in general can reach atleast average in looks if they actually tried.
This is where confidence will have the biggest impact, as the confidence perceived by peers is neutral at start (for the average looking).

This is were users saying confidence is cope are wrong.
When confidence is perceived as neutral from start there is much more wiggle room.
An average looking man can based on behaviour be seen as either confident or non confident.

If you're average looking you will never be perceived as confident until behaviour is a factor to the equation.

Confidence is imo linked to test and a dimorphic trait / this is also why looks = confidence = test / all are correlated.
This isn't linear correlation and thus behaviour impacts perceived confidence for most men.

We're pack animals, we want to be lead and herded by a leader, this leader needs to be confident in his own action to impact others.

You need to be confident to go far in life it applies to everything career, economic decisions, girls, family, friends and all else.

Confidence is attractive to all aspects of life.

Saying it's cope is the coping.
It's like shooting yourself in the foot and complaining running is hard.

I can't teach anyone to be confident but what helped me greatly is just doing.
Stop overthinking, whenever I overthink I say fuck it, count to 3 and do it.
Most times you got shit to lose and a lot to gain.
I started being more social, doing more stuff surrounded by different ages, genders, personality types etc.
This helped me accept my own opinions and character.

Fake it till you make it and stop coping if you're average looking.

Men shall act confident even if they aren't if average or above average looking.
It's not an option but a must, it's a dimorphic trait, just as much as pissing standing.
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Gonna have to start applying this, overthinking/overanalyzing things has always killed me.
It ridicules one of too much good than it saves one from harm/negative output
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Reactions: Zdeweilx and Gargantuan
Dn rd but seems bluepilled
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Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex and Deleted member 4464
Confidence is legit ngl. When I get super plastered and low inhib, women start to come on a lot more strongly. It does boost attraction. Albeit, the woman has to like you physically first for it to boost attraction, but if you meet the looks requirement, it boosts ur chances of getting a lay.
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Like I've always said, once you reach a certain threshold of looks, its more beneficial to start working on your personality than it is to continue looksmaxing.
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Reactions: Effortless and Deleted member 5187
I knew some gl guys and were pathetic autistic guys , so yeah confidence is an important trait but not the main thing
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Reactions: Perfect Hairline
How is it bluepilled?
Your fake normie confidence will mean jack when Chad walks in with his real confidence. It will also mean jack when you're not around to hear the other normies mock you behind your back for not knowing your place. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
i wouldnt expect such shit thread from you tbh
  • So Sad
Reactions: Toth's thot and Deleted member 5187
Your fake normie confidence will mean jack when Chad walks in with his real confidence. It will also mean jack when you're not around to hear the other normies mock you behind your back for not knowing your place. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
In your theory you shouldn't act confident at all unless PSL 7 or over? (I do agree that Chad's will always have the highest perceived confidence).
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless and Perfect Hairline
How is it bluepilled?

You should do both tbh.

Of course you should but theres so many autist on here thinking that looksmaxing is the only solution to their problems, even if they become good looking they'll still be autists with no experience in social interactions, they still won't know how to talk to people or pick up on social cues.

Being happy and content isn't all about getting pussy or looking good in the mirror, its also about having good friends that you can talk with and do shit with too.
  • +1
Reactions: Perfect Hairline and Deleted member 5187
Of course you should but theres so many autist on here thinking that looksmaxing is the only solution to their problems, even if they become good looking they'll still be autists with no experience in social interactions, they still won't know how to talk to people or pick up on social cues.

Being happy and content isn't all about getting pussy or looking good in the mirror, its also about having good friends that you can talk with and do shit with too.
Many users see everything black and white without a grey zone
It's either rope or lefort 2
It's either PSL 8 or no friends, job or pussy
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
Its true.
personality is very fucking important.
Only stupid rotters on this site would day otherwise.
I have seen personality theory in action 1000 times
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Women will honestly think it’s cringy if an ugly man acts confident, dom, or low inhib
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Women will honestly think it’s cringy if an ugly man acts confident, dom, or low inhib
Stated this clearly in the text tho
Women will honestly think it’s cringy if an ugly man acts confident, dom, or low inhib

Confidence isn't just about impressing women mate, its about having an overall better quality of life, the 'just do it' mentality will give you more chances to succeed at life.

If you want to do something but not confident enough to do it, your mindset is you're not even going to try. If you never try, you will never succeed.
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Reactions: Deleted member 5187

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