Contemplating MGTOW maxing.

Deleted member 6113

Deleted member 6113

Apr 1, 2020
I'm curious on this forum a opinion on mgtow. I don't see it get mentioned nearly ever. It's been running through my head a lot. To escape to the country and raise cattle until my days end. This isn't very likely for me in the near future I have a decent base to ascend upon so I might as well. In the future though i would love to escape and just "I am legend" max with my dog and live the peaceful life trolling on .me in my free time and ejaculating into a pocket pussy.
The big fail of the movement is they talk about women all the time because many came out of disaster divorces. Are you really going your own way if you're letting women live in your head rent free?
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Might as well get a thai wife to keep you company
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The big fail of the movement is they talk about women all the time because many came out of disaster divorces. Are you really going your own way if you're letting women live in your head rent free?
Right. It's contradictory as the whole movement being based off living free of women yet your constantly taking and thinking about it. If you completely detach yourself I'd be ideal honestly.
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What is there to say about it?
99% of the self proclaimed mgtows are fucking losers for hating women on what they failed
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99% of the self proclaimed mgtows are fucking losers for hating women on what they failed
Why are they losers for hating women. They were tricked I can understand why the hate women. I don't understand how you can be blackpilled and not see women as a net negative to your life.
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MGTOW is literally just incel but with heavy coping.
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The idea of not getting married to avoid getting cucked and not having children to not have to pay child support and alimony is actually very good and useful, but the problem with mgtow is that they have very misogynistic beliefs that they use to cope with their lifestyle. Instead of just living a life free of women, they constantly think and talk about women although they claim that they don't actually care about them. They are hypocrites who actually wish to find a good woman but claim that they don't believe in such things because although they really want to go their own way, they can't because it goes against their human nature, and instead of just accepting their nature, they try to fight against their own biology which of course doesn't work. Humans, at their core, are social animals, so the whole idea of the mgtow lifestyle makes no sense at all. But their ideas on the gynocentric laws surrounding first world countries are actually true and helpful for young men who want to avoid making the same mistakes that they made. Going MGTOW is fine if you can actually pull it off, but joining the online group called "MGTOW" only makes you an incel in denial.
Why are they losers for hating women. They were tricked I can understand why the hate women. I don't understand how you can be blackpilled and not see women as a net negative to your life.
Because hating your biological imperative doesn't make it disappear. As long as we men are healthy, for most of our life, we have the desire to have sex with women, and that desire can be very intense and long lasting and if it is not satisfied by real sex, if we are not able to get into real relationships, then we feel like we have failed at life no matter how many great things we accomplish. It doesn't matter how many great feats you accomplish with either your brain or body if you cannot even fulfill your biological imperative. MGTOW tries to make you believe that you can actually challenge your own humanity by becoming something that is unnatural and not actually possible. MGTOWs tell young men to just masturbate or do Nofap and avoid sex with women to instead focus on more fulfilling hobbies. But the truth is that there is no hobby out there that can be more fulfilling than sex with a woman. They know this deep down but they pretend that anyone who thinks that is wrong, and that they hold the key to a happy life.

MGTOWs are not guys who were tricked to believe that looks don't matter or to be nice guys, MGTOW are guys who believe that, as a heterosexual man, you can live your entire life without women and be happier as a result. Seeing women as a net negative is dumb because it is our biological imperative to love them and to want to have sex with them, so suggesting that they are the devil is not only absurd but is also preventing you from becoming truly fulfilled.

So many guys on here claim that they want to become Chads and that they will swear off women until they achieve that goal but the truth is that in the meantime, until this actually happens, they feel very miserable. But if they were to lower their standards massively and settle for an uglier girlfriend at least at first, they would be happier, even if they are being treated as worth much less than the Chad they could have become. For years, I made the mistake of having such high standards that I prevented myself from having what I truly wanted for the past 6 years, this has led to a meaningless and unproductive life of misery.

TL ; DR: MGTOW claim that a fulfilling life is a life free of women where you focus on your hobbies and interests instead.
In reality, our hobbies and our interests are not what make us happy or give our life meaning, it is instead the sex, companionship and the children that we get from women that make us happier and more fulfilled in life.
MGTOW claim the opposite of reality, and by going against reality, they go against the true path to happiness, which is unnatural and wrong.
The idea of not getting married to avoid getting cucked and not having children to not have to pay child support and alimony is actually very good and useful, but the problem with mgtow is that they have very misogynistic beliefs that they use to cope with their lifestyle. Instead of just living a life free of women, they constantly think and talk about women although they claim that they don't actually care about them. They are hypocrites who actually wish to find a good woman but claim that they don't believe in such things because although they really want to go their own way, they can't because it goes against their human nature, and instead of just accepting their nature, they try to fight against their own biology which of course doesn't work. Humans, at their core, are social animals, so the whole idea of the mgtow lifestyle makes no sense at all. But their ideas on the gynocentric laws surrounding first world countries are actually true and helpful for young men who want to avoid making the same mistakes that they made. Going MGTOW is fine if you can actually pull it off, but joining the online group called "MGTOW" only makes you an incel in denial.

There are surely a lot of misogynistic copers in MGTOW circles, but I'd take that over people being delusional or clueless any day of the week. It would be great if one could learn and talk about female nature and the realities of the world without being branded as a hater of some sorts. I agree with all your other points though.
Most MGTOWs are actually MSTOWS btw. Aka Men SENT Their Own Way aka incels in denial.
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