Controversial: how important is being NT actually?


Deleted member 25835

Time can be unforgivable
Jan 23, 2023
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I am objectively a high MTN/low HTN standing at a good height of 1,88m and I really shouldn't have any trouble getting a gf in a conservative country such as mine, but because of my social ineptness, I end up rotting here instead of partying like everybody else.

NT or death.
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it's cope and hardly anyone here is actually neurodivergent.
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not that important
unless if you're MTN-HTN and genuinely into rap culture, football and getting wasted at parties, it's cope
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I am objectively a high MTN/low HTN standing at a good height of 1,88m and I really shouldn't have any trouble getting a gf in a conservative country such as mine, but because of my social ineptness, I end up rotting here instead of partying like everybody else.

NT or death.
How do you think your social ineptness is keeping you from dating?
I am objectively a high MTN/low HTN standing at a good height of 1,88m and I really shouldn't have any trouble getting a gf in a conservative country such as mine, but because of my social ineptness, I end up rotting here instead of partying like everybody else.

NT or death.
same, im very non nt also
How do you think your social ineptness is keeping you from dating?
maybe by being non nt you cant socialize or have no social group or know people in general and therefore cant get to know women?
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How do you think your social ineptness is keeping you from dating?
I keep acting like a retard in front of others; I cannot handle myself in an argument without wanting to strangle the opposing point's representative (people always argue dishonestly); I can't speak in my native language properly due to being trilingual; I am very shy yet incredibly outgoing at times.

I could go on, by the way.
Tbilisi – A History in Tales - Artanuji Publishing
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I keep acting like a retard in front of others; I cannot handle myself in an argument without wanting to strangle the opposing point's representative (people always argue dishonestly); I can't speak in my native language properly due to being trilingual; I am very shy yet incredibly outgoing at times.

I could go on, by the way.
Tbilisi – A History in Tales - Artanuji Publishing
where u from?
I keep acting like a retard in front of others; I cannot handle myself in an argument without wanting to strangle the opposing point's representative
feign ignorance and look pretty, in most cases women see this as an opportunity to talk about their retarded views and opinions, just nod along but pay attention, don't actually bother forming opinions, women don't want to hear solutions.

congratulations you now pass 90% of shit tests.
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  • Hmm...
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I feel like it kind of is important because we know most girls give ios but won't approach unless chadlite+ so if your non nt your just never gonna approach or if you do you just scare the whore away cause of your autism

btw not even excusing my inceldom for "muh nt" because i know for sure its mainly my lack of good looks but my autism doesn't help
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feign ignorance and look pretty, in most cases women see this as an opportunity to talk about their retarded views and opinions, just nod along but pay attention, don't actually bother forming opinions, women don't want to hear solutions.

congratulations you now pass 90% of shit tests.
ქართველი ხარ?!
View attachment 2056030
that city looks beautiful
Only the old city looks nice, rest is the typical Eastern European commieblock shite.
feign ignorance and look pretty, in most cases women see this as an opportunity to talk about their retarded views and opinions, just nod along but pay attention, don't actually bother forming opinions, women don't want to hear solutions.

congratulations you now pass 90% of shit tests.
Easier said than done. I am a very opinionated person and I constantly search for the truth, even when people don't want to hear it. They don't like their realities shattered.
Easier said than done. I am a very opinionated person and I constantly search for the truth, even when people don't want to hear it. They don't like their realities shattered.
so am I, but arguing with women accomplishes absolutely nothing ever, at most they're able to distinguish problems but they're rarely ever able to come with solutions for them so what's even the point of asking.

and you have to realize, for all intents and purposes they're not even living in the same reality as you are, what they're saying might be true for them but that doesn't make it applicable to you, there's usually more than one answer.

the one thing you need to know about neurotypicals is that they love hearing themselves talk, they don't care for hearing you nearly as much, if 90% of the conversation was just them ranting on about retarded opinions they'll remember it as a 'good conversation'
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ქართველი ხარ?!

Only the old city looks nice, rest is the typical Eastern European commieblock shite.

Easier said than done. I am a very opinionated person and I constantly search for the truth, even when people don't want to hear it. They don't like their realities shattered.
my descents yes...
so am I, but arguing with women accomplishes absolutely nothing ever, at most they're able to distinguish problems but they're rarely ever able to come with solutions for them so what's even the point of asking.
and you have to realize, for all intents and purposes they're not even living in the same reality as you are, what they're saying might be true for them but that doesn't make it applicable to you, there's usually more than one answer.
As much as I hate to say it, you're right. A large portion (or hopefully a smaller amount) of women I've spoken to in my lifetime are indeed disconnected from reality. A group of girls in my class (who do very well on tests and such) un-ironically watch an Asian dude eat McDonald's food in front of a camera every time they get a chance to whip out their phones. It's sometimes beyond me how they can speak about sophisticated things like advanced mathematics while also being incredibly childish the next moment.
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nt is important as long as you're mtn+ if you're ltn doen't help at all , I see mtns outside with their looksmatch gf everyday
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As much as I hate to say it, you're right. A large portion (or hopefully a smaller amount) of women I've spoken to in my lifetime are indeed disconnected from reality. A group of girls in my class (who do very well on tests and such) un-ironically watch an Asian dude eat McDonald's food in front of a camera every time they get a chance to whip out their phones. It's sometimes beyond me how they can speak about sophisticated things like advanced mathematics while also being incredibly childish the next moment.
I wish I was high IQ.
nt is important as long as you're mtn+ if you're ltn doen't help at all , I see mtns outside with their looksmatch gf everyday
any good thread you can recommend for nt maxxing?
As much as I hate to say it, you're right. A large portion (or hopefully a smaller amount) of women I've spoken to in my lifetime are indeed disconnected from reality. A group of girls in my class (who do very well on tests and such) un-ironically watch an Asian dude eat McDonald's food in front of a camera every time they get a chance to whip out their phones. It's sometimes beyond me how they can speak about sophisticated things like advanced mathematics while also being incredibly childish the next moment.
hyper-emotional irrational women are unironically the best match for overly analytical autists because they don't argue about anything relevant so you'll never fight about anything and are satisfied with a hug as counter argument, but you do need to be able to use it to your advantage.

my girlfriend just rambles about the latest non existent social issues coined by popular media while I look at her, while repeating the same regurgitated opinions without a singular creative thought, then gets a kiss and shuts the fuck up.
hyper-emotional irrational women are unironically the best match for overly analytical autists because they don't argue about anything relevant so you'll never fight about anything and are satisfied with a hug as counter argument, but you do need to be able to use it to your advantage.
>Implying that I get to choose the women
my girlfriend just rambles about the latest non existent social issues coined by popular media while I look at her, while repeating the same regurgitated opinions without a singular creative thought, then gets a kiss and shuts the fuck up.
Oh well, thanks for the tips, I guess.
provided you're attractive?
I'm not exactly attractive.
I'm "normal". PSL 4.5-5.
Something that's expected of me already.
Height doesn't matter much either, it's not even a bonus since the shorter types don't even get to date.
Why would Mrs. X date me, when there's an assertive man that does everything better than I do?
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Very much important
It's the pre requisite for being a functional human being.
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Charisma = hyper NT, low inhib, extraversión, high IQ.
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Hitler and Neapelon almost conquered the world despite having meh looks and being framecels and manlets

Charisma is the only thing that can compete with the blackpill
Something like 80% of promotions occur due to connections?

And that's only an one-dimensional research study. The energy you transmit to other people is fucking paramount in the idea they have of you and how they treat you. The mindset and way you navigate through life largely defines what you're able to do too

so massively, but not just down to the term "NT"
I am objectively a high MTN/low HTN standing at a good height of 1,88m and I really shouldn't have any trouble getting a gf in a conservative country such as mine, but because of my social ineptness, I end up rotting here instead of partying like everybody else.

NT or death.
cope. you are here bc you are 1.88m if u were 1.90 you wouldnt be here.
im also unfortunately 186cm so am condemned to this site for seemingly eternity, or at least until i get my occularplastic surgeries which can compensate for my subhuman height.
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It is not important at all. Women only care about your appearance in bed.
If you’re not NT people can hear it within a few sentences. Today I was approached by two older women with smiles on their faces. With my autism+ replies I could tell they sniffed my non-nt status and their smiles turned into surprise face. Know I’m saying faggot
If you're non-NT it's important to mask. Personality can be cope but being overtly non-NT is a deal breaker for most normie friendships. Much less a relationship
One time I went to a club and this fat black girl was like "Yoooooo, lmao, your friend hasn't changed emotions the whole time he's been here" or something like that to one of my friends about me. I swear we had only been there for like 30 seconds. People notice if there's something off about you, that you're not following the program. I can think of this other time I ran into these two people on the way to some other club. This girl was like "Are you ready to have so much fun?" and I said something like "You still have fun?" Actually, it was nothing like that, but some sort of pseudophilsophical musing. I was tripping balls. But I could tell she got so disgusted that I was not on the same page as everyone else.
Well I haven't had a female friend IRL since elementary school, so there's that. Most ugly guys can make friends with women, not me.

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