Coping is good

Deleted member 39

Deleted member 39

The Inferior
Aug 11, 2018
Yo, coping is everything for truecels. 90% of Incels aren't truecels so it doesn't apply. But for me, coping is everything, it's the fuel to life. The way to make my life seem fulfilled..

There's no possibility to change my biggest flaws, the worst flaws a man can have: small size. My head will always be tiny and narrow, so will my hands, arms and wrists. My facial features will always be fucked. I'll always be short and have a feminine body. It is what it is.
Need to find copes to distract myself from that horrible luck I had. Literally beigg mogged by 99,9% of men takes a toll on your self-esteem and feeling of masculinity.
Ill start drawing, playing music, gymceling ANYTHING TO DISTRACT. THE GOAL IS TO DISTRACT YOURSELF FROM BAD INFLUENCES. Bad influences that remind smallcels like me of their subhumanity are: Parties, grocery shopping, clothes shopping, being a member in a sports club, using TikTok, Instagram, tinder etc.
It'll work for some time, and hopefully I'll get addicted to that shit so I can stay away from drugs for as long as possible.

Only bad thing about copes are that they successively get less efficient. When you're 35, deep down you know you should be a father raising a family, having a deeper purpose etc. Meanwhile you're fucking drawing, making music and other creative shit. But at least your life is stress free.


Just want to emphasize that you need to find what works for YOU.
People always give normie self improvement tips. The main goal of self improvement for me is to achieve the highest amount of happiness possible. That I gain by avoiding influences that I found to trigger my complexes.
I just want to stay inside the fucking house all day, gymcel at home, be creative at home, and work from home! Play in the backyard. That's it.
Whenever I step outside and see these fucking wannabe gangster ethnics, whenever I see foids or some stuck up white tallfags, whenever I see old obese morons who feel superior because they've amassed more body mass than the average American I get angry, frustrated, bitter and hateful.
I don't want to be like that. I want to be calm.
Corona is so good for mental health.
All I need is money and time at home.

I cringe at the times I've gone to parties trying to be a normie. Surrounded by 6'4 prettyboys. While I'm that nerdy skinny acne kid. Jfl @ this.

Life is a meme!
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dn rd
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Dn read but have +1
The thread makes no sense, I'm just using it as a diary. In 2070 I foresee a Chad stealing my posts and putting them in a book called "insights in the life of a subhuman" that shall one day be successful, popular, and the catalyst to an uprising
Some of you got dealt a rough hand during the genetic lottery
Feels kinda bad reading post like these
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Just move to Indonesia or some similar country.
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keep coping
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39
Just move to Indonesia or some similar country.
No, that would be weird. I want to stay with my family since they're the only people I have and feel comfortable with.
I might travel there once but that's it.
If I was completely alone and depressed moving to a shithole would probably be a good idea though.
  • +1
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It’s so sad man, my dopamine receptors are fucked I can’t really cope anymore. Might have to go on nofap and spiritual revive myself but prolly not going to happen because of lockdown. Gymcelling was my best cope tbh, being big was amazing but thanks to gyms being shutdown I can’t continue to get bigger and I’m losing size. My only cope was gymcelling hence my tag under my username, gymcelling gave me purpose in life, it what it Is I just play shitty games and discord rot
  • So Sad
  • +1
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No, that would be weird. I want to stay with my family since they're the only people I have and feel comfortable with.
I might travel there once but that's it.
If I was completely alone and depressed moving to a shithole would probably be a good idea though.

That’s just coping tho, you can still see your family a few weeks per year and keep in touch, if you say your life is so doomed and you really don’t see a solution to get it better than just move somewhere you can lead a normal and happy social life. Using family as an excuse is cope.
That’s just coping tho, you can still see your family a few weeks per year and keep in touch, if you say your life is so doomed and you really don’t see a solution to get it better than just move somewhere you can lead a normal and happy social life. Using family as an excuse is cope.
I gave up on the hope of a good social life, it's impossible. My social life would be even worse in Indonesia, there's a language barrier and my dislike against the Islam.

I mean, I still have some hope left. It's 2 letters. LL. But probably cope, it won't change the issues I mentioned before.
  • +1
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I gave up on the hope of a good social life, it's impossible. My social life would be even worse in Indonesia, there's a language barrier and my dislike against the Islam.

I mean, I still have some hope left. It's 2 letters. LL. But probably cope, it won't change the issues I mentioned before.
Out of curiosity what’s your height and PSL?
It’s so sad man, my dopamine receptors are fucked I can’t really cope anymore. Might have to go on nofap and spiritual revive myself but prolly not going to happen because of lockdown. Gymcelling was my best cope tbh, being big was amazing but thanks to gyms being shutdown I can’t continue to get bigger and I’m losing size. My only cope was gymcelling hence my tag under my username, gymcelling gave me purpose in life, it what it Is I just play shitty games and discord rot
I remember you from Co. You have much more potential than me since you actually posses the traits of a man, which is desirable to girls, colleagues and every other aspect of life basically. Don't waste it.
Out of curiosity what’s your height and PSL?
5'10 PSL3-4 maybe
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 4671
I remember you from Co. You have much more potential than me since you actually posses the traits of a man, which is desirable to girls, colleagues and every other aspect of life basically. Don't waste it.

5'10 PSL3-4 maybe
PSL 3-3.5 is basically the average person in US, plus average height and being white.
You are definitely not a truecel
PSL 3-3.5 is basically the average person in US, plus average height and being white.
You are definitely not a truecel
I'm below average when it comes to masculine traits, hence my inferiority complex. I use truecel as a term to describe my inferiority, not my chances with girls (barely care about that shit anymore ngl).
I live in Germany and I'm definitely below average height, skull, wrist, hand and feet size.
u gonna pay for it

clown, motherfucker... u are at my list

son of dog

piace of shit

u are lucky that no flyes rightnow



u gonna pay for it

son of dog


i fuck your mother

suck dick


u think it is a joke?

u think I am a clown?

u are at my list

son of dog
I'm below average when it comes to masculine traits, hence my inferiority complex. I use truecel as a term to describe my inferiority, not my chances with girls (barely care about that shit anymore ngl).
I live in Germany and I'm definitely below average height, skull, wrist, hand and feet size.
truecel = psl 1 - psl 2

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