Covering all aspects of my heightmaxxing experience, results, tips and struggles



I'll never stay a loser
Oct 30, 2023
Abuse of r-hGH (Human Growth Hormone) and AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) to lead to this;

Hormone therapy is done if a specialized doctor determines a deficiency only under professional medical supervision.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of the information you read in this guide.
Everything that followes is pure imagination.


I often get asked about my progress with heightmaxxing and additional questions about how starting the stack feels etc, so I decided to write a detailed post covering what I've done, the results I've seen, the mistakes I've made, lessons learned, and how I manage my finances along the way.

This post will be will be particularly interesting for those who are faced with the decision to start serious heightmaxxing, rather than for those already experienced.
However, anyone interested in the topic may find some interesting insights.​

My Precautions

Before I started heightmaxxing I got two X-rays and one blood test.

I x-rayed my carpal bones:


And later my knee:


And finally did a first blood test:

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)​
IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)​
TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)​
Free T3​
Free T4​
GOT (AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase)​
GPT (ALT - Alanine Aminotransferase)​
GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)​
ml/min/1.73 m²​

I soon realized my estradiol level was probably incorrect due to a brutal estrogen spike.
An estrogen spike is a temporary surge in estrogen levels, common in young adolescents due to puberty or other factors, great for growth plates (not).

After retesting I got my real E2 value I could work with.

The start of Exemestane

I started taking exemestane 4 months ago (135 days) at a dose of 3.15 mg daily. I didn’t notice much on the first day, but by the second through the sixth day, after increasing the dose to 6.25 mg daily, I experienced light headaches, increased fatigue—especially in the evenings—and much deeper sleep. I could clearly feel my body adjusting to the new compound.

After taking exemestane, I felt somewhat detached from reality; my vision and perception became slightly strange, similar to but far less intense than the effects of smoking weed.

My hunger and libido spiked—I found myself thinking about sex often and being more frequently erect. I also had an increased appetite and ate everything in sight.

One persistent side effect was a constant twitch, especially in my left foot. It lasted for about a month before finally going away. This twitching was probably the most noticeable and lingering effect I experienced.

After this brief 7-day phase, everything returned to normal.

After about 12 days, I did a new blood test to see if my dose of 6.25mg was sufficient to lower E2.
Back then I was convinced that the dose would be more than sufficient to lower my estrogen levels.​

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (Gamma-GT)16U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)18U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol171mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)100mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)63mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)105ml/min/1.73 m²
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out the exemestane dose was too low and I had to double my dose to 12,5mg ed.

The start of r-hGH

30 days after taking my first exemestane dose I injected my first dose of 2IU r-hGH.
Now 3 month and 2 weeks ago (107 days).

I was excited, the first time I had reconstructed the r-hGH and I didn't really knew if I had done everything right.
I remember looking up from the vial at my room door, the light seemed much more yellow than usual, it's quieter than normal and everything felt like a horror movie.

I look back onto my vial, draw the r-hGH into the syringe, remove my T-shirt, disinfect the injection site, and hold the needle poised before my stomach.
Then it hits me: Should I insert the needle quickly or slowly? I weigh my options—slowly might give me more control, but quickly could be more efficient.
Ultimately, I decide to proceed slowly, pressing gradually until I pierce my skin.
It doesn't feel that bad, not a bit of pain.

I'm sweating profusely. 20 minutes after the injection I feel a slight numbness in my chin and palate when I breathe out, something I have never felt before. I take a shower and go to bed. When I fall asleep I get two strong heart stumblings that startle me straight up, right before I fall asleep.

When I began taking exemestane, I experienced deeper sleep, but it was nothing compared to the sleep I got after starting r-hGH.
With r-hGH, I slept like a newborn. Upon waking, I felt completely alert and refreshed, as if I had just finished a boxing match rather than having slept. There was no trace of tiredness; I felt instantly awake and ready to jump out of bed.

From then on, I gradually increased my r-hGH dosage by 1 IU each week until I reached 6 IU.

I had no side effects except my heart which was just terrible.
I had a constant feeling of tightness in my left chest, my heart stumbed every time before I fell asleep and my blood pressure was constantly elevated on hypertension stage 2.

When I measured my blood pressure and got a value of 164 SYS mmHg, with the other 2 values being in the normal range, after literally meditating, I decided to finally go to the hospital and let it check.
With the constant feeling of tightness in my left chest and the heart stumbling, I really was fearful that everything was going well.
I skipped a day of r-hGH, injected a day, and skipped a day again.

In the hospital I was told that it was "good" if my heart could reach such pressure. The tightness in my chest is supposed to come from tension, which I should stretch out and take an ibuprofen so that everything returns to normal. I was also prescribed a cardiologist who I haven't seen to this day, but I plan to.

After about 10 days, my blood pressure normalized to a value of 140 SYS mmHg, which remains to this day, and the heart stumblings just before bed went away.
With them also my perfect sleep.

Because of my constant twitch from exemestane and the start of r-hGH I did a new blood test to ensure my health, including my electrolytes because of the twitch.​

Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)19U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)18U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)14U/l
Total Cholesterol146mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)83mg/dl
Sodium (Natrium)138mmol/l
Potassium (Kalium)4.4mmol/l
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out my exemestane, which was aromamed from deus medical, an indian UGL was first shit and second the dose was to still too low.
I got pharma aromasin from Pfizer and increased my dose to 20mg ed.

3 months after I started exemestane and 2 months after I started r-hGH (1 month since I'm on 6IU r-hGH), this is my most recent blood test (1 month ago):​

IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)551ng/ml
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)12U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)26U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GTT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol167mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)103mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)59mg/dl
Non-HDL Cholesterol108mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)93.9ml/min/1.73 m²
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)1.95mU/l
Free T4 (Thyroxine)12.4µg/dl
Estradiol (E2)18.4pg/ml

Finally, an okish E2 value, but my IGF-1 wide under my expectation of 600-700+ ng/ml, especially after this period of injection.
Let's not talk about my T. Also, the first time that a value is not in the reference range, creatinine is slightly too high.

Results TD:LR

In the past 107 days (3,5 months) on r-hGH, I've grown a total real growth of exactly 1,9cm.
The measurements were taken barefoot in the morning with an stadio meter.

You have to see it in relation to my growth velocity before r-hGH.
My stadiometer height measurements only start in January, but natty from January to May, a bit over 5 months I've grown 0,6cm.

My growth velocity has increased by a factor of about 4,45 times and my morning height increases every 15 days at least by a bit.
Additionally, I've seen the majority of this growth since I got to 4-6IU ED.

Before HGH: 0,004cm per day
On r-hGH: 0,0178cm per day

Even though the results may not seem special, I'm 17.4 years old, with similar bone age and you've seen my growth plates....
This was the respond of my endrologist, after sending him my x-rays btw (6 months ago):

The predicted adult height, taking into account parental height and mature bone age, is 1.76 cm. Men are fully grown at the age of 18, women at the age of 17. The bone age corresponds to your normal age because the radial epiphysis is almost fully developed. Growth in length is therefore no longer possible, not even with HGH (=growth hormone). Aromatase inhibitors don't play a role now. I'm sorry if I can't give you better hope here as the growth is already 98% complete. If you want to appear taller, there is also the option of adjusting your shoes with an increase of 2 cm, which is not visible on the outside. I hope this answers your question.

He estimated my future growth to 1cm and my final height to 176cm, like my pediatrician.
My morning height now is at 177,6cm, and I'm not even close to being done yet.

I have growing pains in my knee and ankle minutes after the injection every evening, and now they even start on their own when it gets darker.
  1. No noticeably facial changes, no nose or ear growth at all. -> Only thing I may say that my face looks a bit wider maybe.​
  2. No noticeably faster hair growth.​
  3. No noticeable faster wound healing.​
  4. No noticeably changes in my skin.​
  5. No noticeably faster nail growth.​
  6. No noticeably voice changes.​
  7. No changes in mood or similar.​
Note: I say that there were no noticeable changes, but I've observed subtle differences in some areas. For example, my nails seem to be growing faster, as I often notice dirt accumulating under them more frequently than before. Similarly, my skin has shown noticeable improvements, like fewer pimples and reduced redness in photos. However, I can't definitively attribute these changes to my current stack.

  1. I've noticed a significant decrease in libido, particularly towards porn.
    1. Over the past three months, I have literally forgotten about porn. I can't really explain how, but my brain just never reminded me too and I never did it, I would say fapping decreased at least by 80%. On the other hand I fuck bitches like a champ currently, so it's not really down.
    2. I would describe it as my short-term desire for sex is down while long-term foreplay stimulates is like always, very high for me.
    3. I can't say for sure if it's due to the AI.
  2. I first thought that my penis size decreased noticeably, but actually, my penis has grown in length by roughly 0,9cm in the past 3 months (Not in width).​
    1. However, I don't think my penis is filling with as much blood as it could. But this goes away when there is moisture - e.g. Lube, oil, spit, something like that.​
  3. I've gained around 3kg in weight​
  4. I noticed significantly increased facial hair growth, including new black hairs around my nipples about two weeks after starting the AI, which might just be a coincidence.​
  5. Despite not experiencing HGH bloat, my face always looks in the morning a bit puffy and on some days even wrinkled in the mornings, which are indicative of HGH effects.​

Mistakes and things I would do differently now

Make sure you stick to your times.​
In itself, it's not a big deal not to inject or supplement exactly on the hour, but it increases stress on yourself and is not favorable in the long term.​
The optimal time for AI is in the morning as soon as possible and the optimal time for r-hGH is in the evening between 9 and 10.​
The growth plates close constantly day and night, sleeping and awake.​
Don't waste your syringes, alcohol wipes and so on.​
In the beginning, it's normal to be overcautious and maybe throwing away a syringe if you hit something with the tip or generally making mistakes.​
But make sure to not exaggerate on it, to save money try to get used to using as less alcohol wipes, syringes etc as you can.​
In reality, if you want, you only need one insulin syringe to reconstruct and inject, only one alcohol wipe to disinfect everything sufficiently.​
Be cautious about the method of intake for exemestane;​
always take you exemestane with olive oil and/or a meal.​
Increase your doses more frequent, 1IU every week is not necessary, I would recommend increasing it 2IU per week.​
However, although some do it I wouldn't start with the goal dose instantly, always build up IMO.​
Make sure you buy a decent refrigerator.​
If you plan to put it in your room, pay attention to the volume.​
If your fridge gets wet there could be several reasons for it; Door seal is broken, door open for too long, condensation drain blocked, food too close to the back wall of the device. Clean the drain and place a small bowl of baking soda powder in the refrigerator.​
Take enough time and plan your appointments for blood tests well in advance, otherwise you could do too many.​
Increase doses faster, especially when it's about E2.​
And finally, I would have committed more - and I'll get to that now.​
  1. My sleep was the entire time utter shit -> perfect your sleep
  2. My diet was far to less -> eat, eat, eat
  3. My execises and stretching were close to non existing -> always stretch, sleep banded and do cardio and jump!
  4. My supplementation was irregular and poorly planned -> take your supplements regular
  5. My stress level; far too high -> meditate and enjoy your life
  6. My drug abuse was ... -> don't party to much with drugs bhai

Overall, I could have done much, much better here.

Future plans

I'm currently working on taking a break from r-hGH and have already worked my way back to 2 IU.

The reason is that I simply can't keep up with it at the moment—financially and time-wise.
I just need to take a break, for both me and my body.

I'm feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to follow a strict schedule, stay on track, and deal with money issues.
All this besides my final school years and much stress within my social circle.
Right now I need a time to to reposition myself.

But that's actually no problem at all and actually fits quite well into my plans.
I wanted to make a break to stay save for my health either way.

This break will be around 4-8 weeks, actually until I get my first loan from my mini-job I was just accepted, which will probably take about 5 weeks, and another week until I have bought all the things I need (I will continue with exemestane).

Going back on r-hGH

After going back on I'll increase my r-hGH dose to 8-10 IU ed for a period.

I'll change my supplier most likely from akralabs (which is great r-hGH!) to QSC just because they are so much cheaper.

I may be increasing my exemestane dose to 25mg ed, based on my next blood test.

I'll renew my supplement stack and add supplements, perfect my sleep and seriously work on improving my diet and exercise, stretching and so on.


I hope this has provided some valuable insight into real, well-documented heightmaxxing results and offered useful tips for the future.

If you have any suggestions or advice, please feel free to share them in the comments. Your input could be incredibly helpful to me!
















  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: lestoa, jordanisbetterthanu, pl@yboi and 9 others
Yoo nice, 1.9cm is everything. I'll read it properly now
  • +1
Reactions: ForeskinCarbonAlloy, 4lt.Real and tempelcat4
this is really well formatted, love this
  • +1
Reactions: tempelcat4, 4lt.Real and wastedspermcel
Nice bro, at what age?
  • +1
Reactions: tempelcat4 and wastedspermcel
Your endocrinologist must be seething now jfl, I'm actually surprised you managed to grow at bone age 17+.

Good advice at the end though man. I've got an Igf-1 blood test along with other markers on the 10th of October. After that I'll likely recommence my hgh cycle with exemestane.

Also do you think the quality and effectiveness of qsc hgh would vary from your previous source(akralabs?)
  • +1
Reactions: tempelcat4
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender, 4lt.Real and tempelcat4
Also do you plan on implementing peptides like cjc & ipamorelin? They're also pretty cheap for a long lasting supply if you're buying from QSC
Also do you think the quality and effectiveness of qsc hgh would vary from your previous source(akralabs?)
I'm not really sure yet. I've been in contact with one of the mods from DarkBodyBuilding, and I'll ask him. Although, his response will probably be logically oriented toward Akralabs. But I guess both are the same in the end.
  • +1
Reactions: wastedspermcel
Also do you plan on implementing peptides like cjc & ipamorelin? They're also pretty cheap for a long lasting supply if you're buying from QSC
Thought about it, may be doing it
  • +1
Reactions: wastedspermcel
Thought about it, may be doing it
Oh alright, btw we need way more threads like this from people who seriously plan on growing with the use hgh/peptides.
  • +1
Reactions: NZb6Air and tempelcat4
Oh alright, btw we need way more threads like this from people who seriously plan on growing with the use hgh/peptides.
i read every molecule but it's still not convincing, thoughts?
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and wastedspermcel
i read every molecule but it's still not convincing, thoughts?
Why would you think that? Tempelcat was always serious about this and I personally spoke with him on multiple occasions about it, just my opinion though
  • +1
Reactions: halloweed and NZb6Air
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender, org3cel.RR and halloweed
Why would you think that? Tempelcat was always serious about this and I personally spoke with him on multiple occasions about it, just my opinion though
The growth reported is within normal limits and the change in growth velocity isn't statistically significant? can't rule out natural variability since the time periods were too short 0.0178 literally same shit it's still normal
  • +1
Reactions: Outerz14 and wastedspermcel
@wastedspermcel I read everything but I saw the cardiac effects and that put me off alongside with the high blood pressure, the nails not noticeably growing, hair not noticeably growing, skin not changing is a bit odd considering his growth hormone levels are definitely above reference range. If you want to do it then go for it, but make sure to check your bloodwork consistently and growth plates just like this guy did.
  • +1
Reactions: Outerz14 and wastedspermcel
@wastedspermcel I read everything but I saw the cardiac effects and that put me off alongside with the high blood pressure, the nails not noticeably growing, hair not noticeably growing, skin not changing is a bit odd considering his growth hormone levels are definitely above reference range. If you want to do it then go for it, but make sure to check your bloodwork consistently and growth plates just like this guy did.
I guess we'll know for sure when he posts his next update using 8-10iu. I'll try get my knee growth plates checked but I know my bone age from my wrist is like 15 for sure
  • +1
Reactions: Outerz14, tempelcat4 and halloweed
Abuse of r-hGH (Human Growth Hormone) and AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) to lead to this;

Hormone therapy is done if a specialized doctor determines a deficiency only under professional medical supervision.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of the information you read in this guide.
Everything that followes is pure imagination.


I often get asked about my progress with heightmaxxing and additional questions about how starting the stack feels etc, so I decided to write a detailed post covering what I've done, the results I've seen, the mistakes I've made, lessons learned, and how I manage my finances along the way.

This post will be will be particularly interesting for those who are faced with the decision to start serious heightmaxxing, rather than for those already experienced.
However, anyone interested in the topic may find some interesting insights.​

My Precautions

Before I started heightmaxxing I got two X-rays and one blood test.

I x-rayed my carpal bones:

View attachment 3215025View attachment 3215024

And later my knee:

View attachment 3215022View attachment 3215021

And finally did a first blood test:

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)​
IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)​
TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)​
Free T3​
Free T4​
GOT (AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase)​
GPT (ALT - Alanine Aminotransferase)​
GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)​
ml/min/1.73 m²​

I soon realized my estradiol level was probably incorrect due to a brutal estrogen spike.
An estrogen spike is a temporary surge in estrogen levels, common in young adolescents due to puberty or other factors, great for growth plates (not).

After retesting I got my real E2 value I could work with.

The start of Exemestane

I started taking exemestane 4 months ago (135 days) at a dose of 3.15 mg daily. I didn’t notice much on the first day, but by the second through the sixth day, after increasing the dose to 6.25 mg daily, I experienced light headaches, increased fatigue—especially in the evenings—and much deeper sleep. I could clearly feel my body adjusting to the new compound.

After taking exemestane, I felt somewhat detached from reality; my vision and perception became slightly strange, similar to but far less intense than the effects of smoking weed.

My hunger and libido spiked—I found myself thinking about sex often and being more frequently erect. I also had an increased appetite and ate everything in sight.

One persistent side effect was a constant twitch, especially in my left foot. It lasted for about a month before finally going away. This twitching was probably the most noticeable and lingering effect I experienced.

After this brief 7-day phase, everything returned to normal.

After about 12 days, I did a new blood test to see if my dose of 6.25mg was sufficient to lower E2.
Back then I was convinced that the dose would be more than sufficient to lower my estrogen levels.​

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (Gamma-GT)16U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)18U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol171mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)100mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)63mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)105ml/min/1.73 m²
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out the exemestane dose was too low and I had to double my dose to 12,5mg ed.

The start of r-hGH

30 days after taking my first exemestane dose I injected my first dose of 2IU r-hGH.
Now 3 month and 2 weeks ago (107 days).

I was excited, the first time I had reconstructed the r-hGH and I didn't really knew if I had done everything right.
I remember looking up from the vial at my room door, the light seemed much more yellow than usual, it's quieter than normal and everything felt like a horror movie.

I look back onto my vial, draw the r-hGH into the syringe, remove my T-shirt, disinfect the injection site, and hold the needle poised before my stomach.
Then it hits me: Should I insert the needle quickly or slowly? I weigh my options—slowly might give me more control, but quickly could be more efficient.
Ultimately, I decide to proceed slowly, pressing gradually until I pierce my skin.
It doesn't feel that bad, not a bit of pain.

I'm sweating profusely. 20 minutes after the injection I feel a slight numbness in my chin and palate when I breathe out, something I have never felt before. I take a shower and go to bed. When I fall asleep I get two strong heart stumblings that startle me straight up, right before I fall asleep.

When I began taking exemestane, I experienced deeper sleep, but it was nothing compared to the sleep I got after starting r-hGH.
With r-hGH, I slept like a newborn. Upon waking, I felt completely alert and refreshed, as if I had just finished a boxing match rather than having slept. There was no trace of tiredness; I felt instantly awake and ready to jump out of bed.

From then on, I gradually increased my r-hGH dosage by 1 IU each week until I reached 6 IU.

I had no side effects except my heart which was just terrible.
I had a constant feeling of tightness in my left chest, my heart stumbed every time before I fell asleep and my blood pressure was constantly elevated on hypertension stage 2.

When I measured my blood pressure and got a value of 164 SYS mmHg, with the other 2 values being in the normal range, after literally meditating, I decided to finally go to the hospital and let it check.
With the constant feeling of tightness in my left chest and the heart stumbling, I really was fearful that everything was going well.
I skipped a day of r-hGH, injected a day, and skipped a day again.

In the hospital I was told that it was "good" if my heart could reach such pressure. The tightness in my chest is supposed to come from tension, which I should stretch out and take an ibuprofen so that everything returns to normal. I was also prescribed a cardiologist who I haven't seen to this day, but I plan to.

After about 10 days, my blood pressure normalized to a value of 140 SYS mmHg, which remains to this day, and the heart stumblings just before bed went away.
With them also my perfect sleep.

Because of my constant twitch from exemestane and the start of r-hGH I did a new blood test to ensure my health, including my electrolytes because of the twitch.​

Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)19U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)18U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)14U/l
Total Cholesterol146mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)83mg/dl
Sodium (Natrium)138mmol/l
Potassium (Kalium)4.4mmol/l
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out my exemestane, which was aromamed from deus medical, an indian UGL was first shit and second the dose was to still too low.
I got pharma aromasin from Pfizer and increased my dose to 20mg ed.

3 months after I started exemestane and 2 months after I started r-hGH (1 month since I'm on 6IU r-hGH), this is my most recent blood test (1 month ago):​

IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)551ng/ml
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)12U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)26U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GTT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol167mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)103mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)59mg/dl
Non-HDL Cholesterol108mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)93.9ml/min/1.73 m²
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)1.95mU/l
Free T4 (Thyroxine)12.4µg/dl
Estradiol (E2)18.4pg/ml

Finally, an okish E2 value, but my IGF-1 wide under my expectation of 600-700+ ng/ml, especially after this period of injection.
Let's not talk about my T. Also, the first time that a value is not in the reference range, creatinine is slightly too high.

Results TD:LR

In the past 107 days (3,5 months) on r-hGH, I've grown a total real growth of exactly 1,9cm.
The measurements were taken barefoot in the morning with an stadio meter.

You have to see it in relation to my growth velocity before r-hGH.
My stadiometer height measurements only start in January, but natty from January to May, a bit over 5 months I've grown 0,6cm.

My growth velocity has increased by a factor of about 4,45 times and my morning height increases every 15 days at least by a bit.
Additionally, I've seen the majority of this growth since I got to 4-6IU ED.

Before HGH: 0,004cm per day
On r-hGH: 0,0178cm per day

Even though the results may not seem special, I'm 17.4 years old, with similar bone age and you've seen my growth plates....
This was the respond of my endrologist, after sending him my x-rays btw (6 months ago):

He estimated my future growth to 1cm and my final height to 176cm, like my pediatrician.
My morning height now is at 177,6cm, and I'm not even close to being done yet.

I have growing pains in my knee and ankle minutes after the injection every evening, and now they even start on their own when it gets darker.
  1. No noticeably facial changes, no nose or ear growth at all. -> Only thing I may say that my face looks a bit wider maybe.​
  2. No noticeably faster hair growth.​
  3. No noticeable faster wound healing.​
  4. No noticeably changes in my skin.​
  5. No noticeably faster nail growth.​
  6. No noticeably voice changes.​
  7. No changes in mood or similar.​
Note: I say that there were no noticeable changes, but I've observed subtle differences in some areas. For example, my nails seem to be growing faster, as I often notice dirt accumulating under them more frequently than before. Similarly, my skin has shown noticeable improvements, like fewer pimples and reduced redness in photos. However, I can't definitively attribute these changes to my current stack.

  1. I've noticed a significant decrease in libido, particularly towards porn.
    1. Over the past three months, I have literally forgotten about porn. I can't really explain how, but my brain just never reminded me too and I never did it, I would say fapping decreased at least by 80%. On the other hand I fuck bitches like a champ currently, so it's not really down.
    2. I would describe it as my short-term desire for sex is down while long-term foreplay stimulates is like always, very high for me.
    3. I can't say for sure if it's due to the AI.
  2. I first thought that my penis size decreased noticeably, but actually, my penis has grown in length by roughly 0,9cm in the past 3 months (Not in width).​
    1. However, I don't think my penis is filling with as much blood as it could. But this goes away when there is moisture - e.g. Lube, oil, spit, something like that.​
  3. I've gained around 3kg in weight​
  4. I noticed significantly increased facial hair growth, including new black hairs around my nipples about two weeks after starting the AI, which might just be a coincidence.​
  5. Despite not experiencing HGH bloat, my face always looks in the morning a bit puffy and on some days even wrinkled in the mornings, which are indicative of HGH effects.​

Mistakes and things I would do differently now

Make sure you stick to your times.​
In itself, it's not a big deal not to inject or supplement exactly on the hour, but it increases stress on yourself and is not favorable in the long term.​
The optimal time for AI is in the morning as soon as possible and the optimal time for r-hGH is in the evening between 9 and 10.​
The growth plates close constantly day and night, sleeping and awake.​
Don't waste your syringes, alcohol wipes and so on.​
In the beginning, it's normal to be overcautious and maybe throwing away a syringe if you hit something with the tip or generally making mistakes.​
But make sure to not exaggerate on it, to save money try to get used to using as less alcohol wipes, syringes etc as you can.​
In reality, if you want, you only need one insulin syringe to reconstruct and inject, only one alcohol wipe to disinfect everything sufficiently.​
Be cautious about the method of intake for exemestane;​
always take you exemestane with olive oil and/or a meal.​
Increase your doses more frequent, 1IU every week is not necessary, I would recommend increasing it 2IU per week.​
However, although some do it I wouldn't start with the goal dose instantly, always build up IMO.​
Make sure you buy a decent refrigerator.​
If you plan to put it in your room, pay attention to the volume.​
If your fridge gets wet there could be several reasons for it; Door seal is broken, door open for too long, condensation drain blocked, food too close to the back wall of the device. Clean the drain and place a small bowl of baking soda powder in the refrigerator.​
Take enough time and plan your appointments for blood tests well in advance, otherwise you could do too many.​
Increase doses faster, especially when it's about E2.​
And finally, I would have committed more - and I'll get to that now.​
  1. My sleep was the entire time utter shit -> perfect your sleep
  2. My diet was far to less -> eat, eat, eat
  3. My execises and stretching were close to non existing -> always stretch, sleep banded and do cardio and jump!
  4. My supplementation was irregular and poorly planned -> take your supplements regular
  5. My stress level; far too high -> meditate and enjoy your life
  6. My drug abuse was ... -> don't party to much with drugs bhai

Overall, I could have done much, much better here.

Future plans

I'm currently working on taking a break from r-hGH and have already worked my way back to 2 IU.

The reason is that I simply can't keep up with it at the moment—financially and time-wise.
I just need to take a break, for both me and my body.

I'm feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to follow a strict schedule, stay on track, and deal with money issues.
All this besides my final school years and much stress within my social circle.
Right now I need a time to to reposition myself.

But that's actually no problem at all and actually fits quite well into my plans.
I wanted to make a break to stay save for my health either way.

This break will be around 4-8 weeks, actually until I get my first loan from my mini-job I was just accepted, which will probably take about 5 weeks, and another week until I have bought all the things I need (I will continue with exemestane).

Going back on r-hGH

After going back on I'll increase my r-hGH dose to 8-10 IU ed for a period.

I'll change my supplier most likely from akralabs (which is great r-hGH!) to QSC just because they are so much cheaper.

I may be increasing my exemestane dose to 25mg ed, based on my next blood test.

I'll renew my supplement stack and add supplements, perfect my sleep and seriously work on improving my diet and exercise, stretching and so on.


I hope this has provided some valuable insight into real, well-documented heightmaxxing results and offered useful tips for the future.

If you have any suggestions or advice, please feel free to share them in the comments. Your input could be incredibly helpful to me!
















Pretty good man, good for you, mirin that shit😍
  • +1
Reactions: tempelcat4
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: tempelcat4 and wastedspermcel
Could you still exercise jump and do everything normally? Since you said you felt pain on some bones etc
Abuse of r-hGH (Human Growth Hormone) and AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) to lead to this;

Hormone therapy is done if a specialized doctor determines a deficiency only under professional medical supervision.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of the information you read in this guide.
Everything that followes is pure imagination.


I often get asked about my progress with heightmaxxing and additional questions about how starting the stack feels etc, so I decided to write a detailed post covering what I've done, the results I've seen, the mistakes I've made, lessons learned, and how I manage my finances along the way.

This post will be will be particularly interesting for those who are faced with the decision to start serious heightmaxxing, rather than for those already experienced.
However, anyone interested in the topic may find some interesting insights.​

My Precautions

Before I started heightmaxxing I got two X-rays and one blood test.

I x-rayed my carpal bones:

View attachment 3215025View attachment 3215024

And later my knee:

View attachment 3215022View attachment 3215021

And finally did a first blood test:

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)​
IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)​
TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)​
Free T3​
Free T4​
GOT (AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase)​
GPT (ALT - Alanine Aminotransferase)​
GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)​
ml/min/1.73 m²​

I soon realized my estradiol level was probably incorrect due to a brutal estrogen spike.
An estrogen spike is a temporary surge in estrogen levels, common in young adolescents due to puberty or other factors, great for growth plates (not).

After retesting I got my real E2 value I could work with.

The start of Exemestane

I started taking exemestane 4 months ago (135 days) at a dose of 3.15 mg daily. I didn’t notice much on the first day, but by the second through the sixth day, after increasing the dose to 6.25 mg daily, I experienced light headaches, increased fatigue—especially in the evenings—and much deeper sleep. I could clearly feel my body adjusting to the new compound.

After taking exemestane, I felt somewhat detached from reality; my vision and perception became slightly strange, similar to but far less intense than the effects of smoking weed.

My hunger and libido spiked—I found myself thinking about sex often and being more frequently erect. I also had an increased appetite and ate everything in sight.

One persistent side effect was a constant twitch, especially in my left foot. It lasted for about a month before finally going away. This twitching was probably the most noticeable and lingering effect I experienced.

After this brief 7-day phase, everything returned to normal.

After about 12 days, I did a new blood test to see if my dose of 6.25mg was sufficient to lower E2.
Back then I was convinced that the dose would be more than sufficient to lower my estrogen levels.​

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (Gamma-GT)16U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)18U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol171mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)100mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)63mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)105ml/min/1.73 m²
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out the exemestane dose was too low and I had to double my dose to 12,5mg ed.

The start of r-hGH

30 days after taking my first exemestane dose I injected my first dose of 2IU r-hGH.
Now 3 month and 2 weeks ago (107 days).

I was excited, the first time I had reconstructed the r-hGH and I didn't really knew if I had done everything right.
I remember looking up from the vial at my room door, the light seemed much more yellow than usual, it's quieter than normal and everything felt like a horror movie.

I look back onto my vial, draw the r-hGH into the syringe, remove my T-shirt, disinfect the injection site, and hold the needle poised before my stomach.
Then it hits me: Should I insert the needle quickly or slowly? I weigh my options—slowly might give me more control, but quickly could be more efficient.
Ultimately, I decide to proceed slowly, pressing gradually until I pierce my skin.
It doesn't feel that bad, not a bit of pain.

I'm sweating profusely. 20 minutes after the injection I feel a slight numbness in my chin and palate when I breathe out, something I have never felt before. I take a shower and go to bed. When I fall asleep I get two strong heart stumblings that startle me straight up, right before I fall asleep.

When I began taking exemestane, I experienced deeper sleep, but it was nothing compared to the sleep I got after starting r-hGH.
With r-hGH, I slept like a newborn. Upon waking, I felt completely alert and refreshed, as if I had just finished a boxing match rather than having slept. There was no trace of tiredness; I felt instantly awake and ready to jump out of bed.

From then on, I gradually increased my r-hGH dosage by 1 IU each week until I reached 6 IU.

I had no side effects except my heart which was just terrible.
I had a constant feeling of tightness in my left chest, my heart stumbed every time before I fell asleep and my blood pressure was constantly elevated on hypertension stage 2.

When I measured my blood pressure and got a value of 164 SYS mmHg, with the other 2 values being in the normal range, after literally meditating, I decided to finally go to the hospital and let it check.
With the constant feeling of tightness in my left chest and the heart stumbling, I really was fearful that everything was going well.
I skipped a day of r-hGH, injected a day, and skipped a day again.

In the hospital I was told that it was "good" if my heart could reach such pressure. The tightness in my chest is supposed to come from tension, which I should stretch out and take an ibuprofen so that everything returns to normal. I was also prescribed a cardiologist who I haven't seen to this day, but I plan to.

After about 10 days, my blood pressure normalized to a value of 140 SYS mmHg, which remains to this day, and the heart stumblings just before bed went away.
With them also my perfect sleep.

Because of my constant twitch from exemestane and the start of r-hGH I did a new blood test to ensure my health, including my electrolytes because of the twitch.​

Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)19U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)18U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)14U/l
Total Cholesterol146mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)83mg/dl
Sodium (Natrium)138mmol/l
Potassium (Kalium)4.4mmol/l
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out my exemestane, which was aromamed from deus medical, an indian UGL was first shit and second the dose was to still too low.
I got pharma aromasin from Pfizer and increased my dose to 20mg ed.

3 months after I started exemestane and 2 months after I started r-hGH (1 month since I'm on 6IU r-hGH), this is my most recent blood test (1 month ago):​

IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)551ng/ml
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)12U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)26U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GTT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol167mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)103mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)59mg/dl
Non-HDL Cholesterol108mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)93.9ml/min/1.73 m²
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)1.95mU/l
Free T4 (Thyroxine)12.4µg/dl
Estradiol (E2)18.4pg/ml

Finally, an okish E2 value, but my IGF-1 wide under my expectation of 600-700+ ng/ml, especially after this period of injection.
Let's not talk about my T. Also, the first time that a value is not in the reference range, creatinine is slightly too high.

Results TD:LR

In the past 107 days (3,5 months) on r-hGH, I've grown a total real growth of exactly 1,9cm.
The measurements were taken barefoot in the morning with an stadio meter.

You have to see it in relation to my growth velocity before r-hGH.
My stadiometer height measurements only start in January, but natty from January to May, a bit over 5 months I've grown 0,6cm.

My growth velocity has increased by a factor of about 4,45 times and my morning height increases every 15 days at least by a bit.
Additionally, I've seen the majority of this growth since I got to 4-6IU ED.

Before HGH: 0,004cm per day
On r-hGH: 0,0178cm per day

Even though the results may not seem special, I'm 17.4 years old, with similar bone age and you've seen my growth plates....
This was the respond of my endrologist, after sending him my x-rays btw (6 months ago):

He estimated my future growth to 1cm and my final height to 176cm, like my pediatrician.
My morning height now is at 177,6cm, and I'm not even close to being done yet.

I have growing pains in my knee and ankle minutes after the injection every evening, and now they even start on their own when it gets darker.
  1. No noticeably facial changes, no nose or ear growth at all. -> Only thing I may say that my face looks a bit wider maybe.​
  2. No noticeably faster hair growth.​
  3. No noticeable faster wound healing.​
  4. No noticeably changes in my skin.​
  5. No noticeably faster nail growth.​
  6. No noticeably voice changes.​
  7. No changes in mood or similar.​
Note: I say that there were no noticeable changes, but I've observed subtle differences in some areas. For example, my nails seem to be growing faster, as I often notice dirt accumulating under them more frequently than before. Similarly, my skin has shown noticeable improvements, like fewer pimples and reduced redness in photos. However, I can't definitively attribute these changes to my current stack.

  1. I've noticed a significant decrease in libido, particularly towards porn.
    1. Over the past three months, I have literally forgotten about porn. I can't really explain how, but my brain just never reminded me too and I never did it, I would say fapping decreased at least by 80%. On the other hand I fuck bitches like a champ currently, so it's not really down.
    2. I would describe it as my short-term desire for sex is down while long-term foreplay stimulates is like always, very high for me.
    3. I can't say for sure if it's due to the AI.
  2. I first thought that my penis size decreased noticeably, but actually, my penis has grown in length by roughly 0,9cm in the past 3 months (Not in width).​
    1. However, I don't think my penis is filling with as much blood as it could. But this goes away when there is moisture - e.g. Lube, oil, spit, something like that.​
  3. I've gained around 3kg in weight​
  4. I noticed significantly increased facial hair growth, including new black hairs around my nipples about two weeks after starting the AI, which might just be a coincidence.​
  5. Despite not experiencing HGH bloat, my face always looks in the morning a bit puffy and on some days even wrinkled in the mornings, which are indicative of HGH effects.​

Mistakes and things I would do differently now

Make sure you stick to your times.​
In itself, it's not a big deal not to inject or supplement exactly on the hour, but it increases stress on yourself and is not favorable in the long term.​
The optimal time for AI is in the morning as soon as possible and the optimal time for r-hGH is in the evening between 9 and 10.​
The growth plates close constantly day and night, sleeping and awake.​
Don't waste your syringes, alcohol wipes and so on.​
In the beginning, it's normal to be overcautious and maybe throwing away a syringe if you hit something with the tip or generally making mistakes.​
But make sure to not exaggerate on it, to save money try to get used to using as less alcohol wipes, syringes etc as you can.​
In reality, if you want, you only need one insulin syringe to reconstruct and inject, only one alcohol wipe to disinfect everything sufficiently.​
Be cautious about the method of intake for exemestane;​
always take you exemestane with olive oil and/or a meal.​
Increase your doses more frequent, 1IU every week is not necessary, I would recommend increasing it 2IU per week.​
However, although some do it I wouldn't start with the goal dose instantly, always build up IMO.​
Make sure you buy a decent refrigerator.​
If you plan to put it in your room, pay attention to the volume.​
If your fridge gets wet there could be several reasons for it; Door seal is broken, door open for too long, condensation drain blocked, food too close to the back wall of the device. Clean the drain and place a small bowl of baking soda powder in the refrigerator.​
Take enough time and plan your appointments for blood tests well in advance, otherwise you could do too many.​
Increase doses faster, especially when it's about E2.​
And finally, I would have committed more - and I'll get to that now.​
  1. My sleep was the entire time utter shit -> perfect your sleep
  2. My diet was far to less -> eat, eat, eat
  3. My execises and stretching were close to non existing -> always stretch, sleep banded and do cardio and jump!
  4. My supplementation was irregular and poorly planned -> take your supplements regular
  5. My stress level; far too high -> meditate and enjoy your life
  6. My drug abuse was ... -> don't party to much with drugs bhai

Overall, I could have done much, much better here.

Future plans

I'm currently working on taking a break from r-hGH and have already worked my way back to 2 IU.

The reason is that I simply can't keep up with it at the moment—financially and time-wise.
I just need to take a break, for both me and my body.

I'm feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to follow a strict schedule, stay on track, and deal with money issues.
All this besides my final school years and much stress within my social circle.
Right now I need a time to to reposition myself.

But that's actually no problem at all and actually fits quite well into my plans.
I wanted to make a break to stay save for my health either way.

This break will be around 4-8 weeks, actually until I get my first loan from my mini-job I was just accepted, which will probably take about 5 weeks, and another week until I have bought all the things I need (I will continue with exemestane).

Going back on r-hGH

After going back on I'll increase my r-hGH dose to 8-10 IU ed for a period.

I'll change my supplier most likely from akralabs (which is great r-hGH!) to QSC just because they are so much cheaper.

I may be increasing my exemestane dose to 25mg ed, based on my next blood test.

I'll renew my supplement stack and add supplements, perfect my sleep and seriously work on improving my diet and exercise, stretching and so on.


I hope this has provided some valuable insight into real, well-documented heightmaxxing results and offered useful tips for the future.

If you have any suggestions or advice, please feel free to share them in the comments. Your input could be incredibly helpful to me!
















Didnt read cause its just an experience thread

But 8/10 thread for actually doing it, good fucking shit op 🔥
  • +1
Reactions: tempelcat4
Could you still exercise jump and do everything normally? Since you said you felt pain on some bones etc
yes, only had growth pains towards evening and night
If you play handball it might be difficult with AI
  • +1
Reactions: org3cel.RR
I play basketball around 18:30 to 20:00
Just said that with AI because you can't really throw things on AI, at least some, not everyone has that side effect, I have.
But you could supplement against it either way.

And yeah no problem with basketball, growth pains should'nt be a real problem bhai, no worries.
  • +1
Reactions: org3cel.RR
Just said that with AI because you can't really throw things on AI, at least some, not everyone has that side effect, I have.
But you could supplement against it either way.

And yeah no problem with basketball, growth pains should'nt be a real problem bhai, no worries.
Mirin man, you said you had heart problems and you had to go to the hospital, that seemed serious, does your family has already heart issues?
Mirin man, you said you had heart problems and you had to go to the hospital, that seemed serious, does your family has already heart issues?
I'm not sure, my father has high blood pressure and I most likely too.
I don't think my high blood pressure was due to r-hGH, but I'll see soon when I off-cycle completly
  • +1
Reactions: org3cel.RR
Abuse of r-hGH (Human Growth Hormone) and AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) to lead to this;

Hormone therapy is done if a specialized doctor determines a deficiency only under professional medical supervision.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of the information you read in this guide.
Everything that followes is pure imagination.


I often get asked about my progress with heightmaxxing and additional questions about how starting the stack feels etc, so I decided to write a detailed post covering what I've done, the results I've seen, the mistakes I've made, lessons learned, and how I manage my finances along the way.

This post will be will be particularly interesting for those who are faced with the decision to start serious heightmaxxing, rather than for those already experienced.
However, anyone interested in the topic may find some interesting insights.​

My Precautions

Before I started heightmaxxing I got two X-rays and one blood test.

I x-rayed my carpal bones:

View attachment 3215025View attachment 3215024

And later my knee:

View attachment 3215022View attachment 3215021

And finally did a first blood test:

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)​
IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)​
TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)​
Free T3​
Free T4​
GOT (AST - Aspartate Aminotransferase)​
GPT (ALT - Alanine Aminotransferase)​
GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)​
ml/min/1.73 m²​

I soon realized my estradiol level was probably incorrect due to a brutal estrogen spike.
An estrogen spike is a temporary surge in estrogen levels, common in young adolescents due to puberty or other factors, great for growth plates (not).

After retesting I got my real E2 value I could work with.

The start of Exemestane

I started taking exemestane 4 months ago (135 days) at a dose of 3.15 mg daily. I didn’t notice much on the first day, but by the second through the sixth day, after increasing the dose to 6.25 mg daily, I experienced light headaches, increased fatigue—especially in the evenings—and much deeper sleep. I could clearly feel my body adjusting to the new compound.

After taking exemestane, I felt somewhat detached from reality; my vision and perception became slightly strange, similar to but far less intense than the effects of smoking weed.

My hunger and libido spiked—I found myself thinking about sex often and being more frequently erect. I also had an increased appetite and ate everything in sight.

One persistent side effect was a constant twitch, especially in my left foot. It lasted for about a month before finally going away. This twitching was probably the most noticeable and lingering effect I experienced.

After this brief 7-day phase, everything returned to normal.

After about 12 days, I did a new blood test to see if my dose of 6.25mg was sufficient to lower E2.
Back then I was convinced that the dose would be more than sufficient to lower my estrogen levels.​

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (Gamma-GT)16U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)18U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol171mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)100mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)63mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)105ml/min/1.73 m²
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out the exemestane dose was too low and I had to double my dose to 12,5mg ed.

The start of r-hGH

30 days after taking my first exemestane dose I injected my first dose of 2IU r-hGH.
Now 3 month and 2 weeks ago (107 days).

I was excited, the first time I had reconstructed the r-hGH and I didn't really knew if I had done everything right.
I remember looking up from the vial at my room door, the light seemed much more yellow than usual, it's quieter than normal and everything felt like a horror movie.

I look back onto my vial, draw the r-hGH into the syringe, remove my T-shirt, disinfect the injection site, and hold the needle poised before my stomach.
Then it hits me: Should I insert the needle quickly or slowly? I weigh my options—slowly might give me more control, but quickly could be more efficient.
Ultimately, I decide to proceed slowly, pressing gradually until I pierce my skin.
It doesn't feel that bad, not a bit of pain.

I'm sweating profusely. 20 minutes after the injection I feel a slight numbness in my chin and palate when I breathe out, something I have never felt before. I take a shower and go to bed. When I fall asleep I get two strong heart stumblings that startle me straight up, right before I fall asleep.

When I began taking exemestane, I experienced deeper sleep, but it was nothing compared to the sleep I got after starting r-hGH.
With r-hGH, I slept like a newborn. Upon waking, I felt completely alert and refreshed, as if I had just finished a boxing match rather than having slept. There was no trace of tiredness; I felt instantly awake and ready to jump out of bed.

From then on, I gradually increased my r-hGH dosage by 1 IU each week until I reached 6 IU.

I had no side effects except my heart which was just terrible.
I had a constant feeling of tightness in my left chest, my heart stumbed every time before I fell asleep and my blood pressure was constantly elevated on hypertension stage 2.

When I measured my blood pressure and got a value of 164 SYS mmHg, with the other 2 values being in the normal range, after literally meditating, I decided to finally go to the hospital and let it check.
With the constant feeling of tightness in my left chest and the heart stumbling, I really was fearful that everything was going well.
I skipped a day of r-hGH, injected a day, and skipped a day again.

In the hospital I was told that it was "good" if my heart could reach such pressure. The tightness in my chest is supposed to come from tension, which I should stretch out and take an ibuprofen so that everything returns to normal. I was also prescribed a cardiologist who I haven't seen to this day, but I plan to.

After about 10 days, my blood pressure normalized to a value of 140 SYS mmHg, which remains to this day, and the heart stumblings just before bed went away.
With them also my perfect sleep.

Because of my constant twitch from exemestane and the start of r-hGH I did a new blood test to ensure my health, including my electrolytes because of the twitch.​

Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)19U/l
Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT)18U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)14U/l
Total Cholesterol146mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)83mg/dl
Sodium (Natrium)138mmol/l
Potassium (Kalium)4.4mmol/l
Complete Blood CountNormalNormal

Turns out my exemestane, which was aromamed from deus medical, an indian UGL was first shit and second the dose was to still too low.
I got pharma aromasin from Pfizer and increased my dose to 20mg ed.

3 months after I started exemestane and 2 months after I started r-hGH (1 month since I'm on 6IU r-hGH), this is my most recent blood test (1 month ago):​

IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)551ng/ml
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)12U/l
Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT)26U/l
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GTT)17U/l
Total Cholesterol167mg/dl
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)103mg/dl
High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)59mg/dl
Non-HDL Cholesterol108mg/dl
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)93.9ml/min/1.73 m²
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)1.95mU/l
Free T4 (Thyroxine)12.4µg/dl
Estradiol (E2)18.4pg/ml

Finally, an okish E2 value, but my IGF-1 wide under my expectation of 600-700+ ng/ml, especially after this period of injection.
Let's not talk about my T. Also, the first time that a value is not in the reference range, creatinine is slightly too high.

Results TD:LR

In the past 107 days (3,5 months) on r-hGH, I've grown a total real growth of exactly 1,9cm.
The measurements were taken barefoot in the morning with an stadio meter.

You have to see it in relation to my growth velocity before r-hGH.
My stadiometer height measurements only start in January, but natty from January to May, a bit over 5 months I've grown 0,6cm.

My growth velocity has increased by a factor of about 4,45 times and my morning height increases every 15 days at least by a bit.
Additionally, I've seen the majority of this growth since I got to 4-6IU ED.

Before HGH: 0,004cm per day
On r-hGH: 0,0178cm per day

Even though the results may not seem special, I'm 17.4 years old, with similar bone age and you've seen my growth plates....
This was the respond of my endrologist, after sending him my x-rays btw (6 months ago):

He estimated my future growth to 1cm and my final height to 176cm, like my pediatrician.
My morning height now is at 177,6cm, and I'm not even close to being done yet.

I have growing pains in my knee and ankle minutes after the injection every evening, and now they even start on their own when it gets darker.
  1. No noticeably facial changes, no nose or ear growth at all. -> Only thing I may say that my face looks a bit wider maybe.​
  2. No noticeably faster hair growth.​
  3. No noticeable faster wound healing.​
  4. No noticeably changes in my skin.​
  5. No noticeably faster nail growth.​
  6. No noticeably voice changes.​
  7. No changes in mood or similar.​
Note: I say that there were no noticeable changes, but I've observed subtle differences in some areas. For example, my nails seem to be growing faster, as I often notice dirt accumulating under them more frequently than before. Similarly, my skin has shown noticeable improvements, like fewer pimples and reduced redness in photos. However, I can't definitively attribute these changes to my current stack.

  1. I've noticed a significant decrease in libido, particularly towards porn.
    1. Over the past three months, I have literally forgotten about porn. I can't really explain how, but my brain just never reminded me too and I never did it, I would say fapping decreased at least by 80%. On the other hand I fuck bitches like a champ currently, so it's not really down.
    2. I would describe it as my short-term desire for sex is down while long-term foreplay stimulates is like always, very high for me.
    3. I can't say for sure if it's due to the AI.
  2. I first thought that my penis size decreased noticeably, but actually, my penis has grown in length by roughly 0,9cm in the past 3 months (Not in width).​
    1. However, I don't think my penis is filling with as much blood as it could. But this goes away when there is moisture - e.g. Lube, oil, spit, something like that.​
  3. I've gained around 3kg in weight​
  4. I noticed significantly increased facial hair growth, including new black hairs around my nipples about two weeks after starting the AI, which might just be a coincidence.​
  5. Despite not experiencing HGH bloat, my face always looks in the morning a bit puffy and on some days even wrinkled in the mornings, which are indicative of HGH effects.​

Mistakes and things I would do differently now

Make sure you stick to your times.​
In itself, it's not a big deal not to inject or supplement exactly on the hour, but it increases stress on yourself and is not favorable in the long term.​
The optimal time for AI is in the morning as soon as possible and the optimal time for r-hGH is in the evening between 9 and 10.​
The growth plates close constantly day and night, sleeping and awake.​
Don't waste your syringes, alcohol wipes and so on.​
In the beginning, it's normal to be overcautious and maybe throwing away a syringe if you hit something with the tip or generally making mistakes.​
But make sure to not exaggerate on it, to save money try to get used to using as less alcohol wipes, syringes etc as you can.​
In reality, if you want, you only need one insulin syringe to reconstruct and inject, only one alcohol wipe to disinfect everything sufficiently.​
Be cautious about the method of intake for exemestane;​
always take you exemestane with olive oil and/or a meal.​
Increase your doses more frequent, 1IU every week is not necessary, I would recommend increasing it 2IU per week.​
However, although some do it I wouldn't start with the goal dose instantly, always build up IMO.​
Make sure you buy a decent refrigerator.​
If you plan to put it in your room, pay attention to the volume.​
If your fridge gets wet there could be several reasons for it; Door seal is broken, door open for too long, condensation drain blocked, food too close to the back wall of the device. Clean the drain and place a small bowl of baking soda powder in the refrigerator.​
Take enough time and plan your appointments for blood tests well in advance, otherwise you could do too many.​
Increase doses faster, especially when it's about E2.​
And finally, I would have committed more - and I'll get to that now.​
  1. My sleep was the entire time utter shit -> perfect your sleep
  2. My diet was far to less -> eat, eat, eat
  3. My execises and stretching were close to non existing -> always stretch, sleep banded and do cardio and jump!
  4. My supplementation was irregular and poorly planned -> take your supplements regular
  5. My stress level; far too high -> meditate and enjoy your life
  6. My drug abuse was ... -> don't party to much with drugs bhai

Overall, I could have done much, much better here.

Future plans

I'm currently working on taking a break from r-hGH and have already worked my way back to 2 IU.

The reason is that I simply can't keep up with it at the moment—financially and time-wise.
I just need to take a break, for both me and my body.

I'm feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to follow a strict schedule, stay on track, and deal with money issues.
All this besides my final school years and much stress within my social circle.
Right now I need a time to to reposition myself.

But that's actually no problem at all and actually fits quite well into my plans.
I wanted to make a break to stay save for my health either way.

This break will be around 4-8 weeks, actually until I get my first loan from my mini-job I was just accepted, which will probably take about 5 weeks, and another week until I have bought all the things I need (I will continue with exemestane).

Going back on r-hGH

After going back on I'll increase my r-hGH dose to 8-10 IU ed for a period.

I'll change my supplier most likely from akralabs (which is great r-hGH!) to QSC just because they are so much cheaper.

I may be increasing my exemestane dose to 25mg ed, based on my next blood test.

I'll renew my supplement stack and add supplements, perfect my sleep and seriously work on improving my diet and exercise, stretching and so on.


I hope this has provided some valuable insight into real, well-documented heightmaxxing results and offered useful tips for the future.

If you have any suggestions or advice, please feel free to share them in the comments. Your input could be incredibly helpful to me!
















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