CUCK raises his Son to be a CUCK/TRANS like him. Chad brother disapproves.


Dry Spell

Nov 8, 2018

This kid still has a chance because he has a ChadLite father uncle who clearly loves him.
EDIT: I was incorrect, the brother is not the ex-husband, he's just a caring uncle.

But he's got a foid for a mother and a Cuck for a Father. Both of which ENCOURAGE the child to explore being Trans.

The father is likely a castrate and this child was conceived through in vitro fertilization.
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The west needs Allah.
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Reactions: jefferson, 11gaijin and Wincel
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Reactions: Tr3way, 11gaijin, Future Arablite and 2 others
The west needs Allah.
Nah fuck that, they need capitalism & western values. Islam will only bring ignorance, violence and above all cousin inbreeding to lower the genetic quality of the population. Wherever Islam spreads, shit gets worse.
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Should be in offtopic but yeah. Transgenderism is a mental disorder, often closely related to bad body image. Why do you think 95% of trans people are out of shape? It's easy to have a hard time identifying with masculine traits when you lack them completely. If you told someone you felt like a girl before they'd try to snap you out of it, but now they reinforce it. Depressing.

Any man who sees and feels their body at its strongest, most athletic and masculine will identify as male, guaranteed. But most men never do in modern society. I guess porn has an effect too, I'm disturbed by how many views sissy shit gets. It'll only get worse. There's no stopping it. The feminization and emasculation of men is in full effect, and as 11 year olds get into porn we never even saw till we were in our mid teens, they'll seek more and more fucked up shit. There's a reason why the older people get the more disgusting their fetishes get too. Claiming there's no correlation between how much porn you view and what you're into is absurd.

Want to fix the gender dysphoria problem as a whole? Force men to reach a certain bodyfat percentage and strength level, have it measured and do a test of it, before ever considering giving them any kind of hormones. This should be enforced. If they truly feel like a girl, they should have the willpower to do so, and if they succeed, they'll feel like a man. Win win, except for the doctors that rake in the dough on surgeries and supplements relating to gender dysphoria.

On the bright side, less competition for us, I guess.
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  • +1
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Lol now imagine a different story where a kid has two gay parents. And ppl saying nothing will happen to the kid ??
  • +1
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1st world problems @extreme-overthinker look at these western copers
1st world problems @extreme-overthinker look at these western copers
imagine what a muslim parent would do if the little shit says he "feels like a woman". he would throw him out the window from the 8th floor. that shit's unheard of because there's no jews to tamper with people's hormones
  • +1
Reactions: Future Arablite
imagine what a muslim parent would do if the little shit says he "feels like a woman". he would throw him out the window from the 8th floor. that shit's unheard of because there's no jews to tamper with people's hormones
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, then you'll get muh freedom brothers wanting freedom for people 70000 miles away, WHITE = CUCK
Nah fuck that, they need capitalism & western values. Islam will only bring ignorance, violence and above all cousin inbreeding to lower the genetic quality of the population. Wherever Islam spreads, shit gets worse.

Cope, Muslim countries that arent being bombed by the USA are far happier than aby Western country.

In theory, feminism should have made the West much more happy. But did it? No. Society is miserable compared to how it was 50 years ago.

In your mind, in theory Islam should make life miserable. But do the people actually living under this law actually feel that way no? They're one of the happiest people there are.
  • +1
Reactions: 11gaijin, dogtown, future chadlite and 1 other person
Cope, Muslim countries that arent being bombed by the USA are far happier than aby Western country.

In theory, feminism should have made the West much more happy. But did it? No. Society is miserable compared to how it was 50 years ago.

In your mind, in theory Islam should make life miserable. But do the people actually living under this law actually feel that way no? They're one of the happiest people there are.
These western retards don't know shit, they think Islam only exists in Iraq and Syria, they forget about places like malaysia and north african countries and others without war, these people (my own)are the happiest people on earth, they socialize, they enjoy their time, they get to experience love, they have good family ties, the west o nthe other hand is just money worshipping and stupid shit like transgenderism and feminism, the west is full of inceldom/cheating/hypergamy, stupid women doing whatever the fuck they want and forgetting about their initial job which is to take care of their family, yeah sure they have better houses/cars/roads or w/e but guess who's happier? not them.
Unless you experience the way muslims live with eachother, you'll never know how it feels being welcomed because western cucks are brainwashed by the media, just look at scandinavian countries, they have no religion but they have the highest suicide rates because they got cucked
  • +1
Reactions: Future Arablite
These western retards don't know shit, they think Islam only exists in Iraq and Syria, they forget about places like malaysia and north african countries and others without war, these people (my own)are the happiest people on earth, they socialize, they enjoy their time, they get to experience love, they have good family ties, the west o nthe other hand is just money worshipping and stupid shit like transgenderism and feminism, the west is full of inceldom/cheating/hypergamy, stupid women doing whatever the fuck they want and forgetting about their initial job which is to take care of their family, yeah sure they have better houses/cars/roads or w/e but guess who's happier? not them.

But at the same time these societies are dysfunctional which is why people like yourself leave and immigrate elsewhere. I think Arab countries should follow the western system of economics / social development but preserve their cultures (Religion, racial ties, family ties, generosity, openness etc)
  • +1
Reactions: Future Arablite
But at the same time these societies are dysfunctional which is why people like yourself leave and immigrate elsewhere. I think Arab countries should follow the western system of economics / social development but preserve their cultures (Religion, racial ties, family ties, generosity, openness etc)
That's true, the only bad thing about these societies is the fucked up economy, even then they're happier than the average western, it would be heaven if we followed the western system of economics, time will come for that soon.
Lookism is rare in these societies too, a man is ACTUALLY valued by his personality and leading and work and the ability to have a good family, your manners matter more in these societies, GOOD LOOKING degenrates are frowned upon and they dont get the chance to practice the shit chads do in the west because of repercussions
I can't wait for the arab horde to invade the west through migration.

The white man has doomed his civilization to degeneracy and forgotten the teachings of Christ.

Islam from high DHT Arabs is your only hope now.

Where do I sign up @battlefieldincel. Convert me to the winning side
The west needs Allah.
the west doens't need Islam but traditional values.
France, Germany and England have lost their christian, replaced by political correctness, agnosticism, extreme capitalism, immigrationism.
In places like Poland, Czech republic, Serbia or Romania this woman would be sent to jail
I can't wait for the arab horde to invade the west through migration.

The white man has doomed his civilization to degeneracy and forgotten the teachings of Christ.

Islam from high DHT Arabs is your only hope now.

Where do I sign up @battlefieldincel. Convert me to the winning side
Ask western tourists about the feeling they get when they go to a muslim society, they get shocked when they see how these people welcoming and the way they get treaterd, complete opposite to what they see in fucking CNN or whatever stupid media they watch
the west doens't need Islam but traditional values.
France, Germany and England have lost their christian, replaced by political correctness, agnosticism, extreme capitalism, immigrationism.
In places like Poland, Czech republic, Serbia or Romania this woman would be sent to jail
They aren't going to get their traditional values, the best they will get is a brownie invasion.
They aren't going to get their traditional values, the best they will get is a brownie invasion.
the curries are reproducing very fast, there is no stopping to the brown invasion
I can't wait for the arab horde to invade the west through migration.

The white man has doomed his civilization to degeneracy and forgotten the teachings of Christ.

Islam from high DHT Arabs is your only hope now.

Where do I sign up @battlefieldincel. Convert me to the winning side

Join us my afrikan negus, there is no racism in Islam

"an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action"

Common hadith.
Join us my afrikan negus, there is no racism in Islam

"an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action"

Common hadith.
Our only looksmaxx is getting Hasanat and ascending in heaven
Our only looksmaxx is getting Hasanat and ascending in heaven
JFL at ascending in the dunya. The akhirah is what matters
  • +1
Reactions: future chadlite
The west needs Allah.

This is a sign of the Almighty, truly we are living in the end times my friends...
imagine what a muslim parent would do if the little shit says he "feels like a woman". he would throw him out the window from the 8th floor. that shit's unheard of because there's no jews to tamper with people's hormones

His father would force the epitome of manliness inside of him just under one fateful night if this shit would have been uttered
This is a sign of the Almighty, truly we are living in the end times my friends...

His father would force the epitome of manliness inside of him just under one fateful night if this shit would have been uttered
It wouldn't even happen, his mother would slap his buttcheeks and tell him he's a man not a sissy
  • +1
Reactions: CupOfCoffee
Ever wondered why British guys get cucked when they go on holidays, their women drool over ethnics and they have to pay for prostitutes cause their women only give them duty sex, despite being facially mo gged by the white good looking englishmen, they get cucked by degenerate ethnics (arabs, persians, north africans, blacks)
Join us my afrikan negus, there is no racism in Islam

"an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action"

Common hadith.
Catholicism in Africa has led to degeneracy and no condom sex elading to the highest HIV rate.

The white man's missionaries have destroyed my people.
Cope, Muslim countries that arent being bombed by the USA are far happier than aby Western country.

In theory, feminism should have made the West much more happy. But did it? No. Society is miserable compared to how it was 50 years ago.

In your mind, in theory Islam should make life miserable. But do the people actually living under this law actually feel that way no? They're one of the happiest people there are.

Mohamed was a trucel, but your right Islam has the right ideas to be honest
Mohamed was a trucel, but your right Islam has the right ideas to be honest
The only trucel is you buddy boyo Mohammed PEACE BE UPON HIM is Genghis khan tier
when it comes to not being an incel
Mohamed was a trucel, but your right Islam has the right ideas to be honest
In sunni hadiths it says Mohammad used to have sex with all his 9 wives in one night, every night. He's the epitome of sexual success
In sunni hadiths it says Mohammad used to have sex with all his 9 wives in one night, every night. He's the epitome of sexual success

Was a pedo, never had or wanted a painting of him
For real though, despite my views of Islam there's no doubt Muslims living traditional or even semitraditional lives are much happier and have much more satisfaction in life than westerners whose sole existence relies on individualism. No doubt. Ever since western values and movies started creeping into the middle east more and more people are getting lonely and feeling isolated like Westerners.
For real though, despite my views of Islam there's no doubt Muslims living traditional or even semitraditional lives are much happier and have much more satisfaction in life than westerners whose sole existence relies on individualism. No doubt. Ever since western values and movies started creeping into the middle east more and more people are getting lonely and feeling isolated like Westerners.
but you'd prefer living in the west rather than a corrupt middle eastern shithole
No doubt about it. I visit sometimes though
عم ب تخيّر الواحد بين التبولة و الحمص و الشيشا, و العيش الحضاري و القانون و العدل
عم ب تخيّر الواحد بين التبولة و الحمص و الشيشا, و العيش الحضاري و القانون و العدل
You can get both in the west if you live in a good area hahaha
more like a shitty bastardized western version[/
The real deal exists but at authentic restaurants and it's costly. Otherwise you can buy mass produced cucky "hummus dip" lol who gives a fuck about that though
Wtf is this shit. Gender transitioning should at least be illegal before 20.
عم ب تخيّر الواحد بين التبولة و الحمص و الشيشا, و العيش الحضاري و القانون و العدل
ya habibi are you talking about London, the arab area in london is so fucking fun tbh but expensive
ya habibi are you talking about London, the arab area in london is so fucking fun tbh but expensive
Yeah if you ever go to Dearborn you'll think you're visiting Beirut
abusing male children is an appropriate way to prevent them from becoming ''toxic males'' according to left

also west is doomed.
well done kikes
Bruh you and the arab boys are low iq but based, just watch invading europe soon, might not work so well :feelsrope::feelsrope::chad::chad:

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