Dad keeps talking to me about marriage



Nov 11, 2018
So all my sisters will be married soon and it'll be just me left. He says it would make me more mentally focused on life and allow me to satisfy my needs in a halal way. I wish I could explain to him I wanna slay in my 20s and marry at 30 but he would 100% disown me if I said that. So I just nod and say inshallah eventually when I have a more stable income. Bros anyone else's parents do the same?
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jfl if ur black pilled and ur gunna live past the age of 30

suicide is the only escape.
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jfl if ur black pilled and ur gunna live past the age of 30

suicide is the only escape.
I actually like living bro thanks tho
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@ZUZZCEL I love to cope. If things do get bad and I don't wanna be around I'd go live in the woods
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So all my sisters will be married soon and it'll be just me left. He says it would make me more mentally focused on life and allow me to satisfy my needs in a halal way. I wish I could explain to him I wanna slay in my 20s and marry at 30 but he would 100% disown me if I said that. So I just nod and say inshallah eventually when I have a more stable income. Bros anyone else's parents do the same?
Be a good son, have a wife, settle down and have many kids. :lul:
  • JFL
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Be a good son, have a wife, settle down and have many kids. :lul:
I want many kids to win the Darwinian game. But I want variety of pussy first, especially Asian girls Faaaaaaaak
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white and muslim? Best of both worlds ngl
white and muslim? Best of both worlds ngl
I want to fuck white girls but they're such pieces of shit so it might not happen. And I'm too white so can't play refugee game
  • WTF
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I want to fuck white girls but they're such pieces of shit so it might not happen. And I'm too white so can't play refugee game
bro where are you from originally? Bosnia?
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The spread of Islam must be stopped.
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lol no. Islam is the only realistic hope
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I want many kids to win the Darwinian game. But I want variety of pussy first, especially Asian girls Faaaaaaaak

Spending every second of your life on sperm donorship is the most realistic way to win that game

One woman can't give you anything notable, your genes would be wiped out after a couple of generations even if you had 12 kids
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Spending every second of your life on sperm donorship is the most realistic way to win that game

One woman can't give you anything notable, your genes would be wiped out after a couple of generations even if you had 12 kids
Tbh it's legit to donate sperm. My kids would inherit my Jew nose and balding genes which would put them out of the game anyways, gotta work with quantity not quality
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Spending every second of your life on sperm donorship is the most realistic way to win that game

One woman can't give you anything notable, your genes would be wiped out after a couple of generations even if you had 12 kids
You have to have chad genetics to do that.
Get a vasectomy then get a vasovasectomy when you're ready.
Tbh it's legit to donate sperm. My kids would inherit my Jew nose and balding genes which would put them out of the game anyways, gotta work with quantity not quality
Norwooding genes are inherited from the mother.
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Norwooding genes are inherited from the mother.
Bullshit it's from both, I have aggressive hair loss and it's because of my Dad
What are you defending, really? Whores' right to dress like as lewdly as they please for Chad as they continue cucking you through the state apparatus while you rot? Gays' right to openly sodomize each other? Jews' right to continue extracting wealth and resources from the filthy goyim? I don't think Islam is perfect by any means, but if the alternative is the degenerate and decadent west, I know which side I'm picking
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  • Woah
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What are you defending, really? Whores' right to dress like as lewdly as they please for Chad as they continue cucking you through the state apparatus while you rot? Gays' right to openly sodomize each other? Jews' right to continue extracting wealth and resources from the filthy goyim? I don't think Islam is perfect by any means, but if the alternative is the degenerate and decadent west, I know which side I'm picking
mfw I read this comment:
I'll never get married

The state will not steal my money and give it to someone else

Well, it does anyway but not to the massive extent of a divorce
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why do u live with ur parents. especially retard pakis
Norwooding genes are inherited from the mother.
All men from my mother's side are Norwood 0 gods. That didn't stop the reaper from coming after me.
My mother still talks about grandchildrens jfl
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XD On a serious note, parents should not control your life.
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My parents dont talk about it, pretty sure they think it's over for me
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i wanna slay in my late teens and 20s too but islam is stopping me tbh plus i hate the idea of marriage since it's cucked as fuck imo
  • So Sad
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i wanna slay in my late teens and 20s too but islam is stopping me tbh plus i hate the idea of marriage since it's cucked as fuck imo
Where you from?
i wanna slay in my late teens and 20s too but islam is stopping me tbh plus i hate the idea of marriage since it's cucked as fuck imo
@ZUZZCEL I love to cope. If things do get bad and I don't wanna be around I'd go live in the woods
Same as me tbh, I watch a shit tonne of offgrid videos on YT, i like the idea of building my own cabin just to escape from the consumerist, postmodern neoliberal world from time to time.

Will prob build one when im like 35-40 as a hobby tbh, my father is a Carpenter so woodwork isnt that hard for me
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So all my sisters will be married soon and it'll be just me left. He says it would make me more mentally focused on life and allow me to satisfy my needs in a halal way. I wish I could explain to him I wanna slay in my 20s and marry at 30 but he would 100% disown me if I said that. So I just nod and say inshallah eventually when I have a more stable income. Bros anyone else's parents do the same?

I meme them about the haram and how all my friends do it and how my bro and sis are likely already doing it.

He doesn’t want me married yet but he sees it as the only thing I can do.

He accepted u get a rhino my mom thinks only “femmeletes” meaning womanlet, like feminine men, care about their appearance, she doesn’t want me getting a hair transplant kinda, she doesn’t care that much tbh
He accepted u get a rhino my mom thinks only “femmeletes” meaning womanlet, like feminine men, care about their appearance, she doesn’t want me getting a hair transplant kinda, she doesn’t care that much tbh
My Dad even tried to get a hair transplant (it failed), on some level he understands the black pill even though he doesnt articulate it well. I advise you not to care what your parents think, do what needs to be done.

Do you eventually plan on getting married?
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Are they married to other Arabs Muslims (I assume so)? Btw what country is your family from originally?

If I were you I would just fit a muslim qt and settle down with her ASAP, "slaying" in your 20s is overrated if you can find the right girl early on.
Are they married to other Arabs Muslims (I assume so)?
2 yes 1 no. She's an identitycrisiscel as well
Btw what country is your family from originally?

If I were you I would just fit a muslim qt and settle down with her ASAP, "slaying" in your 20s is overrated if you can find the right girl early on.
I get these thoughts also. If I just decided to I could find myself a young, decent looking girl and get to know her over the next year, and be married in 1 year. I know several guys my age doing it lol. But I'm conflicted cuz on some level I want to fuck around and especially try going to East Asia
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Same as me tbh, I watch a shit tonne of offgrid videos on YT, i like the idea of building my own cabin just to escape from the consumerist, postmodern neoliberal world from time to time.

Will prob build one when im like 35-40 as a hobby tbh, my father is a Carpenter so woodwork isnt that hard for me
I legit wanna get a van, put a bed in it, get some food and water, bring some guns, and just head out of this shithole tbh.
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I legit wanna get a van, put a bed in it, get some food and water, bring some guns, and just head out of this shithole tbh.
Who's stopping you? Oh wait you need the high speed internet
My Dad even tried to get a hair transplant (it failed), on some level he understands the black pill even though he doesnt articulate it well. I advise you not to care what your parents think, do what needs to be done.

Do you eventually plan on getting married?
That’s a problem for future Adam

Clueless I’m a KHHV
Likely not tbh
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Where you from?

some shithole in africa sadly, i slay here cause im running the JBW game hard as fuck even tho im 5'6 because 95% are ugly ethnics but same goes for females as well sadly so it's over.

i can't even ascend if i go somewhere to europe cause of religion so might as well LDAR tbh.

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