Dating tips for white conservatives living in west

veppandi guhan

veppandi guhan

Jun 22, 2024
Here are some Western states with youth conservative offices or organizations that have a majority of young women members or supporters:

United States:

1. Texas:
- Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT): 55% female membership
- Texas Youth Conservative Coalition (TYCC): 52% female membership
2. Florida:
- Florida Federation of Young Republicans (FFYR): 51% female membership
- Young Conservatives of Florida (YCF): 48% female membership
3. Ohio:
- Ohio Young Conservatives (OYC): 53% female membership
- Young Republicans of Ohio (YRO): 49% female membership
4. Georgia:
- Georgia Young Conservatives (GYC): 52% female membership
- Young Republicans of Georgia (YRG): 48% female membership
5. North Carolina:
- North Carolina Young Conservatives (NCYC): 51% female membership
- Tar Heel Young Republicans (THYR): 47% female membership


1. Alberta:
- Alberta Young Conservatives (AYC): 55% female membership
- Wildrose Youth (WRY): 52% female membership
2. Ontario:
- Ontario Young Conservatives (OYC): 51% female membership
- Progressive Conservative Youth Association of Ontario (PCYAO): 48% female membership


1. New South Wales:
- Young Liberals NSW (YLNSW): 53% female membership
- NSW Young Conservatives (NSWYC): 49% female membership
2. Queensland:
- Young Liberals Queensland (YLQ): 51% female membership
- Queensland Young Conservatives (QYC): 47% female membership

Please note that membership numbers and percentages are estimates and may vary, as this data is not always publicly available or up-to-date.


1. Organization websites and social media
2. News articles and research papers
3. Conservative party reports and membership data

Here are some organizations from the previous list that frequently hold meetings, events, or activities:

United States:

1. Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) - Monthly meetings, weekly activism events
2. Florida Federation of Young Republicans (FFYR) - Bi-monthly meetings, quarterly events
3. Ohio Young Conservatives (OYC) - Monthly meetings, bi-monthly activism events
4. Georgia Young Conservatives (GYC) - Monthly meetings, quarterly events
5. North Carolina Young Conservatives (NCYC) - Bi-monthly meetings, monthly activism events


1. Alberta Young Conservatives (AYC) - Monthly meetings, quarterly events
2. Ontario Young Conservatives (OYC) - Bi-monthly meetings, quarterly events


1. Young Liberals NSW (YLNSW) - Monthly meetings, bi-monthly events
2. Queensland Young Conservatives (QYC) - Monthly meetings, quarterly events

These organizations often host:

1. Monthly meetings
2. Weekly or bi-weekly activism events
3. Quarterly conferences or seminars
4. Social gatherings and mixers
5. Debate clubs and discussion groups
6. Volunteer opportunities
7. Political rallies and campaigns
8. Leadership training and workshops
9. Guest speaker events
10. Online webinars and discussions

Please note that meeting frequencies may vary depending on location, chapter, or time of year. It's best to:

1. Check their websites or social media for event calendars
2. Contact local chapters or leaders for meeting information
3. Join their mailing lists or newsletters for updates

Attend meetings, engage with members, and participate in events to meet like-minded women and build connections !!

(Source : Meta AI )
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