Debloating+cotisolminning+lifestyle changes


Deleted member 5927

Hello everyone.

I left like less than a week ago but then decided to come back.

Not because I wanted to but because apparently I am an actual trucel IRL (like legit 2/10 subhuman extremely unnatractive ogre).

Legit my only cope is height I am 6'3" so when I say ogre I mean ogre.

But over the last few days I realized I have 0 family, 0 IRL friends, not even a purpose in life, I'm poor, and horrible recessed genetics.

As a result I became extremely depressed, suicidal in fact over how lonely and shitty my life has become. Also I have horrible cystic acne (even after 1 run of accutane, I will be doing another one here shortly). And in the mean time that's prevented me from hitting the gym because I look disgusting.

But I will be implementing some life changing discipline here shortly to save myself.

For starters I will start taking stupid amounts of supplements (Vitamin D3+K2+Ashwagandha+OptiZinc+L-Theanine) to help keep my mindstate as normal as it can be, as well as cutting carbs as much as I can from my diet.

I will also be meditating just 5 minutes a day to start and I will increase the time as I continue through it. I am mainly doing this to cortisol min as a lot of religious freaks claim it genuinely calms them down.

I have tried to do NoFap I literally cannot. I need to get into a cycle of being disciplined then I think I will be able to do NoFap more easily. Essentially I have been relying on nofap to give me motivation to get shit done, but when I fail nofap I can't do shit. But instead of relying on being motivated, I will work on my discipline, which is doing what you need to do rather than what you want to do. This way I can get shit done without feeling motivated to do it, I just do it out of habit and the necessary need to do so.

Hopefully I am welcomed back into this forum, it is my only social interaction since I am a legit trucel and I will stay here until I get surgeries and can live a normal life. Until then will healthmaxx and die trying to become Chad.

Thank you for reading my rant.
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Reactions: Deleted member 4209 and Deleted member 6467
good luck br0
Wait wait you don’t have friends???

I thought people here said that looks has to do nothing with friendship
you have us here buddy boyo, keep strong earn money get surgery, ascend!
Good luck mate hope you evolve into chad :)
Gl, meditation is an actual legit lifestylemaxx method even tho it looks like bluepilled bullshit at first sight, I recommend starting with more than 5 minutes though, around 15-20 is better imo, you will obviously get distracted immediately on your first try but you make progress by regaining focus and 5 minutes is probably not enough to do so.
stopped reading at 6'3
Gl, meditation is an actual legit lifestylemaxx method even tho it looks like bluepilled bullshit at first sight, I recommend starting with more than 5 minutes though, around 15-20 is better imo, you will obviously get distracted immediately on your first try but you make progress by regaining focus and 5 minutes is probably not enough to do so.
Ok so what do I do, just set 20 min timer and try not to think? Or should I think?
how do you debloat
Ok so what do I do, just set 20 min timer and try not to think? Or should I think?

Basically you should focus on your breath and your body sentations, you will inevitably get sidetracked and begin to think about random shit but after enough practice you will reach a state of pure detachment and your mind will be totally empty of thoughts. Kinda hard to explain tbh but it helps a lot when you are struggling with invasive thoughts or overall bad mental habits such as procrastination
Basically you should focus on your breath and your body sentations, you will inevitably get sidetracked and begin to think about random shit but after enough practice you will reach a state of pure detachment and your mind will be totally empty of thoughts. Kinda hard to explain tbh but it helps a lot when you are struggling with invasive thoughts or overall bad mental habits such as procrastination
Awesome. Thank you so much for your response bro. I will start implementing this tonight, thank you bro. You have no idea how much little bits of information can save me from depression.
how do you debloat
Carbohydrates make your body store water. To debloat you need to eat low carbs, but this will make you hungry. You can't eat protein as an energy source so you need to supplement with high fat.

To debloat quickly just burn all the stored carbohydrates (glucose, stored as glycogen). Your body will use the glycogen as energy, and dump the water being held under your skin. That's why working out makes you look more lean immediately after.

For the long run quit eating carbs, quit eating salt, or at least lower your dose, if you like salt on food just add potassium chloride in A SET AMOUNT (2/3 potassium 1/3 salt ratios on your food) too much potassium can make your heart stop and kill you, if you get the ratio correct you will be perfectly fine.

Drink plenty of water this is mostly cope and useless but if you are already implementing low carb, high fat, and low salt high potassium diet you will see the benefits.

All of this will make your face more lean and you will look better, it will show the actual bones in your face. I am horribly recessed so I need to debloat 24/7 or I look like a round faced SUBHUMAN.

good luck.

also diuretics help. Dandelion extract (OTC can buy online) and HCTZ (requires prescription) but for me the low carb diet is A MUST.

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