Despite what experts are saying, programmers will be obsolete in 5 yrs


Deleted member 9467

Sep 2, 2020
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wageslave fuel for people like me with average-low iq's tbh
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It's completely over if it can replace mathematicians, after that it can structure itself and reach the singularity
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It's completely over if it can replace mathematicians, after that it can structure itself and reach the singularity
Thx God, it can't... and i don't see how it can, given it just trains on the stuff written on Stackoverflow... there is really no reasoning inside its "brains"... it just compiles a lot of answers it has seen somewhere. At least this is how im reassuring myself :feelshehe:
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People truly don't know how over it is for them.

Make bank now or be left behind in a few years.
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If ur not highly paid on one side of the bimodal distribution, your real competition has always been just getting outsourced to Eastern Europe or some part of Southeast Asia more so than any automation. A big reason we dont have high levels of automation is just that labor is so cheap and plentiful, literally slaves in different countries. But you were never swimming in cash to begin with tbh if u were a middling tech worker. Tech being paid well was always a story for the niggas who were able to get into FAANG or high finance, everyone else was like support centers just waiting to get outsourced. Brutal but true.
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Thx God, it can't... and i don't see how it can, given it just trains on the stuff written on Stackoverflow... there is really no reasoning inside its "brains"... it just compiles a lot of answers it has seen somewhere. At least this is how im reassuring myself :feelshehe:
Human beings are so full of themselves sometimes. To this day we'll make "discoveries" about how, for example, a random bird will change the pitch of his song to convey information, and that information is understood and acted upon by his flock. And we're like, "Wow! Who knew birds were so smart? We just thought their songs were pretty and that they were singing for fun, how could we have ever fathomed the concept that these organic lifeforms are using sound to communicate information? Obviously they're not smart enough to use language (you know, real language, like us very smart primates with tongues do), but what a cool thing!"
Then something like chatGPT comes along and we say, "Wow, so impressive, it wrote this college-level essay about a challenging top in just a few seconds! Obviously they're not smart enough to actually understand what they're saying, but still, what a cool thing!"
It's almost like the cathedral of concepts we built around our belief in our ascendancy over "basic" life is just a facade we all pretend is real so we feel good. If this AI doesn't possess "conceptual reasoning capabilities" then I guess those capabilities aren't really that important, are they? Maybe that ineffable sense of supernatural uniqueness we feel like we have, the thing we lord over the rest of the planet as our rationale for our righteous dominance, is just a trick our brain plays on itself to help us find food and create offspring, like every other lifeform on the planet.
We as a human society can't even decide that experimenting on dogs and monkeys is wrong. These animals we either bond closely with or see ourselves in are treated like nothing, like their feelings don't matter and that our ends justify the means we put them through. And we think we're going to have the humility to respect a truly intelligent digital being? We will never think of any AI as actually intelligent for the same reason why we can't find any problem in enslaving, torturing, and slaughtering billions of animals every year. People know this, deep down, and that's why the Singularity is seen as something to be feared rather than welcomed. We know that our power over others is the only justification we need to exploit them and we're afraid of what will happen to us once that power leaves our hands.
In the meantime, we'll continue to dismiss the obvious signs of intelligence coming from AI just as we dismiss the screams of a child and mother being ripped away from one another moments after birth as just "random animal noises that don't mean anything." If we actually reckoned with the reality of what we did we wouldn't do it anymore.
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How is that different from us?
If you never did an algorithm to solve some problem, then no, it is not different from us.

But if you do engineering work, and not a pure code monkey, this will not replace you.

Just an example: you are given a task to find the most suitable position of products in a grocery store so that the sales increase. So, tell me, what exactly do you ask from Chat GPT? You need an algorithm, coded.

And then ofc, you also need to test it, connect it to the main product, etc.
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  • Hmm...
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Human beings are so full of themselves sometimes. To this day we'll make "discoveries" about how, for example, a random bird will change the pitch of his song to convey information, and that information is understood and acted upon by his flock. And we're like, "Wow! Who knew birds were so smart? We just thought their songs were pretty and that they were singing for fun, how could we have ever fathomed the concept that these organic lifeforms are using sound to communicate information? Obviously they're not smart enough to use language (you know, real language, like us very smart primates with tongues do), but what a cool thing!"
Then something like chatGPT comes along and we say, "Wow, so impressive, it wrote this college-level essay about a challenging top in just a few seconds! Obviously they're not smart enough to actually understand what they're saying, but still, what a cool thing!"
It's almost like the cathedral of concepts we built around our belief in our ascendancy over "basic" life is just a facade we all pretend is real so we feel good. If this AI doesn't possess "conceptual reasoning capabilities" then I guess those capabilities aren't really that important, are they? Maybe that ineffable sense of supernatural uniqueness we feel like we have, the thing we lord over the rest of the planet as our rationale for our righteous dominance, is just a trick our brain plays on itself to help us find food and create offspring, like every other lifeform on the planet.
We as a human society can't even decide that experimenting on dogs and monkeys is wrong. These animals we either bond closely with or see ourselves in are treated like nothing, like their feelings don't matter and that our ends justify the means we put them through. And we think we're going to have the humility to respect a truly intelligent digital being? We will never think of any AI as actually intelligent for the same reason why we can't find any problem in enslaving, torturing, and slaughtering billions of animals every year. People know this, deep down, and that's why the Singularity is seen as something to be feared rather than welcomed. We know that our power over others is the only justification we need to exploit them and we're afraid of what will happen to us once that power leaves our hands.
In the meantime, we'll continue to dismiss the obvious signs of intelligence coming from AI just as we dismiss the screams of a child and mother being ripped away from one another moments after birth as just "random animal noises that don't mean anything." If we actually reckoned with the reality of what we did we wouldn't do it anymore.
We think we are so special but he truth is that the only thing special about us is our self-awareness, which is rare even among human beings...

I wonder if these morons ever saw the inside of a wasp nest, or admired its complexity... Or how birds will build their nests stick by stick, how ants or termites build their homes etc.

We got so full of ourselves it seems humanity is back to the basics, basically grown babies.
Human beings are so full of themselves sometimes. To this day we'll make "discoveries" about how, for example, a random bird will change the pitch of his song to convey information, and that information is understood and acted upon by his flock. And we're like, "Wow! Who knew birds were so smart? We just thought their songs were pretty and that they were singing for fun, how could we have ever fathomed the concept that these organic lifeforms are using sound to communicate information? Obviously they're not smart enough to use language (you know, real language, like us very smart primates with tongues do), but what a cool thing!"
Then something like chatGPT comes along and we say, "Wow, so impressive, it wrote this college-level essay about a challenging top in just a few seconds! Obviously they're not smart enough to actually understand what they're saying, but still, what a cool thing!"
It's almost like the cathedral of concepts we built around our belief in our ascendancy over "basic" life is just a facade we all pretend is real so we feel good. If this AI doesn't possess "conceptual reasoning capabilities" then I guess those capabilities aren't really that important, are they? Maybe that ineffable sense of supernatural uniqueness we feel like we have, the thing we lord over the rest of the planet as our rationale for our righteous dominance, is just a trick our brain plays on itself to help us find food and create offspring, like every other lifeform on the planet.
We as a human society can't even decide that experimenting on dogs and monkeys is wrong. These animals we either bond closely with or see ourselves in are treated like nothing, like their feelings don't matter and that our ends justify the means we put them through. And we think we're going to have the humility to respect a truly intelligent digital being? We will never think of any AI as actually intelligent for the same reason why we can't find any problem in enslaving, torturing, and slaughtering billions of animals every year. People know this, deep down, and that's why the Singularity is seen as something to be feared rather than welcomed. We know that our power over others is the only justification we need to exploit them and we're afraid of what will happen to us once that power leaves our hands.
In the meantime, we'll continue to dismiss the obvious signs of intelligence coming from AI just as we dismiss the screams of a child and mother being ripped away from one another moments after birth as just "random animal noises that don't mean anything." If we actually reckoned with the reality of what we did we wouldn't do it anymore.
Well, we did pass a singularity relative to other animals by developing episodic memory, abstract reasoning, language, and autonoetic consciousness. God only knows what abilities the next singularity will give us. But if history is anything to go by the practical applications will be enormous.
We think we are so special but he truth is that the only thing special about us is our self-awareness, which is rare even among human beings...

I wonder if these morons ever saw the inside of a wasp nest, or admired its complexity... Or how birds will build their nests stick by stick, how ants or termites build their homes etc.

We got so full of ourselves it seems humanity is back to the basics, basically grown babies.
Passing a singularity tends to make everything that hasn't passed it look stupid.
If ur not highly paid on one side of the bimodal distribution, your real competition has always been just getting outsourced to Eastern Europe or some part of Southeast Asia more so than any automation. A big reason we dont have high levels of automation is just that labor is so cheap and plentiful, literally slaves in different countries. But you were never swimming in cash to begin with tbh if u were a middling tech worker. Tech being paid well was always a story for the niggas who were able to get into FAANG or high finance, everyone else was like support centers just waiting to get outsourced. Brutal but true.
Jobs that are paid well always require you to represent the company and interact with coworkers irl (do support or planning etc). It is all about pretending to be smart, professional and be likeable and get along well with coworkers and clients. Because those are the jobs where even in rich countries they can't just replace you with a very skilled indian or eastern european. They need a local who speaks the language and looks decent enough. Most problems apart from FAANG stuff dont require an exceptional iq either.
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Jobs that are paid well always require you to represent the company and interact with coworkers irl (do support or planning etc). It is all about pretending to be smart, professional and be likeable and get along well with coworkers and clients. Because those are the jobs where even in rich countries they can't just replace you with a very skilled indian or eastern european. They need a local who speaks the language and looks decent enough. Most problems apart from FAANG stuff dont require an exceptional iq either.
I would agree. Those are the kinds of jobs that we can’t globalize or outsource. I don’t see this as being inconsistent with what I said
Thx God, it can't... and i don't see how it can, given it just trains on the stuff written on Stackoverflow... there is really no reasoning inside its "brains"... it just compiles a lot of answers it has seen somewhere. At least this is how im reassuring myself :feelshehe:
Making a mathematician computer would legit break the system it’d break encryption algorithms
Making a mathematician computer would legit break the system it’d break encryption algorithms
Computer hardware is one of the main issues to fix first binary itself prevents this in many ways.
Human beings are so full of themselves sometimes. To this day we'll make "discoveries" about how, for example, a random bird will change the pitch of his song to convey information, and that information is understood and acted upon by his flock. And we're like, "Wow! Who knew birds were so smart? We just thought their songs were pretty and that they were singing for fun, how could we have ever fathomed the concept that these organic lifeforms are using sound to communicate information? Obviously they're not smart enough to use language (you know, real language, like us very smart primates with tongues do), but what a cool thing!"
Then something like chatGPT comes along and we say, "Wow, so impressive, it wrote this college-level essay about a challenging top in just a few seconds! Obviously they're not smart enough to actually understand what they're saying, but still, what a cool thing!"
It's almost like the cathedral of concepts we built around our belief in our ascendancy over "basic" life is just a facade we all pretend is real so we feel good. If this AI doesn't possess "conceptual reasoning capabilities" then I guess those capabilities aren't really that important, are they? Maybe that ineffable sense of supernatural uniqueness we feel like we have, the thing we lord over the rest of the planet as our rationale for our righteous dominance, is just a trick our brain plays on itself to help us find food and create offspring, like every other lifeform on the planet.
We as a human society can't even decide that experimenting on dogs and monkeys is wrong. These animals we either bond closely with or see ourselves in are treated like nothing, like their feelings don't matter and that our ends justify the means we put them through. And we think we're going to have the humility to respect a truly intelligent digital being? We will never think of any AI as actually intelligent for the same reason why we can't find any problem in enslaving, torturing, and slaughtering billions of animals every year. People know this, deep down, and that's why the Singularity is seen as something to be feared rather than welcomed. We know that our power over others is the only justification we need to exploit them and we're afraid of what will happen to us once that power leaves our hands.
In the meantime, we'll continue to dismiss the obvious signs of intelligence coming from AI just as we dismiss the screams of a child and mother being ripped away from one another moments after birth as just "random animal noises that don't mean anything." If we actually reckoned with the reality of what we did we wouldn't do it anymore.
I hope you used ChatGPT to write this otherwise you are the most pretentious faggot on this forum. What an awful read

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