Deleted member 29747

No pfp gang, fuck pfp users
May 14, 2023
I have been doing research and dhb seems like something that is really good for face gains (masculizantion )

the two problems

Hairloss and being supressed


my plan

resedynl 3 %

rosemary oil

maybe RU85881 (dont want to use if i dont have too)


I was going to do 85 mg a week for a 12 week cycle

That shouldnt supress me too much and when I hop off i was going to use proviron at 25 to 50 mg till my test levels came back up

would this work?

pinging people

@Osie @User28823 @Napoleon1800 @Blackgymmax @ItsOverCel @MulattoTrenMaxxer @thereallegend @becomingnearperfect @MTMM
  • JFL
Reactions: 5.5psl
i know a guy who experienced hair loss from other steroids but when on 400 mg of dhb a week he didnt experience any hair loss, everyone is different tho
Why do you need so much facial masculization
Do you look like a women
Why do you need so much facial masculization
Do you look like a women
one of my biggest failos is a lack dimphorism I dont look like a woman, I look 2-3 year younger than I am
  • JFL
Reactions: 5.5psl
16, i look still early puberty like 14, when I was 15, everyone i showed my face too though i was 12-13
Damn same age
Tbh u might just have a late puberty
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
Damn same age
Tbh u might just have a late puberty
i doubt it, my facial bones are underdeveloped no puberty naturally will save that
i read everything
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hope u get help
  • Hmm...
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keep me updated
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I have been doing research and dhb seems like something that is really good for face gains (masculizantion )

the two problems

Hairloss and being supressed


my plan

resedynl 3 %

rosemary oil

maybe RU85881 (dont want to use if i dont have too)


I was going to do 85 mg a week for a 12 week cycle

That shouldnt supress me too much and when I hop off i was going to use proviron at 25 to 50 mg till my test levels came back up

would this work?

pinging people

@Osie @User28823 @Napoleon1800 @Blackgymmax @ItsOverCel @MulattoTrenMaxxer @thereallegend @becomingnearperfect @MTMM
bro im begging you please do some more research do not use proviron as a pct lmao
I wouldnt use dhb just for the reason it would be faked or heavily underdosed in most cases
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Lmao bro I have looked at some much shit on this,

Most people get get supressed are running 400+ mg a week I would be doing 100
bro im begging you please do some more research do not use proviron as a pct lmao
at the most, and even if it did suppress me it would be minimal and go away in a a month or so so I could just use proviron to have high test levels and and aromasin which also increase test so I don’t feel like shit
Lmao bro I have looked at some much shit on this,

Most people get get supressed are running 400+ mg a week I would be doing 100

at the most, and even if it did suppress me it would be minimal and go away in a a month or so so I could just use proviron to have high test levels and and aromasin which also increase test so I don’t feel like shit
you know literally nothing first you think dhb wont suppress you and now you think you can pct on another steroid like no one fking does that that is so stupid. ur not even 18 and are going to be infertile with no natural test for the rest of ur life
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
Lmao bro I have looked at some much shit on this,

Most people get get supressed are running 400+ mg a week I would be doing 100

at the most, and even if it did suppress me it would be minimal and go away in a a month or so so I could just use proviron to have high test levels and and aromasin which also increase test so I don’t feel like shit
and aromasin doesnt increase test bro jesus christ you literally are 0 iq where are you getting this information from
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
and aromasin doesnt increase test bro jesus christ you literally are 0 iq where are you getting this information from
You are actually dumb it does increase test when it blocks the test from aromatizing it builds up your actually the dumbest person on this forum Kys
you know literally nothing first you think dhb wont suppress you and now you think you can pct on another steroid like no one fking does that that is so stupid. ur not even 18 and are going to be infertile with no natural test for the rest of ur life
Proviron is used for male fertility and used in pct dumbass,
And this shows how much more of a dumbass you are, you think doing one cycle at a low dose of DHB would suppress me for the rest of my life, at most it would be a month because I am not doing insane high levels and not multiple cycles, you are actually the dumbest user on here please go do research before posting anyting
Proviron is used for male fertility and used in pct dumbass,
And this shows how much more of a dumbass you are, you think doing one cycle at a low dose of DHB would suppress me for the rest of my life, at most it would be a month because I am not doing insane high levels and not multiple cycles, you are actually the dumbest user on here please go do research before posting anyting
proviron is not a pct drug stupid fuck lmao. go ahead and do what you want you will be infertile with no natural testosterone by 20
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
You are actually dumb it does increase test when it blocks the test from aromatizing it builds up your actually the dumbest person on this forum Kys
your test is already blocked from aromatizing from proviron and you wont have any test to aromatize anyway. youre going to have 0 test or estrogen and be a braindead loser with joint pain of an old man and no balls. have fun bro please i encourage this cycle.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
Bro is 16 and is worried about looking like he is 13 lmfaooo even if you looked your age people will still treat you like a kid

Focus on something else.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
your test is already blocked from aromatizing from proviron and you wont have any test to aromatize anyway. youre going to have 0 test or estrogen and be a braindead loser with joint pain of an old man and no balls. have fun bro please i encourage this cycle.
Your actually retarded please kill your self you understand nothing why would I have zero test my test from 532 to 789 on aromasin because it blocks it from converting and proviron does the same, and currently I like having low estrogen cause I am height Maxxing, so high test low e, you are actually a dumb fucking user please kill your self asap and save air for people with a brain dumb bitch
proviron is not a pct drug stupid fuck lmao. go ahead and do what you want you will be infertile with no natural testosterone by 20
Never said it was idiot, yeah one cycle would make me infertile you literally are the most dumb ass retarded person here with no knowledge please hand yourself and don’t ever spew your bullshit on my threads again bitch ass
Your actually retarded please kill your self you understand nothing why would I have zero test my test from 532 to 789 on aromasin because it blocks it from converting and proviron does the same, and currently I like having low estrogen cause I am height Maxxing, so high test low e, you are actually a dumb fucking user please kill your self asap and save air for people with a brain dumb bitch
you would have zero test because you would be suppressed from the steroid taken previously? obviously? because of this your estrogen will already be low. and then you want to take an AI with proviron to nuke it even more? lmao. 0 test 0 estrogen. your testosterone production will not kickstart from any of those drugs and will stay low for how ever long you plan to "pct with proviron". please do this and tell me how it goes.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
Never said it was idiot, yeah one cycle would make me infertile you literally are the most dumb ass retarded person here with no knowledge please hand yourself and don’t ever spew your bullshit on my threads again bitch ass
no this one cycle probably wont but youre so stupid youre going to continue to fuck with your endocrine system in the stupidest way possible and eventually you will be.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
No it wont work, just blast test and use finasteride or RU if you are afraid of losing hair (hair loss is only a failo for guys with shit facial bones)
I have been doing research and dhb seems like something that is really good for face gains (masculizantion )

the two problems

Hairloss and being supressed


my plan

resedynl 3 %

rosemary oil

maybe RU85881 (dont want to use if i dont have too)


I was going to do 85 mg a week for a 12 week cycle

That shouldnt supress me too much and when I hop off i was going to use proviron at 25 to 50 mg till my test levels came back up

would this work?

pinging people

@Osie @User28823 @Napoleon1800 @Blackgymmax @ItsOverCel @MulattoTrenMaxxer @thereallegend @becomingnearperfect @MTMM
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