Dht gel on face



May 12, 2023
Other then the facial hair gain/loss, how much does it change your dimorphism?
Snake oil
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I never saw someone who tried it, but i wouldnt do it. I only saw niggers who put it on there dick.
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No, DHT gel doesn't work like that. It won't increase your dick size or dimorphism. It won't do anything.

Any exogenous androgen and DHT derivative will actually suppress your natural testosterone, meaning you won't have testosterone and aromatization into estradiol, which will basically ruin your health, libido, masculinity, metabolism, and everything.

Increasing dimorphism can be influenced by using exogenous testosterone during puberty. After puberty, using is limited to better libido, better erections, more body and facial hair, etc...

Also, keep in mind and testosterone increases DHT and this will make you bald if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. In my case, it doesn't make me bald because I'm not genetically predisposed.

I'm on a 300 mg testosterone a week cycle, which puts me at 5,000 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 4 times above the reference range.

I'm on a permanent blast, with occasionally added oral steroids.

By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous.

And DHT gel has very, very low absorption rate and is very expensive, which makes in economically unviable.
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No, DHT gel doesn't work like that. It won't increase your dick size or dimorphism. It won't do anything.

Any exogenous androgen and DHT derivative will actually suppress your natural testosterone, meaning you won't have testosterone and aromatization into estradiol, which will basically ruin your health, libido, masculinity, metabolism, and everything.

Increasing dimorphism can be influenced by using exogenous testosterone during puberty. After puberty, using is limited to better libido, better erections, more body and facial hair, etc...

Also, keep in mind and testosterone increases DHT and this will make you bald if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. In my case, it doesn't make me bald because I'm not genetically predisposed.

I'm on a 300 mg testosterone a week cycle, which puts me at 5,000 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 4 times above the reference range.

I'm on a permanent blast, with occasionally added oral steroids.

By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous.

And DHT gel has very, very low absorption rate and is very expensive, which makes in economically unviable.
Lol jfl at my parents abusing me by malnourishing me without knowing and no bad intent. I wasnt breastfed nor ate enough, let alonr properly as a kid
face?:lul::lul: put it on your d*ck at least. if it's not a snake oil (which I doubt) on your face dht will only cause more acne.
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No, DHT gel doesn't work like that. It won't increase your dick size or dimorphism. It won't do anything.

Any exogenous androgen and DHT derivative will actually suppress your natural testosterone, meaning you won't have testosterone and aromatization into estradiol, which will basically ruin your health, libido, masculinity, metabolism, and everything.

Increasing dimorphism can be influenced by using exogenous testosterone during puberty. After puberty, using is limited to better libido, better erections, more body and facial hair, etc...

Also, keep in mind and testosterone increases DHT and this will make you bald if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. In my case, it doesn't make me bald because I'm not genetically predisposed.

I'm on a 300 mg testosterone a week cycle, which puts me at 5,000 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 4 times above the reference range.

I'm on a permanent blast, with occasionally added oral steroids.

By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous.

And DHT gel has very, very low absorption rate and is very expensive, which makes in economically unviable.
What about testogel
What about testogel
These gels are for therapeutic purposes only and can't be compared to exogenous hormones such as testosterone. You can't do a steroid cycle or significantly elevated your testosterone levels to the upper limit of the reference range or beyond it if you use these gels.

Your best option is using exogenous testosterone if your goal is a supra physiological testosterone level. If you are afraid of intramuscular injections, you can inject in the fat (adipose) tissue. This is called sub-q injection.
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These gels are for therapeutic purposes only and can't be compared to exogenous hormones such as testosterone. You can't do a steroid cycle or significantly elevated your testosterone levels to the upper limit of the reference range or beyond it if you use these gels.

Your best option is using exogenous testosterone if your goal is a supra physiological testosterone level. If you are afraid of intramuscular injections, you can inject in the fat (adipose) tissue. This is called sub-q injection.
I am currently heightmaxxing and if I go above physiological limits, my height potential will shorten because, unlike estrogen, excess androgens also restrict your height potential. I am aiming for the 1000-1500 band. If you have more information about this testogel, can you tell me if you can take me to these limits?
I am currently heightmaxxing and if I go above physiological limits, my height potential will shorten because, unlike estrogen, excess androgens also restrict your height potential. I am aiming for the 1000-1500 band. If you have more information about this testogel, can you tell me if you can take me to these limits?
Excess androgens DONT restrict your height potential
Excess androgens DONT restrict your height potential
It reduces our chances of increasing potential by reaching our potential faster
I am currently heightmaxxing and if I go above physiological limits, my height potential will shorten because, unlike estrogen, excess androgens also restrict your height potential. I am aiming for the 1000-1500 band. If you have more information about this testogel, can you tell me if you can take me to these limits?
You mean 1,000 to 1,500 ng/dL? This will cause enough aromatization to close your growth plates, meaning you need to use AIs (aromatase inhibitors).

AIs can crash your e2 level, which is dangerous. If your e2 is within reference range or slightly elevated, AIs may crash it because they are very potent.

The best option is to consult with an actual doctor/endocrinologist to ensure proper treatment that will also be individualized for you. Because hormonal balance and results from exogenous hormones and AIs are absolutely individual.

Don't ask other people what results they get from exogenous hormones. What they get will be different from what you will get. These things are individual.
Excess androgens DONT restrict your height potential
If the exogenous androgens are aromatizing, they will increase e2 to the point where growth plates fuse.

Growth plates fuse when e2 reaches a certain level.

All non-aromatizing oral steroids won't cause this, but they will actually suppress your natural testosterone production, meaning you won't have testosterone and estrogen, which will result in dangerous hormonal imbalance.

Anything that is not testosterone and dianabol is non-aromatizing.

Any exogenous androgen, aromatizing or not, will cause suppression of natural testosterone.
Acne, hairloss and zero bone growth. Awesome shit

In all seriousness don't do this. Zero gain and everything to lose
If the exogenous androgens are aromatizing, they will increase e2 to the point where growth plates fuse.

Growth plates fuse when e2 reaches a certain level.

All non-aromatizing oral steroids won't cause this, but they will actually suppress your natural testosterone production, meaning you won't have testosterone and estrogen, which will result in dangerous hormonal imbalance.

Anything that is not testosterone and dianabol is non-aromatizing.

Any exogenous androgen, aromatizing or not, will cause suppression of natural testosterone.
Simple solution just take letrozole.
Simple solution just take letrozole.
Height is not important anyway if you have a big dick. The dick pill trumps the heightpill anyway.

If I have to choose between height and big dick, I would choose the big dick.

Height won't mean anything when you get naked and she sees a tiny shrimp.
Height is not important anyway if you have a big dick. The dick pill trumps the heightpill anyway.

If I have to choose between height and big dick, I would choose the big dick.

Height won't mean anything when you get naked and she sees a tiny shrimp.
Well you should change your username to unintelligentcel then
Dht gel on hair
No, DHT gel doesn't work like that. It won't increase your dick size or dimorphism. It won't do anything.

Any exogenous androgen and DHT derivative will actually suppress your natural testosterone, meaning you won't have testosterone and aromatization into estradiol, which will basically ruin your health, libido, masculinity, metabolism, and everything.

Increasing dimorphism can be influenced by using exogenous testosterone during puberty. After puberty, using is limited to better libido, better erections, more body and facial hair, etc...

Also, keep in mind and testosterone increases DHT and this will make you bald if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. In my case, it doesn't make me bald because I'm not genetically predisposed.

I'm on a 300 mg testosterone a week cycle, which puts me at 5,000 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 4 times above the reference range.

I'm on a permanent blast, with occasionally added oral steroids.

By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous.

And DHT gel has very, very low absorption rate and is very expensive, which makes in economically unviable.
Bro dht gel has been shown in studies to increase size by A FEW inches. Your name doesnt fit u.
No, DHT gel doesn't work like that. It won't increase your dick size or dimorphism. It won't do anything.

Any exogenous androgen and DHT derivative will actually suppress your natural testosterone, meaning you won't have testosterone and aromatization into estradiol, which will basically ruin your health, libido, masculinity, metabolism, and everything.

Increasing dimorphism can be influenced by using exogenous testosterone during puberty. After puberty, using is limited to better libido, better erections, more body and facial hair, etc...

Also, keep in mind and testosterone increases DHT and this will make you bald if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. In my case, it doesn't make me bald because I'm not genetically predisposed.

I'm on a 300 mg testosterone a week cycle, which puts me at 5,000 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 4 times above the reference range.

I'm on a permanent blast, with occasionally added oral steroids.

By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous.

And DHT gel has very, very low absorption rate and is very expensive, which makes in economically unviable.
How do you feel perma blasting 300mg of test e? Sounds pretty crazy but it could be tolerable for some outliners I guess
Bro dht gel has been shown in studies to increase size by A FEW inches. Your name doesnt fit u.
Yes but only if you stunted your dick/puberty growth you will see results with dht gel
No, DHT gel doesn't work like that. It won't increase your dick size or dimorphism. It won't do anything.

Any exogenous androgen and DHT derivative will actually suppress your natural testosterone, meaning you won't have testosterone and aromatization into estradiol, which will basically ruin your health, libido, masculinity, metabolism, and everything.

Increasing dimorphism can be influenced by using exogenous testosterone during puberty. After puberty, using is limited to better libido, better erections, more body and facial hair, etc...

Also, keep in mind and testosterone increases DHT and this will make you bald if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. In my case, it doesn't make me bald because I'm not genetically predisposed.

I'm on a 300 mg testosterone a week cycle, which puts me at 5,000 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 4 times above the reference range.

I'm on a permanent blast, with occasionally added oral steroids.

By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous.

And DHT gel has very, very low absorption rate and is very expensive, which makes in economically unviable.
Why the fuck are you lying, nobody has ever had 5k Total Testosterone from 300mg a week
Why the fuck are you lying, nobody has ever had 5k Total Testosterone from 300mg a week
yeah lmao hes lying, u cant get 5k from 300mg. but oh well feed the normies he fed some cope to to normies and they believed it

"By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous." :lul::lul::lul::lul:

No, DHT gel doesn't work like that. It won't increase your dick size or dimorphism. It won't do anything.

Any exogenous androgen and DHT derivative will actually suppress your natural testosterone, meaning you won't have testosterone and aromatization into estradiol, which will basically ruin your health, libido, masculinity, metabolism, and everything.

Increasing dimorphism can be influenced by using exogenous testosterone during puberty. After puberty, using is limited to better libido, better erections, more body and facial hair, etc...

Also, keep in mind and testosterone increases DHT and this will make you bald if you are genetically predisposed to baldness. In my case, it doesn't make me bald because I'm not genetically predisposed.

I'm on a 300 mg testosterone a week cycle, which puts me at 5,000 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 4 times above the reference range.

I'm on a permanent blast, with occasionally added oral steroids.

By the way, don't use oral steroids without a testosterone base, it's nonsense and dangerous.

And DHT gel has very, very low absorption rate and is very expensive, which makes in economically unviable.

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