

Jan 4, 2023
i feel bad for dudes who are predisposed to aggressive hairloss cuz this hormone is basically what makes you a man, it masculinizes brain makes you a low inhib dominant social force, makes your pp bigger and harder and helps with burning fat, jfl @ people who think dht is useless after puberty. not to mention dht makes your brain work better and it is one of the reasons why females age worse cognitively and have more memory problems and brain fog problems than men. dht is the fucking shit. god given hormone which makes your brain sharper, dick bigger, libido more intense and burns fat
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Mirin lowering competition attempt
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  • JFL
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Mirin lowering competition attempt
jfl no, if youre aggressively balding i guess you have no other choice to take fin, i didnt advocate against it. just posted this to call out the copers who think dht is useless, when irl its far from it
  • JFL
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another coper who thinks dht is useless :lul: its just wishful thinking at this point.
my pp is 7' long and i coom three times a day in ur mom whilst being a 96% serum DHT inhibited brainfogged cuck :D
  • JFL
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Crucial during growth but not so much in adult life especially if the individual has sufficient testosterone to sustain androgenic function with normal estradiol.
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Crucial during growth but not so much in adult life especially if the individual has sufficient testosterone to sustain androgenic function with normal estradiol.
its still important, people act as if its useless
my pp is 7' long and i coom three times a day in ur mom whilst being a 96% serum DHT inhibited brainfogged cuck :D
have fun with your brainfogs and impaired libido boyo
Didn't you say you were 6'2 and good looking you fucking lying faggot? What are you doing on this forum then? Your every word is full of shit. DHT should be nuked after puberty.
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  • JFL
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its still important, people act as if its useless
Depends on the individual, a lot of people take dht blockers with no noticeable side effects, including myself. I have naturally 1000+ testosterone so blocking DHT really made no difference.

It all depends on your personal androgen sensitivity and hormone profile. Some people(most) are fine without DHT some are not.
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All males with bald relatives should start taking finasteride after they turn 18, its pure lifefuel
it also gives you prostate cancer
youre literally correct bro, T and DHT do the same things just DHT is a way stronger version of T, so all these retards than try to inhibit DHT cuz muh hairloss but also try to increase T lack a basic understanding of biology
theres 0 scientifically proves of dht being important after puberty
Didn't you say you were 6'2 and good looking you fucking lying faggot? What are you doing on this forum then? Your every word is full of shit. DHT should be nuked after puberty.
jfl do you think im the only dude whos tall and good looking here? if so youve been living in a fairytale. my problem is my social anxiety thats why im rotting. also dht is still important cope, but if youre destined to be bald its probably better to hop on finasteride i DO agree with that. also when did i lie about anything?
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youre literally correct bro, T and DHT do the same things just DHT is a way stronger version of T, so all these retards than try to inhibit DHT cuz muh hairloss but also try to increase T lack a basic understanding of biology
yeah, they act as if blocking 70% of your hormone will do nothing and that a hormone is suddenly rendered as a useless after puberty. if its useless then why is it still released throughout your life after the puberty ends?
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All males with bald relatives should start taking finasteride after they turn 18, its pure lifefuel
depends how agressive it is, if its slow balding id say wait until 21 and then take it but if its aggressive yeah i guess u have no choice
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You convinced me to double my dose of fin, thanks browski
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  • JFL
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youre literally correct bro, T and DHT do the same things just DHT is a way stronger version of T, so all these retards than try to inhibit DHT cuz muh hairloss but also try to increase T lack a basic understanding of biology
You seem to lack a basic understanding of biology. Testosterone and DHT do not have the same effects, even though they bind to the same receptor. Due to differences in their molecular structures, when DHT binds to the androgen receptor, it causes a different conformational change in the receptor compared to when testosterone binds to it. This can result in significant differences in downstream effects. Moreover, DHT is a paracrine hormone, meaning it is formed in local tissues and acts primarily within those tissues.

This is why testosterone does not cause balding, but DHT does. Similarly, testosterone does not cause acne, but DHT does. This is why nuking DHT causes virtually no side effects in most men, but nuking testosterone turns you into a tranny.
  • JFL
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You seem to lack a basic understanding of biology. Testosterone and DHT do not have the same effects, even though they bind to the same receptor. Due to differences in their molecular structures, when DHT binds to the androgen receptor, it causes a different conformational change in the receptor compared to when testosterone binds to it. This can result in significant differences in downstream effects. Moreover, DHT is a paracrine hormone, meaning it is formed in local tissues and acts primarily within those tissues.

This is why testosterone does not cause balding, but DHT does. Similarly, testosterone does not cause acne, but DHT does. This is why nuking DHT causes virtually no side effects in most men, but nuking testosterone turns you into a tranny.
DHT mogs indeed, and it only cause hairloss if you have a large amount of dht receptors on your follicles

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