Did you migrate from lookism.net? If so what do you think happened?



King Of Larps // Boss of The Square
Jul 14, 2019
Looksmax users can also respond.

I personally already know what happened as i contacted dimez and lookism.net users/mods. I luckily am safe from the database leak.
If you are a lookism.net user also say your username tbh tbh ngl

It is what it is



Wait, why do i talk like this?
Yeah I was madness there but I only had like 7 posts.
Sorry OP they won't be able to respond since their too busy slaving for their master looksmax.me
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Sorry OP they won't be able to respond since their too busy slaving for their master looksmax.me
I do not know you and as long as you werent a lookism poster i knew, you are irrelevant to me
same username
im scared tbh,i know what i post online could incriminate me irl
also what happened can you ellaborate or nah
same username
im scared tbh,i know what i post online could incriminate me irl
ahh the norwoodreaper

I do know you, i am one well known user but i just came here to see how this forum is (i am on another name)
Only around 20 people on lookism.net got truly fully doxxed. Dimez said that the other information is irrelevant bcs he has nothing against those user specifically.

The hacker has a list with users he doxxed (this includes most mods) anyway. Aslong as you didnt open any DMs from some alt on lookism around the hack period you should be fine. I asked him personally if he has my doxxed and he said he doesnt have mine and explained this to me.

Tho it is unsure if he lied tho, anyway you are gonna be safe if you changed your passwords etc lol
Two people hacked the entire site check threads buddy boyo
Two people hacked the entire site check threads buddy boyo
Thats what i believe aswell but some guys speculate the mods backstabbed admin, tho this isnt the case
I do not know you and as long as you werent a lookism poster i knew, you are irrelevant to me

: clap: : clap:
:banderas: :banderas:

Put these looksmaxers on their place (below us)
Jfl at all the refugees comin in. Gtfo
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  • +1
Reactions: GenericChad1444 and Wannabe6ft2
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: LowTierNormie and norwoodreaper
Jfl at all the refugees comin in. Gtfo
Our members just came in here and are already dominating the site and bringing all of you new theories, instead of only believing in mewing theory and fixing your acne. You will get real PSL advice and looksmaxxing advice from the OGs and the PSL masters
I had the same avatar in lookism, I was by far the most smarterest poster there
actually anyone have a list of users who were doxxed from the dox thread just pm me, I want to know if i was on the list cause I opened the pm and shit but I of course used a vpn to open the pm when all that shit was happening.
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I had the same avatar in lookism, I was by far the most smarterest poster there
actually anyone have a list of users who were doxxed from the dox thread just pm me, I want to know if i was on the list cause I opened the pm and shit but I of course used a vpn to open the pm when all that shit was happening.
You most likely should ask dimez directly, he is pretty open about it.

FYI the ENTIRE database is leaked, so even if you used a VPN when you clicked on the dm, the times you werent with a VPN on the site can be found out.
You most likely should ask dimez directly, he is pretty open about it.

FYI the ENTIRE database is leaked, so even if you used a VPN when you clicked on the dm, the times you werent with a VPN on the site can be found out.

tbh I dont really care THAT much cause it's not like I freaking used my real email but yeah, is he on here as well where do I ask him
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: roiddroid, GenericChad1444 and The Dude Abides
Our members just came in here and are already dominating the site and bringing all of you new theories, instead of only believing in mewing theory and fixing your acne. You will get real PSL advice and looksmaxxing advice from the OGs and the PSL masters
You mean like that shitty jpeg you posted as a thread or that shitpost about your completely irrelevant avatar/sig combo?

Gonna have to try harder than that boyo
  • +1
Reactions: GenericChad1444 and The Dude Abides
tbh I dont really care THAT much cause it's not like I freaking used my real email but yeah, is he on here as well where do I ask him
If im not mistaken you can see him in the mods stickied post on this site.

If not just ask @sin , you can also directly join his discord then (where some other users are)
You mean like that shitty jpeg you posted as a thread or that shitpost about your completely irrelevant avatar/sig combo?

Gonna have to try harder than that boyo
If a shitpost like that already made you so judgemental this sites userbase must be boring asf. Its good we came to spice it up
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Depressed Twink
If a shitpost like that already made you so judgemental this sites userbase must be boring asf. Its good we came to spice it up
The looksmaxing section isn’t for shitposting. Go to off topic
The looksmaxing section isn’t for shitposting. Go to off topic
nvm im retarded i will be there from now on and will only come here when i have something worthwhile to say.
uncle joon and his cohorts have been trying to destroy the website for ages. i think the blackpill is really fucking up those oldcel weirdos so they couldn't stand having such a based website around
I had the same avatar in lookism, I was by far the most smarterest poster there
actually anyone have a list of users who were doxxed from the dox thread just pm me, I want to know if i was on the list cause I opened the pm and shit but I of course used a vpn to open the pm when all that shit was happening.
what was even the purpose of this

I had the same avatar in lookism, I was by far the most smarterest poster there
actually anyone have a list of users who were doxxed from the dox thread just pm me, I want to know if i was on the list cause I opened the pm and shit but I of course used a vpn to open the pm when all that shit was happening.

Are you 'professional Coper'?
I also came from lookism and I can't wait to go back.
honestly i might prefer this place. Its lacking in a certain humor that psl is famous for, but it seems to be comprised of friendlier individuals. inb4 lefort4 is a homosexual and/or needs to get labs done to check his test. and e2
No one cares about me ever anyways
lol that site works for like an hour a day
lol that site works for like an hour a day

He needs to just sell it, since he can't handle simple updates. That's what happens when you neglect something; it rots. Now it's far too late, the damage is beyond repair and to the point of no return.
whenever i try to log on my lookism account i get some shit about authentication code like wtf
He needs to just sell it, since he can't handle simple updates. That's what happens when you neglect something; it rots. Now it's far too late, the damage is beyond repair and to the point of no return.
the shitty admins were using it for bitcoin mining
I use to believe in conspiracy theories until lookism.net got hacked and every retard came up with their own absurd conspiracy theory about what happened.
Haven't been there for months...from what I understand there was a massive doxxing?

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