Did you regret missing out on your prime years before discovering psl?

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
Or you didn’t realize it till you got blackpilled?

I think I always had the feeling that something was missing in my formative years but it’s the blackpilled that explained to me systematically why and how much.
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I discovered psl during my prime years.
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feels good to be in prime years :feelsez:
still in my early youth lol, haven't even hit my prime
Subhumans like me dont have prime years.
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It would have been worse if I was blackpilled early. I discovered it around the age of 20.
me and @FatJattMofo will be psl 7 in a few years.
In a few years hypergamy will be so out of control that even psl 8 won’t be enough for foids.

Jk have fun looksmaxing
Your psl?
when i lose weight, psl 6.5
when i mature facially
bigger chin
shorter eyes
pct eyebrows, only one of my eyebrows has pct, the other has neutral tilt
voice will deepen
i will be taller ( 6ft 3 rn)
unmoggable frame from gymcelling

psl 7.95
would be psl 8+ if i had green eyes.
It would have been worse if I was blackpilled early. I discovered it around the age of 20.
i wish i was blackpilled from birth, i would be a millionaire model or jock by now.
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Technically I'm still in my prime, but I wish I discovered PSL earlier instead of wasting my time in PUA/Redpill bullshit. Looksmaxxing sooner would of helped me much more than learning game.
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What should I do? I dont do shit
Testosterone max by resistance training, being lean and diet, be as social as possible to get friends and be NT.
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Subhumans like me dont have prime years.
During prime years you’re too young to even get surgery, and by the time you’re old enough to get surgery you’re mentally fucked from isolation/rejection in your youth.
80% of looksmax is still in their prime jfl.
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i thought that's all becouse i'm aspie jfl
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Or you didn’t realize it till you got blackpilled?

I think I always had the feeling that something was missing in my formative years but it’s the blackpilled that explained to me systematically why and how much.
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prime is 18-24 r-right?
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prime is 18-24 r-right?
187 1872114 emoticon transparent image clipart open eye laugh emoji
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Of course, I was blackpilled since I was like 8 years old.
prime doesn‘t exist for me
If you consider prime as 15-20, i was nerd, autistic, fat and full of acne. All i cared was playing vidya. Im on my peak rn at 23. I think i will still improve since my body and skin are still improving

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