Did your normie friends ever get mad at you...



The Giantslayer
Jun 23, 2020
...for wanting surgery? I've observed a really funny dynamic where my chad friends will usually encourage me to get even the most brutal procedures, because they couldn't give a shit if I take away 1 Becky from them. Meanwhile my normie beta friends who struggle to get 1 girl a year are always super rejecting of the idea and get mad the second you mention it. My theory is that it both makes them afraid because the competition rises, but also makes them realise that their world view of everyone being beautiful is not reality.
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I never talk about surgeries to my friends but my parents are very against it and get soo mad when I mention it. They say I won't be myself and my children are going to be deformed jfl
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  • JFL
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I never talk about surgeries to my friends but my parents are very against it and get soo mad when I mention it. They say I won't be myself and my children are going to be deformed jfl

JFL if you still go by traditional breeding in this day and age. If I ever find a wife willing to have children, we will have my sperm inserted into a Russian surrogate mother Stacy and then have her be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. That way the children resemble us somewhat, but are also genetically improved.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Preoximerianas, Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 16110 and 7 others
JFL if you still go by traditional breeding in this day and age. If I ever find a wife willing to have children, we will have my sperm inserted into a Russian surrogate mother Stacy and then have her be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. That way the children resemble us somewhat, but are also genetically improved.
DE31FAC9 C67A 46B0 B22A 8391C8D5B809
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  • JFL
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I don’t have friends they will slow my ascension
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have you ever realized that you can only think about looksmaxxing when you are pretty?
actually for real no cap, when im feeling ugly i cant care shit about looksmaxxing, and only when im feeling pretty i focus on improving my appearence;
and its not only for me i actually realized it in a lot of people as well ( and asked them about it )
  • +1
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I'm looking forward to it JFL. I think that theory is legit though. You can get these Russian surrogate mothers to bear your child for like 35k and they're turbo Stacies.
ngl id do the same
ngl id do the same

I will do this for sure jfl. Also gonna blast my son with T and HGH asap and gonna make him live like a hunter gatherer. We need to put all this knowledge we have gathered over the years into practice when the time has come. Our children will be the ones mogging the fuck out of any normies low quality offspring.
JFL if you still go by traditional breeding in this day and age. If I ever find a wife willing to have children, we will have my sperm inserted into a Russian surrogate mother Stacy and then have her be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. That way the children resemble us somewhat, but are also genetically improved.
U know that a woman can only get pregnant by 1 man?
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  • JFL
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have you ever realized that you can only think about looksmaxxing when you are pretty?
actually for real no cap, when im feeling ugly i cant care shit about looksmaxxing, and only when im feeling pretty i focus on improving my appearence;
and its not only for me i actually realized it in a lot of people as well ( and asked them about it )

I don't feel that way tbh. But I know that after my Le Fort which will happen this year I will probably be more motivated to do other stuff.
U know that a woman can only get pregnant by 1 man?

What?????????? I'd get my wife impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation, that is one man. Homo Habilis IQ ngl
What?????????? I'd get my wife impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation, that is one man. Homo Habilis IQ ngl
If I ever find a wife willing to have children, we will have my sperm inserted into a Russian surrogate mother Stacy and then have her be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. That way the children resemble us somewhat, but are also genetically improved.

This makes no sense then?
If I ever find a wife willing to have children, we will have my sperm inserted into a Russian surrogate mother Stacy and then have her be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. That way the children resemble us somewhat, but are also genetically improved.

This makes no sense then?

Yes it does. Have a surrogate mother be impregnated by my sperm and have the wife be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. The children will somewhat resemble either of us, but also be genetically improved.
Yes it does. Have a surrogate mother be impregnated by my sperm and have the wife be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. The children will somewhat resemble either of us, but also be genetically improved.
First option ok but getting your wife impregnated by Chad is cucked af
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First option ok but getting your wife impregnated by Chad is cucked af

As long as he's not fucking her how is it cucked? It's on the same level as the surrogate mother being impregnated by my sperm: an artificial pregnancy. The wife wouldn't even see the Chad.
Normies : :soy:

Lecope3 > Lefort3
I never talk about surgeries to my friends but my parents are very against it and get soo mad when I mention it. They say I won't be myself and my children are going to be deformed jfl
You should tell them that the fact that you have to get surgery as a male means you are already deformed. No offense.
I'm looking forward to it JFL. I think that theory is legit though. You can get these Russian surrogate mothers to bear your child for like 35k and they're turbo Stacies.
What if the Subhuman genes are so strong that we get a new .me member jfl
Nobody wants you to ascend
They prefer you to stay in your lane,and makes them feel uncomfortable knowing that they could/should do it too
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What if the Subhuman genes are so strong that we get a new .me member jfl

Children get more DNA from their mother anyway. Of course it can always go wrong, but think about it this way:

The sperm of me that gets used would be taken from me when I am below 25. (No quality loss yet)
The surrogate mother would be early 20s max (Again to prevent quality loss) and manly for higher prenatal T exposure for the baby.
The children would grow up physically active, with a hunter gatherer diet and treated with hormones if necessary.
If needed they'd go into hardcore facial reshapening treatment as soon as the second teeth come out.
They'd be vantablackpilled from an early age to always take care of their appearance.
And I'd pay for any surgery they need later on.

This should guarantee at least high tier normie levels.
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Children get more DNA from their mother anyway. Of course it can always go wrong, but think about it this way:

The sperm of me that gets used would be taken from me when I am below 25. (No quality loss yet)
The surrogate mother would be early 20s max (Again to prevent quality loss) and manly for higher prenatal T exposure for the baby.
The children would grow up physically active, with a hunter gatherer diet and treated with hormones if necessary.
If needed they'd go into hardcore facial reshapening treatment as soon as the second teeth come out.
They'd be vantablackpilled from an early age to always take care of their appearance.
And I'd pay for any surgery they need later on.

This should guarantee at least high tier normie levels.
How would you cope with your own sons mogging you so hard?
How would you cope with your own sons mogging you so hard?

I wouldn't have a problem with that at all jfl. Children cost a ton of money, so I'd rather spend my resources on a high quality human who I can actually be proud of.
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My friends are not normies. They're based af
I have no normie friends.

One of my female cousins that I got along very well with since childhood knows about my surgerymaxxing. She called me crazy but who cares. I sometimes tease her with that “get looks or die “ catchphrase :feelskek:
  • JFL
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I don’t have friends they will slow my ascension
friends are gains goblins

i have bluepilled subhuman friends who are more retarded than me and wouldnt grasp the idea of hardmaxing, so there would be no point
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Sure way of pissing people off.
They want it to be illegal JFL
...for wanting surgery? I've observed a really funny dynamic where my chad friends will usually encourage me to get even the most brutal procedures, because they couldn't give a shit if I take away 1 Becky from them. Meanwhile my normie beta friends who struggle to get 1 girl a year are always super rejecting of the idea and get mad the second you mention it. My theory is that it both makes them afraid because the competition rises, but also makes them realise that their world view of everyone being beautiful is not reality.
We can’t all ascend. People need to stop spreading the blackpill and keep it a secret.
Nope. i made sure to redpill them before talking to them about this shit.
they have a functioning brain so they understood it pretty quickly and were like...yeah might be a good idea.
if you tell that to people and they still argue with u about this, cut them off your life, ded srs.
Depends, they don't get mad as much as telling me I don't need that to get girls (jfl 22 khhv :lul:)
Also yes I could MAYBE get a girlfriend if I had a good female social circle and use mere exposure effect, but idc I want to get 99+ on Tinder and mog every guy on the street :lul:

ALSO I'm probably only going to fix my downward growth, so it's corrective surgery not even cosmetic, but I'd need to explain downward growth to everyone, better just cut off the ones who will get mad at me, not a loss tbh
JFL if you still go by traditional breeding in this day and age. If I ever find a wife willing to have children, we will have my sperm inserted into a Russian surrogate mother Stacy and then have her be impregnated by a Chad's sperm donation. That way the children resemble us somewhat, but are also genetically improved.
expand on this plan do you expect to just pay the russian stacy to donate her eggs because the surrogate mother has no impact on the dna and why would you involve the chad that is just cucked . oh I guess its a decent idea but the chad sperm isnt your son at all
I never talk about surgeries to my friends but my parents are very against it and get soo mad when I mention it. They say I won't be myself and my children are going to be deformed jfl
They’re right
Can’t cheat incel genetics , your children will still be ugly fucks
I have two male friends one chadlite and a genuine chad, Chadlite understood where I was coming from and told me to wait till I was a little older to and a decision (I’m 19) and chad friend was against and says I’m already good looking enough and it’s crazy.
The only people I've ever talked to about surgery were people on Discord I've never ever met IRL. Talking about surgeries to normies is a waste of time.

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