DIETMAXXING: A guide on how to ascend and maximize development with diet



Sep 9, 2023

I'll start this thread with what I would say are simply the best foods for overall development. In terms of development, this mainly applies to PUBERTYCELS. However, every single person can benefit from eating a clean, nutritious diet.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized
A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised
Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium. Just supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and a decent amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
Dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, its a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein and minerals. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put its not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will the put brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive

Vitamin C/B Complex Supplementation:
B vitamins plays roles in everything from repairing the body from oxidative stress, to helping carbohydrates and protein metabolism processes. A properly dosed B complex will ensure you don't have a deficiency and have plenty of vitamins for your body to use. Vitamin C has multiple benefits as well. Not rocket science. Do your research on this if you care. Below I will link the B complex I use and recommend.

Vitamin D3 Supplementation:
As the majority of people know, vitamin D is also essential to health and a healthy hormonal profile. People in puberty should 1000% supplement for a multitude of reasons. Everything from preventing sickness, to increasing testosterone levels (if deficient). 5000-10000iu daily

Vitamin K MK4 Supplementation:
The importance of this vitamin has been discussed multiple times on this forum, but to sum it up vitamin K MK4 helps with bone development. It promotes healthy strong bones by enabling vitamin D and calcium to do their job.
This is the best priced/dosing MK4 I've been able to find. 7.5mg-15mg daily is sufficient.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. White beans and peeled apples are good fiber sources. A product that truly stands out to me is a organic dextrose powder called FLEXTROSE. Truly a unique product. Pure energy without the typical agrochemicals associated with shitty cheap dextrose powders.

Mineral Supplementation:
Boron Citrate - 6/10mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone
Zinc Glycinate - 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone
Magnesium Glycinate - 200/300mg DAILY. Just do a little research for yourself, majority of people are deficient. Just take the magnesium pill boyo
From my research, the Zinc/Boron can be sourced from the link below for the best price

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. Now the majority of people will have digestive problems if they drink 1 quart of milk , 1/2 pound of cheese, and 2 lbs pounds of meat daily. Yes, you will be meeting the majority of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates and some more plant based minerals (copper, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced mineral/vitamin profile while having good digestion. Adding a starch/fiber and probiotic source with each meal will ensure proper digestion.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.

60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, almond, walnut are best), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.

These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk will get you even more protein.


For you oldcels not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.

For all these youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestive wise, feel free to try this. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.

For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including already made IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show a picture of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day.

Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers (me included). Mainly some of them trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRTION! Although a short thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow the maximize development.
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BOTB tier
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Frank tufano is a basement dweller schizo
  • JFL
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I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY
Chadlites with chads potential in my school literally mouth breathe and eat like a shit I feel i wanna punch his face to grow more bone mass
Chadlites with chads potential in my school literally mouth breathe and eat like a shit I feel i wanna punch his face to grow more bone mass
truly wasted potential. or chadlites with horrible skin and eat like shit.
  • +1
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truly wasted potential. or chadlites with horrible skin and eat like shit.
  • JFL
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Good thread should I trust this
  • +1
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Good thread should I trust this
for sure trust this. this is my two years of nutrition everything summed up into a compact format. its all good information
for anyone that cares, i forgot to mention what probiotics i recommend and use myself. i drink a few cups of double fermented super strong WATER kefir everyday. it has helped my digestion immensely and has therefor greatly improved my skin. raw yogurt and milk kefir a good options as well, however water kefir will help with digesting sugars/starches, as opposed to lactose.
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I'll start this thread with what I would say are simply the best foods for overall development. In terms of development, this mainly applies to PUBERTYCELS. However, every single person can benefit from eating a clean, nutritious diet.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized
A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised
Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium. Just supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and a decent amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
Dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, its a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein and minerals. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put its not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will the put brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive

Vitamin C/B Complex Supplementation:
B vitamins plays roles in everything from repairing the body from oxidative stress, to helping carbohydrates and protein metabolism processes. A properly dosed B complex will ensure you don't have a deficiency and have plenty of vitamins for your body to use. Vitamin C has multiple benefits as well. Not rocket science. Do your research on this if you care. Below I will link the B complex I use and recommend.

Vitamin D3 Supplementation:
As the majority of people know, vitamin D is also essential to health and a healthy hormonal profile. People in puberty should 1000% supplement for a multitude of reasons. Everything from preventing sickness, to increasing testosterone levels (if deficient). 5000-10000iu daily

Vitamin K MK4 Supplementation:
The importance of this vitamin has been discussed multiple times on this forum, but to sum it up vitamin K MK4 helps with bone development. It promotes healthy strong bones by enabling vitamin D and calcium to do their job.
This is the best priced/dosing MK4 I've been able to find. 7.5mg-15mg daily is sufficient.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. White beans and peeled apples are good fiber sources. A product that truly stands out to me is a organic dextrose powder called FLEXTROSE. Truly a unique product. Pure energy without the typical agrochemicals associated with shitty cheap dextrose powders.

Mineral Supplementation:
Boron Citrate - 6/10mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone
Zinc Glycinate - 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone
Magnesium Glycinate - 200/300mg DAILY. Just do a little research for yourself, majority of people are deficient. Just take the magnesium pill boyo
From my research, the Zinc/Boron can be sourced from the link below for the best price

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. Now the majority of people will have digestive problems if they drink 1 quart of milk , 1/2 pound of cheese, and 2 lbs pounds of meat daily. Yes, you will be meeting the majority of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates and some more plant based minerals (copper, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced mineral/vitamin profile while having good digestion. Adding a starch/fiber and probiotic source with each meal will ensure proper digestion.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.

60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, almond, walnut are best), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.

These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk will get you even more protein.


For you oldcels not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.

For all these youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestive wise, feel free to try this. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.

For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including already made IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show a picture of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day.
View attachment 2601191View attachment 2601192

Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers (me included). Mainly some of them trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRTION! Although a short thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow the maximize development.
Should I add the remineralzation filter to my water filter, also great thread :)
Should I add the remineralzation filter to my water filter, also great thread :)
typically the remineralization filters for the basic 5-7 stage RO filters dont add much besides some calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate. overall poor forms of minerals and you wont get much benefit besides maybe taste? i have the 5 stage APEC 75gpd RO system and took off the mineral filter. as long as you're eating high quality nutritious foods, as highlighted in the thread, you'll be just fine.
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typically the remineralization filters for the basic 5-7 stage RO filters dont add much besides some calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate. overall poor forms of minerals and you wont get much benefit besides maybe taste? i have the 5 stage APEC 75gpd RO system and took off the mineral filter. as long as you're eating high quality nutritious foods, as highlighted in the thread, you'll be just fine.
Okay and the one adds fluoride back in so it’s a big no no right and can I eat raw food from the grocery store
Okay and the one adds fluoride back in so it’s a big no no right and can I eat raw food from the grocery store
would avoid if its adding fluoride back. the main point of the RO membrane in the filter system is to remove as much fluoride as possible.

as far as eating raw food, ill assume you're talking about meat. sure you COULD get away with eating raw steaks from whole foods butcher for example, however the benefits eating the raw meat are minuscule. main issues with raw meat are human contamination. you may get a few PERCENT more vitamins overall from eating the meat raw, but if its less enjoyable and you eat less overall meat then it makes no sense not to cook it. you should be cooking your steaks rare/medium rare to preserve nutrition, but the cooking process itself generally makes food more enjoyable/safer. i source 90% of my meats from the website i linked.

they dont sell raw milk at 95% of grocery stores. only a few in LA i believe.
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for anyone that cares, i forgot to mention what probiotics i recommend and use myself. i drink a few cups of double fermented super strong WATER kefir everyday. it has helped my digestion immensely and has therefor greatly improved my skin. raw yogurt and milk kefir a good options as well, however water kefir will help with digesting sugars/starches, as opposed to lactose.
do you think this would help me? ie improving digestion with my high milk intake
Not a bad list, but almost every supplement is highly toxic and should be avoided. They take some of the lowest quality food, then extract thenutrients with toxic compounds even if considered natural, like kerosene.
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do you think this would help me? ie improving digestion with my high milk intake
i would drop the milk down to maybe a quart and add in 1lb+ of lean meat daily. you really shouldnt consume that much dairy. consuming water kefir wont help with milk digestion. you would need milk kefir that eats lactose, the sugar in milk.
Not a bad list, but almost every supplement is highly toxic and should be avoided. They take some of the lowest quality food, then extract thenutrients with toxic compounds even if considered natural, like kerosene.
debatable. depends who you ask
Eat raw meat retard
Supplements are toxic and extracted with kerosene
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i would drop the milk down to maybe a quart and add in 1lb+ of lean meat daily. you really shouldnt consume that much dairy. consuming water kefir wont help with milk digestion. you would need milk kefir that eats lactose, the sugar in milk.
i already have over a pound of meat daily, with the milk the issue is that even if it causes problems, every bit of research i’ve done has found that it’s just absurdly effective for increasing growth, including that it spikes igf-1 a huge amount because of certain amino acids and other things in it so i kinda have to keep taking it
i already have over a pound of meat daily, with the milk the issue is that even if it causes problems, every bit of research i’ve done has found that it’s just absurdly effective for increasing growth, including that it spikes igf-1 a huge amount because of certain amino acids and other things in it so i kinda have to keep taking it
i guarantee cutting down milk consumption will not negatively affect your height. digestion and nutrient absorption matters most. its simply way to much milk. keep doing if it you have perfect digestion but especially if you're just drinking shitty walmart milk its not doing you any good.
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i guarantee cutting down milk consumption will not negatively affect your height. digestion and nutrient absorption matters most. its simply way to much milk. keep doing if it you have perfect digestion but especially if you're just drinking shitty walmart milk its not doing you any good.
do you know where to look for better sources of milk? i know raw is ideal but its a nightmare to get in the uk
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Great thread
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do you know where to look for better sources of milk? i know raw is ideal but its a nightmare to get in the uk might have some sources. theres where i get mine from a farm on there but im in the US. much easier to source. like i said i would focus on a lot of meat and or high quality protein powder like the one i linked. you want to remove negatives from your diet and shitty grocery store milk would be high on that list.
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1lb-1.5lb of leaner red meat + a few servings of protein powder would likely digest better than what you're doing currently and still get sufficient amounts of protein/nutrition
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water but good effort
This is legit a god sent, deserves BOTB.
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no source lol they just think eating raw meat will ascend them and make them the healthiest beings alive. rawtards you call them
Classic. Funny how most on this site just regurgitate info and never think for themselves. Puppets

I'll start this thread with what I would say are simply the best foods for overall development. In terms of development, this mainly applies to PUBERTYCELS. However, every single person can benefit from eating a clean, nutritious diet.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized
A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised
Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium. Just supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and a decent amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
Dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, its a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein and minerals. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put its not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will the put brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive

Vitamin C/B Complex Supplementation:
B vitamins plays roles in everything from repairing the body from oxidative stress, to helping carbohydrates and protein metabolism processes. A properly dosed B complex will ensure you don't have a deficiency and have plenty of vitamins for your body to use. Vitamin C has multiple benefits as well. Not rocket science. Do your research on this if you care. Below I will link the B complex I use and recommend.

Vitamin D3 Supplementation:
As the majority of people know, vitamin D is also essential to health and a healthy hormonal profile. People in puberty should 1000% supplement for a multitude of reasons. Everything from preventing sickness, to increasing testosterone levels (if deficient). 5000-10000iu daily

Vitamin K MK4 Supplementation:
The importance of this vitamin has been discussed multiple times on this forum, but to sum it up vitamin K MK4 helps with bone development. It promotes healthy strong bones by enabling vitamin D and calcium to do their job.
This is the best priced/dosing MK4 I've been able to find. 7.5mg-15mg daily is sufficient.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. White beans and peeled apples are good fiber sources. A product that truly stands out to me is a organic dextrose powder called FLEXTROSE. Truly a unique product. Pure energy without the typical agrochemicals associated with shitty cheap dextrose powders.

Mineral Supplementation:
Boron Citrate - 6/10mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone
Zinc Glycinate - 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone
Magnesium Glycinate - 200/300mg DAILY. Just do a little research for yourself, majority of people are deficient. Just take the magnesium pill boyo
From my research, the Zinc/Boron can be sourced from the link below for the best price

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. Now the majority of people will have digestive problems if they drink 1 quart of milk , 1/2 pound of cheese, and 2 lbs pounds of meat daily. Yes, you will be meeting the majority of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates and some more plant based minerals (copper, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced mineral/vitamin profile while having good digestion. Adding a starch/fiber and probiotic source with each meal will ensure proper digestion.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.

60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, almond, walnut are best), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.

These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk will get you even more protein.


For you oldcels not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.

For all these youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestive wise, feel free to try this. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.

For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including already made IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show a picture of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day.
View attachment 2601191View attachment 2601192

Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers (me included). Mainly some of them trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRTION! Although a short thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow the maximize development.
Is there a good and cheaper alternative of the whey proteine

I'll start this thread with what I would say are simply the best foods for overall development. In terms of development, this mainly applies to PUBERTYCELS. However, every single person can benefit from eating a clean, nutritious diet.

Milk: Preferably raw, organic, unhomogenized
A great source of calcium, B vitamins, and minerals. Very easy source of high quality animal protein/fat in a drinkable form.

Cheese: Preferably raw, organic, fermented?
Just like milk, but if made properly it has the added benefit of a fairly substantial vitamin k content (MK4). A condensed form of animal nutrition.

Eggs: Preferably CORN/SOY FREE, organic, pasture raised
Great source of B vitamins and thyroid supporting minerals with substantial amounts of OMEGA 3, IF CHICKENS ARE RAISED PROPERLY.

THE HOLY GRAIL RED MEAT: grass fed, pasture raised, organic
Basically eat high quality properly sourced red meat (lean) and you will thrive. I say lean because even the leanest of red meat, still has plenty of saturated fat to support a healthy hormonal profile. Every single person, ESPECIALLY IF IN PUBERTY, should eat a minimum of 1lb red meat daily. This alone will give you a shit ton of protein, b vitamins, minerals, and saturated fat. GREAT PRICED MEAT / DAIRY

Dark Chocolate:
Least important on this list, but still a good source of magnesium. Just supplement magnesium glycinate or topical magnesium chloride.

Cod Liver Oil:
Shit ton of preformed DHA/EPA, small amounts of vitamin D, and a decent amount of vitamin A (retinol). 1-2 tsp daily is enough to provide health benefits in the form of lipid management and covering various micronutrient profiles.

Whey Protein Concentrate: grass fed grass finished, organic, minimally processed
Dehydrated liquid whey. Similar to cheese and milk, its a very convenient (potentially tasty) source of concentrated animal protein and minerals. Now of course you can go to Walmart and buy a shitty chocolate donut rice krispy flavored protein powder, but simply put its not good for you. All the additives and poor quality of ingredients will not make you feel good nor contribute to good digestion. I will the put brand I recommend and use, albeit a little expensive

Vitamin C/B Complex Supplementation:
B vitamins plays roles in everything from repairing the body from oxidative stress, to helping carbohydrates and protein metabolism processes. A properly dosed B complex will ensure you don't have a deficiency and have plenty of vitamins for your body to use. Vitamin C has multiple benefits as well. Not rocket science. Do your research on this if you care. Below I will link the B complex I use and recommend.

Vitamin D3 Supplementation:
As the majority of people know, vitamin D is also essential to health and a healthy hormonal profile. People in puberty should 1000% supplement for a multitude of reasons. Everything from preventing sickness, to increasing testosterone levels (if deficient). 5000-10000iu daily

Vitamin K MK4 Supplementation:
The importance of this vitamin has been discussed multiple times on this forum, but to sum it up vitamin K MK4 helps with bone development. It promotes healthy strong bones by enabling vitamin D and calcium to do their job.
This is the best priced/dosing MK4 I've been able to find. 7.5mg-15mg daily is sufficient.

Carbohydrates/Starches/Fiber: ALL organic
White potatoes, white rice, oats, flours/breads, noodles, are all good sources of carbohydrates/starch to feed your gut microbiome. White beans and peeled apples are good fiber sources. A product that truly stands out to me is a organic dextrose powder called FLEXTROSE. Truly a unique product. Pure energy without the typical agrochemicals associated with shitty cheap dextrose powders.

Mineral Supplementation:
Boron Citrate - 6/10mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via lowering SHBG and effectively increasing FREE testosterone
Zinc Glycinate - 15mg/30mg few times weekly / daily for testosterone boosting effects via helping overall production of TOTAL testosterone
Magnesium Glycinate - 200/300mg DAILY. Just do a little research for yourself, majority of people are deficient. Just take the magnesium pill boyo
From my research, the Zinc/Boron can be sourced from the link below for the best price

Overall, this is the basis of a healthy diet. Now the majority of people will have digestive problems if they drink 1 quart of milk , 1/2 pound of cheese, and 2 lbs pounds of meat daily. Yes, you will be meeting the majority of your nutritional requirements, however you're lacking in carbohydrates and some more plant based minerals (copper, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum). It's important to create a combination of all these foods to 1. make tasty enjoyable meals and 2. get a balanced mineral/vitamin profile while having good digestion. Adding a starch/fiber and probiotic source with each meal will ensure proper digestion.

500g of organic peeled potatoes cooked in a little beef tallow, 1lb of lean venison, 1-2oz of cheese. Mix all this together with your seasonings of choice and you'll have a relatively easy to make, tasty, balanced meal. On the side for a probiotic, having 1-2 cups of properly fermented kefir will help digest the carbohydrates in the meal. Not to mention all the health benefits of a healthy gut microbiome, skin and hormonally. This meal will net you roughly 100 grams of ANIMAL protein (not counting potatoes). For optimal digestion and nutrient absorption this should be split into 2-3 meals.

60-80g of whey protein powder, 1 banana, 30g of preferred nut butter (macadamia, pecan, almond, walnut are best), vanilla extract/powder, pinch of salt, and a little bit of organic cane sugar (20-30g). This will provide a SHIT TON of animal proteins, minerals.

These two meals combined will get you about 160-180g of protein, not including other foods you could eat throughout the day. Simply adding in 2 cups of milk will get you even more protein.


For you oldcels not in puberty, 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily is plenty to support physical health. As long as you choose the correct foods to get this protein, you will get plenty of B vitamins and minerals from animal sources. This is really all you need. Don't waste your money on expensive protein.

For all these youngins in puberty (like me), we could potentially benefit 1.5 of protein per pound of body weight aka protein hyperdosing. Feel free to do your own research on this, but as long as you can handle this digestive wise, feel free to try this. In theory, more protein allows you to produce more IGF-1, assuming there are sufficient amounts of HGH.

For anyone HEIGHTMAXXING, protein hyperdosing is essential. Whether or not you're including already made IGF-1 (such as IGF-1 LR3) in your heightmaxxing plan, you will likely be using HGH or something to stimulate HGH production. Either way you put it you have more GH, hence you could benefit from more protein.

Please for dear god get a drinking water filter at the bare minimum. A reverse osmosis filter will suffice. Below I will show a picture of my sediment filter for my RO system after 8 MONTHS only. FILTER OUT THE FLOURIDE, CHLORINE, METALS, AND NASTY SEDIMENT. You don't want to cook with unfiltered tap water let alone drink a gallon a day.
View attachment 2601191View attachment 2601192

Now I don't know how much you guys care about your health, however I'm aware of the large population of heightmaxxers/pubertymaxxers (me included). Mainly some of them trying various pharmaceuticals to grow taller, yet they neglect the basics of developing properly. NUTRTION! Although a short thread, this outlines every single thing diet related I could think of and what you NEED TO EAT TO DEVELOP PROPERLY. Or alternately, to improve hormonal, skin, and overall health in adulthood. This is the guide you need and I can guarantee is overall the best diet to follow the maximize development.
Is there a cheaper alternative of the whey protein?
Is there a good and cheaper alternative of the whey proteine

Is there a cheaper alternative of the whey protein?
the same brand i posted has a nonorganic version that is still good quality. significantly cheaper. still grassfed grass finshed on pastures.

  • +1
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This is legit a god sent, deserves BOTB.
once the ratings/likes are high enough i will try. once its in BOTB a lot more people will see.
the same brand i posted has a nonorganic version that is still good quality. significantly cheaper. still grassfed grass finshed on pastures.

This is NOT good advice for your nutrition, guys. Step back to this thread, I don’t even know who and why it is pinned in this sub-forum.
  • +1
Reactions: OldRooster
This is NOT good advice for your nutrition, guys. Step back to this thread, I don’t even know who and why it is pinned in this sub-forum.
nothing at all wrong with it.
@ratondepoot anyone saying this thread is bad is because they are just against any synthetic supplements and think raw meat is best.

this is the thread for now, however i am adding a bunch to it tonight and reposting for BOTB.
  • +1
Reactions: ratondepoot
JFL that every third millennial thinks they are diet and exercise expert.
JFL that every third millennial thinks they are diet and exercise expert.
i didn’t even say anything crazy this is simple shit. nor did i mention exercise.
Stopped reading at Frank Tufano
Cod Liver Oil:
Whey Protein Concentrate:
I disagree here. PUFA bad, accumulates causing lipid peroxidation and increases inflammation due to prostaglandins.

Purified protein bad because you can get plenty from whole foods like red meat and milk and it’s the nutrients in these foods that are important also that the powder lacks.
I disagree here. PUFA bad, accumulates causing lipid peroxidation and increases inflammation due to prostaglandins.

Purified protein bad because you can get plenty from whole foods like red meat and milk and it’s the nutrients in these foods that are important also that the powder lacks.
pufa in the form of essential omega 3s? it’s a tsp of cod liver oils. you need some pufas. animal brain has PUFAs in the form of omega 3s. i’m not talking about vegetable seed oils. completely different.

and the protein powder is meant to be a convenient source of nutrition. it’s dehydrated whey. high quality whey protein powder has a very high b vitamin amount as well as minerals. also very different from shitty regular protein powder.
  • Hmm...
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pufa in the form of essential omega 3s? it’s a tsp of cod liver oils. you need some pufas. animal brain has PUFAs in the form of omega 3s. i’m not talking about vegetable seed oils. completely different.
n-3 is worse than n-6 but both are bad. SFA and MUFA are produced by the body for a reason.

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