Different types of copers



Dec 17, 2020
People think that once u reach MTN or higher that the reason u aren't getting laid is because of choice, or because of "hypergamy" in your country, but unless u live in some extremely gynocentric city in Japan or Italy u got no excuse. There's a reason as to why even LTNs and nearcels get IOIs. Everyone on the forum overrates themselves at first when they succeed at something and it gets stuck on their head for a while. However, in some cases being volcel can be the truth, here are two examples of fake "rules" that some people think apply to them when their most likely overrating or lying to themselves, and two examples of volcels.


If you've been around here long enough u would know that the two most important "genetic factors" in attraction are your height and face, then frame/weight/blah blah blah, etc.

If u are 70th percentile or higher facially (objectively) and above 70th percentile height then there's very little reason as to why u should be incel unless:

1. The rest of your body's measurements are seriously fucked and failo u hard.
2. You're an actual mentalcel (retarded, disorders, etc)
3. You're handicapped/disabled (Every guy in a wheelchair is automatically a turbomanlet if u think about it, but not all of them are incel)

When people say that "face is everything" they mean that once u are 60th percentile or higher in height for your country/workplace/setting (above average) the reason for one being incel won't be their height anymore, now all their focus comes to their face. If u are really tall and really ugly if anything it would be a failo (depending on what type of ugly u are) since it would just draw a bunch of unwanted attention to your main factor of unattractiveness. However, the fact that u are really above average in the second most important category in the first place is sort of proof that u got some minor "superior genes" and that although u may be a hideous abomination to some girls, u might be able to find a short qt who will fetishize just for that, which increases your chances of LTRing at least for a while.

The rule doesn't apply to manlets.

For example, most white (Germanic or Nordic specifically) incels i've seen on here are sexless cause of manletism, cause whites are expected to be tall (and white manlets are rarer than ethnic manlets) and if u are below 6ft as a white guy then it definetly failos u hard compared to brown people/non-whites, who are (aside from dark niggas) for the most part usually manlets and have a much lower height cut off depending on their usually more diverse settings, although u can still SEAmaxx.


Now, to a certain point, and once u reach 7/10 objectively, looks ARE subjective. That's why we have mog battles for Chad celebs here, but a guy w/ a below average face could delude himself w/ some good lighting in the mirror into thinking he's better looking than he is and nobody would be able to prove him wrong and he might even find that rare unicorn Becky who really sees him past his facial flaws.

Don't even cope w/ muh bones cause if that was the case people like prime Justin Bieber and Timothee Chalament would have 30k posts on incels.is. Soft features > Pheno > Harmony > Bones. U could probably switch around pheno and harmony w/ each other depending on who you're talking to if they already have a Chad base.

However, if u are a measurementcel then your inceldom problem has to do w/ facts.

If u are a dickcel, and u measure your dick and it's too small (or too big), then there's no way to cope around it. The measurement is clear, it's factual and it is what it is.

If are a fatass, and u measure your waist and it sticks out as far or further than your feet, then there's no way to cope around it. The measurement is clear, it's factual and it is what it is.

If u are are a manlet and u measure your height on a scale, and it's below average and u struggle, then there's no way to cope around it. The measurement is clear, it's factual, and it is what it is.

If u are a baldcel, and u measure your hairline and/or compare it to an example from what norwooding state it's in from a sheet, then there's no way to cope around it. The analysis is clear, it's factual, and it is what it is.

But a guy w/ bug eyes (Rami Malek) or a guy w/ a huge hooked nose (Gandy) or a guy w/ garbage piggy eyes (any Asian ever) could measure and analyze these parts of just their face and could still delude themselves in the "looks are subjective" rule and consider themselves attractive, EVEN if the rest of their face was mediocre which in that case would make them mostly normal w/ some below averageness.

Now on to the actual people who aren't having sex for a reason even though they could:


A mentalcel is a guy who doesn't realize when women are interested in him or willing to date/fuck him if they approach.

If u are genuinely retarded (sub-65 IQ) and u can't do anything properly, can't wipe your ass, can't spell long words, probably unawarely looksminned since u probably have a ton of fat and acne from eating whatever u want when u want... then u are indeed a mentalcel.

If u are a low-medium functioning autist (IWantToLooksmax the mathematical Chaddamlite is the best example) then u are indeed a mentalcel.

High functioning autism and asperger's syndrome doesn't count since it doesn't prevent u from having dates/sex. I mean sure u are gonna get excluded by normies, but the difference is that u are most likely aware of it and probably can yourself a girlfriend if u try and aren't super subhuman, just like anyone average would.


If u are a religious Muslim and a non-Muslim (most likely atheist) girl asks u out but u reject her due to sacred beliefs, then u are indeed volcel.

If u just developed a fucking insane alien-like possibly uncureable STD/infection/disease and u are gonna have to wait a long time for u to feel good again (so u reject girls since u can't really have sex), then u are indeed volcel. This rule applies to some cripplecels too like I mentioned earlier, if they aren't ugly ofc.

If u are a castaway in the middle of some island in the Pacific and u and some girl are the only ones alive from say... a plane crash, and days after days u both get real horny and mentally lonely and she ask u to fuck her even if u are below her standards, but u reject the offer cause u gotta keep your energy since u are short on food and have to find more, then u are indeed volcel (Survivalcels and Locationcels)

If u are a "shycel" then honestly chances are u are a fucking psycho gigasubhuman who doesn't apply into these two categories at all
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