Dinitrophenol - Miracle Pill to lose 1LB+ Daily



Aug 26, 2024
This guide was written by hand ON MOBILE. This is a no BS guide on DNP written by someone who has done DNP and has hours upon hours of research on the chemical.

As I’m writing this I see another thread that already has all of this info 💔 I’m already too far in to give up

Brief History:

Dinitrophenol is a chemical that was popularized during WW2 for its usages in making bombs. It’s a very potent and flammable chemical which explodes under heat.

Dinitrophenol (DNP) became a weight loss drug when put into capsules due to its affects on the factory line workers reporting extremely high internal body temperatures and weight loss when handling the chemical. Companies capitalized on this and turned it into a pill and sold it to the public. If you have heard of DNP before, you may have heard that it’s “deadly” which stems from idiots taking an extremely high dosage in hopes of losing more weight because “muhhh bigger is better”

DNP is now classified as a poison by every government agency in the USA and UK, this is because of people misusing it and overdosing.

How does it work?

A more scientific study done here, which I will be pulling info from : https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/2-4-dinitrophenol

Essentially, DNP uncouples parts of the mitochondria in the affected environment which RAISES YOUR METABOLIC RATE. This drug quite literally makes your metabolism faster, now you can stop wishing you had a faster metabolism.

It does some shit with your thyroid, so if you have a pre-existing thyroid issue, do more research or simply do not take it, it’s not worth your life. (It interacts with T4)

Safety and Precautions:

DNP is a very safe compound to use, as long as you aren’t taking more than 300mg daily.

The only reported deaths on DNP have been from overdoses starting at 1000MG, or people who are prone to getting cataracts, or if you are allergic to it. So realistically, there’s a very low chance of dying if you are SANE.

NOTE: Do not mess with DNP, it’s not a nice compound, if you fuck up and take too much, or do something you should whilst on it, you will die, and there is nothing the paramedics can do. As of December 2024 (now) there is zero cure for a DNP overdose.

The best way to figure out if DNP is safe for you is to purchase antihistamine and anti allergy pills on Amazon which have a good chance of genuinely saving you if you encounter what I’m going to talk about.

What to look for after taking the pill:

  • Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) is when the nerves that aren’t in your spine or brain become damaged. This can happen whilst using DNP if your body doesn’t “like” DNP, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You will know if you have PN if your hands or feet become numb, and start getting painful. If you get PN, just take your antihistamines and wait 3 months or so and try again. DO NOT take more after this.

(Around 90% of people are NOT allergic)

Supplements to Take:

I have seen a few posts on here asking about supplements to take, so I’ll be answering that.

Whilst on DNP, you’re going to want to supplement antioxidants because a rare second order metabolite of DNP (a semiquinone) can cause cataracts. Most people (99%-99.9%) are able to neutralize this pro-oxidant without any problems. The other few probably have some deficiency or genetic mutation that makes them susceptible. Antioxidants can be thought of as insurance against this for those unlucky few who are susceptible.

My typical recommendation is simple: a normal daily dose of the commons - vit C, vit E, and if you have them ALA and coQ10. DO NOT SUPERDOSE.

Side Effects:

The most common side effects reported by most users are:

Dehydration, fatigue, diarrhea (at a high dose), drowsiness, extreme heat.

Personally, the sides are dose dependent, this meaning that the sides change or worsen based on how high your dose is. At 250mg, I typically just get demotivated, tired, heat. But recently I took 500mg per day and it was NOT worth it, I wasn’t losing much more weight than I was on 250mg, and the sides were pure misery. I wasn’t comfortable at any point during the day, my body temperature was so high I would be sitting in front of a fan and be SWEATING (literal beads running down my forehead) and my throat still hurts so bad because of the dehydration, it’s like getting strep throat but 5x worse. Keep in mind I live somewhere COLD (35F usually) and I was that hot. On 500mg I was genuinely depressed, every task was exhausting.

Over time, your body does build up a tolerance to DNP, ever so slightly. This only really happens when doing a long cycle. In 1937 there was a study done by a doctor referred to as Simkins, who studied the effects of DNP on 159 subjects who were kept on DNP for many months to over a year. It's worth noting that he looked at a number of different markers of health, reporting no hepatotoxicity, no renal toxicity, no cardiovascular effects (except for a marked drop in blood pressure in hypertensive patients), no cardiotoxicity, no consistent effect on blood sugar, an improvement in carbohydrate tolerance, negligible effects on the gastro-intestinal tract, and no effect on blood cholesterol.

Your main enemy is going to be HEAT when taking DNP. If you live in a hot state without AC, I wouldn’t take it. The heat on 250mg honestly isn’t terrible, when you first start taking it, you will feel it, but later into your cycle you start to get more comfortable.


I’d personally recommend 250MG every day as a dosage. As for “what time should I take it” I personally take my pill at 10PM, this is because DNP is fully in your system 5 hours after you take the pill, so you might as well be sleeping while at your hottest.

There's a great deal of variation in individual response to DNP. While some people can produce a fever with as little as 300mg/day, others can take 600mg/day and still be under 99 degrees. There are a number of different factors involved: people metabolize DNP at different rates, some people are larger than others so that a given dosage is lower relative to their bodyweight, and some people seem better able to radiate heat. All of these factors and more make dosage prescriptions extremely individual with DNP. For this reason, sweeping generalizations for dosing are completely inadequate. Users need to start with a low dosage and slowly increase it until they find the dosage that's right for them, be it 200mg/day or 600mg/day. As a rough, general guideline, though, I'd say 200mg/day is a low dosage, 400mg/day is a moderate dosage, and 600mg/day is a high (dangerous) dosage.

A rule of thumb when choosing a dosage on DNP is to think of 100MG = 10% increase in metabolic rate.


DNP has a half life of 36 hours meaning it reaches full potency in your system. It takes about 5 days for it to reach its full potency.

Do NOT take another few pills if you don’t feel anything the first day or 2, you will most likely be miserable if you do.

This concludes my guide for now, feel free to ask questions, I’m hesitant to put my all into this thread bc I forgot someone else already made a thread on this.
  • +1
Reactions: J99, benchcrab, MUSTYCOPER and 1 other person
just came here to watch everyone whine about it (gatekeep the hacks)
  • +1
Reactions: shootleon and idkwhattoputhere
bump but there’s already botb on this
  • +1
Reactions: appeal
So on 200-250 mg dnp, you’re just burning extra 500 kcals? And you’re taking this life threatening drug for this? Just take Clen(40-80 mcg at the beginning, on week 1 and then slowly increase to 120 mcg tops, on week 2)+ t3(start with 25 mcg, on week 1 and then take it to 50 mcg, on week 2, slowly taper off to reduce the slowing down of your bmr)+ yohimbine(10-20 mg), a simple 2 week cycle. Carries danger but much safer compared to dnp. If you think otherwise please explain how and tell me about the science behind your theory.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: NordicLeonhard, mfk and 134applesauce456
I’m down 4kg in two weeks on a 400mg dose.
The 10% metabolism increase is too conservative.
I would say 20%.

As long as you can stay cool - and I mean REALLY cool - it’s barely noticeable except for shortness of breath.

Next I am just going to do short 4-5 day cycles every time I even START to get fat. Life is too short to fuck around with calorie restriction.
  • +1
Reactions: J99 and Deleted member 113182
I’m down 4kg in two weeks on a 400mg dose.
The 10% metabolism increase is too conservative.
I would say 20%.

As long as you can stay cool - and I mean REALLY cool - it’s barely noticeable except for shortness of breath.

Next I am just going to do short 4-5 day cycles every time I even START to get fat. Life is too short to fuck around with calorie restriction.
Imma hop on it as well
DNP + Sema

Can DNP be taken while working 9/5?
In 4-5 days cycles?

Ppl at my work will notice something is wrong at 14d cycles
Last edited:
Imma hop on it as well
DNP + Sema

Can DNP be taken while working 9/5?
In 4-5 days cycles?

DNP in a 25C hot office is a completely different story to DNP in your 5C bedroom with all the aircon running. Basically my plan in future is to take it Friday-Monday, my non office days.

Only problem with short cycles is the first day will just be spent burning glycogen instead of fat, unless you were to fast during the week. You’d still get 3-4 useful fat burning days out of it though.

Wouldn’t bother with sema, DNP is more than enough.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 113182
DNP in a 25C hot office is a completely different story to DNP in your 5C bedroom with all the aircon running. Basically my plan in future is to take it Friday-Monday, my non office days.

Only problem with short cycles is the first day will just be spent burning glycogen instead of fat, unless you were to fast during the week. You’d still get 3-4 useful fat burning days out of it though.

Wouldn’t bother with sema, DNP is more than enough.
Yeah, too bad I fucked the timing up
Have 2 weeks off work from now
But theres no way I can get my hands on it fast enough
Yeah, too bad I fucked the timing up
Have 2 weeks off work from now
But theres no way I can get my hands on it fast enough

You’ll just have to do a lower dose that is suitable for your work temperature.

400mg for me at 25C was uncomfortable but doable (sweating, but not through my shirt). On another day at 28C I was near death and literally had to leave.

Blasting high dose DNP over Christmas and New Year is based, everyone else gets fat and I get ripped.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 113182
You’ll just have to do a lower dose that is suitable for your work temperature.

400mg for me at 25C was uncomfortable but doable (sweating, but not through my shirt). On another day at 28C I was near death and literally had to leave.

Blasting high dose DNP over Christmas and New Year is based, everyone else gets fat and I get ripped.
i ordered and tracking says it is on hold in germany(dhl express) am i cooked?
  • JFL
Reactions: 134applesauce456
Dinitrophenol is a chemical that was popularized during WW2 for its usages in making bombs. It’s a very potent and flammable chemical which explodes under heat.
How can you type this and consider taking this shit, jesus man, this is peak low inhib
DNP in a 25C hot office is a completely different story to DNP in your 5C bedroom with all the aircon running. Basically my plan in future is to take it Friday-Monday, my non office days.

Only problem with short cycles is the first day will just be spent burning glycogen instead of fat, unless you were to fast during the week. You’d still get 3-4 useful fat burning days out of it though.

Wouldn’t bother with sema, DNP is more than enough.
Go 0 carb before starting dnp so you only burn fat and no carb during dnp. Also dnp hasnt a halflife of perfectly 24 hour so you will be hot tuesday
This guide was written by hand ON MOBILE. This is a no BS guide on DNP written by someone who has done DNP and has hours upon hours of research on the chemical.

As I’m writing this I see another thread that already has all of this info 💔 I’m already too far in to give up

Brief History:

Dinitrophenol is a chemical that was popularized during WW2 for its usages in making bombs. It’s a very potent and flammable chemical which explodes under heat.

Dinitrophenol (DNP) became a weight loss drug when put into capsules due to its affects on the factory line workers reporting extremely high internal body temperatures and weight loss when handling the chemical. Companies capitalized on this and turned it into a pill and sold it to the public. If you have heard of DNP before, you may have heard that it’s “deadly” which stems from idiots taking an extremely high dosage in hopes of losing more weight because “muhhh bigger is better”

DNP is now classified as a poison by every government agency in the USA and UK, this is because of people misusing it and overdosing.

How does it work?

A more scientific study done here, which I will be pulling info from : https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/2-4-dinitrophenol

Essentially, DNP uncouples parts of the mitochondria in the affected environment which RAISES YOUR METABOLIC RATE. This drug quite literally makes your metabolism faster, now you can stop wishing you had a faster metabolism.

It does some shit with your thyroid, so if you have a pre-existing thyroid issue, do more research or simply do not take it, it’s not worth your life. (It interacts with T4)

Safety and Precautions:

DNP is a very safe compound to use, as long as you aren’t taking more than 300mg daily.

The only reported deaths on DNP have been from overdoses starting at 1000MG, or people who are prone to getting cataracts, or if you are allergic to it. So realistically, there’s a very low chance of dying if you are SANE.

NOTE: Do not mess with DNP, it’s not a nice compound, if you fuck up and take too much, or do something you should whilst on it, you will die, and there is nothing the paramedics can do. As of December 2024 (now) there is zero cure for a DNP overdose.

The best way to figure out if DNP is safe for you is to purchase antihistamine and anti allergy pills on Amazon which have a good chance of genuinely saving you if you encounter what I’m going to talk about.

What to look for after taking the pill:

  • Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) is when the nerves that aren’t in your spine or brain become damaged. This can happen whilst using DNP if your body doesn’t “like” DNP, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You will know if you have PN if your hands or feet become numb, and start getting painful. If you get PN, just take your antihistamines and wait 3 months or so and try again. DO NOT take more after this.

(Around 90% of people are NOT allergic)

Supplements to Take:

I have seen a few posts on here asking about supplements to take, so I’ll be answering that.

Whilst on DNP, you’re going to want to supplement antioxidants because a rare second order metabolite of DNP (a semiquinone) can cause cataracts. Most people (99%-99.9%) are able to neutralize this pro-oxidant without any problems. The other few probably have some deficiency or genetic mutation that makes them susceptible. Antioxidants can be thought of as insurance against this for those unlucky few who are susceptible.

My typical recommendation is simple: a normal daily dose of the commons - vit C, vit E, and if you have them ALA and coQ10. DO NOT SUPERDOSE.

Side Effects:

The most common side effects reported by most users are:

Dehydration, fatigue, diarrhea (at a high dose), drowsiness, extreme heat.

Personally, the sides are dose dependent, this meaning that the sides change or worsen based on how high your dose is. At 250mg, I typically just get demotivated, tired, heat. But recently I took 500mg per day and it was NOT worth it, I wasn’t losing much more weight than I was on 250mg, and the sides were pure misery. I wasn’t comfortable at any point during the day, my body temperature was so high I would be sitting in front of a fan and be SWEATING (literal beads running down my forehead) and my throat still hurts so bad because of the dehydration, it’s like getting strep throat but 5x worse. Keep in mind I live somewhere COLD (35F usually) and I was that hot. On 500mg I was genuinely depressed, every task was exhausting.

Over time, your body does build up a tolerance to DNP, ever so slightly. This only really happens when doing a long cycle. In 1937 there was a study done by a doctor referred to as Simkins, who studied the effects of DNP on 159 subjects who were kept on DNP for many months to over a year. It's worth noting that he looked at a number of different markers of health, reporting no hepatotoxicity, no renal toxicity, no cardiovascular effects (except for a marked drop in blood pressure in hypertensive patients), no cardiotoxicity, no consistent effect on blood sugar, an improvement in carbohydrate tolerance, negligible effects on the gastro-intestinal tract, and no effect on blood cholesterol.

Your main enemy is going to be HEAT when taking DNP. If you live in a hot state without AC, I wouldn’t take it. The heat on 250mg honestly isn’t terrible, when you first start taking it, you will feel it, but later into your cycle you start to get more comfortable.


I’d personally recommend 250MG every day as a dosage. As for “what time should I take it” I personally take my pill at 10PM, this is because DNP is fully in your system 5 hours after you take the pill, so you might as well be sleeping while at your hottest.

There's a great deal of variation in individual response to DNP. While some people can produce a fever with as little as 300mg/day, others can take 600mg/day and still be under 99 degrees. There are a number of different factors involved: people metabolize DNP at different rates, some people are larger than others so that a given dosage is lower relative to their bodyweight, and some people seem better able to radiate heat. All of these factors and more make dosage prescriptions extremely individual with DNP. For this reason, sweeping generalizations for dosing are completely inadequate. Users need to start with a low dosage and slowly increase it until they find the dosage that's right for them, be it 200mg/day or 600mg/day. As a rough, general guideline, though, I'd say 200mg/day is a low dosage, 400mg/day is a moderate dosage, and 600mg/day is a high (dangerous) dosage.

A rule of thumb when choosing a dosage on DNP is to think of 100MG = 10% increase in metabolic rate.


DNP has a half life of 36 hours meaning it reaches full potency in your system. It takes about 5 days for it to reach its full potency.

Do NOT take another few pills if you don’t feel anything the first day or 2, you will most likely be miserable if you do.

This concludes my guide for now, feel free to ask questions, I’m hesitant to put my all into this thread bc I forgot someone else already made a thread on this.
Dnr - just eat less


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