Discussion About Mentalcels (high IQ posters gtfih)



Satire Account
Dec 8, 2019
**Note: This post is about non-NT normies who would be labeled "mentalcels" here. Non-NT truecels are fucked ofc**

I was reading a psychology book called "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" to gain some insights into mentalcels, and I think I found some.

1. On "Nature vs Nurture": The author shares the results of a study that pretty much confirm that you can't escape your genetic predisposition to mentalceldom. I don't remember who conducted the study and I don't have the book in front of me, but this is what happened: Psychologists studied the reactivity of newborns' nervous systems to test how their natural dispositions would develop and affect their lives as they grew up. They showed babies a toy that made noises and moved around in order to stimulate their nervous systems. Some babies freaked out and cried, so they were labeled "highly reactive." The other babies merely looked at the toy in wonderment. These scored low in reactivity. The psychologists followed these children throughout their lives and found that the children with the highly reactive nervous systems consistently developed into introverts (i.e., non-NT, or quiet people with few friends and minimal social lives), whereas the low reactive children consistently became extroverted. Why? Because a sensitive nervous system is easily overwhelmed by stimuli such as parties, presentations, and other social interactions. Introverts tend to avoid these stimuli. On the other hand, extroverts tend to have a nervous system that isn't nearly as sensitive, so they need much stronger stimuli to be content with their environments. This is why they seek the euphoria of, say, going to wild parties. The author explained that although some introverts became adept at faking extroversion to conform to society's expectations of them, they couldn't truly escape their fundamental nature.

2. Locationmaxxing is legit. In the US, being extroverted is viewed as the ideal. People are "supposed to" be talkative, confident, self-assured, etc. This idea is skewed so far that "normal" people view introverts as having some kind of problem. There must be something wrong with you if you're quiet, so you need to "come out of your shell" and become more talkative (Tho this only applies to quiet normies. Ugly introverts are shunned ofc). This explains why there are classes/seminars that help people become more outgoing, and why there's no class on how to shut the fuck up more often. NT people don't understand that some quiet people WANT to be alone often, to not participate, or to not have a huge group of friends.

Contrast this with China. The author interviewed several Chinese students in Harvard Business School and found that they were not used to the US's culture of praising retarted obnoxious loud-mouthed idiots for participating in class discussions despite not knowing jackshit about what they're talking about. In China, people are expected to be reserved, modest, and respectful of others. Therefore, a quiet student in China would be considered normal. Being non-NT shouldn't prevent him from getting a gf there (a possible caveat is that non-NT = non-masculine, so idk). But in the US, this guy would be considered weird. This obviously would lower his SMV since his status would be low (on top of being a ricecel).

So in summary,
1. it doesn't seem possible to become NT if you naturally aren't. You can FRAUD NT, but you can't BE NT.
2. Some countries see non-NT normies as weird, but in other countries they're socially acceptable. As has been said here before, consider moving to Asia to get laid (especially if you're white).

To reiterate, I'm not discussing people who became socially awkward because they're ugly and missed out on social development because they were shunned. Those are truecels, not mentalcels.

Inb4 "just be chad bro." I'm posting this to share these findings from educated scholars. Maybe it will help mentalcels understand why it's so hard to be NT, even with a good face.
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Reactions: Arkantos, Krezo, BigBoy and 2 others
being introvert in western society is death sentence
Yes I've always been quiet and preferring to be by myself or a small group of friends. I've become better at faking nt but I will never truly be extroverted. I can only text someone regularly for like 2 to 3 days max then I just kill the convo and dont message them again till sometime far in the future. It's very shitty thing because then people think I just dont like them.
  • So Sad
Reactions: LostYouth
I definitely agree with the frauding thing. There is no way to become NT if you weren't born that way and positively reinforced throughout your childhood (due to your status/looks, usually they both go hand in hand in high school, though being amazing at a specific sport can ascend you too). The only shot is to fraud it after high school. And it honestly is exhausting
  • +1
Reactions: LostYouth, BigBoy and Pietrosiek
i read it all. Even as introvert i could slay if i was gl
words have not been read
Yes I've always been quiet and preferring to be by myself or a small group of friends. I've become better at faking nt but I will never truly be extroverted. I can only text someone regularly for like 2 to 3 days max then I just kill the convo and dont message them again till sometime far in the future. It's very shitty thing because then people think I just dont like them.
Same, it kills me inside knowing i could have had a much better life had i been extroverted.
  • So Sad
Reactions: HurtfulVanity
What do I do if I'm extroverted but all the people around me are boring and not worth talking to? I literally desire to speak with people but when I talk to normies I feel like I'm talking to a wall. This is pure agony.
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