@disillusioned is the lowest iq member on this forum

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019

This faggot makes me angry, he's a hard coper and a determinist loser with a superiority complex

I use to cope with the idea that because my IQ is only 97 rather than something even more low like bottom 90's or upper 80's that I was somehow superior to the "real dummies". Granted, that I actually still believe this to a certain point. However, I have still come to conclude that this is ultimately a cope. Let's face it, a person with sub-100 IQ (literally 50% of the population) will never ever be truly good at anything. They might become so so with enough practice but they will always be largely invisible inside the shadows of other more higher IQ individuals. In order to be actually good at something you need at least 105-110 IQ (that's literally top 20% of the population, yep 80/20 rule strikes again) or else you will always be mediocre or worse.

He likes to feel superior to those with a lower iq than him, and he is racist faggot that keeps saying blacks are stupid because it makes him feel better about himself

JFL @ you, you are an utter loser who uses "muh iq" as an excuse to even try and likes to put others down to feel better about your own insecurity, go KYS utter waste of oxygen

The average Congolese tribesman is more intelligent and deserves more respect than you YOU CUCKOLD
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  • JFL
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Most interesting user on the site tbh
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  • Ugh..
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Agree but blacks are dumb on average bro no getting around that
if your iq is between 80 and 120 then it's a cope

only before or after that range you start being an alien freak nobody wants to be around
There's a difference between feeling and knowing superiority. Understanding that difference probably comes with an average IQ above 85.
I think he's one of the most open-minded members on this site. He believes something one second and the next second believes the exact opposite thing.
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He likes spongebob so it’s all good in the end
  • JFL
Reactions: TheMewingBBC and Framletgod
He likes to feel superior to those with a lower iq than him, and he is racist faggot that keeps saying blacks are stupid because it makes him feel better about hims

Sorry but it's the brutal truth. Even a whitecel with an IQ somewhere in the 90's is considerably better off than the glorified chimps that many blacks are. At least I can cope with some coding/game dev bullshit while I rot even if my stuff will never be as good as it would have been if I was truly high IQ. Most blacks will never be able to do even this and can only cope with alcohol and drugs. That's not even mentioning all the shit that blacks have to put up with as a result of negative public image which itself is largely the result of their own poor low IQ behavior in the first place. Despite what most stormfrontcels think white people (even poorer whites) are NOT treated worse than the other races because the other races don't look at a white dude and automatically assume they will be criminal. Most hispanics and asians would rather rent to a random poor white dude than a random poor black dude regardless of how casually racist towards blacks they may appear on the outside.
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Iq is enviromental
Yeah but some of his points are good. That’s the shit I would post on Clash of Clans forum in the off topic section (not the racist shit) when I was 13/14.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2205
all of his threads are fucking shit so far
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 685 and Framletgod
blacks are stupid though.
is this becoming reddit 2.0?
Yeah he's pretty retarded. Even stated he has a lower IQ than average
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Reactions: Petsmart and Deleted member 2012
Racism and IQ are cope to divert you from the immortal truth that looks are above everything. What can you actually achieve in life? 3 things. A house, a car, financial independence. That's it jfl
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Reactions: john_cope, Deleted member 2933 and Deleted member 685
Sorry but it's the brutal truth. Even a whitecel with an IQ somewhere in the 90's is considerably better off than the glorified chimps that many blacks are. At least I can cope with some coding/game dev bullshit while I rot even if my stuff will never be as good as it would have been if I was truly high IQ. Most blacks will never be able to do even this and can only cope with alcohol and drugs. That's not even mentioning all the shit that blacks have to put up with as a result of negative public image which itself is largely the result of their own poor low IQ behavior in the first place. Despite what most stormfrontcels think white people (even poorer whites) are NOT treated worse than the other races because the other races don't look at a white dude and automatically assume they will be criminal. Most hispanics and asians would rather rent to a random poor white dude than a random poor black dude regardless of how casually racist towards blacks they may appear on the outside.
Blacks don’t do drugs mate, whites are the most degenerate when it comes to drugs, especially British/Dutch men. And other white europeans lol
@Pex1992 mogs
Read every word
0063 1680x945

Blacks don’t do drugs mate, whites are the most degenerate when it comes to drugs, especially British/Dutch men. And other white europeans lol
Hurr durr racism bad except when I get to do it hurr durr
Blacks don’t do drugs mate, whites are the most degenerate when it comes to drugs, especially British/Dutch men. And other white europeans lol

Well with alcohol then. Then again I drink a lot myself.
lol i have given an official online mensa iq test u idiot where i had a rating of 132 ...
more like a braindamage rating of 132
more like a braindamage rating of 132
lol when i make a legit argument u guys get butt hurt and say stupid things when i say i think hrithik mogs those guys u cant take it coz in ur mind u only have that cheap mentality that indian cant mog whites ....i had even given u the proof that he is in top ten list and also he had been in top 5 most sexiest man alive many a times sometimes and asia's sexiest man alive many a times u can check it on google but most of the psl members are dillusioned as fuck they are all about mah cheekbones mah jawline mah projected chin
lol when i make a legit argument u guys get butt hurt and say stupid things when i say i think hrithik mogs those guys u cant take it coz in ur mind u only have that cheap mentality that indian cant mog whites ....i had even given u the proof that he is in top ten list and also he had been in top 5 most sexiest man alive many a times sometimes and asia's sexiest man alive many a times u can check it on google but most of the psl members are dillusioned as fuck they are all about mah cheekbones mah jawline mah projected chin
lol the sentence structure of a first grader

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