Disney is one of the biggest culprits of modern hypergamy

Deleted member 209

Deleted member 209

Aug 25, 2018
This is so underrated. All Disney movies were feminist propaganda. They were always about an average looking low class woman marrying a high class chad and the chad had to risk his life in order to get them while ugly men/women were the villains.

And this concept became rooted in little girls's minds. I go to the facebook profiles of girls in their mid 20s and they post pictures of Disney princesses. Even in the age, they still identify with this stuff, it's insane.

Modern women think their lives are anime/movies. They think they are the protagonists, the princeses, and the whole world revolves around them. They assign roles to the people they meet, good looking guys are princes, ugly men are evil villains, everyone else is NPC.

They are so pampered that they are actually able to live like this, to live in their own self centered reality. They are convinced they are special and that they are worth the best guys around.
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Reactions: Deleted member 281
100% Agreed.

But it's this bullshit that sells their movie tickets & makes the most money. Look at Shades of Gray for example (although it's not Disney), how many average-looking middle-aged women who are going through a mid-life crisis do you think went to see a girl get dominated by a Chad? They know exactly what they were getting themselves into.

Also, don't even get me started on the entitled shallow pigs that act like they're entitled princesses who set ridiculous standards for women. The funny thing is that majority of them will end up miserable & lonely like Sarah Silverman based off of they're stupid prince charming requirements. But who cares, they can stay bitter & anger with their 20+ cats & let natural selection play its course. Sure, they might trap an innocent guy every now & then but once he realizes that she's a lunatic, he'll move on to better options.
This is so underrated. All Disney movies were feminist propaganda. They were always about an average looking low class woman marrying a high class chad and the chad had to risk his life in order to get them while ugly men/women were the villains.

And this concept became rooted in little girls's minds. I go to the facebook profiles of girls in their mid 20s and they post pictures of Disney princesses. Even in the age, they still identify with this stuff, it's insane.

Modern women think their lives are anime/movies. They think they are the protagonists, the princeses, and the whole world revolves around them. They assign roles to the people they meet, good looking guys are princes, ugly men are evil villains, everyone else is NPC.

They are so pampered that they are actually able to live like this, to live in their own self centered reality. They are convinced they are special and that they are worth the best guys around.
Quadruple digit iq, tbh, ngl.
With the exception of Lion King, it's a story of ascension essentially.

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