Do every major sportsperson use drugs?

Deleted member 1560

Deleted member 1560

Defying destiny every minute
Apr 23, 2019
Lance Armstrong used drugs and wasn't caught until his 8th tour de France, I wonder how did he do that? I have heard athletes using drugs in off season and stop using it few months before their race. Any ideas are welcomed
Obviously yes lol
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Everybody is on steroids-Nate Diaz
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Everyone is on drugs. Even 35% of males on tinder are on drugs lmao. To think that professional atheltes aren't on drugs is just delusion. Nobody relevant ever gets busted because of corruption.
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Everyone is on drugs. Even 35% of males on tinder are on drugs lmao. To think that professional atheltes aren't on drugs is just delusion. Nobody relevant ever gets busted because of corruption.
How do they evade the dope tests?
Yeh even the elite have to compete with other elites who are roiding so they have to roid aswell.
How do they evade the dope tests?
New drugs are created it’s like lawyers and finding loopholes they’re always one step ahead
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Pretty much all athletes are on something. Competitive nature would have you still doing it even if the financial incentive wasn’t there.

Therapeutic use exemptions that give you some leeway, getting tipped off before getting tested. Some commissions don’t penalize you if you make yourself unavailable for testing etc..along with a good legal team.

Using fast acting steroids with no esters or a very short half life. Designer steroids would still be a big thing I imagine, altering molecules and carbons. Inside information gets passed on. China and Russia with their state sponsored doping.

Have you watched icarus? It gives great insight.

One of the biggest things in sport, Google BALCO scandal, Victor Conte was even on Rogans podcast talking about it a while back.
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The Vince Conte podcast episode is a must watch, along with the Lance Armstrong one, and also I would recommend reading the letter Conte wrote on behalf of Dwaine Chambers (sprinter). All pro athletes use drugs.
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The Vince Conte podcast episode is a must watch, along with the Lance Armstrong one, and also I would recommend reading the letter Conte wrote on behalf of Dwaine Chambers (sprinter). All pro athletes use drugs.
How do they avoid being caught? I am also planning to roid for sports
Each sport is different. At the elite level with random testing, they essentially plan to be absent for 2 random tests per season during their blast (they lie about their whereabouts to the testers), and then taper off everything in time for the 3rd strike drug test or for competitions. If the random testers actually manage to find them, they will hide in a panic room like Serena Williams or do literally anything to get out of it.
Often they will continue using HGH throughout the season since it's very rare to test for it and it can only be detected withing 24 hours.

In sports like cycling it's much more sophisticated, teams use doctors to get scripts for PEDs, and to administer certain drugs to hide steroids from the biological passport. They use blood transfusions to beat the biological passport also.

The thing is you can't reliably beat tests as a nobody in a sport, it's why they only ever seem to pop random 3rd worlders. You need an elite coach or a team to help you, you need insider knowledge, and in some cases you need a corrupt domestic drug testing organsation like in Jamaica or the USA. So this sort of sophisticated drug cheating is only for the genetic elite for whom it is worth it.
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How do they avoid being caught? I am also planning to roid for sports
There are different ways but the main way is to take some cleanser that will remove the metabolites that they test for from your system.
I remember one olympics they found a different way to test for some drug the next year and like 200 of the 'clean' samples gave a positive result.
Guessing you can find out what you need to take on some of the anabolic sites.
Also just because you test natural (without frauding) only means you are 'natural' at that point in time, so the other option is stopping gear in time.
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Each sport is different. At the elite level with random testing, they essentially plan to be absent for 2 random tests per season during their blast (they lie about their whereabouts to the testers), and then taper off everything in time for the 3rd strike drug test or for competitions. If the random testers actually manage to find them, they will hide in a panic room like Serena Williams or do literally anything to get out of it.
Often they will continue using HGH throughout the season since it's very rare to test for it and it can only be detected withing 24 hours.

In sports like cycling it's much more sophisticated, teams use doctors to get scripts for PEDs, and to administer certain drugs to hide steroids from the biological passport. They use blood transfusions to beat the biological passport also.

The thing is you can't reliably beat tests as a nobody in a sport, it's why they only ever seem to pop random 3rd worlders. You need an elite coach or a team to help you, you need insider knowledge, and in some cases you need a corrupt domestic drug testing organsation like in Jamaica or the USA. So this sort of sophisticated drug cheating is only for the genetic elite for whom it is worth it.

Yeah it gets tricky at the elite level where big sums are involved. We had our top skiers get busted for hgh and blood transfusion. Everyone got interrogated and even lie detector tested, court cases that go on for years and so forth. I don't see how these guys could get away with using something like testosterone as I've heard nowadays they can detect AAS use with blood tests during a ridiculously long time.

Then there's lower level athletes who only have urine tests. I believe you can pass them using steroids without esters as they leave the body within hours. You just have to inject around the clock like HGH.

Then again I do know olympians who blast AAS in their training camps where they can't be tested so I'm not sure how they pass blood tests. When they're not in camps everything else is used that they can get away with such as HGH, heart and blood pressure medicine etc. I probably only know 1% of what really goes on.
i used to live in a city where there were a couple of major sports teams and a big mma gym. I went to the same gym a lot of athletes did.

they were all fucking on gear. even the amateur mma dudes who were just doing it for a hobby.

I got offered a hook up on my third day training there fucking lol.

If you think any of the top pros aren't on drugs when there are millions at stake you need to wake the fuck up
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i used to live in a city where there were a couple of major sports teams and a big mma gym. I went to the same gym a lot of athletes did.

they were all fucking on gear. even the amateur mma dudes who were just doing it for a hobby.

I got offered a hook up on my third day training there fucking lol.

If you think any of the top pros aren't on drugs when there are millions at stake you need to wake the fuck up
Dead serious people in my gym talk about gear to other people like they are giving candy JFL.
It's fucking everywhere.
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  • JFL
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i used to live in a city where there were a couple of major sports teams and a big mma gym. I went to the same gym a lot of athletes did.

they were all fucking on gear. even the amateur mma dudes who were just doing it for a hobby.

I got offered a hook up on my third day training there fucking lol.

If you think any of the top pros aren't on drugs when there are millions at stake you need to wake the fuck up
The problem is how do I square up? I have the money but what should I do to avoid getting caught? I want to become the top gun badly.
Obviously they’re all on drugs. When you get to a level where money and fame are on the table, people will do anything to ensure that they succeed. It’s a byproduct of competitive nature
safe to assume that anyone competing at a national level or above in any real sport is on juice tbh
Lmao this thread is autistic, pretending USADA and WADA doesn't exist.

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