do forward head posture cause recession of mandible?



Again hoping that i don't wake up tomorrow..
Jul 29, 2019
then this explains it all. i was religiously playing videogame since 5th grade throughout my entire teenage years.
no wonder I became so recessed. when I play videogame I naturally rest my head in a forward head posture.
but this gives me so much pain since I feel like I had a choice and ifucked it up myself. if I can blame everything on genetics it wouldn't be as brutal as how I feel right now. is there anyone here who maintained terrible posture or was a serious video game addict and somehow came out not recessed?
Do you live in Asia or United States?
The effect of mouth breathing on dentofacial morphology of growing child.

“Changed mode of respiration was associated with increased facial height, mandibular plane angle and gonial angle...longer faces.”

Mouth breathing in allergic children: Its relationship to dentofacial development.

"The upper anterior facial height and the total anterior facial height were significantly larger in the mouth breathers. Angular relationships of the sella-nasion, palatal, and occlusal planes to the mandibular plane were greater in the mouth breathers, and their gonial angles were larger. The mouth breathers’ maxillae and mandibles were more retrognathic. Palatal height was higher, and overjet was greater in the mouth breathers. Maxillary intermolar width was narrower in the mouth breathers and was associated with a higher prevalence of posterior cross-bite. Over all, mouth breathers had longer faces with narrower maxillae and retrognathic jaws. This supports previous claims that nasal airway obstruction is associated with aberrant facial growth."

Breathing mode influence in craniofacial development.

"It was observed that the measurements for the inclination of the mandibular plane (SN.GoGn) in mouth breathing children were statistically higher than those in nasal breathing children. The posterior facial height was statistically smaller than the anterior one in mouth breathing children (PFH-AFH ratio). Thus, the upper anterior facial height was statistically smaller than the lower facial height (UFH-LFH ratio)...We concluded that mouth breathing children tend to have higher mandibular inclination and more vertical growth. These findings support the influence of the breathing mode in craniofacial development"

Skeletal and occlusal characteristics in mouth-breathing pre-school children.

The skeletal pattern measurements...indicated a tendency to mouth-breathing children presenting a dolichofacial pattern. According to occlusal characteristics, only the intermolar distance showed a significant correlation with a narrow maxillary arch in mouth-breathing subjects. Based on the results of this study, mouth-breathing can influence craniofacial and occlusal development early in childhood.

The effect of mouth breathing versus nasal breathing on dentofacial and craniofacial development in orthodontic patients.

"Mouth breathers demonstrated considerable backward and downward rotation of the mandible, increased overjet, increase in the mandible plane angle, a higher palatal plane, and narrowing of both upper and lower arches at the level of canines and first molars compared to the nasal breathers group. The prevalence of a posterior cross bite was significantly more frequent in the mouth breathers group (49%) than nose breathers (26%), (P = .006). Abnormal lip-to-tongue anterior oral seal was significantly more frequent in the mouth breathers group (56%) than in the nose breathers group (30%) (P = .05)...Naso-respiratory obstruction with mouth breathing during critical growth periods in children has a higher tendency for clockwise rotation of the growing mandible, with a disproportionate increase in anterior lower vertical face height and decreased posterior facial height."

Effect of mouth breathing on dental occlusion.<0201:EOMBOD>2.0.CO;2

"From the present study it can be concluded that the effect of mouth breathing was confined to the changes in maxillary arch dimensions. There was contraction of maxillary arch and increase in maxillary arch length. An increased overjet and deep overbite were present in these cases. The palate appeared high, not because its height was actually increased, but due to contraction of the maxillary arch. A higher percentage of Class II, division 1 malocclusion was seen in mouth breathers."

Facial characteristics of children who breathe through the mouth.

"Thirty children with allergy, aged 6 to 12 years, who had moderate-to-severe nasal mucosal edema on physical examination and who appeared to breathe predominantly through the mouth and 15 children without allergy who had normal findings from nasal examination and who appeared to breathe predominantly through the nose were evaluated...In comparison with children who breathed through the nose, children who breathed through the mouth had longer faces with narrower maxillae and retruded jaws. This supports the hypothesis that children with nasal obstruction and who appear to breathe through the mouth have distinctive facial characteristics."

Prevalence and factors related to mouth breathing in school children at the Santo Amaro project-Recife 2005

"mouth breathing prevalence was of 53.3%. There was no significant difference between gender, age and type of breathing. Facial alterations were: incomplete lip closure (58.8% X 5,7%), fallen eyes (40.0% X 1.4%), High palate (38.8% X 2.9%), Anterior open bite (60.0% Versus 30.0%), Hypotonic lips (3.8% X 0.0%), Circles under the eyes (97.5% Versus 77.1%)...There were significant differences between physical traits and breathing pattern."

Influence of Mouth Breathing on the Dentofacial Growth of Children: A Cephalometric Study

"All subjects with mouth-breathing habit exhibited a significant increase in lower incisor proclination, lip incompetency and convex facial profile. The presence of adenoids accentuated the facial convexity and mentolabial sulcus depth."

Conflicting Evidence

A study on the relationship between mouth breathing and facial morphological pattern

"by means of anthropometric indexes we classified facial types and associated them with the person’s breathing type, Hypereuriprosopic (Total=0; oral breathers 0%; nasal breathers 0%; Euriprosopic (Total=14; oral breathers 2.52%, nasal breathers 9.24%;Mesoprosope (Total=20; oral breathers 19.32%; nasal breathers 21.01%, Leptoprosopic (Total=37; oral breathers 14.29%; nasal breathers 16.81%; Hyperleptoprosopic (Total =48; oral breathers 5.89% nasal breathers 10.92%). The mesoprosopic facial type was found in 48 teenagers (40.33%) of whom 25 (21.01%) were oral breathers and 23 (19.32%) were nasal breathers. Conclusion: it was not possible to prove the existence of an association between oral breathing and facial type."

I guess mouthbreathing can definitely cause recessed profile. but I was a nosebreather my entire life. I wonder if my posture fucked me up. my cousins all look good and they have nice horizontal mandibles. why does this have to happen to only me :feelswhy:
I guess mouthbreathing can definitely cause recessed profile. but I was a nosebreather my entire life. I wonder if my posture fucked me up. my cousins all look good and they have nice horizontal mandibles. why does this have to happen to only me :feelswhy:
Would you rather be born average white or Chang?
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maybe im recessed cuz im just a gook. all these korean celebs are simply recessed.

their side profiles are simply laughable.

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