do u look worse when you eat high carb



bruxism saves lives
Jan 11, 2024
do you look bloated etc when u eat diet high in carbs
Yes due to my slavic genes I can't eat anything carb related or else my face becomes bloated. I don't eat carbs for a week and I look leanER.
the reason u may look leaner is cos you’d eat less cals without carbs than if you ate carbs. carbs r easier to over eat
Yeah I noticed I get a more fleshy face with it
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do you look bloated etc when u eat diet high in carbs
tbh i’ve been eating high simple carbs for the last few days and I’ve been looking great. Simple carbs only stay in your body for about 12 hours max so as long as you eat high potassium in the morning you should be fine.
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do you look bloated etc when u eat diet high in carbs
Nah, not really I would actually say I look better than I did on low carb. I currently comsume a high sugar high carb diet and my skin quality actually improved on it. My nasolabial folds and the thinker's wrinkle are almost gone and before I used to have oily skin especially on my forehead which created blackheads on it, they also decreased on this high carb/sugar way of eating. I also lost 5 pounds in literally a week without much hunger. The only problem is that you some times retain more water depending on what type of carbs u eat. I noticed the more refined carbs I eat the more water I retain while if I eat mainly simple carbs like white sugar and fruit I retain close to no water at all.
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I look full as fuck tbh and carbs won’t bloat me unless I go 500gr+
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Nah, not really I would actually say I look better than I did on low carb. I currently comsume a high sugar high carb diet and my skin quality actually improved on it. My nasolabial folds and the thinker's wrinkle are almost gone and before I used to have oily skin especially on my forehead which created blackheads on it, they also decreased on this high carb/sugar way of eating. I also lost 5 pounds in literally a week without much hunger. The only problem is that you some times retain more water depending on what type of carbs u eat. I noticed the more refined carbs I eat the more water I retain while if I eat mainly simple carbs like white sugar and fruit I retain close to no water at all.
so u only eat carbs from fruit? any other form of carbs bloat you?
so what ur saying is your leanmaxing and while leanmaxing, you look better eating high carb than low and somehow improves naso folds?
As I cross 100gm carbs on a rest day, I get bloated like a blob fish for a good couple of days (I’m around 12% bodyfat btw) , thanks to my genetics.
so u only eat carbs from fruit? any other form of carbs bloat you?
so what ur saying is your leanmaxing and while leanmaxing, you look better eating high carb than low and somehow improves naso folds?
Yeah it makes your face looks fuller and I also noticed decreased appetite on it. While on low carb I rarely felt satisfied even if I ate 2500+ calories of high fat high protein. While on this high sugar/carb diet I still track my calories and I notice that I naturally eat less while on it. Also I didn't drastically alter my calories to achieve this effect, I basically eat the same amount as before but just somehow lost more.
Yeah, I basically try to mainly get my sugars and carbs from fruit, white sugar and honey. My day looks like this:
Breakfast: fruit and honey plus coffe with sugar (usually two bananas with two tsp ot honey )
Lunch: usually just a coffee with sugar since I'm not hungry or I eat some more fruit with honey
Dinner: usually lean meat followed by some form of more carbs (this can range from rice to potatoes and even pizza sometimes)

I basically try to stick to an overall low fat-ish diet, the logic behind this type of eating is that all that pure sugar boosts thyroid function which in turn boosts metabolism. Most low carb diet long term tend to fuck up your metabolism overall.
I still believe that for overall health a diet rich in animal products like: milk, butter and meat is essential but I think the sugar phobia in modern times is at large mistaken. If u never tried a diet like this you should give it a chance for a week, I think you would be pleasently surprised.

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