Do You Guys Go Days Without Feeling Any Positive Emotions?

Brus Wane

Brus Wane

A Man Is 1 of 3 Things: Bull, Incel or Cuckold
Oct 29, 2022
I'm on one of those streaks.

Either angry, depressed, tired or all 3 at the same time. :cry:

No joy in my life whatsoever.

Even with the fed rally and my stocks going up I still feel so shitty.

I've found myself caging at fucked up things like teens or adults my age dying in car accidents or workplace fatalities to make myself feel better about life.... I think I'm at a new low. :trepidation:
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What’s your fapping habits
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What’s your fapping habits
Fap 1 and go for minimum 2, days without.

I don't always stick to it but I make sure I don't goon 2 days in a row.

But on wank days I sometimes go up to like 6 or 7 blasts. Really unhealthy and time consuming. And the porn gets more intense. Nothing illegal but really fucked up rough shit with whips, hot wax and nipple clamps etc....No scat or snuf stuff tho

Is this relevant?
  • Woah
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nigga thats my whole life
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Fap 1 and go for minimum 2, days without.

I don't always stick to it but I make sure I don't goon 2 days in a row.

But on wank days I sometimes go up to like 6 or 7 blasts. Really unhealthy and time consuming. And the porn gets more intense. Nothing illegal but really fucked up rough shit with whips, hot wax and nipple clamps etc....No scat or smut stuff tho

Is this relevant?
You ejaculation 6 or 7 times in one day ?
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What? That's sad man. I don't want this to even be my next month.

Yeah but it's because there's usually a 48 hour gap since the last fap day.

All that semen is just building up in my ballsack.
Bro that’s very bad
You are aging and destroying your insides and your soul
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Bro that’s very bad
No shit

I made this post to see exactly just how bad it is and whether anyone can relate
You are aging and destroying your insides and your soul
Idk about my soul but my mental health feels kinda rough lately

Not do something stupid rough but it's rough

I have been forcing myself to go into the sun and walk for 10 minutes in the evening so I don't go mad...The fresh air helps but I still feel shitty when I go back home

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Most of the time I'm very neutral
I used to be more dramatic when I was younger
No shit

I made this post to see exactly just how bad it is and whether anyone can relate

Idk about my soul but my mental health feels kinda rough lately

Not do something stupid rough but it's rough

I have been forcing myself to go into the sun and walk for 10 minutes in the evening so I don't go mad...The fresh air helps but I still feel shitty when I go back home

high prolactin levels because of over masturbating causes depression and anxiety
  • Woah
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Believe Jesus Christ bro.
  • JFL
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high prolactin levels because of over masturbating causes depression and anxiety
Never heard of prolactin but I will look it up immediately.

I don't nut daily

I leave a 48 hour space for recovery

I could try to cut the numbers tho I've been doing that
Believe Jesus Christ bro.
We meet again , tallfag who lived in 🇸🇬
  • +1
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Never heard of prolactin but I will look it up immediately.

I don't nut daily

I leave a 48 hour space for recovery

I could try to cut the numbers tho I've been doing that

We meet again , tallfag who lived in 🇸🇬
I am around the same height as you bro, are you native singapore asian or an immigrant
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Brus Wane
I am around the same height as you bro, are you native singapore asian or an immigrant
I'm native. Served in the army and everything. :feelswah:

Immigrants wouldn't be posting here. :feelskek:

Their lives are either too good to occupy themselves with autistic forums or they are cheap labourers and are too busy slaving away to post here. :forcedsmile:
I'm native. Served in the army and everything. :feelswah:

Immigrants wouldn't be posting here. :feelskek:

Their lives are either too good to occupy themselves with autistic forums or they are cheap labourers and are too busy slaving away to post here. :forcedsmile:
Immigrants are all extremely rich I attended international school there bunch of rich sophisticated Nordic moggers and bunch of rich chinese there.

I wonder why there were so many brown people there bangladesh, pakistans, indians
Immigrants are all extremely rich I attended international school there bunch of rich sophisticated Nordic moggers and bunch of rich chinese there.

I remember there were bunch of brown people there.
Exactly what I am saying.

Theres no "normal" immigrant in Singapore.

Either rich fags who are highly skilled workers and investors...OR cheap labour from third world shitholes doing blue collar shit

Neither would have any reason to post on a forum like this.

The rich get a kick flexing their money and fucking other people's wives/girlfriends.
The poor guys cope with Indian beer 8% ABV, $50 SEA whores and criminally overpriced cigarettes.
Exactly what I am saying.

Theres no "normal" immigrant in Singapore.

Either rich fags who are highly skilled workers and investors...OR cheap labour from third world shitholes doing blue collar shit

Neither would have any reason to post on a forum like this.

The rich get a kick flexing their money and fucking other people's wives/girlfriends.
The poor guys cope with Indian beer 8% ABV, $50 SEA whores and criminally overpriced cigarettes.
Man native Singaporeans would feel bad whenever they see bunch of immigrants lifemogging.

wealth gap is brutal and cruel
Man native Singaporeans would feel bad whenever they see bunch of immigrants lifemogging.

wealth gap is brutal and cruel
We have one of the most fucked gini coefficients in the world.

I honestly don't even like to go to the city center.

Shit will just make my depression worse.

I get mogged just by crossing the road.

Not just by tallfags walking beside me, but by manlet subhumans revving Italian sports cars.

Life is a cruel joke.
We have one of the most fucked gini coefficients in the world.

I honestly don't even like to go to the city center.

Shit will just make my depression worse.

I get mogged just by crossing the road.

Not just by tallfags walking beside me, but by manlet subhumans revving Italian sports cars.

Life is a cruel joke.
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.”

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Reject the unfair world and desires of flesh and come to Jesus Christ brother

Christ will lay your burdens and gutted feelings
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.”

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Reject the unfair world and desires of flesh and come to Jesus Christ brother

Christ will lay your burdens and gutted feelings
I'll convert before I die.

In this utterly cruel, corrupt and depraved world, you're extremely vulnerable if you think you can live by Christian values.
I'll convert before I die.

In this utterly cruel, corrupt and depraved world, you're extremely vulnerable if you think you can live by Christian values.
That is the point bro God came as flesh for us to sacrifice himself for our sins and

tell us to fight the worldly values and desires of flesh

for if you are living according to the [impulses of the] flesh, you are going to die
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Just claiming I believe In Jesus Christ with no emotion won’t make your salvation

but you must love him all your heart, lots of people claim they believe in Christ but few people truly loves him.

That is why Jesus said salvation is a narrow path.
I'll convert before I die.

In this utterly cruel, corrupt and depraved world, you're extremely vulnerable if you think you can live by Christian values.
Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers’"

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