Do you guys have any platonic female friends?

Any female friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • No

    Votes: 31 67.4%

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Jan 21, 2021
cos I dont. can keep a convo going with a girl pretty easily though & at parties usually have decent chats with them

also noticed the more time I spend becoming blackpilled the harder it becomes to empathise with women, and get the urge to contradict a lot of the things that they say (e.g. men have it so easy), which probs doesnt help jfl

and wonder if there is a blackpill here as well that I'm missing?
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Reactions: Jerzy Bondov, Selinity, Deleted member 6128 and 10 others
Nah, if anything the blackpill has made me despise women even more
no woman want me
I'd strive for fwb
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Used to
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Reactions: Deleted member 13197
they are not fun to talk but good for socialmax
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Reactions: EverythingMaxxer, Deleted member 6128, Yuya Moggershima and 7 others
Nah my interests are too male dominated
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I wish, but no women want to be friends with ugly men
  • +1
Reactions: lilhorizontal32
cos I dont. can keep a convo going with a girl pretty easily though & at parties usually have decent chats with them

also noticed the more time I spend becoming blackpilled the harder it becomes to empathise with women, and get the urge to contradict a lot of the things that they say (e.g. men have it so easy), which probs doesnt help jfl

and wonder if there is a blackpill here as well that I'm missing?
Treat most women like children except your 6'2 Amazon woman boss at work
No. I've only been friends with girls who liked me that I didn't like back. There's no such thing as a platonic relationship between male and female unless the dude's a fag. Dykes don't befrend men. If a straight male and female are "friends", then that means one of em's in the friendzone.
  • +1
Reactions: Jerzy Bondov, TsarTsar444, LastHopeForNorman and 4 others
I'm genuinely friends with a curry foid who's a lot uglier than me. I don't talk to her or initiate a conversation often. I wouldn't smash her and never felt like so, but such female friendships started through high school and it is inevitable unless you're rotting 24/7. I have a dozen of other female friends all due to high school. I never wanted to even meet them in the first place but being in the same class made it impossible for me to avoid them cause I needed help with stuff and they helped me a lot with studies. Even the foids that mog me continue to follow me on social media and be friends with me unlike the rest of my friends who got unfollowed by them on social media. Idk and idc tbh.
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  • +1
Reactions: john2
never had any girl friends until i started dating a girl and became close with her friends. I never expected it but they were mostly super sweet and nice to hang out with. Broke up with her and have no female friends currently
  • +1
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Only good for sex, can't think of anything else

Foids are only necessary for breeding and nourishing your offspring in life. Everything else can be and mostly has done by a man.
  • +1
Reactions: Bitch
Foids are only necessary for breeding and nourishing your offspring in life. Everything else can be and mostly has done by a man.
Was about to say cooking as well, but then I remembered people like Jamie Oliver and Alan Wong mog female chefs in wealth into oblivion

Screenshot 2021 04 17 at 182412
Screenshot 2021 04 17 at 182614
  • +1
Reactions: john2
Even the foids that mog me continue to follow me on social media and be friends with me unlike the rest of my friends who got unfollowed by them on social media.
Chad trait tbh.
  • JFL
Reactions: john2
no I have no friends whatsoever
  • So Sad
Reactions: AlexAP and lilhorizontal32
Kind of, I'm in high iq classes in highschool so they are mostly girls so I kind of have no choice to talk to them, but I mostly remain dark triad badboy aka mute
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Yes but I rarely go out of my way to hang out with them. I’d rather hang out with my boys.

I spend barely any time with female friends cuz I don’t want to catch feelings and I also don’t want her to catch feelings for me. Esp cuz I have a gf.

I also prefer spending time with guy mates, cuz it’s way more fun. More fun to get drunk with and play sports with them. Most girls are couch potatoes and have no hobbies. All most girls do is unironically party, be sluts, talk about hot guys and eat out.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Pussyslayer
Yes but I rarely hang go out of my way to hang out with them. I’d rather hang out with my boys.

I spend barely any time with female friends cuz I don’t want to catch feelings and I also don’t want her to catch feelings for me. Esp cuz I have a gf.

I also prefer spending time with guy mates, cuz it’s way more fun. More fun to get drunk with and play sports with them. Most girls are couch potatoes and have no hobbies. All most girls do is unironically party, be sluts, talk about hot guys and eat out.
What do you look like now my niggah, I might reach your level once I get ll this july
What do you look like now my niggah, I might reach your level once I get ll this july
Like shit tbh. Beard and hair is out of control cuz of quarantine lockdown and I look like an ISIS member
696A89F5 BB36 432D 8894 2D69662F2B6B
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'8manlet, Deleted member 1476, curryboy123 and 2 others
I will list all thr simps here shame on u faggots
never had any girl friends until i started dating a girl and became close with her friends. I never expected it but they were mostly super sweet and nice to hang out with. Broke up with her and have no female friends currently
Yes but I rarely go out of my way to hang out with them. I’d rather hang out with my boys.

I spend barely any time with female friends cuz I don’t want to catch feelings and I also don’t want her to catch feelings for me. Esp cuz I have a gf.

I also prefer spending time with guy mates, cuz it’s way more fun. More fun to get drunk with and play sports with them. Most girls are couch potatoes and have no hobbies. All most girls do is unironically party, be sluts, talk about hot guys and eat out.
No. I've only been friends with girls who liked me that I didn't like back. There's no such thing as a platonic relationship between male and female unless the dude's a fag. Dykes don't befrend men. If a straight male and female are "friends", then that means one of em's in the friendzone.
U are part of the problem
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1680
cos I dont. can keep a convo going with a girl pretty easily though & at parties usually have decent chats with them

also noticed the more time I spend becoming blackpilled the harder it becomes to empathise with women, and get the urge to contradict a lot of the things that they say (e.g. men have it so easy), which probs doesnt help jfl

and wonder if there is a blackpill here as well that I'm missing?
No they are boring and not funny Id just rather go hang out with with my friends than clout chase
Only 3 that are daughters of close friends of my parents so we practically know each other from a very early age
Women will NEVER BE REAL FRIENDS WITH YOU. I have female friends but they aren’t real friends. They don’t view you as important. Females have millions of male friends and they just use them for favors and entertainment and shit an expect you to give them the type of shit a boyfriend would give ONLY THEY NEVER GIVE YOU SEX BACK. Having female friends is a SCAM. They won’t give you ANYTHING you want they will only take. Expect nothing from female “friends” they are fake. They just use you.
  • +1
Reactions: TUSSELEIF, N1c and Deleted member 1680
what drama happened
Girl lead me on while she was together with chad,
chad was jealous so there was bitter rivalry,
but in the end I was the loser because I only got the rivalry and not the girl.
I broke contact and left it behind me.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: lilhorizontal32 and doll
I will list all thr simps here shame on u faggots

U are part of the problem
Brah you look wayy better clean shaven, you look terrifying right now holy balls
Yh I need to get rid of it, but cba rn cuz what’s point. I’m in lockdown and everywhere I go I have to wear a mask.
I had female friends only in primary school
  • +1
Reactions: lilhorizontal32 and Deleted member 10673
I will list all thr simps here shame on u faggots

U are part of the problem
I ain't no simp f*ck boy. You're just an autistic little worm who can only think in extremes because you have no real world experience and dwell in your momma's basement.
I ain't no simp f*ck boy. You're just an autistic little worm who can only think in extremes because you have no real world experience and dwell in your momma's basement.
Women SHOULDN'T have rights omg and should never be treated as equals
Women SHOULDN'T have rights omg and should never be treated as equals
I never said they should have rights. Using a girl who likes me to drink and smoke at her apartment because it's closer to the place where we work at than my own apartment is is far from treating her as an equal.
I never said they should have rights. Using a girl who likes me to drink and smoke at her apartment because it's closer to the place where we work at than my own apartment is is far from treating her as an equal.
Die die die did blocked
Genuinely better as platonic friends than as sexual partners for the most part. Full disclosure: I’m in the @Amnesia camp of ‘sex is pure work drudgery from start to finish’. They want you to jester also (if you’re not dating 2+ points below), and you don’t even get the emotional support you want because you can’t be seen as ‘weak’ in front of them. Fuck that. I’ve spent years and shitloads of money looksmaxing so I can now have the ‘privilege’ of being their sex/relationship-employee? Time for them to start bringing more value to the table.

Only problem is as friends in a social circle they will backchat the shit out of you and make you look like an idiot in front of everyone else.
Only problem is as friends in a social circle they will backchat the shit out of you and make you look like an idiot in front of everyone else.
Yeah I get this. Guys do it too from my experience but not as much
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Hitting on women in my workplace is a terrible idea that may cost me a career in law, so I'll rather befriend them to smoothly enter their social circles instead.
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Reactions: lilhorizontal32
cos I dont. can keep a convo going with a girl pretty easily though & at parties usually have decent chats with them

also noticed the more time I spend becoming blackpilled the harder it becomes to empathise with women, and get the urge to contradict a lot of the things that they say (e.g. men have it so easy), which probs doesnt help jfl

and wonder if there is a blackpill here as well that I'm missing?
no, i either find a female attractive or not

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