Do you prefer cat or dog?


  • Cat

  • Dog

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Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
Dogs are for pussies who need a naturally submissive animal to keep them feel wanted, jfl @ voting dogs, you just telling everyone how much lack of affection you have in your life
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Drugs, Alt Number 3, GoMadAndSTFU and 4 others
And what about cats
There are no good dog owners. I don’t care who the fuck you are. Did you know even when you disgustingly pick up your mutts pile of shit, there is still remaining poop on the ground? And their piss just fucking soaks there? This is awful for the planet. Could you imagine if there was a ground of people who all shit and pissed everywhere, attacked innocent people, and ran around screaming? They would be locked up in a jail or mental hospital. So how is ok for a dog to do this? I do not fucking understand. Even dog owners that clean their homes, your filthy houses still smell like a dogs dirty shit covered ass, and everyone who enters your home can smell it. If you let your dog lick your face you are a disgusting freak and you have mental problems. That tongue that gives you meaningless and disease ridden “kisses” is the same tongue that licks its crotch, eats it own and other animals shit, and will eat its own throw up(I’ve seen many dogs do this). Nobody wants your dog in public places. It makes you look fucking stupid because you are. Maybe if you didn’t have a filthy beast you would be able to bring a friend to public places, but because you are so mentally retarded you can’t hold normal human connections so you have to get an animal just as retarded as you so you can manipulate it into being your little pathetic slave that you drag around because you know you’ll never have anyone else that can deal with your absolute craziness. You dog owners are so insecure and empty that you need this brainless dog to give you fake love and affection. Having a dog isn’t a fucking personality trait. It only shows that you have underlying severe mental problems and you belong locked up in a mental hospital. Maybe if you had some sort of hobby, activity, friend group, or purpose in life you wouldn’t need a dog to fill the void. Dog owners are pathetic and I hate them all. Every single one just as disgusting as the other. You all are ruining the planet and annoying everybody. You leave poop all around town and pollute the air with the sound of your shit beast meaningless screaming because it doesn’t have enough chromosomes in it’s tiny little messed up brain to even know any better. Get a life.
  • JFL
Reactions: Dicklet.4.3

There are no good dog owners. I don’t care who the fuck you are. Did you know even when you disgustingly pick up your mutts pile of shit, there is still remaining poop on the ground? And their piss just fucking soaks there? This is awful for the planet. Could you imagine if there was a ground of people who all shit and pissed everywhere, attacked innocent people, and ran around screaming? They would be locked up in a jail or mental hospital. So how is ok for a dog to do this? I do not fucking understand. Even dog owners that clean their homes, your filthy houses still smell like a dogs dirty shit covered ass, and everyone who enters your home can smell it. If you let your dog lick your face you are a disgusting freak and you have mental problems. That tongue that gives you meaningless and disease ridden “kisses” is the same tongue that licks its crotch, eats it own and other animals shit, and will eat its own throw up(I’ve seen many dogs do this). Nobody wants your dog in public places. It makes you look fucking stupid because you are. Maybe if you didn’t have a filthy beast you would be able to bring a friend to public places, but because you are so mentally retarded you can’t hold normal human connections so you have to get an animal just as retarded as you so you can manipulate it into being your little pathetic slave that you drag around because you know you’ll never have anyone else that can deal with your absolute craziness. You dog owners are so insecure and empty that you need this brainless dog to give you fake love and affection. Having a dog isn’t a fucking personality trait. It only shows that you have underlying severe mental problems and you belong locked up in a mental hospital. Maybe if you had some sort of hobby, activity, friend group, or purpose in life you wouldn’t need a dog to fill the void. Dog owners are pathetic and I hate them all. Every single one just as disgusting as the other. You all are ruining the planet and annoying everybody. You leave poop all around town and pollute the air with the sound of your shit beast meaningless screaming because it doesn’t have enough chromosomes in it’s tiny little messed up brain to even know any better. Get a life.
~OwO~ nuzzles you I dwon’t cware who thwe fwuck you are. Dwid you knwow even when you dwisgustingly pwick nuzzle up nuzzle your nuzzle mwutts pwile of shwit, thwere ~OwO~ is stwill wemaining pwoop on thwe gwound? nuzzle And thweir pwiss pulls out meat scepter jwust fwucking swoaks thwere? ~OwO~ Thwis nuzzle is awful fwor thwe pwanet. Cwould you imagine ~OwO~ if nuzzle thwere was a gwound of pweople who all shwit and nuzzle pwissed everywhere, attacked ~OwO~ innocent pweople, and nuzzle wan puts away meat scepter around scweaming? Thwey would be wocked up ~OwO~ in a nuzzle jwail or mwental hwospital. So hwow is nuzzle ok ~OwO~ fwor a dwog to do thwis? I do nwot ~OwO~ fwucking understand. Even dwog owners ~OwO~ nuzzle thwat cwean thweir hwomes, your fwilthy hwouses stwill smwell wike a ~OwO~ dwogs nuzzle dwirty shwit cwovered ass, and everyone who ~OwO~ enters your hwome cwan nuzzle smwell nuzzle it. If you wet your ~OwO~ pulls out meat scepter dwog wick nuzzle your fwace you are a dwisgusting fweak and you hwave mwental ~OwO~ pwoblems. Thwat ~OwO~ nuzzle twongue thwat gwives you mweaningless and dwisease widden “kwisses” is thwe swame nuzzle twongue ~OwO~ thwat ~OwO~ wicks ~OwO~ its cwotch, nuzzle eats ~OwO~ it own and other animals shwit, and nuzzle will eat its own ~OwO~ nuzzle thwow up(I’ve sween nuzzle mwany dwogs do thwis). puts away meat scepter Nwobody ~OwO~ wants your dwog ~OwO~ in pwublic nuzzle pwaces. It mwakes you nuzzle wook nuzzle fwucking stwupid bwecause you ~OwO~ are. Mwaybe ~OwO~ if ~OwO~ you dwidn’t hwave ~OwO~ nuzzle a fwilthy bweast you would be able to bwing ~OwO~ a fwiend nuzzle pulls out meat scepter to pwublic pwaces, bwut bwecause you are ~OwO~ so mwentally wetarded nuzzle you cwan’t hwold ~OwO~ nwormal hwuman cwonnections so you hwave to gwet an animal nuzzle jwust as wetarded nuzzle as you ~OwO~ so ~OwO~ you cwan ~OwO~ nuzzle mwanipulate it into bweing your wittle pwathetic ~OwO~ nuzzle puts away meat scepter swave ~OwO~ thwat you dwag around bwecause ~OwO~ you knwow you’ll nwever nuzzle hwave anyone else nuzzle thwat cwan ~OwO~ dweal with your absolute ~OwO~ cwaziness. You dwog owners are so ~OwO~ insecure and empty nuzzle thwat you nweed thwis bwainless dwog nuzzle to gwive you ~OwO~ fwake wove and affection. Hwaving a dwog ~OwO~ isn’t a nuzzle fwucking pwersonality twait. It only shwows thwat you nuzzle hwave ~OwO~ underlying swevere mwental pwoblems and you bwelong wocked pulls out meat scepter up in ~OwO~ a nuzzle mwental hwospital. Mwaybe if you hwad swome swort of hwobby, ~OwO~ nuzzle activity, fwiend gwoup, or pwurpose in wife ~OwO~ you wouldn’t nuzzle nweed a dwog to fwill thwe vwoid. Dwog ~OwO~ owners nuzzle are pwathetic and I hwate thwem nuzzle all. nuzzle Every swingle one jwust ~OwO~ as dwisgusting as thwe other. You all are wuining ~OwO~ thwe pwanet nuzzle and annoying nuzzle everybody. You ~OwO~ weave pwoop all nuzzle around ~OwO~ twown and pwollute nuzzle thwe air with thwe ~OwO~ swound of your shwit bweast mweaningless scweaming bwecause it dwoesn’t nuzzle hwave enough chwomosomes in ~OwO~ it’s twiny wittle mwessed up bwain to ~OwO~ even ~OwO~ knwow any bwetter. nuzzle puts away meat scepter Gwet a wife.
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 470 and Ritalincel
Dogs are for pussies who need a naturally submissive animal to keep them feel wanted, jfl @ voting dogs, you just telling everyone how much lack of affection you have in your life
I like submissive things no matter pets or girls ( I do view girls as pets ngl)
Dogs are for pussies who need a naturally submissive animal to keep them feel wanted, jfl @ voting dogs, you just telling everyone how much lack of affection you have in your life
cats are literally pussies
  • +1
Reactions: SHARK
Wowwwww, you meow like a cat! That means you are one, right? Shut the fuck up. If you really want to be put on a leash and treated like a domestic animal then that’s called a fetish, not “quirky” or “cute”. What part of you seriously thinks that any part of acting like a feline establishes a reputation of appreciation? Is it your lack of any defining aspect of personality that urges you to resort to shitty representations of cats to create an illusion of meaning in your worthless life? Wearing “cat ears” in the shape of headbands further notes the complete absence of human attribution to your false sense of personality, such as intelligence or charisma in any form or shape. Where do you think this mindset’s gonna lead you? You think you’re funny, random, quirky even? What makes you think that acting like a fucking cat will make a goddamn hyena laugh? I, personally, feel extremely sympathetic towards you as your only escape from the worthless thing you call your existence is to pretend to be an animal. But it’s not a worthy choice to assert this horrifying fact as a dominant trait, mainly because personality traits require an initial personality to lay their foundation on. You’re not worthy of anybody’s time, so go fuck off, “cat-girl”.
cats because they are best rotting buddies
Why would I want to get cucked by my own dog?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1100 and Deleted member 616
dogcels are 99% normies tbh it is what it is
i like cats cuz they remind me of femoids. they arent loyal, are always pissed and only come when they want. you just need to learn how to threat them just like foids
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 1100
i like cats cuz they remind me of femoids. they arent loyal, are always pissed and only come when they want. you just need to learn how to threat them just like foids
You sound like a kid named Eugene who collects bugs in a jar. “hew hew hew these femoids hew hew hew"


  • 1573230621243.png
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You sound like a kid named Eugene who collects bugs in a jar. “hew hew hew these femoids hew hew hew"
and u sound like a weeb basement dweller with dark circles under ur eyes and acne

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