Do you think you overestimate or underestimate your looks?


  • I’m less attractive than I think

  • I’m more attractive than I think

  • Neither

  • I’m not sure

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Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
I judge my looks efficiently despite my BDD snd I'm harsh
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I cope, therefore i exist.
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im old enough to know where i am at tbh.

im decent looking but will never be model tier unless i spend 1000‘s of euros and pain which im too lazy for. but in the end of the day its enough to get a gf and fuck foids
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I always think i am good looking . But how i do with women disproves that
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  • JFL
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If you don’t know just estimate your looks based on how women treat you
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I always think i am good looking . But how i do with women disproves that
you look above average
If you don’t know just estimate your looks based on how women treat you
unless some teen, you will never get any real move into you by female unless you'r a legit 6,5+ PSL.
and you know well that between 0 and 6,5 the spectrum is wide.
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  • WTF
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i kind of overestimate how i look to myself but i don't overestimate how attractive i am to females
I used to overestimate my attractiveness and then after thinking about it with the knowledge here I am very confident in knowing I have a 5/10 face which pushes me down to 4.5 with my balding

How I know: more than 1 major failo but a few redeeming features

not ever treated wrongly by either sex and have access to below average / chubby women
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I underestimate I guess. Always thought I was a piece of shit until one day at the gym I was high as fuck on drugs and just went up to the hottest chick and she became my gf. Mind was blown. She was actually insecure and jealous all the time. I posted my pics here on another account and the response was very positive. The piece of shit feeling comes back if I dont get my validation though. It's deeply ingrained
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I underestimate I guess. Always thought I was a piece of shit until one day at the gym I was high as fuck on drugs and just went up to the hottest chick and she became my gf. Mind was blown. She was actually insecure and jealous all the time. I posted my pics here on another account and the response was very positive. The piece of shit feeling comes back if I dont get my validation though. It's deeply ingrained
There were some decently looking girls who really treated me like a chad. But the fact that I’m invisible to top tier stacys and I can’t get 99+ Tinder likes in 24h reminds me that I don’t have the wide ranges sex appeal a true chad is supposed to have .
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I use to think I’m somewhat attractive

But after discovering the blackpill I have major failos includes glasses
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  • So Sad
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I think Im ugly But women treat me like a god.
I dont fucking now Maybe because Im tall and
One of the few guys who looks muscular at school
I can say in recent times I've never had a woman look at me in disgust. When I was younger though and I got buzz cuts with my big ears and big nose I was told by some that i look like a rat. I'm still mentally scarred from those experiences despite not looking like that anymore.
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I think I am objective, but I'm probably not.
i accurately rate myself at psl 1.5
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Reactions: 5'8manlet
I feel like I sometimes overestimate my looks and other times underestimate my looks.
I think im better looking than i truly am if i would realize how ugly i truly am i would probably have killed myself already.
Got rated 2.5 psl on here jfl this so fucking sad. It never began ive been born just to live my shitty aspie life without getting any validation from women at all
  • Ugh..
Reactions: PenileFacialSurgery
Definitely underestimating judging by the amount of IOIs I get. But I still can't understand how, I truly believe I look objectively average.
I overestimate my looks. When I look in the mirror I see a 6, but I know I am a 4.
neither, perfectly aware of how i look (God tier)
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In the mirror and pics I find myself very attractive but I'm forcing myself to convice me that I look worse because I know we are biologically made to overestimate our looks

In the miror/ photo I rate myself as a 7/10 but because I know I overestimate myself I down the rating to 3-4
I don't know what u look like but someone who calls themself one of the ugliest users is clearly fishing for compliments
nah sometimes it really is like that. I for example know im one of the most female looking users on this site and it hurts my ego pretty bad
  • Ugh..
Reactions: PenileFacialSurgery
Don't think i'm overestimating, I rate myself 7.95/8 psl and i mog Pitt
nah sometimes it really is like that. I for example know im one of the most female looking users on this site and it hurts my ego pretty bad
back when I was ugly I thought I was GL, looking back I was absolutely subhuman, now I think I look good but i might look back and think I look like shit in hindsight in a few years
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back when I was ugly I thought I was GL, looking back I was absolutely subhuman, now I think I look good but i might look back and think I look like shit in hindsight in a few years
I used to think is was gl when 14... I was 165cm and looked like this
6D7D2B51 BC4C 4F22 91AE 1FB12FB382A2 1
1 day i think im ugly as fuck
1 day i think im model tier
eternal cycle
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There were some decently looking girls who really treated me like a chad. But the fact that I’m invisible to top tier stacys and I can’t get 99+ Tinder likes in 24h reminds me that I don’t have the wide ranges sex appeal a true chad is supposed to have .
Why do u scortmaxx that much then?
I was short, Skinny and virgin and i thought i was like 8/10
im 114lbs (52 kilos) and 6 feet im 10/10 auschwitz maxxed. I still have acne my midface is longer than my penis i look like a tranny my lower third is way too small my maxillar and chin are reccesed and my hairline was nw 2.5 since fucking birth. im fucked bro
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Reactions: PenileFacialSurgery and Vidyacoper
After a tinder experiment where i saw how i did in a bigger city with reset elo and getting approached in clubs more often now, I'm pretty sure I'm quite realistic about my looks now. PSL wasn't rated that high though.
im 114lbs (52 kilos) and 6 feet im 10/10 auschwitz maxxed. I still have acne my midface is longer than my penis i look like a tranny my lower third is way too small my maxillar and chin are reccesed and my hairline was nw 2.5 since fucking birth. im fucked bro
I have a wide hairline but instead of wearing a cap i wear a piece of red cloth like rambo without a shirt during the summer, It lowers your eyebrows aswell giving you no upper eyelid exposure
I have a wide hairline but instead of wearing a cap i wear a piece of red cloth like rambo without a shirt during the summer, It lowers your eyebrows aswell giving you no upper eyelid exposure
chad indeed
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Wanna looksmax to get to chad/chadlite status, I have good body so i try to body halo by going without a shirt whenever i can
sounds pretty gay ngl but if that's what you want to achieve
  • Ugh..
Reactions: PenileFacialSurgery
Why do u scortmaxx that much then?
1. When I started it was just because of curiosity then I became unexpectedly addicted. 2. My traumatized childhood and teenage made me believe I deserved nothing. 3. The quantity of decently looking foids treating me like chad is too small for a sex addict like me.
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