Does acromegaly only happen to adults with too much HGH or does it apply to teens in puberty too?



Jun 27, 2024
I have been spending some time researching MK-677 and HGH for possibly helping with heightmaxxing. But, I was just wondering if taking MK-677 (A Growth Hormone Secretagogue) or HGH would have the same negative effects on me facially that an adult would have with too much growth hormone being produced or injected. (It's an important factor to be considered before you start heightmaxxing, right?) :feelsthink:

Adults with excess/too much GH have the resulting condition known as Acromegaly.

The image below shows the facial side effects of Acromegaly:

And I am pretty sure Gigantism is the same type of condition where a person's pituitary gland produces too much GH (due to a tumor, not because they are getting more GH through injections or secretagogues) except it is during childhood/puberty where their normal growth occurs.

Examples of kids with gigantism:



There is also a guy on .org who provided photographic evidence of how HGH is a looksmin. His name is @56and3psl and I would appreciate it if you guys could tell me if there are any other examples on .org of this issue.





You can clearly see that he had a bit of descension. But anyway, are you guys aware of any ways a person could combat the facial side effects if they did try to take MK-677 or HGH (If there are any at all)? :feelswat:

And if not, for me, do you think the risk is worth it? I am 15 and about 5'11 - 6ft and my projected adult height is about 6'0 - 6'1. (I have been improving my health a lot by fixing my diet, playing basketball, working out and getting proper vitamins/nutrients so hopefully, I can get to 6'2+) :forcedsmile:

If I made any mistakes in the post pls correct me :feelsuhh:


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  • JFL
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn and Donkeyballs
nigga just don’t touch it. no there’s no way to stop the side effect. HGH and ai is a meme. everyone here that tells u to actually take real growth hormone is trying to bait you. Nobody actually touches that shit. 😭. It was only me and like 7 other people that actually ran an HGH cycle. Nobody actually does it it’s circle jerk
nigga just don’t touch it. no there’s no way to stop the side effect. HGH and ai is a meme. everyone here that tells u to actually take real growth hormone is trying to bait you. Nobody actually touches that shit. 😭. It was only me and like 7 other people that actually ran an HGH cycle. Nobody actually does it it’s circle jerk
fucking gatekeeper kill yourself i do hgh, gave it to my 14yo little brother and he grew like hell you're either a non responder or a gate keeper
fucking gatekeeper kill yourself i do hgh, gave it to my 14yo little brother and he grew like hell you're either a non responder or a gate keeper
Cuz hes at his peak velocity height growth at 14 so no shit hes gonna grow
  • +1
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you obviously look bad on the 2nd picture but nothing has changed beside some bloat and a lack of self care
keep coping
im not OP
  • JFL
Reactions: Rea
nigga just don’t touch it. no there’s no way to stop the side effect. HGH and ai is a meme. everyone here that tells u to actually take real growth hormone is trying to bait you. Nobody actually touches that shit. 😭. It was only me and like 7 other people that actually ran an HGH cycle. Nobody actually does it it’s circle jerk
Then why does every heightmaxxing cycle always have HGH (Or Mk) and Ai when people post on .org. It seems like a lot more than just 8 people. Also, didn't you start at like late 16 early 17? I feel like at that point your growth plates would either be mostly closed or fully closed, right? I mean, if you genuinely believe that this will make me worse facially, is there any way for me to gain like 2-3 inches while in puberty (Above projected height)?
Then why does every heightmaxxing cycle always have HGH (Or Mk) and Ai when people post on .org. It seems like a lot more than just 8 people. Also, didn't you start at like late 16 early 17? I feel like at that point your growth plates would either be mostly closed or fully closed, right? I mean, if you genuinely believe that this will make me worse facially, is there any way for me to gain like 2-3 inches while in puberty (Above projected height)?
mk isn’t hgh lmao and peptides also aren’t hgh. no there’s not. niggas like osie make money of selling that’s shit to people. you are not going to grow bro. just stop
Then why does every heightmaxxing cycle always have HGH (Or Mk) and Ai when people post on .org. It seems like a lot more than just 8 people. Also, didn't you start at like late 16 early 17? I feel like at that point your growth plates would either be mostly closed or fully closed, right? I mean, if you genuinely believe that this will make me worse facially, is there any way for me to gain like 2-3 inches while in puberty (Above projected height)?
i started at 16.0 and my bone age was literally 16. your a dumb fuck

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