Does nolvadex close growth plates?



Dec 18, 2021
If yes, then what else can I use to PCT?
ngl if you want to have 0 chance of closing growth plates best no pct
u using ostarine tho? your still going to get suppression but you should be back in 4 weeks or so
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estradiol valerate is a good alternative that doesn’t close growth plates
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ngl if you want to have 0 chance of closing growth plates best no pct
u using ostarine tho? your still going to get suppression but you should be back in 4 weeks or so
Yeah using ostarine, there's so much contradiction on the internet. Some say to not PCT but some say it's necessary.
Yeah using ostarine, there's so much contradiction on the internet. Some say to not PCT but some say it's necessary.
you will always return to baseline, it’s just a matter of how fast.
i know people who used 20mg rad for 12 weeks (proper cycle should have been 10mg for 8weeks) with no test base and no pct. took 1 year to get back to normal but now is completely fine like he never took but with the muscle gain. rad suppression is much more than ostarine.
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you will always return to baseline, it’s just a matter of how fast.
i know people who used 20mg rad for 12 weeks (proper cycle should have been 10mg for 8weeks) with no test base and no pct. took 1 year to get back to normal but now is completely fine like he never took but with the muscle gain. rad suppression is much more than ostarine.
Damn that's brutal. Do you have experience with ostarine? What did you experience during the cycle?
Damn that's brutal. Do you have experience with ostarine? What did you experience during the cycle?
yeah it was my first sarm i used. i’m on rad rn
ostarine being my first sarm, i didn’t pct cos i was (more of) an idiot than i am now. if your goal is muscle preservation and fat loss ostarine is the way to go. you won’t really gain muscle, maybe 2pounds you can gain if you cut. imo ostarine only for cutting. i used 20mg daily. i think i used for 8 weeks. i felt slight suppression i think at week 5-6. after stopping cycle i was fine in 4 weeks. i didn’t pct. imo if you wanna cut and gain muscle (recomp) rad is the way.
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I used 10mg for 2 months and hopped off w 0 sides afterwards
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yeah it was my first sarm i used. i’m on rad rn
ostarine being my first sarm, i didn’t pct cos i was (more of) an idiot than i am now. if your goal is muscle preservation and fat loss ostarine is the way to go. you won’t really gain muscle, maybe 2pounds you can gain if you cut. imo ostarine only for cutting. i used 20mg daily. i think i used for 8 weeks. i felt slight suppression i think at week 5-6. after stopping cycle i was fine in 4 weeks. i didn’t pct. imo if you wanna cut and gain muscle (recomp) rad is the way.
I'll have to look into rad then, I heard the sides from it didn't make it worth it hence why I was more drawn towards ostarine.
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I'll have to look into rad then, I heard the sides from it didn't make it worth it hence why I was more drawn towards ostarine.
what sides have you heard about?
there is gonna be more suppression yeah, but as i said you’ll get back to baseline.
gains are far superior, seem many people have some insane recomps (losing 5% bf whilst remaining at same weight, meaning muscle gain)
there is the side of hair loss maybe, that’s if your prone to it + i use minox anyways so aren’t worried tbh
shrink stesties, haven’t seen many people complain about it cos doesn’t happen to everyone but it would happen with all sarms due to suppression obviously more likely with the sarms that suppress more, but if they atrophy they return to normal size after the cycle

those are the main sides i’ve seen
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what sides have you heard about?
there is gonna be more suppression yeah, but as i said you’ll get back to baseline.
gains are far superior, seem many people have some insane recomps (losing 5% bf whilst remaining at same weight, meaning muscle gain)
there is the side of hair loss maybe, that’s if your prone to it + i use minox anyways so aren’t worried tbh
shrink stesties, haven’t seen many people complain about it cos doesn’t happen to everyone but it would happen with all sarms due to suppression obviously more likely with the sarms that suppress more, but if they atrophy they return to normal size after the cycle

those are the main sides i’ve seen
oh yes and also aggression slightly lol
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what sides have you heard about?
there is gonna be more suppression yeah, but as i said you’ll get back to baseline.
gains are far superior, seem many people have some insane recomps (losing 5% bf whilst remaining at same weight, meaning muscle gain)
there is the side of hair loss maybe, that’s if your prone to it + i use minox anyways so aren’t worried tbh
shrink stesties, haven’t seen many people complain about it cos doesn’t happen to everyone but it would happen with all sarms due to suppression obviously more likely with the sarms that suppress more, but if they atrophy they return to normal size after the cycle

those are the main sides i’ve seen
Yeah it was mainly the effect on hair and skin and also the liver I read about. Maybe I was ill informed. My father and my grandfather both have a full head of hair, but on my mother side her brothers had some condition which made all their hair fall out. I've never had any issues with balding or something similar, I'm hoping it stays that way too.
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Yeah it was mainly the effect on hair and skin and also the liver I read about. Maybe I was ill informed. My father and my grandfather both have a full head of hair, but on my mother side her brothers had some condition which made all their hair fall out. I've never had any issues with balding or something similar, I'm hoping it stays that way too.
imo i’d try rad, roi is higher
i think you’d be fine hair wise but if you think it’s having an affect on hair, stop immediately.

ostarine safe bet for hair and losing fat and keep muscle

lgd will also give gains like rad but you’ll be a bloated mess on cycle tbh but ur hair will be fine

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