Does skin get better after puberty?



Feb 15, 2020
I have very minor acne at 14. I was wondering whats the age fro prime skin on average in people.
I have very minor acne at 14. I was wondering whats the age fro prime skin on average in people.
Yeah it gets better after you finish puberty, probably 16
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Yeah it does, had acne too, make sure to take care of your skin if u want faster and better results
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Yeah just don't use accutane, dedsrs
Nope, If you arent skinmaxxing, your skin will not be better because you age
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sorry but it's over. after puberty all you have to look forward to is wrinkly skin and girls calling you an old creep
I have very minor acne at 14. I was wondering whats the age fro prime skin on average in people.

I want you to listen to me; I fucking mean it. My acne started in the 8th grade... I had longish hair, and it started on my forehead. It did not bother me much because no one could really see it; my hair blocked my forehead. Now when I went into the 9th grade, I got a haircut because I joined the JROTC. The person cutting my hair said something along the lines of "You won't break out as much with this haircut" . Not that exactly, but something along those lines.... Eventually my forehead acne went away, nice. However.... I'd say in the early 9th grade, I started to get acne on my cheeks and back.... At this point I consulted a dermatologist. We had many appointments, they told me" oh just use this wash" "Oh just use these wipes" .... Yeah nothing worked.......... If your acne get's too bad... or to a point where it's seriously becoming an issue, you NEED to opt for a stronger acne medication ( I used Acutane ) . Push the dermatologist.. Don't let him or her just give you some benzyl peroxide wash that does not even work. Don't fuck around with your face, those shits can leave scars and also PIH ( Post inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation marks -- I have those now ) .

TL;DR : Go to the dermatologist. Don't fuck around with your face.. I know you've heard it before but don't pop your pimples for CHRISTS sake. They will go away if you don't fuck with them. If they don't GO TO THE DERMATOLOGIST.

Your skin MAY or MAY NOT get better after puberty. That's your doing.
I had acne since age ~14 and now I am 17 and my acne is worse then ever even though I tried to cut dairy and eating healthier+supplements, but it only reduced it a bit, just do what I did today, go to a dermatologist and ask him for treatment, it's better to just start it now (btw if he offers you Accuante, go to a different dermatologist)

but in majority of the cases, acne goes away in ages 15-17
you fell for the memes :lul:
Whatever, now I nail mogg 99% of the population, my nails became so strong that I can't cut them with my teeth anymore
For most people it does, I‘m guessing.
Yes you will lose some of your pimples, but depending on genetics you may still have some blemishes, open pores on certain place like nose, etc.

Make sure you diet is always on point when trying to combat acne no matter what age.
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I had acne since age ~14 and now I am 17 and my acne is worse then ever even though I tried to cut dairy and eating healthier+supplements, but it only reduced it a bit, just do what I did today, go to a dermatologist and ask him for treatment, it's better to just start it now (btw if he offers you Accuante, go to a different dermatologist)

but in majority of the cases, acne goes away in ages 15-17

What?! Acutane worked beautifully for me.. WHy should he go to another dermatologist so he can get offered the same shit you can get at CVS..?
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What?! Acutane worked beautifully for me.. WHy should he go to another dermatologist so he can get offered the same shit you can get at CVS..?
Not because it doesn't work, in fact it's the most effective treatment (in terms of getting rid of the acne), but it has a ton shit of side effects
and OP has a very minor case of acne and actual dermatologist try to avoid accuante as much as possible
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Not because it doesn't work, in fact it's the most effective treatment (in terms of getting rid of the acne), but it has a ton shit of side effects
and OP has a very minor case of acne and actual dermatologist try to avoid accuante as much as possible

Ah, okay.
I have very minor acne at 14. I was wondering whats the age fro prime skin on average in people.
Listen to me. I tried every skinmaxx in this site and the only one that worked to get rid of my acne was benzoyl peroxide, put a fat wad of moisturizer and you’ll have slayer skin.

If you’re scared of getting wrinkles what worked for me was washing my face only with water in the morning and benzoyl peroxide at night with moisturizer.
actual dermatologist try to avoid accuante as much as possible
You are retarded. The only treatment for severe acne is Accutane period. "Muh side effects" oh no you might get dry lips you poor baby. Not to mention, 20 mg alternate days is just as effective as higher doses with practically no serious side effects.
The reason I am so triggered right now is because I didn't get Accutane when my acne was at its worst because of the side effects memes. And shitty dermatologists.
I agree op doesn't need Accutane right now, I just hate when people talk shit about the king 'Tane jfl
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