Does tretinoin work for this acne


Deleted member 5927

I need to know so I can determine if I have to keep taking accutane after my hair is done falling out or if tretinoin would just be a waste of time.

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It should help. It may look worse before it gets better, though.
Your skins not even bad jfl, You made it sound like you had cystic acne all over your face. But yah tret would work, though it sounds like your acne is hormonal.
Your skins not even bad jfl, You made it sound like you had cystic acne all over your face. But yah tret would work, though it sounds like your acne is hormonal.
Yeah my acne is 100% hormonal. I DID have cystic acne all over my face when I was younger. I’ve taken accutane 3 times now. First a dermatologist gave it to me at age 17. Then at age 19 I bought it online and gave it to myself. Now I’m 20 and took it again but got hair thinning so I stopped.

Anyways I am not sure what my next move is. I’m hoping tretinoin would work? We shall see honestly. All I can do is try everything. I’d love tretinoin to work then I can have a full head of hair (if it stops, and even better if it stops and the hair comes back). And then use tretinoin to keep my amazing collagen and flawless skin. Life would be great if it worked. We shall see I already ordered .25 since I have sensitive skin, as well as .50 for if my skin can handle it. Fuck man my skin is so sensitive it turns red off fucking adapalene. Only adapalene didn’t fucking work for me. Idk man.
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Yeah my acne is 100% hormonal. I DID have cystic acne all over my face when I was younger. I’ve taken accutane 3 times now. First a dermatologist gave it to me at age 17. Then at age 19 I bought it online and gave it to myself. Now I’m 20 and took it again but got hair thinning so I stopped.

Anyways I am not sure what my next move is. I’m hoping tretinoin would work? We shall see honestly. All I can do is try everything. I’d love tretinoin to work then I can have a full head of hair (if it stops, and even better if it stops and the hair comes back). And then use tretinoin to keep my amazing collagen and flawless skin. Life would be great if it worked. We shall see I already ordered .25 since I have sensitive skin, as well as .50 for if my skin can handle it. Fuck man my skin is so sensitive it turns red off fucking adapalene. Only adapalene didn’t fucking work for me. Idk man.
I hope you mean .05 and not .5
Have you ever had a bad reaction to antibiotics and did you take them a lot?
Have you ever had a bad reaction to antibiotics and did you take them a lot?
Hey man. I took antibiotics for at least 2 years straight. I remember starting around age 15 and was still taking them by age 18 or so. So yes I have. I used minocycline and doxycycline both. The issue was they would only work for about 3 months then immediately stop working and my face would break out. But the worst part was every time I switched back and forth I would get a purge for about 2 months. So I would take mino, purge for 2 months, have a month of clear skin, then it would come back and I would hop on doxycycline. So just endless purging. Fuck that shit man.

i would like to try tretinoin since isotretinoin is currently making my hair fall out but I have no clue if my skin can even handle it since it’s so sensitive, and on top of that if it can even handle the amount of acne I normally have.
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Hey man. I took antibiotics for at least 2 years straight. I remember starting around age 15 and was still taking them by age 18 or so. So yes I have. I used minocycline and doxycycline both. The issue was they would only work for about 3 months then immediately stop working and my face would break out. But the worst part was every time I switched back and forth I would get a purge for about 2 months. So I would take mino, purge for 2 months, have a month of clear skin, then it would come back and I would hop on doxycycline. So just endless purging. Fuck that shit man.

i would like to try tretinoin since isotretinoin is currently making my hair fall out but I have no clue if my skin can even handle it since it’s so sensitive, and on top of that if it can even handle the amount of acne I normally have.
Your gut (and skin) microbiome may be messed up. Get on a good probiotic like VSL#3 and eat more fiber to see if that helps your skin. Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast you can add as well. Give it a few months at least and avoid antibiotics, limit processed foods and alcohol. You can use raw colostrum for a couple of weeks before starting with the probiotics
Your gut (and skin) microbiome may be messed up. Get on a good probiotic like VSL#3 and eat more fiber to see if that helps your skin. Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast you can add as well. Give it a few months at least and avoid antibiotics, limit processed foods and alcohol. You can use raw colostrum for a couple of weeks before starting with the probiotics
I honestly don’t think my gut biome is messed up anymore man. I have really really shit genetics when it comes to skin. Like my pores are huge, I have super giga oily skin since a young age, no matter what I’ve ever done I’ve had persistent acne my entire life. Like NON STOP since age 15. Nothing ever halted it except accutane and even then it comes back. What a fucking scam man.
That's the kind of acne we would get when going on a binge eating of portuguese chocolate and beer.
Clean your diet bro, now my face has a little bit of acne but its because im bulking
Clean your diet bro, now my face has a little bit of acne but its because im bulking
Doesn’t work at all for me. My acne had nothing to do with my diet I’ve had it since age 15 and after years of treating it, trying different diets, washing my face with different things, taking antibiotics, and trying every over the counter cream as well as taking 3 courses of accutane and being 20 years old I still have acne.
I had acne like that. worked like a charm for me. It took about 2 months of constant use for my skin to get acclimated and 100% clear. Now I just use it a bit for maintenance.
I had acne my whole life and what helps for frequent black+whiteheads for me was simple cleanser 1x day and thin moisturizer. When I was younger I needed stridex (SA) at night to prevent and treat it. You skin otherwise looks pretty good, the discoloration can be fixed it with retin-a (I used tazorac).

Whats your current routine?
You look like teachers let you walk out of class because they are scared you will turn around and shoot them...

retin A is amazing, it doesn't nuke acne, but it has had a great effect on my very acne-prone skin... I still have a bit of acne but my skin has improved in both acne levels, and colorization and smoothness since starting... you have very little to lose.
Doesn’t work at all for me. My acne had nothing to do with my diet I’ve had it since age 15 and after years of treating it, trying different diets, washing my face with different things, taking antibiotics, and trying every over the counter cream as well as taking 3 courses of accutane and being 20 years old I still have acne.
find what it is, for me aspartame " NO SUGAR" stuff, peanut butter, oatmeal, things like that acesulfame K
I had acne like that. worked like a charm for me. It took about 2 months of constant use for my skin to get acclimated and 100% clear. Now I just use it a bit for maintenance.
Awesome. What dose did you start at? .025 or .05 doseage?
You look like teachers let you walk out of class because they are scared you will turn around and shoot them...

retin A is amazing, it doesn't nuke acne, but it has had a great effect on my very acne-prone skin... I still have a bit of acne but my skin has improved in both acne levels, and colorization and smoothness since starting... you have very little to lose.
What dose do you use? I’m afraid it won’t work for me unfortunately. I am very very very acne prone. It’s fucked.
I had acne my whole life and what helps for frequent black+whiteheads for me was simple cleanser 1x day and thin moisturizer. When I was younger I needed stridex (SA) at night to prevent and treat it. You skin otherwise looks pretty good, the discoloration can be fixed it with retin-a (I used tazorac).

Whats your current routine?
I use Cerave foaming facial cleanser 3x a day as well as ponds moisturizer immediately afterwards. I avoid dairy and bad foods as well as eating no junk food or foods like crackers or chips as well as no sugary drinks. I have tried everything over the years but my acne is very persistent. Keep in mind I have taken accutane 3 times now and still have acne. That’s how persistent it is. It’s not even cystic anymore or covering my entire face. Just very stubborn and immune to practically everything. I would love to just low dose accutane indefinitely like at 5 mg a day for a year but I learned my lesson because unfortunately I got telogen effluvium and my hair is now falling out. If it stops and my hair regrows I will micro dose accutane again at incredibly small doses but in the mean time I will try retin A and see if it even helps.
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Has anyone ever used an online doctor for anything? I’m thinking about just getting prescription accutane from Walgreens via an online doctor. I’ll just show him pics of my acne and hopefully he will prescribe me some retin A.
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I use Cerave foaming facial cleanser 3x a day as well as ponds moisturizer immediately afterwards. I avoid dairy and bad foods as well as eating no junk food or foods like crackers or chips as well as no sugary drinks. I have tried everything over the years but my acne is very persistent. Keep in mind I have taken accutane 3 times now and still have acne. That’s how persistent it is. It’s not even cystic anymore or covering my entire face. Just very stubborn and immune to practically everything. I would love to just low dose accutane indefinitely like at 5 mg a day for a year but I learned my lesson because unfortunately I got telogen effluvium and my hair is now falling out. If it stops and my hair regrows I will micro dose accutane again at incredibly small doses but in the mean time I will try retin A and see if it even helps.
3x a day seems excessive. Try to spot treat with some SA and see if it reduces size of acne. For me it would make them reduce in size and have less pain. If it does work, then use SA 1x nightly as prevention. If it doesn't work, try tretionoin 0.025, then 0.05, then Tazorac using this process. SA was key for prevention of hormal acne for me, but after i turned 20 I stopped needing it and I found tazorac 0.05 works best for overall skin improvement.
3x a day seems excessive. Try to spot treat with some SA and see if it reduces size of acne. For me it would make them reduce in size and have less pain. If it does work, then use SA 1x nightly as prevention. If it doesn't work, try tretionoin 0.025, then 0.05, then Tazorac using this process. SA was key for prevention of hormal acne for me, but after i turned 20 I stopped needing it and I found tazorac 0.05 works best for overall skin improvement.
When you say salycylic acid, do you mean the face wash or some type of cream? I remember using that stuff but even after months of using it it simply did not work for me. Not only this but it made my entire face turn red. Also all these products seem to just be brand names of retin A. Like tazorac is a vitamin A thing just the same as retin A. I have it coming in the mail but I’m afraid it’s going to take a fucking month.
When you say salycylic acid, do you mean the face wash or some type of cream? I remember using that stuff but even after months of using it it simply did not work for me. Not only this but it made my entire face turn red. Also all these products seem to just be brand names of retin A. Like tazorac is a vitamin A thing just the same as retin A. I have it coming in the mail but I’m afraid it’s going to take a fucking month.
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Its just diluted SA (2%), not a cream or gel. it absorbs into the applied area and kills the inflammation. You can buy this anywhere and it you will know after a day or two if it works for you. Put it on a few active acne spots to see if it reduces them overnight. If it works but gives you redness, go to a lower dilution (0.5%). This is almost exactly what my derm told me. I first tried this process with benzoyl peroxide and it didn't do shit, so I tried SA and it worked, so I used it every night to stop new acne.
Damn just when I thought you made a thread not pertaining to hair
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Its just diluted SA (2%), not a cream or gel. it absorbs into the applied area and kills the inflammation. You can buy this anywhere and it you will know after a day or two if it works for you. Put it on a few active acne spots to see if it reduces them overnight. If it works but gives you redness, go to a lower dilution (0.5%). This is almost exactly what my derm told me. I first tried this process with benzoyl peroxide and it didn't do shit, so I tried SA and it worked, so I used it every night to stop new acne.
Wait so to clarify it’s a pad that you put on a pimple and it stops them. My question is how do you apply the pad to your entire face. So do you just wipe the pad on your face?
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Wait so to clarify it’s a pad that you put on a pimple and it stops them. My question is how do you apply the pad to your entire face. So do you just wipe the pad on your face?
its a wipe basically, just dab it on acne

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